The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 10, 1904, Page 16, Image 16

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The Commoner.
JWr 10
(Continued from lJago 15.)
It boing purely a mattor of discretion,
Hs decision can novor be examined or
This assumption as to the power of
tho exocutivo is certainly now, and I
respectfully submit that it is not tho
low of tho land. Tho Jurists havo told
us that this is a government of law,
pnd not the government by tho caprice
of an individual, and, further, Instead
ci boing autocratic, It is a govern
ment of limited power. Yet tho auto
crat of Russia could certainly not pos
sess, or claim to possess, greater pow
er than is possessed by tho executive
of tho United States, If your assump
tion is correct.
Fifth Tho executive has the com
mand not only of the regular forces of
all tho United States, but of tho mill
'tary forces of all tho states, and can
order them to any placo ho sees lit;
and a3 there aro always more or less
local disturbances over the country it
will be an easy matter under your con
struction of the law for an ambitious
executive to order out tho military
forces of all of the states and estab
lish at once a military government.
Tho only chance of failure in such a
movoment could come from rebollion,
and with such a vast military power
ot command this could readily bo
crushed, for, as a rule, soldiers will
obey orders.
As for the situation in Illinois, that
is of no consequence now compared
with the far-reaching principle in
volved. True, according to my ad
vices, federal troops havo now been
en duty for over two days, and, al
though tho men were bravo and tho
officers valiant and able, yet their very
presonco proved to bo an Irritant be
causo it aroused tho indignation of a
largo class of peoplo, who, while up
holding law and order, had beon taught
to beliovo in local self-government
and, therefore, resented What they re
garded as unwarranted Interference.
Inasmuch as the federal troops can
do nothing but what the state troops
can do there, and believing that tho
state is amply able to take caro of tho
situation and to enforce tho law, and
believing that the ordering out of tho
federal troops was unwarranted, I
again ask their withdrawal.
The Chicago Daily Tribune, Tues
day, May 3, 1904.
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Glady's In The Garden.
Now Gladys takes her flower seeds
And puts them in the ground,
Most lovingly she tucks them in
And pats tho earth around.
She almost smells the fragrant bloom,
And she can hardly wait
For sun and rain to do their work
And make them ger-ml-nate.
It doesn't matter in the least
How lame It makes her back,
Or whether, when she straightens up,
She hears her knee-joints" crack,
For Gladys loves all things that grow,
She loves the little seeds,
And even has, I think, a shy
Affection for the weeds.
Now watch her shoo the neighbors'
Who come across to scratch!
And see her oust the dogs and cats
With vigor and dispatchl
Behold her try to educate
Her own vivacious pup
And hear her joyous comments when
Tho seeds at last come up!
Woll, here's success to Gladys, and
May luck her toil attend!
May sunshine warm her plantlets, and
May gentle rains descend
To help them to perfection and
To bring them into bloom,
And may they All her summer with
A wealth of rich perfume!
S'omorville Journal.
my temperance is a business proposi
tion just like their own. I havo a
saloon under my headquarters. If a
saloonkeeper gets into trouble ho al
ways knows that Senator Plunkitt is
tho man to help him out. If thero is
a bill in the legislature makin' it eas
ier for the liquor dealers I am for it
every timo. I am one of tho best
friends the saloon men have but I
don't drink their whisky. I won't go
through the temperance lecture dodge
and tell you how many bright young
men I've seen fall victims of intem
perance, but I'll tell you that I could
name dozens young men who had
started on the road to statesmanship,
who could carry their districts very
time and who could turn out any vote
you wanted at tho primaries. I hon
estly believe that drink is tho great
est curse of the day, except, of course,
civil service, and that it has driven
more young men to ruin than any
thing except civil service examina
tions. "Look at the great leaders of Tam
many hall! No regular drinkers
among them. Richard Croker's strong
est drink was vichy, Charlie Murphy
takes a glass of champagne at dinner
sometimes, but he don't go beyond
that, although ho has been a saloon
keeper. A drinkin' man wouldn't last
two weeks as leader of Tammany hall,
"Nor can a man manage an assem
bly district long if he drinks. He's
got to have a clear head all the time.
I could name ten men who, in the last
few years, lost their grip in their dis
tricts because they began drinkin'.
