The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 10, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    VOLUME 4, NUMBER 21,
4 ,
The Commoner,
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THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
Iowa has shown the world what little use re
publicans have for any real "ideas."
The weather bureau seems to have sprung a
joko on the Press Humorists at St. Louis.
Of course the Wisconsin republicans are very
sorry to see so much disagreement among democrats.
Russia's denial that she uses floating mines
is easily believed. Russia has difficulty just now
in keeping anything afloat.
Those eastern reorganizes who depended
upon Nebraska are now sadly gazing on the brass
filings from their little "gold brick."
As long as the Japanese array can svibsist on
rico and dried fish the mikado's administration
cwill be free from any embalmed beef scandals.
President Thomas of the Lehigh Valley rail
road declares that anthracite coal is a luxury.
Thomas and his crowd are rapidly making it an
Reports of rapid growth come from two cabi
net officers. Mr. Wilson says vegetation is grow
s, ing rapidly and Mr. Shaw says the deficit is keep
- irig a close second.
The Commoner.
The republican idea of reciprocity is offering
come other nation things it does not want in re
turn for things we will not have.
Mr. Baer intimates that coal is high because
people are willing to be robbed, owing to tho sub
serviency of courts and the refusal of officials to
do their sworn duty.
Those eastern reorganizes who pinned their
faith on Nebraska are entitled to tho return of
their money. It was secured from them by false
and vociferous pretense.
The New York World calls it "Judge Parker's
unfortunate policy of silence." But are not Aug
ust Belmont's actions capable of speaking loudly
enough for Judge Parker?
By the way, what right have men who have
boon persistent bolters when things did not go to
suit them to demand that thore bo no bolters when
things do go to suit them?
Tho men who chipped in the most to buy a
nomination and election for a republican president
are howling tho loudest about a man spending
his own money to get a nomination. k
Tho ocean steamers have dropped steerage
rates to America to $10 and are bidding lively for
business, it is republican logic that talks about
protection from European pauper labor goods and
then puts a premium on tho importation of tho
The republican national committee selected as
one of tho assistant secretaries ot the national
convention a man who has been dead for six
months. But doubtless ho is just as much alive
now as republican tariff reform or Roosoveltiau
trust busting.
The Now York World says that "Judge Parker
knows everything that is going on." If this is
true, it is no wonder that the judge refuse3 to
say a word.
Nebraska democrats went into the "reorgani
zation" business just ten years ago this spring,
and they have been pretty well satisfied with
theinwork ever since.
The Lincoln (Neb.) Star says: "After all, the
real Iowa idea is to vote the republican ticket."
We cheerfully admit that is about the only idea
a majority of Iowa republicans seem to have.
Senator Burrows says: "The republican plat
form will not be written by any one man." It will
he noted that Senator Burrows did not say that it
would not be "dictated" by one man.
It is estimated that by June 15 the number
of men employed by American railroads will bo
50,000 less than at the same time one year ago.
Tho full "dinner pail seems to he acquiring a hol
low sound.
The mention of Secretary Cortelyou for chair
man of the g. o. p. national committee is .oppor
tune. Mr. Cortelyou has been secretary of com
merce and labor long enough to have all the big
trusts spotted and their assessments made out.
In view of the New York World's strenuous
efforts to unload another presidential nomination
upon Mr. Cleveland it is very cruel of Mr. Cleve
land to declare that he never paid a bit of atten
tion to what the World was saying during that
infamous -bond deal.
The Houston Post says the "democrats of Ten
nessee, too, have ceased to look backward." Tho
Post does the democrats of Tennessee an injus
tice. It was Patrick Henry who said that he had
no -way of judging the future Bave by the past,
and when democrats forget the past in looking to
wards the future, they are in a bad way.
The Wisconsin republicans want to put the
Roosevelt electors on both the La Toilette and tbo
anti-La Follette tickets, but are confronted with
a law passed to prevent democrats and populists
from fusing on a ticket. However, the republican
supreme court can settle the matter by holding
that as the law was passed to help the republi
cans, it is void where it hurts the republican party.
The Nashville American publishes a sugges
tion from one of its readers to the effect that the
democratic platform ought to have an anti-labor
union plank. It is hardly probable that a demo
cratic convention would attempt such a thing, but
there is no doubt that the reorganizers would be
glad to have such a plank if they dared to suggest
it. Their labors are all in the interest of the capi
talistic classes, and the laboring man is given no
consideration whether he belongs to a union or
is out of the union.
