The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 01, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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    JULT4, 1W4. ' ..$?..&
The Gotftatoiictv
it rises. When thejiilCe Mm bubbled
briskly for twenty "minutes pour. In
the sugar, let come to a boll, then re
move the kettle Instantly from tho
fire. Use a large china cup with which
to dip the hot liquid from the kettle,
and pour It into glasses, which should
bo standing on a wet cloth to pi event
breakage, A new granite-ware sauce
pan, holding eight cupfuls of juice with
the necessary sugar, makes a conveni
ent utensil; a gas, or blue-flame oil
stove is fine for making JellyT Jelly
made by this recipe will lie as beauti
ful to the eye as it Is good to the
For The Lunch Basket.
Pine-apple Sandwiches. One cupful
of pine-apple Juice and pulp, three
fourths cup of sugar, the juice of a"
lemon. Cook all together until thick,
let .cool, and spread on lady-hngers
or sponge-drops; press together in
Hard-boiled eggs, sliced lengthwise
and sprinkled with grated cheese, laid
between thin slices of well-buttered
bread, make nice sandwiches.
Chipped beef, pressed veal, veal loaf,
smoked tongue, or canned corn-beef,
are nice for picnic purposes.
Timely Recipes
Bean Pickles. Take nice, sound
bean-pods, wash and string, leaving
them unbroken; put on in boiling wa
ter and cook until tender, but not so
tender as to break when lifted. Make
a brine strong enough to bear up an
egg; put the beans in it and weight
down under the brine. "When wanted
for use, soak as other pickles, and
cover them in vinegar. When the vin
egar is put on them, boil the vinegar,
Tho Last Ono Helps tho First. -
'A 'Sick' coffed. drinker must take two
steps to be rid of his troubles and get
strong and well again.
The first is to cut off coffee abso
lutely. That removes the destroying ele
ment. The next step is to take liquid
food (and that is Postum Food Cof
fee) that has in it the elements na
ture requires to change the blood cor
puscles from pale pink or white to
rich red, and good red blood builds
good, strong and healthy cells in place
of the broken down cells destroyed by
coffee. With well boiled Postum Food
Coffee to shift to, both these steps are
easy and pleasant. The experience of
a Georgian proves how Important both
"From 1872 to the year 1900 my wife
and I had both been afflicted with
sick or nervous headache and at times
we suffered untold agony. We were
coffee drinkers and did not know how
to get away from it for the habit is
hard to quit.
"But in 1900 I road of a case similar
to ours where Postum Coffee was used
in place of the old coffee and a com
plete cure resulted, so I concluded to
get some and try It.
"The result was, after three days
use of Postum in place of the coffee
I never had a symptom of the old trou
ble and in jive months I had gained
from 145 pounds to 163 pounds.
"My friends asked me almost daily
what wrought the change. My answer
always is, leaving off coffee and drink
ing Postum in its place.
"We have many friends who have
been benefited by Postum.
., "A to whether or not I have stated
the facts truthfully I refer you to the
Bank of Carrollton or any business
firm in that city where I have lived
for many years and am well known."
Name given by Postum Co.. Battle
Creek, Mich.
"There's a reason."
iu7?5 In eacu Ptf&- for & famous
little book, "The Road to Wellville."
sugar (if liked) and spices together,
and let cool before pouring on tho
pickles. Beans are nice to put in
mixed pickles, with other vegetables.
Beets in Cream Sauce. Wash tho
beets, but do not cut them or break
the roots; cook until thoy are tender,
then drop them into cold water and
slip the skin off with tho fingers. Do
not pierce with a fork or other in
strument while boiling, as that will let
out tho bright color. Cut into dice or
slice thinly across the grain, add but
ter, pepper and salt to taste. A ta
blespoonful of vinegar added to tho
dressing improves it. If liked, a little
flour may bo rubbed up with tho butter
before it is added to tho hot beets, and
the dish set back over tho fire and
tossed up until it begins to boil, when
it may be served hot.
