The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 01, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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The Gommoncr.
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ClgnW8X I I r-Jj 1 TlTlvl I I viz
Tho Ltvst Survivor
(A press dispatch suggests 'that tho
last surviving Union veteran will
still bo living in 1950.)
Tho last' survivor! Ah, who knows
What name shah bcai ' that lonely
fame 7
Enough to know ho was of those
Who, when the call of country came,
Wont forth and, mid-war-smoke and
Followed tho flag,
Tho dear old flag,
Tho starry emblem of tho free,
And did his part
With dauntless heart,
To bear it on o'er land and sea.
Ungucssed ho mingles with tho throng
Of young and old, of grave and gay,
His years a vista growing long
Till far it seems how far away!
Wlion grappling hosts of blue and
Surged round tho flag,
", Th6 dear old flag,
And that proud omblom of the free,
All blood-bespront,
Still forward went,
In linothat stretched from sea to
Ah, youth was strong and hope was
When first he donned tho Union
Of comrades then how many He
On fiolds which sealed devotion true,
Whilo grandly o'or tho torn ranks
Tho starry flag",
Tho dear old flag,
Tho glorious emblem of the freo,
As still it waves
Above their graves,
In peace unvoxed, from sea to sea.
And year by year the comrades left,
They count more few and fewer still,
Yet, in tho shortening line, beroft
Of moro and moro who. charged tho
Or marched the plain, how high tho
That greets tho flag,
Tho dear old flag,
Tho starry emblem of tho free,
When o'er his head
Its folds outspread
God's bonison on land and sea!
Lieut. E. Hannaford, in Now York
was done, and much needless suffer
ing incurred.
But pedestrianism at tho various
World's fairs has demonstrated tho
fact that to no other member of the
body do we owe so large a measure of
our good or bad looks as we do to our
root. Nothing "haggards" one so
quickly and completely as painful and
aching feet, and nothing plays so largo
a part in the business of the day or
our ability to "see things" as our too-long-neglected
feet Nothing is so
distressing as to try to amble along
in tight or ill-fitting shoes, or on badly-cared
for pedal extremities.
So we find the printed pago literally
bristling with information and warn
ings about these so-long neglected
members, and If one at all cares for
comfort and ability to get over the
grounds and get returns for time and
money invested in a visit to the pres
ent exposition, it is well to heed the
warnings. The feet should be oathed
for at least half an hour, every night
in tepid, or rather warm water in
which a handful of salt, or a teaspoon
ful of ammonia has been thrown, keep
ing the temperature even all the time.
After drying the feet, whilo still moist,
rub into them a little vaseline, or olive
oil, which will be quickly absorbed.
Do not wear the same stockings two
days at a time, but put on clean stock
ings every morning, dust the outside
of the stocking and the inside of the
shoo with powdered French chalK, and
see if you do not got about with more
comfort than if you neglected these
you, and drop a little into your cup of
water (no sugar) and sip slowly. Do
not be continually eating candy,
chewing gum, or eating - bananas, or
pop-coin balls. These will increase
your acsire to drink, ana keep you
continually hunting drinking foun
tains which you may have trouble
m finding.
More About Tho Foot.
Attendance upon the various World's
fairs have opened the eyes of tho peo
ple to tho important part tho feet play
in the health and hanniness of tho
human family in general. They have
learned, through much tribulation,
that tho proper care of tho feet is as
necessary to one's looks, and even
greater value to one's health, and com
fort than so much fussing' over tho
appearance of the hands. These use
ful members of the body have been,
like tho toiling mother ana house
keeper, taken as a matter of course,
and "and old treatment" was con
sidered good enough for tho feot; tho
"raiment," in this case, was consid
ered of, far moro importance than the
body, and the most excruciating pain
was borne heroically rather than wear
a shoo that fitted the foot. By these
false ideas of beauty, much mischief
Mkb, WiNQtow'a boothinq Bxrup for children
teothln ehonltJ alwajabe used tor children whilo
teething. It Bortena tho Bumi, alUya pain, cures
wind colic snd Is the beat remedy for diarrhea
lueatr-nto conta a bottle, it la the beat
For Tho Tourist.
If possible to do so, do not come to
tho exposition for a stay shorter than
two weeks, and oven that period will
prove to be very much shorter than
you will wish, for there is so much to
see, and tho fascination of sight-seeing
grows on one, and there seems no
satisfactory choice but to see it all,
u possiDio. it -will consume tho best
part of tho day to locate yourself, and,
unless you nave informed vrmrspif
-ciorohand, you will hardly get the
"hang" of things for another day or
two, or get a clear idea of what you
want to see, and how you may find it.
Don't bring any baggage. A dressing-case
and a hand-satchel will hold
all you need, unless you expect to at
tend social functions where "dress" is
imperative; otherwise, let what you do
bring bo intended for service. Don't
buy lisle-thread hosiery, for this
makes tho feet ache and burn with
mucn warning; just soft, thin cotton,
is best. Combination underwear cot
ton, with low neck and short sleeves
simply-made night-gowns, handker
chiefs, some neat neckwear, two or
three pairs of gloves, two pairs of com
fortable shoes, with slippers, soap
comb and brush, wash-rag, hairpins,
black and white pins, and toilet
brushes, will pack into small space,
and what you cannot bring in the way
of accessories can bo very reasonably
supplied here. Keep in mind that the
object of your visit is to seenot to be
seen, yourselfand that very few peo
ple will find you half as interesting as
tho real, installed exhibits.
it you want to be cool and comfort
able, mentally as well as physically
do not eat heavy dinners, or consume
ice-cream sodas, or drink much ice
water. A good plan is to learn to
drink as seldom as possible away from
your room, and if you must drink, car
ry a small bottle of lomnn -,
(squeezed from a fresh lemon) with
"Tho Glorious Fourth."