The Chicago Record-Herald prints a Philadel
phia dispatch to the effect that Attorney General
Knox will on June 20 file a bill in equity against
the coal trust. This is important if true It
means that the republican national convention
will then be in position to commend the anti-trust
efforts of the administration. Tho hearing would
hardly occur during tho campaign, and the hone
of a final decision against the trust would be suf
ficient encouragement for the thick and thin re
publicans. With some two hundred trusts in ex
istence, the administration has two hundred vea'r
work before it (if it attacks one a year) not to
speak of the new ones constantly springing up.
The coal barons of Pennsylvania insist that
- . . v e. ,,,, emu unit cne similarity be-
v,n 1ULO sneets was
merely a coincidence. On tho
same day, though widely separ
ated and wholly unknown to
would issue price lists identical1 in fig Z , w01T
punctuation marks arid paragraphs. Thi? who
are interested n tho subject of "The Stuff Dreams
Are Made Of" should investigate. Students Tf
psychology, or telepathy, or thought tnffiSnJj
Case of
whatever it may bo calledwill find in this caso
01 tne coai uuruna u wouueaui neiu ior lnvestiga
tion: Such a striking example of unsought sim
ilarity has never before been brought to public
notice. These are wondrous ilmes, and mysteries
pile themselves upon mysteries with every com
ing up and going down of the sun.
Some railroads liave placed a ban on
Sunday excursions and will hereafter have no mo.q
01 mem. rne management dv
clares that tho excursions werq
too ,often participated in by
roughs and rowdies, and that!
the resultant fichts and ntim
disturbances injured the standing of the roada
much more than the excursions benefited It In a
financial way. This decision of the railroad man
agement will be hailed with delight by those who
deprecate tho growing tendency to make Sunday a
day of merry-making and jollification instead of a
day of rest and worship.
The Chicago American has exposed a very
clever scheme to swindle the government, the
scheme being worked by rail
road corporations with the con
nivance of government officiate,
Under the forestry laws the gov
ernment often takes possession
of land already owned by a private citizen or by a
corporation, giving in return an equal area of
land elsewhere, the sdme to be selected by tho
owner of the land taken. Just bow the scheme
is being worked is explained by the American ar
ticle reproduced elsewhere. It shows that the
"graft" is constantly assuming new phases and
emphasizes the necessity of putting into office
men who are not only honest, but who will leave
no stone unturned to punish dishonesty in other
public officials.
Graft In A
The postoffice department has undertaken a
war on the obscene advertising that of late has
become so prominent in tbo
daily newspapers of the country.
So nagrant has become the vio
lation of the laws aimed at the
suppression of this class of ad
vertising that the proprietors of the "remedies"
not only paraded their worthless nostrums in lan
guage unfit for any publication, but used the post
office department to blackmail those who fell into
their clutches. The department assures reput
able advertisers that they have nothing to fear,
from the crusade, but the quack nostrums that
offend decency Dy their obscene publicity will bo
suppressed. All men and women who despise ob
scenity and indecency will wish the department
unqualified and speedy success in its efforts.
With the coming of the summer season the
newspaper columns begin to carry reports of cy
clones, and many are the strange
stories of the freakish doings of
these mysterious storms. Just
what gives the "funnel-shaped
clouds" their awful power is a
mystery. No one attempts to explain how some
of the wonders are wrought. People who have
personally observed the strange freaks of these
storms are ready to believe almost any story
they hear concerning them. When a man lias
seen a flock of chickens denuded of feathers, but
otherwise uninjured, by a cyclone, and has seen
the superstructure of a house carried away, leav
ing the floor intact and tho furniture unmoved
and uninjured, he is quite ready to accept without
question any story of a cyclone's doings.
The Houston (Tex.) Post says: "It seems that
Judge Parker will not tell where he stands, and
Mr, Bryan will not tell who he
Where is for." -The esteemed Post is
Mr. Bryecn correct only in the first half ofi
Stands. remarks. Mr. Bryan has re
peatedly told who he is for. Ho
is for a man who has been loyal to democratic
principles as enunciated in former platforms, anl
who is in thorough sympathy with tho rank am
file of democracy in their demands for a platform
that not only opposes trusts, imperialism and tna
domniation of tho country by the financiers, uuu
means what it says. Mr. Bryan has named a score
or more of such men. The democratic newspaper
that make the loudest demands for harmony ara
the newspapers that persist in misrepresenting wr.
Bryan. The rank and file Of democracy have
confidence in a candidate wh does not know wnui.
he believes or stands for until a convention iram
a platform for him.