Canning Beans. Select fresh, tender
beans, string and break into lengths
less than an inch long, wash and pack
into Mason's glass jars as tight as
possible, crowding them down with
the handle of a potato masher, or oth
er suitable instrument, until tho jar
will hold no more., Then pour in cold
water, all the jar will hold, being care
ful to crowd out all the air bubbles;
put on the rubbers and caps and screw
down the cap until nearly air-tight,
but not quite so. Have the boiler
ready, with a wooden rack, or a piece
of thick cloth in the bottom on which
to set the jars, put in all the jars the
boiler will hold (on the bottom), and
pour cold water into the boiler until
tho water just reaches the rubbers
and edge of the cap, then set on the
stove, and let the beans cook four
hours after the water begins to boil;
draw the boiler from tho fire, and
when cool enough to admit of handling
the jars, comfortably, take them out
one by ono and screw the lids down
tight, stand thorn on tho lid, in order
to find if any of them leak, leaving
them until the jar cools; if air-tight,
wrap them in paper and put them
away in a cool, dark place. Under no
circumstances should tho lid bo taken
off, no matter how much water in tho
jar has boiled away. If the jar leaks,
hammer down the edge of tho cap with
a metal knife-handle, or very light,
small hammer, over the place of leak
age. Peas may be canned In the same
way. The vegetables must bo packed
tight, and cooked for hours.
For Grape-Juice. Wash and stem
eight pounds of fresh, sound grapes;
add ono quart of cold water; set on
the stove and bring to a slow boil un
til tender a very few minutes; stir
and mash with a wooden spoon, turn
into a flannel jelly bag and let drip
until the juice is all separated from
the pulp; then, to every pint of the
juice add half a pound of granulated
sugar, and boil fifteen minutes. Pour
into bottles, cork and seal while hot.
This Is excellent for cool drinks in the
Cold SIivw.
Cook together one-half cup of vine
gar, a level tablespoonful of sugar,
half level teaspoonful of salt, the same
of mustard, and a pinch of pepper.
Cream one-quarter cup of butter, one
half level tablespoonful of flour, and
pour boiling vinegar over; cook five
minutes, add ono beaten egg; have
ready two cups of shaved red cabbage;
pour dressing over and set away to
cool. Serve as a salad.
Query Box.
(As World's Fair information seems
tho all-absorbing topic of the querists,
I have condensed the Information
asked for and given it under other
headings, hence, have few Queries for
the Box.)
Mrs, McIC Cannot giye addresses
in this department. You should have
enclosed stamped, addressed envelope.
A; M.-A wash that is recommended
for retarding the coming of gray hair
is composed of two ounces of bay rum
and one-half ounce of sulphur, broken
into bits and dropped into the bay
Isola. Drinking largo quantities of
fresh buttermilk, from ono to two
quarts or more dally, is recommended
for rheumatism. A refreshing drink
that will strengthen, is mado by fill
ing a quart cup full of fresh, clean
bran, pouring in all tho wator tho
vessel will hold and let stand for half
to three-quartors of an hour, straining
off the water and using it to make or
dinary lemonade.
New Cook. To marinate meats for
salad means to mix thoroughly salt,
pepper, oil and vinegar and add to
the chopped meats or mixture, lotting
It stand to ripen, or become well sea
soned. Meats, fowl and fish arc all
used for salads, as are many kinds of
vegetables and somo kinds of fruits.
Dollio H. Do not waste your time
trying to make tomato jelly. It must
bo made with gelatin, .and, unless
thoroughly spoiled with other flavors,
is a very insipid thing, not worth the
trouble. Will give recipes for toma
toes very soon.
C. A. B. By consulting any good
florist In your city or vicinity about
the Rubber plant, you will got a clear
er Idea of what you want to know.
Any of them will take pleasure in ad
vising you. Or, write to any promi
nent or roliable florist, and tho in
formation will bo forthcoming.
Emma B. The word, paeon, means
a song of triumph, or joy. Tho word,
peon, means a footman; a person of
low rank; a foot soldier In India; a
day-laborer; a servant; and, in Mexi
co, a debtor held by his creditor in a
form of qualified servitude.
Floral TeJks.
Right now is the time to start your
winter-garden plants. To have plants
that will do well and bloom in the
house this winter, one should take
young seedlings or rooteu sups in curiy
summer, pot thorn in rather small
pots such as will hold their roots
without crowding and keep them
growing thriftily, shifting them into
larger pots as growth advances pinch
ing out all buds and straggling
branches to induce stocky growth,
keeping free from insects, and encour
aging the growth as much as possi
ble, allowing no bloom.
