The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 24, 1904, Page 16, Image 16

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The Commoner.
Fight Fire With Fire!
BeHmHsHHHawMBettBBeVP'tlr Wv V - --SHHr 'kc JL ml ikA. 4 V J 1
WmimMmWSSk v s& mmmm FIGHT
EulnV'MST':' TlfmrBMr nf iif n V th Tin tm nrffrTntBri
. 1 Lgfefe&fVft
The TEST of flERlT
Rav. John Puchs, tha Wall-Known Indiana ninlstir, Toll !
Weadrfully Quick Result. Read What H Saya.
Iivnt nmicted with RhonmatlHm for raanv vcara. the attacks he
Ing especially ntrong during last winter, I could not sleep nights
on nr.nnnnt nf thn naiu. which entered In mv back and lclt leg.
" " . --- -r - - m - - . "" - . -
My nervous system was also so affected that when I shaved raysou
i nau 10 Buppori mo riKiib
hand with tho left ono. Tho
doctors who treated mo said
they could not help mo. as I
was 78 years old and my Bys-
iem, according to worn, was
worn out. I doctored with so
many kinds of medicine that
I had a small drug store at
homo, but nothing helped me.
I had now hopes, as summor
approuched, that the warm
weather would bring me re
llof, but this hopo was not
gratified, us I grew no better.
Then I gave up all thought ol
acuro, thinking that tho doc
tors were right and that noth
ing could help mo.
Ono day I read the VITJE
ORE advertisement in our
leading church paper, and
Bont for a package on trial as
advertised. Alter five davs I
roinltted the dunar tor tho troatmont, as it had, la that short time, done
bo much good that I wras ontlrolr wllllntr to pay tho money- Aftor using
two packages I was entirely cured of tea Ufceumatlara, and my norrous
system U now so wonderfully Improved and strengthened that I can work
with aa much forco and vigor as I could twenty or twenty-flro years ago.
VITJIS.OUK has oausod an entire change la my s-tn, Booming to mako
a now man of me. 1 wantod to wU with my report until I was fully con
vinced that tho "benefit is entlro and pormanont, and I wrlto at this time
without tho least Inducement from the Theo. Nool Company, moroly
through appreciation toward Clod and tho wonderful VITAMJUK modlclne
asweuastho aaverusemouv ia our cuurcu paper, x uupu mat vixm
ORE will oontlnuo to be a blessing to all ailing mankind.
Terre Haute, Ind.
example of the plainsmen and use the weapons which nature
has placed In your hands! You cannot aweep back the tide
with a BROOM, you would'nt try, nor should you try to resist, to
sweep back disease with, a bottlo of lcohol and sarsaparilla or a
package of senna and straw. If your house were burning, you
would not fight the flames with a bottle of Eau de Cologne, and
when YOUR INTERNAL HOUSE, the dwelling place of your life
your vitality, is burning and being destroyed by the ravages of
wasting, insidious diseases, it is just as foolhardy to attompt to check the flames, to stop the destruction
with a sweet-tasting, aweot-smelling pill, tablet or compound made to sell only.
Nature has provided a eure for your ills, has combined the subtle elements of IRON, SULPHUR
AND MAGNESIUM, elements which are to the tiros of disease in the system as is tho fireman a hose to
thn hnrntnrr hiiiMinrr. and nnmhitiAfl f.Vifttn in a mnnnnr nf hop own which man's inventive and creative
genius has been unable to duplicate or counterfeit She placed it in the ground where it was found, for
what purpose, if not to relieve and cure the ilia ox mankind.
You can test it, can Judge for yourself, and it will not cost you a cent to do fr It is different from
all others and can ho ofTorftd In m rliffrAnf, wav. n wav that "sailors of medicines" dare not duplicate. If
vnn arn mnlr nnd tirori nf nnncira afnlr nfrlnainnr vnnrHlf Havnftor dav with oach BUriri&B findintT no changO
in your condition, if you are sick of being imposed upon, try this natural curing and healing ore. IT
WILL NOT FAIL YOU! Read our special offer.
You Are to Be the Judge!
f' if i f ! t nnww
Subqcribers or readers of The Commoner a full sized $1,00 nackace of VIT2E-ORE by mail, postpaid
sufficient for one month's treatment, to bo paid for within ono month's time aftor receipt, if the receiver
can trutnlully say that its use has done him or her more good than all the drugs and doses or quacics or
good doctors or patent medicines he or she has evor used. Road this over again carefully, and under
stand that wo ask our pay only when it has done you good, and not before. If not, no money is want
edl We take all the risk; you have nothing to lose. If it does not benefit you, you pay us noth
ing. We give you thirty days time to try the medicine, thirty days to see results before you need pay
us one cent, and you need not pay tho ono cent unless you do see the results. You are to bo the
judge! We know VitaoOre and are willing to take the risk.
VlUe-Oro is a natural, hard, adamantine, rnolr.llkn subxtuncft mlnnrnl nnp minad rmm thn rnnnri Jitn crnld and silver In the
nelRhborhood of a once powerful but now extinct mineral spring, it requlre3 twontr roan of oxidization" by tho air, when
It Blacks down like lime and Is then of modlclnal value, it contains free Iron, free sulphur, and free magnesium, ttareo properties which
are most essential for the rotentlon of hoalth in tho human srstom, and ono packajjo -ono ounce of tho ORE, when mlxod with a quart
of water, will equal In medicinal strength and curative valuo 800 nations of tho moat poworf ul mlnoral wator drank fresh from the
springs, it Is a Beollglcal discovery, In which thoro Is nothing added or taken from, it Is tho marvel of tha century for curing such
dlBoasos as ,
Rheumatism, Brjght'a Disease, Bleod Poisoning, Heart Trouble, Dropsy, Catarrh and
Throat Affections, Liver, Kidney and Bladder Ailments, Stomach and Female Disorder,
LaQrlppe, Malarial Fever, Nervous Prostration and General Debility.
as thousands testify, ahd na no one, answering this, writing for a package, will deny aftor using. VlTvE-ORB has cured
more chronic, obstinate, pronounced lncurablo cases than any other known medicine and will roach such cases with a
moro rapid and powerful curative action than any medicine, combination of medicines, or doctor's prescription which
it is possible to procure. '
yitno-Ore will do the same for you. as it has for hundreds ot readers of Tub Cohmohrr I. you will give It a
trial. Send for a $1,00 packago at pur risk. You have nothing tolo3obut tho stamp to answer this announcement.
Wo want no one's money whom yiUo-Oro cannot bonflt. You an to bo tho judge! (Jan anything bo moro fair? What
??B0vi?M or h. may.oe. who doslros aoure and Is willing to pay for It, would hesi
tate to try Vlto-Ore on this liberal offer? One package Is usually sufficient to wiro ordinary cases; iwo.or throo for
chronic, obstinate cases. We mean Just what we say In this announcements and will do iUst'As we agree. Write to-day
SatjoHroKtt giving age and aliments, and mention Tire Commoner, so wo may know
This offer will challenge the attention and consideration, and afterwards tho gratitude of every living person who desires better hoalth or who suffers palm,
ills and diseases which have defied the medical world and grown worse with age. We care not for your skeptism, but ask only your investigation, and at our
expense, regardless of what ills you have, by sending to us for a package. ADDRESS.
THEO. NOEL CO., B. C. Dept., Vitae-Ore Bldg., Chicago. HI.
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