There's now thirty-six district lead
ers in Tammany hall, and I don't be
lieve a half dozen of them ever drink
anything except at meals. Peoplo
have got an idea that because the
liquor men are with us in campaigns
our district leaders spend most of
their time leanin' against bars. There
couldn't be a wronger idea. The dis
trict leader makes a business of poli
tics, gets his livin' out of It, and, in
order to succeed, he's got to keep
sober just like in any other business.
"Just take as examples 'Big Tom'
and 'Little Tim' Sullivan. They're
known all over the country as the
Bowery leaders and, as there's nothing
but saloons on tho Bowery, peoiZ
might think that they aro hard drink
ers. Tho fact' is that neither of them
has over touched a drop of liquor irf
his life or oven smoked a cigar, still'
they don't make no pretenses of'bein
better than anybody else and don't
go around dellverin' temperance lec
tures. 'Big Tim' mado money out of
liquor selnn' it to other people
That's the only way to get good out of
"JLook at all tho Tammany heads of
city departments. There's not a real
drinkin' man in the lot, although
there's a saloonkeeper or two. Oh, yes
thero are some prominent men in tho
organization who drink hard some
times, but they suit tho men who
have power. They're ornaments, fancy
speakers and all that, who make a
fine show behind the footlights, but
ain't in it when it comes to directin'
tho city government and the Tammany
organization. Tho men who sit in
the executive committee room at Tam
many hall and direct things are men
who celebrate on apOllinarls or vichy.
Lot mo tell you what I saw on elec
tion night in 1897, when the Tammany
ticket swept the city: Up to 10 p. m.
Croker, John F. Carroll, Tim Sulli
van, Charlie Murphy and myself sat
in tho committee rooms receivin' re
turns. When nearly all the city was
heard from and we saw, that Van
Wyck was elected by a big majority,
I invited the crowd to go across tho
street for a little celebration. A lot
I of small politicians followed us, ex-
pectin' to see magnums of champagne
opened. Tho waiters in the restau
rant also expected it, and you never
saw a more disgusted lot of waiters
when they got our orders. Here's the
orders: Croker, vichy and bicarbon
ate of soda; Carrorfl, seltzer lemonade;
Sullivan, apolllnaris; Murphy, vichy;'
Plunkitt, ditto. Before midnight we
were all in bed and next mornin' wo
were up bright and early attendln' to
business, while" other men were urn-sin'
swelled heads. Is there anything
tho matter with temperance as a pure
business proposition?" New York
letter to Boston Transcript.
Literary Digest, (new) wk 53.00
Public Opinion, (now) wk 4.00
The Public, wk 2)00
"Windle' ... inn
Net. Clnbblnc (:omhtniln. iT.'rr
Hers in which the Thrlce-a-Wcek World World.
2E'hI .Kan8aa CHy World- or Fart", Stock
and Home appears, are not open to residents of
it? f SKSffl ClUei lQ Wb,Ch lb0 Ppws
Extraordinary Tem.pora.nco Lec
ture. Senator George W. Plunkitt, tho
Tammany sage, delivered from his
bootblack rostrum in the county court
house today a temperance lecture
which is out of the common. "I told
you some time ago how to succeed in
politics," he began. "I oughter have
said then that no matter how well
you learn to play the political game,
you won't make a lastin' success of
it if you're a drinkin' man. I never
take a drop of any kind of intoxicatin'
liquor. I ain't no fanatic. Some of
the saloonkeepers aro my best friends
and I don't mind goin' into a saloon
any day with my friends. But as a
mattor of business I leave whisky and
beor and the rest of that stuff alone.
It's a matter of business, too. I take
for my lieutenants in my district men
who don't drink. I tried the other
kind for several years, but it didn't
pay. Thoy cost too much. For in
stance, I had a young man who was
one of tho best hustlers in' town. Ho
know every man In the district, was
popular everywhere and could Induce
a half-dead man to come to the polls
on election day. But regularly two
weeks before election ho started on a
drunk and I had to hire two men to
guard htm day and night and keep
him sober enough to do his work.
That cost a lot of money and I
dropped tho young man after a while.
"Maybe you think I'm unpopular
with the saloonkeepers becauso I
don't drink. You're wrong. Tho most
successful saloonkeepers don't drink
themselves and they understand that
Pj pr :- ,r - 2 125 1& 5 ?&5; ic ssB fcs
j - v mm 9 4M am 0F r r B r 1 m wr r r r 9
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