More and more, it is becoming the
custom, among thoughtful people, to
question the wisdom of allowing the
use of dangerous explosives' by all
classes, kinds and ages of people in
tho celebration of the nation's birth
day. The relation of powder to pa
triotism is by no means so great as
many would have us believe, and the
shocking list of casualties and dis
asters which follow as an aftermath
to this display of enthusiasm is cer
tainly anything but desirable, to say
nothing of tho many minor accidents
of which nothing is ever heard. Thou
sands of dollars in money literally go
up in smoke every year, while much
valuable property is often set on fire
and sacrificed to flames through care
lessness or accident, and the result is
victims innumerable, swathed in band
ages, writhing in pain, fortunate if all
tho pieces may be gathered up and
patched together; a large proportion
of the victims being merely onlookers,
injured through the carelessness of
those actively engaged in burning tb,e
powder, makes it none the less a crim
inal nuisance. A prominent writer
says: "There Is no doubt that the
number of deaths directly traceable to
the noisy observance of the Fourth,
among the already seriously ill by far
exceeds the number of deaths caused
by crackers and other explosives, long
as that list is. The saying, 'Butchered
to make a Roman holiday,' might well
be paraphrased in this connection, for
on no holiday of ancient times were
so many victims sacrificed as on our
own Fourth of July."
Where there are so many other and
better ways by which to express our
patriotism, why should they not be
utilized, ana the day be thus made a
holiday greatly to be desired, rather
than a time to be dreaded.
Bathing Suits.
All wool flannel'or serge is the ma
terial considered most acceptable for
the making of bathing suits, the pref
erence, if any, being given to serge on
account of its wiry propensities. Navy
blue or black are tho hear nrir,,.0.
white has a decided following, and
scarlet is sometimes worn, but it takes
a daring woman to wear a scarlet
bathing suit into the surf at a crowded
summer resort or, indeed, anywhere
else. The bodices of bathing suits are
sometimes made with full-length,
i?lSettIn?, ?a?s For the filing
suit the skirt is a trifle longer than
for the1 swimming suit.
Tho Inner L.ight.
Did you over think of it-that the
tabernacle was constructed without
windows, and the priests who entered
it had no light from without by which
to perform their allotted duties? The
lamps of the candlesticks which burned
continually were a symbol of God's
word, and they, the priests, were sym
bols of God's children. In the work
given them to do they were guided
solelv bv tho Upf fft u-n. - " u
the candlesticks, and they needed' no
other; they did not seek t$ lot in light
from other sources, or from the ouin,
world,, to aid them. in following th
path Ho had placed for their feet
The light within was full of a ra
diance which left no room for any
other, a radiance which the world can
never know, and there was never any
fear that darkness "would come upon
them. , Such was tho confidence these
children of old felt in the promises
of the Divine Father that they had no
thought of questioning the continu
ance of His care, or that He would not
provide for tho day according to ihow
Lneeds. How different from the chil
dren of today. How loth We are to
"trust and believe." We are doubters,
all, and in our eager search for fur
ther, outside light, we fail to care for
the lamp in our hand, wandering fur
ther and further into the darkness,
away from the radiance of the lamp,
until our feet stumble and we fall,
only to risq if strength be given us
to raise ourselves smeared and
weighted with tho mud of unbelief,
going -always further away from the
altar of faith, at last losing ourselves
as we have lost the radiance of His
"0, thou of littlo faith," in all your
wanderings, have you found anything
that will fill the place of tho neglected
lamp, or that will in any degree sup
ply the peace and rest emanating from
the light within?
Regeurd for Appearances.
It is an established fact that people
rarely imitate or try to assume to
themselves, that of which they are
ashamed; and it is also well known
that imitation is the sincerest flattery,
since we only imitate that which we
value, or earnestly covet for .our own.
People do not act the hypocrite from
love of it, and there is little satisfac
tion in trying to deceive others into
believing we are what wo know wo
are not, merely for the sake of deceit.
Beneath all our frantic, and often
ludicrous, attempts to "put the best
foot forward," there is a creditable
motive, though the means employed
may be anything but commendatory.
Respectability is aimed at, because it
is recognized as a good thing; well
doing is assumed, because it is desir
able; the handsomest garment is dis
played and the homely one hidden, be
cause beauty is conceded to be the
greatest addition to modern life. It
is an accord with that inner longing
for "so.methlng better than we havo
known" which prompts us to assume
a virtue even if we may not have it,
and in these days when a good appear
ance is of so great importance, there
is the greatest temptation to pretend
to the ownershipof that we desire tho
most. We all have our ideals and very
few of us like to appear to reach
downward, but instead of trying to
live up to those we aim at, we are
constantly pulling them down to the
level of shams,. "As a man thinkctli
in his heart, so he is," and let us hope
that we may all grow up to a strength
that will enable us to be, as well as to
Current Jolly.
This recipe comes to us very highly
recommended: .
Only tho -finest fruit should be used
to obtain the best results. Cover the
fruit with water and heat it slowly ro
a porcelain kettle until the currants
may be mashed or broken. Turn them
into a straining bag and allow to chip
into an earthen crock. Do not squeeze
the fruit, as gqueczed-out juice win
not make clear jelly, though it may
be used for other purposes. Measure
the juice by cupfuls. Allow a scanc
cupful of granulated sugar to a m
cupful ,of juico. Put the. sugar in tno
oven" to heat, leaving the door ajar
If the oven be very. hot.
Dn .. 4i iiiof twontv minutes
by the clock; removing the scum ai