To root soft-wooded plants, such as
geraniums, fuchsias, petunias, helio
tropes, etc., ono should select a thrifty
branch, not too soft, else it will rot
instead of root; it should neither break
nor bend, but should snap off smooth
ly; trim tho larger leaves and cut tho
stalk smoothly across Just below a
joint; let the slip bo from three to five
inches long, though a 'shorter one will
grow, provided tho wood is well
grown, but it must snap off smoothly
when taken from tho parent plant.
Take a box about four Inches deep,
nearly fill It with a mixture of rich
garden soil and sand more soil than
sand water thoroughly, and into this
stick your slip, pressing tho soil about
it ,and set it in a warm place in the
sunshine will do, If you are careful to
keep the soil in the box wet; if not set
in the sunshine, the soil should bo
only moist When tho slip begins to
show leaf-growth, it is generally
rooted, and can bo transferred to the
pot. The slips will generally root If
stuck in the soil under tho old plants.
Many hardwood plants may be slipped
in the same way, though these will
not snap off smoothly, but must be cut
by a sharp knife.
In order to succeed with plants, you
must disabuse your mind of the idea
of "luck.J' There Is no luck in plant
raising, though there Is often neces
sary a great deal of pluck, and close,
attentive bard work and intelligent,
la the beat of vmbL mart tt
the inOflt hAAHllflll vacaimUlm
lngredlont, in the cleanest
way. Bread raised -with Yut
Foam li the best of
It retalnn freshness, moisture
and wheaty flavor longer than
bread made with any other
yearn. There's life, health and
strength in it.
Tlte secret is in the yeast
Bold by all grocers af 6o a pack'
ago onouKh for AQ loaves.
"How to Mako Bread" rw.
A Tribute to Goniu
James Barnes, the correspondent
and short story writer, was crossing
City Hall park a fow days ago, says
the Now York Times, wnen lie was
aproached by a torn and tattered dere
lict, who prefaced a story of hard luck
with the touching announcement that
ho had oaten nothing lor tnreo days.
"Well, if that's so," said thq author,
"come with mo. I'm just going to
luncheon and we mvnt as ' well eat
In company with his new found
companion, Barnes made his way to
a Chambers street restaurant, where
ho ordered a substantial and satis
fying meal. When through the waiter
brought a check for $1.50 and Barnes
thrust his hand into his trousers
pocket only to dig up seven cents. He
had never been in tha particular res
taurant before, and memory of the
old adage that "a man 's judged by tho
company ho keeps" was not reassur
ing. So tho author turned to his
grimy companion:
"See here," he said, "I find I've
como away from homo without money.
Now Jf you happen to aavo a dollar
and a half in your pockets just pay
this bi'l. Then we'll rido up to my w
room and I'll pay you, back."
Tho tramp cast one slow, lingering,
admiring glance at Barnes.
"Say," ho said, ' you're tho best ever.
You're the slickest 1 ever mot." Say
ing which he dug a grimy hand Into
his pocket, pulled out peveral dollars
In small change, and paid the check. '
"It's worth the money," was his part
ing comment.
Bolivar (Mo.) Herald: The demo-
'cratic party must stand squarely by Jta
record for bimetallism. We cannot
afford to take a backward step on this
To all knowing sufferers of rheumatism, wheth
er muscular or of the 1 dint, sclstica, lumbago
backache, pains in the kidneys or neuralgia
pains, to write to her for a home treatment
which has repeated y cured all of tbeec torturet
She feels it her duty to send it to all suffer
FRKK. Yrtn nnrA Tnnrirt hnm thnnumi
wMleti(y no change of climate being neces
sary. j.uisBiujpje aiscoyry namsnes unc sew
from the blood, loosens the stiffened joints
puriaes the blood, ahd brightens the eyes, giv-
Inc? el&itfnltv and (ma tnthowknltMitum rr
the above interests you, for "proof address Mrs.
m.. Buwmcfi, xox iw, moire .uamei jma,
- -r,
"i. s-v