I The Commoner. JPDIY 1, iM.' 5 Democratic N action eJ Convention The democratic national convention will meet at St. Louis, July 6. It is impossible at this writing to predict the outcome so far as the identity of the candidates is concerned. It seems that Mr. Parker will go Into the con vention with the largest number of votes of any one candidate and yet it does not seem at all likely that he will be nominated. In order that the readers of The Commoner may know of the action of the several state and territorial con ventions, a .statement is hereinafter printed showing the action of the several state and territorial conven tions and setting forth the number of delegates to which each state and ter ritory is entitled: ' Alabama, 22 delegate; adopted unit rule; indorsed Parker. Alaska, 6 delegates; unit rule; in structed for Parker Arizona, 6 delegates; instructed for Hearst. Arkansas, 18 delegates; instructed for Parker. ,. California, 20 delegates; instructed for Hearst. Colorado, 10 delegates; uninstruct cd; non-committal. Connecticut, 14 delegates; unit rule; Parker instructions. Delaware, 6 delegates; instructed for Judge Gray. District of Columbia, 6 delegates; uninstructed. Florida, 10 delegates; uninstructed and non-committal. Georgia, 26 delegates; unit rule; Parker instructions. Hawaii, 6 delegates; instructed for Hearst Idaho, G delegates; instructed for Hearst. Illinois, 54 delegates; instructed for Hearst. Indiana, 30 delegates; unit rule; Parker instructions. Indian Territory, 6 delegates; unin structed; said to be for Parker. Iowa, 26 delegates; instructed for Hearst. Kansas, 20 delegates; uninstructed; divided as to candidate. Kentucky, 26 delegates; unit rule; uninstructed. Louisiana, 18 delegates; instructed for Parker. Maine, 12 delegates; no instructions; divided as to candidate., Maryland, 16 delegates; unit rule; uninstructed; all for Gorman. Massachusetts, 32 delegates; unit rule and Olney instructions. Michigan, 28 delegates; unit rule; no instructions; divided as to candi date. Minnesota, 22 delegates; uninstruct, ed; divided as to candidate; Hearst men claim majority. Mississippi, 20 delegates; instructed for Parker. Missouri, 36 delegates; Instructed for Senator Cockrell. Montana, 6 delegates; uninstructed; claimed for Hearst. Nebraska, 16 delegates; uninstructed as to candidate. Nevada, 6 delegates; instructed, for Hearst. New Hampshire, 8 delegates; unin structed; claimed to be for Parker. New Jersey, 24 delegates; unit rule; uninstructed; claimed for Grover Cleveland. New Mexico, 6 delegates; instructed for Hearst New York, 78, delegates; unit rule; Parker instructions. North Carolina, 24 delegates; unin structed. North Dakota, 8 delegates; unin structed. Ohio, 46 degrees; unit rule; -uninstructed. Oklahoma, 6 delegates; instructed to co-operate with Kansas City plat- mu uemocrats. unit unit rule; majority for Hearst. Pennsylvania, 68 delegates; rule; uninstructed. Porto Rico, 6 delegates; uninstruct ed. Rhode Island, 8 delegates; unin structed, but favorable to Hearst. South Carolina, 18 delegates; unin structed. ' S'outh Dakota, 8 delegates; in structed for Hearst. Tennessee, 24 delegates; unit rule; Parker instructions. Texas, 36 delegates; instructed for Parker. Utah, 6 delegates; uninstructed. Vermont, 8 delegates? uninstructed. Virginia, 24 delegates; uninstructed. Washington, 10 delegates; unin structed; unit rule; claimed that ma jority favors Hearst West Virginia, 14 delegates; unin structed; claimed to be for Senator Gormau. Wisconsin, 26 delegates; unit rule and instructed for Edw. C. Wall. Wyoming, 6 delegates; unit rule; instructed. for Hearst. Stability of Politico,! Parties So far as the popular vote is con cerned, there is never a "landslide" in American politics. The stability with which the two big parties hold their own through election after election is really wonderful. In England and France the changes m public senti ment are far more marked than here in America. In the British elections a change of more than jlO per cent has often been found between two parlia mentary elections. Since tho elpction of Grant in 1868 down to the election of 1900 there was a change of only 2 per cent in the republican vote with respect to the total vote, though there were greater fluctuations in the in terim. We think of the defeat of Bry an in 1896 as a bad one, and of his sec ond defeat in 3900 as a veritable land slide, but this Is only true from the electoral college standpoint, and not from the standpoint ol the popular vote. The popular vote and the elec toral college are not very intimately associated. For example, a majority of 1 in the popular vote of some great pivotal state might give the favorite candidate a very large majority in the electoral college. Recently, for one of the current pub lications, Mr. F. B. Tracy prepared a table showing the per cent of the to tal vote received by each presidential candidate since the last term of Abra ham Lincoln, and we give it as fol lows: Republican. 