The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 01, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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right of the brown men to suffrage. andt a voice
in their own government
Why does the republican party run from the
issue of imperialism? It is conscious that its
policy violates fundamental principles; and yet
for commercial reasons it Is unwilling to return to
constitutional methods.
It is not a truthful platfor,m as has been
shownneither is it a courageous platform. Tho
republicans assembled in-national convention cast
admiring glances at the past, but contemplated Uie
future with doubt and misgiving. The republi
can party is afraid of tho trust question; it is
afraid of the question of imperialism, and it is .
afraid of the labor question. Bven'on the money
question it dares not outline a policy. It com
mends the gold standard, but is silent on the
melting of tho silver dollar, the asset currency and
tho branch bank. Only on the tariff is it bold.
On this question it goes farther than any other
republican convention has ever gone. A former
jconvention favored a tariff equal to the difference
between the cost of production here and abroad,
but this convention makes that the minimum,
while no maximum is suggested.
Will the people indorso such a platform at the
polls? Not if the democrats do their, duty at
St. Louis.
LaFoIiette' Fight. '
The national committeo rejected the creden
tials of the La Follette delegation from Wisconsin
and admitted what Is called tho "stalwart" dele
gation, headed by Sonators Spooner and Quar
rels, Congressman Babcock and Postmaster Gen
eral Payne. The La Follette men refused to ap
pear beforo tho convention committee on creden
tials, saying that it was "packed" in favor of tho
"stalwarts." Governor La Follette has announced
that he will appeal to the republicans of Wiscon
sin, and the candidate for lieutenant governor on
bis ticket explains tiio action of the national con
vention by saying that tho result was brought
about, first, by the railroad corporations of the
country; second, nby senatorial courtesy, inspir
ing tho blind following of Senator Spooner by
the twenty United States senators on the com
mittee; third, by the threats of Congressman Bab
cock, who dispenses tho congressional campaign
funds; fourth, by the postoffice clique headed by
Postmaster Goneral Payne.
Well, the governor certainly had a hard com
bination to fight and it is no wonder that he lost
out. He has doubtless found that the corporations
run the national organization of the republican
party, just as but for him they would run tho Wis
consin republican organization. But what is ho
going to do about it? He cannot hope to main
tain his place in the republican party in Wiscon
sin with tho national administration against him,
neither can he make much headway against the
domination of his stato by tho corporations so
long as he. excuses and defends tho corporate
domination of the national organization and ad
ministration. Ho has a rocky road before him and
as there is no hope of the national organization
being freed from monopoly rule, Governor La
Toilette must, in the end, give up his light or
leave the republican party!
..In the mean time he is doing a good 'deal of
educational work.
The Wall Street Journal compares the plat
form adopted by New York and Maryland with
that adopted by Nebraska and pointedly says:
"It will bo observed that while both wings
of the democratic party denounce tho republi
cans for though tariff and the trusts, tho
Hill and Gorman declarations are so worded
as to give the least possible offense to 'vested
interests.' For instance, they say that tho
- tariff must bo revised reasonably and conser-
The Commoner.
servatively, that there must be no injury to
established industries by abrupt and radical
measures, and that corporations chartered by
the state must be subject to just regulation by
the state."
Of course, the Hill and Gorman declarations
are "so worded as to give the least possible of
fense to vested interests." It will be remembered
that "Pat" once took his old friend "Mike" into
a magnificent cathedral and after "Pat" had
pointed out the splendors of the structure, 'JMike"
said: "Pat, this beats the devil."
Pat promptly responded: "Sure that's what it
was intended for."
And so the Hill and Gorman declarations were
"so worded as to give the least possible . off ense
to vested interests."
5 to to to to to to to to to to to to' to to' t? W " W
The Creed of Democracy j
, .
JZccfrract from President Jeffer-
fe sorts first Inaugwal Address, set-
fc .. .7 .7 171 ,' 7 7- 7 Vk
fc iingjoviik me Jbssenuai jrrinmyjwv
of the Democratic Party.
j "About to enter, fellow-citizens, on the
i35 exercise of duties which comprehend ev-
to erything dear and valuable to you, it is. &
Ji proper you should understand what I deem S
t5? the essential principles of our government,
& and consequently those which ought to
5? shape its administration. I will compress
to them within the narrowest compass they
will bear, stating the general principle, ?
but not all its limitations. Equal and ex-
act justice to all men, of whatever state
to or persuasion, religious or political; peace,
to7 ViWlnuii bu, uuu .uuueob iiiuuuduip Hivu u"
nations, entangling alliance with none;
the support of the state governments in
all their rights, as the most competent ad
ministrations for our domestic concerns
and the surest bulwarks against anti-re
publican tendencies; the preservation of j$
the general government in its whole con-
stitutional vigor, as the sheet anchor of &
our peace at home and safety abroad; a S
to jealous, care of the right of election by the ,?
