''flPpJf The -Commoner. 1 YOLUkH 4NUMBEIt 21. 16 . !)?. W'Vk. fc il- Burrcll Heard Bryan. Washington, la., Press: But "the magniflcont distance" has this draw backonly a raro volco, "a miraculous organ' could fill tho convention hall. Bryan alono was heard, with distinct ness, and so with ploasurc. By tho way, I fell In lovo with that man this tlmo. Ho was the only man of courage in tho hallI mean among the leaders. Ho fought a losing battle from the ilrst but ho fought it with troraendous ability and forco and eloquence. Those of my readers who heard his "lecture" at our Chautauqua can havo no idea of his energy and eloquence. Ho was tamo thero, but hero he was a lion at bay, and fought like an angel, like a god. I havo heard many or the great speakers, but never one that ploased mo like Bryan In the throe splendid lights ho made in this convention. 1 was proud of him as an American. He stood up in tho face of sure defeat un dor Dave Hill's juggernaut machine, and with logic, facts, plain words and flaming thoughts fought like a doomed gladiator in a Roman arena, it re quired lmmonso bravery to do It, and ho held all save that pitiless machine in tho hollow of his hand. The rest of 'om, in comparison, were, pismires. But it was in vain. Tho "machine" paid no attention, skipped never a cog, but wont clanking on, like the Inexor able thing It was. Some Recent Heart.Freaks Rullff Smith of Brooklyn was found to have his heart on trie n&nt side. An Infant of Mr. and Mrs. M. Zolo- CLUB LIST. AtiToneoUhofolUwInKwlll bepcnt withTIIE COMMONKIt, both one yenr, fcr the club price. Periodicals rony bo tent to diflcrcnt addresses Jl desired Your iriendr mny wIbIi to Join with you In scndlnp for n comblnnllon. Allsnbscrlp tlona nre for one yenr, rnd llnew,bepln wilhtho current number unleeflotheruiocdiroeted. Pres ent subscribers need not wait until their bud tcrlptlons expire. ItencwnlB received now will be entered lorn lull yenr Jrom expiration date. frubBcrlptloiiB (or Lfternry Dlpctt nnd Public Opinion must bo new. Itcncwnls lor theso two not accepted. IforclEn pOEtngocxlrn. AGRICULTURAL. no?. I'rico Agricultural EpKomlst.rao.., ? .60 Itreeder'siGnzctto, wic 2.00 Campbell 'spoil Culture, mo 1.00 Farm nnd Home, semi-mo 50 Farm, Field and Fireside, wk 1.00 Farm, Rock nnd Homo, scml-mo.. ,f0 Farmer's Wife, mo , 50 Homo nnd Fnrm,somlmo .60 Irrigation Arc, mo 1,00 KanenaFormer, wk 1.00 MlBflourl Valley Farmer, mo GO Orange- Judd Farmer, wk ,, 1.00 Poultry HUCCCS9...., , 60 "Whither are We Drifting?" Poultry Topics, mo .....;. .'25 rrncuem warmer, wic ,00 Pralrlo Farmor,wk 1,00 Reliable. Poultry Journal, mo....-...' .50 Western Bwlno Breeder mo ..50 NEWSPAPERS. Roar. Trlco Atlanta Constitution, wk ji.oo Cincinnati Knqulrer.wk l.oo Indianapolis Sentinel. wk ,50 Kansas City World Dally 8.00 Kansas City World, do. e'xe. Bun,".. 1.50 Nebraska Independent, wk. 1.00 Bocky Mountain Ncws-Tlmea, wk. . 1.00 Beattlo Times. wk.. :.,.,, 1.00 Thrlcc-a-Yeek N. Y. World . ; l.oo Wachtcrund Anr.cigcrt Sunday.... 1.60 HI orldIIcrald, twlcc-a-wcek 1,00 MAOAZINES. J?? Cosmopolitan, mo.. ..W.oo Good Housekeeping, mo...... l.oo Pearson's Magazine, mo... '...,,,, 1,00 Pilgrim, mo .... i.oo ttovlew ol ttovlcws.rao..... ;, 2:60 fuccess, mo , 1,00 TwenUeth Contury Home, mo,...,, l.oo woman's Homo Companion, mo, .. 1.00 Club Price 51.20 2.26 3.35 1.00 1.85 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.85 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.00 1.85 1.00 1.00 1.01 Club Price tl.85 1.85 1.00 8.00 2.00 1.85 i.eo 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.35 Clnb Price S1.S6 1.85 1.60 1.85 2.85 1.05 1.85 1.45 shetz, of Brooklyn lived 24 hours with the heart and other organs of the tho rax entirely exposed, there being no chest wall formed. John M. Murphy of Omaha, Neb., was found to have a sliding heart that shifted from side to side. John Morris of No. 215 Park avenue,, Hoboken, lived six years with his heart exposed through a hole in his sldo. William Wittraan of New York had a heart that grew do large mat it fi nally failed to perform Its functions. William King of New Bedford,Mass., was found to have two hearts, two' sets of ribs and a double breast bone. One heart was on the left side, the other on the right side. Martin Welge of Brooklyn was hit by a trolley car and had his heart displaced. It was suspended by a small strip of tissue and vibrated like a pen dulum. W.JR. McMurry of Colorado Springs, Colo., experienced a cnange or heart, it moving from the left side over to the right side. A tailor of Hartford, Conn., had a marble heart when he died, a crust of calcium salts having formed about the, heart and become as hard as stone New York World." v " The Prairie Farmer. A Leader Among Agricultural Papers Published Weekly at Chicago, Ills. Subscription Price, $1.00. Special Offer: THE COMMONER "I and Both 1 year. . . PRAIRIE PARMER) $1.00 All Prairie- Farmer subscribers will also receive tho Homo Magazine monthly Bupplement. Send orders to The Commoner, Lincoln, Nb, HBM mtmmmmm MISCELLANEOUS. Rear. Pries Club Price 18.00 4.00 2.26 1.85 Literary Digest, (new) wk 53.00 . Public Opinion, (caw) wk 4 m r the Public, wk..... .;.,.. ....;;,;;; 266 ' Wlndle'BGntlingGun,mo jqo -,,. w.uwuiuc uuj luiuRuoiis or premium ffcraln which thoThricc-a.Week World. Worlii. Herald, or Kaneas City World, or Firm, StJck ad Horn e appears, are not open toresldentvLr In the country districts of tho south, excluding 242 cities that had a popula tion of 2,500 inhabitants or more, the negro population in&reased 16 per cent between 1890 and 1900 and in the cities 21.7 per cent. In tho five southern cities having at leas't 100,000 inhabi tants their increase was 25.8 per cent in that period. In the country dis tricts their increase was about two thirds as rapid as that of tho whites and in the cities five-sixths. LIFE AND SPEECHES OF William J. Bryan. Illustrated, Octavo, Cloth Bound, Published in 1900 Nothing later in print. A limited number of copies, virile they last at $1.25. Postage Prepaid. Address G. H. WALTERS, Vin Stwt. Lincoln, Nk 2245 tf I 9 -J' kshi 'J.