1868T-Grant 53 1872 Grant C3 1870 Hayes 18 1880 Garfield 48 1884 Blaine 48 1888 Harrison .'.... 47 1892 Harrison 42 1896 McKinley 51 1900 McKinley fal Democrats. 1868 Seymour 47 1872 Greeley 44 1876 Tilden 50 1880 Hancock 48 1884 Cleveland 18 1888 Cleveland 48 1892 Cleveland 46 3896 Bryan 46 1900 Bryan 45 Some curious things are here re vealed. Grant and McKinley were the only presidents in fifty years who re ceived a majority of the whole pop ular vote. From Grant's last tefm down to the first election of McKinley neither party had a majority of the total vote cast, the nearest to it being Tilden, in 1876, who received just .half or tne popular uauot. Tne seconci tory,- yet ho received but 46 per cont of tho total vote, and that was 2 per cont less than he had received at cither of the other two elections ut which ho was a candidate. Blaino received 48 per cent of the total vote and was beaten by Cleveland. In 1888 Harrison received only 47 per cont of the total vote, yet he beat Cleveland, who ex actly hold his own. But an even stranger outcome was mat of tho elec tion of 1896, when Biyan, receiving exactly the per cent of tho popular vote with which Cleveland bad been elected four years botore, neverthe less lost his electoral college by a vote of 176 to 277. At his second candi dacy Bryan lost 1 per cent, dropping to 45 per cent of the total, but his loss in the electornl college was at a great er ratio, the vote standing 155 to 292. It will be noticed that between 3884 and 1892 both parties declined in their percentages of the popular vote. This meant, of course, that tne small politi cal paittes were making some head way. In 1892, for example, the pop ulist party polled 1,000,000 votes. In 1896 the republican percentage in creased by 8 over 1892, whereas the democrats lost nothing. But m 1890 the vote of the small parties declined from 11 per cent of the total in 1892 to only 3. This meant that the pop ulists had gone into tho democratic party and that tho republicans had drawn from the domocrata and tho stay-at-homes enough to increase by I If you only knew how mncbmof e . money yoa could make with aa Empire Cream Separator! on the farm, we don't believe you'd hesitate a day before buying one. Our books about tho Empire Way of running the dairy are free. They point tne way to bicrer profit. Seed in you. name. Empire Cream Separator Co. BleemflekJ, N. J. Chicago, III. MJaaaapelU, Alias. CREAM SEPARATOR CD EC L'v"-ljk This is aeenuine" ouer made to introduce tne f e3ica Cream Separator in every neigh borhood. It is the best and simplest in the world. We ask that you show it to your Hciehbors who have cows. Send your name and the name of the nearest freight office. Addrcas PE9PLEM SUPPLY OO. Deot. 17T. KAMiA CITY, M. 'NT iE fl sr4-1 rti P fyvw9w iI1 fwrs I Ti fit Knan Oregon, 8 delegates; uninstructed; I described as an "overwhelming ' vic- I mat m Our VA H. P. "Man of All Work" GASOLINE ENGINE $75 i'r. Gomoi completo with gaioline and water tanks, both tabo and elnctrio Igniters and all tlttintm nnd connection, net uo on bain rnndrtn run. snnratitn from nlacAtntitarn. Pumping attnohtnrnt Is $10 extra). A child can run Jt. No flrr, danger, cxpleftlttH. Simplest onslno made. Uhonpnat power on earth. Mado aUo In 8 and ft II. I'. at propor- uonnioiy jow prices, i'.venrono luuy guaranteed. Htind lor uatoiine J&ngme uauiog, u: O. L. CHASE MERCANTILE CO., Dept. 02, Kansas City, Mo. GASH OR CREDIT Cata logue FREE. ONLY $10.00 Cash, balance $5.00 a month, buys this 3 -year gum an toed Buggy $37.50 on time pay ments or $33.50 cash. Wo trust honest people located in all parts of the World. Write for free catalogue of Bueelcs, Surreys, Phaetons, Spring and Farm Wagons. CENTURY MANUFACTURING CO. Deft 111 EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL Every Woman Wants a Moth Proof Cedar Chest Made of TENNESSEE BED CEDAR 24x25x44 114. Freight Prepaid to any Point. May be returned at our expense if not satisfactory. Write' us to day. The Myers Company, Nashville, Tenn. CATTLE SALE. I have for sale the following described stock, all registered or subject to registry; One very fine Hereford bull calf, one good Polled Angus cow and bull calf, one good Durham bull calf, one good Holstein bull calf, also a few Poland China pigs. Address W. J. BRYAN, Falrvlew Stock Farm Lincoln, Nebraska i i tf-ia r i ii'iriilfii! 1'irtiiii .' u nssi