to people a mild and safe corrective of &
abuses which are lopped by the sword of
5t revolution where peaceable remedies are
unprovided; absolute acquiescence in the
to decisions of the majority and vital prin-
w ciplo of republics, from which is no ap-
to peal but to force, the vital principle and to
to immediate parent of despotism; a well- Jt
disciplined militia, our best reliance in
peace and for the first moments of war,
till regulars may relieve them; the su
premacy of the civil over the military au
to thority; economy in the public expense &
to that labor may be lightly burdened; the &
to honest payment of our debts and sacred S
to preservation of the public faith; encour- v
to agement of agriculture, and of commerce ?
to as its handmaid; tho diffusion of informa-
to tion and arraignment of all abuses at the &
bar of tho public reason; freedom of re
ligion, freedom of the press, and freedom
of person under the protection of the
habeas corpus, and trial by juries imnar-
to tially selected. These principles form the
to bright constellation which has gone be-
to fore us and guided our steps through an
. to age of revolution and reformation. The
AC wisdom of our sages and blood of our
to heroes have been devoted to their attain
to ment. They should be the creed of our
? political faith, tho text of civic instruc-
. to tion, the touchstone by which to try the
to services of those we trust; and should we
to wander from them in moments of error
to or of alarm, let us hasten to retrace our
5? steps and to regain the road which alone
to leads to peace, liberty, and safety."
&to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to? to to to to to!j?
The Democratic Opportunity
President Roosevelt has been nominated and
his platform given to the world.
Senator Fairbanks, his running mate, repre-
''':. : VOLUME 4, NUMBER 2ij
Bents the Hanna element of the party, having been
as it-is believed, slated. by Hanna to succeed 2'
Kinley had the latter lived out his term
The platform and all the circumstances at
tending the convention commit the ticket to ti,
plutocratic element of the country. Not a wori
spoken oran act done gives promise of reform
As a matter of expediency, there is no advantage
to be gained by -trying to outbid" the republican
party for the support of the corporations.
. If the democratic party is. to. have any stand
ing in the canipaign it must take a bold and ae
gressive position. Its platform utterances must
be clear and definite and its indictment of the
republican policies must be strong and emphatic
Tho. presidential candidate must be a man with
known opinions and record that commits him
Cto the people's side of public questions. The re
publicans have nominated a ticket that stands
and stands positively, for all that is bad; the
democratic ticket must stand positively for all
that is good.. With Judge Parker winning on a
cowardly, straddling platform, there would be no
enthusiasm and no hope of victory.
If the republican convention had been held
two months ago. Mr. Parker's' campaign of silence
and evasion would have made but little progress;
as it is the party's hope Jies in the uninstructed
delegates and in the delegates instructed against
Parker. If the readers of The Commoner desire
to prevent the- nomination of Judge Parker Lhey
can assist in doing so by writing to the delegates.
Let each reader address a postal card to each of
the two delegates from his congressional district
and to each of th four delegates at large. Let the
letters be written AT ONCE and addressed to the
delegates at the headquarters for their state at
St. Louis. Ask each delegate to use his influence
to prevent the nomination of Judge Parker and to
secure the nomination of a democrat whose opin
, ions, are known, to he democratic
No matter If your delegates are instructed.
Your protest may be useful in preventing an at
tempt to repeal the two-thirds rule. Every pro
test sent will lessen the enthusiasm and help to
turn the tide in favor of a candidate who will
make an honest fight against plutocracy.
"Extremely Safe."
Under date of Washington, June 14, the New
York World correspondent says: "George J. Gould
took luncheon at the White house loday. He was
the only guest and after luncheon the president
talked with him for an hour about the political
situation and his desire to secure the active sup
port, and especially the campaign contributions,
of the financial interests of the country."
The World correspondent adds:
"Mr. Gould is the. fifth big financier who
has been entertained at the White house, with
, much secrecy, In recent weeks. The others
, wore James Stillman, president of the National
, City bank of New York; A. J. Cassatt, presl
, dent of the Pennsylvania railroad; J. Pier
pont Morgan and George W. Perkins, one of
, Mr. Morgan's partners. They came separately
, and in every case tho most strenuous etforts
, were made to keep the visit secret. Apparent
ly, the president feared it would injure him
. with the masses to have it known that trust
magnates were being summoned to the White
We are further told that "several other men
in the financial world will answer presidential
summons before Mr. Roosevelt goes to Oyster
Bay and that Mr. Koosevelt "wlU do his best to
assure all of them that he is 'safe ."
Mr. Roosevelt has not a very large task be
fore him. Ho has done nothing to persuade the
trust magnates that he is "unsafe," i!rom the
magnates' view. He has failed to enforce the
criminal law against the trusts; and the futility
of civil . proceedings has been demonstrated, par-
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