The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 10, 1904, Page 13, Image 13

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The Commoner.
JUNE-iO, 1904.
ildg and arc looking to us for help,
with hope beaming in their eyes, but
what can we say to other nations -that
bear down upon the weak when our
own fingers ard dripping in blood?
"Id 1894 the democratic party of
this state was reorganized in this
city. We have come back to thq. same
place ten years later to ratify the act
-of that convention. Since that time
the democrats of this state have fol
lowed the leadership of a man who is
a patriot contending for great prin
ciples and not a politician seeking of
fice. A man who would rather go down
to defeat a hundred times than to wear
upon his "neck a golden yoke. Forty
or fifty years from now when he shall
have gone to a higher democracy his
mantle will fall upon a hundred thou
sand patriots throughout this land,
who have caught the spirit of his true
chaiacter and lofty principles. Yea,
he has scattered the seed throughout
this republic that will spring up in
the noblest manhood and will carry
on the work that he has sq nobly be
gun. "But, my friends, there will yet be
some, I am sorry to say who will not
be able to walk through a political
office without retaining the brown
taste upon their lips. It is my opinion
that when the democracy of this state
follows the leadership of a political
trickster it will be when the geese
pasture on the streets of Omaha.
"We need for the delegates to the
national convention the best men in
our state; we need men of the same
manly metal as Metcalfe of the World
Herald, and at the head of this dele
gation will be the leader of the demo
crats of the United States. This fas-
talcan cosily realize 81,000 monthly. Legi
timate, honorable. Endorsed by leading banks.
HcClurkln. 415 Locust St, Bt. Louis.
(nr Month and axpvuaca; no experience
lb I needed; position permanent; self seller.
' Pkabe Mfo. Co., Stat'n 69, Cincinnati, O
YDFVQ "best by Test 78 Years
KCKCtKfe? Laeokbt Nuriery.
FhhitBook free. We ft"! A W CAS
, LoHlsuna, Me. : nnatsviu, am.; a
dustryfroo. Send far
Koso Illll.r. Y.
Great opportuni
ties offered. Book
explaining about
the Ginseng In-
JT.13. Mills, Box 253
,jl ueiraBiosa-fKSL
" -
HEWTON'SHewe, CoBglt, DU
temper and Indigestion Car.
A reterlnary tpeclfle for wind.
TT tAK' AMI fAm4lt lHllKla
fiHn Strong rtcommtndi. f 1.00 per
cm. ueaien. Man or Kx. paia.
The Newton Itemed y 0
WCUV vtun
Strong, Uhtekea-
Tight. Sold to the F&rraerat WfaaieMle
Frieea. ralhrWarraBted. -Ca.t&ln- TPwwa.
Box 234 WtoefceXeg, fasten, p. fl. I,
Jiwr A HoBtb. Mlddlaaged or aldarly
jh I J man or woman wanted in every town.
k v No book agency salary scheme. No
N tricky "Outfit" fake. Just a plain straight per
manent business, easily established under our
Instructions. Write to-day lor FREE particu
lars. Beacli-Klagaloy Co., 15 Oth St.,
Slnghamton, N. Y.
of Lincoln, Neb., can use two or three
more good men in northwestern terri
tory. If there are any clerks, sales
men or traveling men would like to
better their condition it would pay to
write concerning one of these positions.
A GOLD WATCH for$3.75
A perfect twtatr. Blcbutpad Ilk col4 pUU
iiiA. Doable haittisr mm, kM& coM
MUero. Elegant Undrt Amnloaa
ma jittla taot tseat, Ua wtod aaft
Mt ana awoiuwiy iwhun lor
Cat IhU eat ad wad It to si with
Jttar bum. poet e&Maad rpNM oBm
aaotvH aaa we wiu aasa m ihu aaa
afcuUfulchln to jou bj eiprtu for
eximlmtlcn. If m rprttnua pay
prn sceat J3.75 and etpren hirn
aad they are jour, Mtntlon alt vtnttd
ulna fejtfmonliU frte lth try vatcb,
SM-358 Bearbeni Ml, , WJIUiUO.
m m' .eA
cinating figurethis mighty oak de
fying the storm this greatest states
man in American politicsis only
now in the morning of his day. In
his youth he was taught honesty by
Godly paronts, and at the very begin
ning of his career in politics lie es
poused truth and the betrothal has
nover been broken. A champion of
the toilers of our country, a knightly
friend of the common people, a gen
tleman, noble, true and brave, a man
lit to be the president of the United
States, William Jennings Bryan."
J. B. Donovan of Madison was chos
en as temporary secretary. L. M.
Loyda of Cass and W. H. Green of
Knox county were chosen as assist
ant secretaries. There being no con
testing delegations, it was decided on
motion of C. J. Smyth that the cre
dentials committee be dispensed with
and that the temporary organization
be made permanent. The Omaha
World-Herald report of the proceed
ings says:
"W. H. Thompson moved, and tho
motion was adopted, that a commit
tee of seven bo appointed, 'and that I
be not appointed a member of that
committee.' It was also decided that
all resolutions be referred to the com
mittee without reading. The chair
man appointed the following commit
tee: W. J. Bryan, A. C. Shallenber
ger of Harlan, J. H. Miles of Rich
ardson, Joseph Oberfelder of Keith, I.
J. Dunn of Douglas, H. M. Weiss of
Thayer and E. Howaru of Platte.
"Mr. Bryan moved that while the
committee on resolutions was out the
convention listen to a speech from
Congressman C. F. Cochran of St.
Joseph, Mo. The motion was ruled
unnecessary, and Mr. Bryan was dele
gated to escort Mr. Cochran to tho
platform and introduce him.
"Mr. Cochran gained the favor of
the convention, with his opening sen
tence: 'The democratic party was
born when Thomas Jefferson wrote
the Declaration of Independence.' Ho
told of the great opposition which
Jefferson's democratic ideas encoun
tered in the constitutional convention
and of the regret there expressed by
the fathers of the republican party
that the United States had no royal
family and no house of lords. He out
lined the two Ideas of government
aristocratic and democratic and said
they are represented in this country
today, respectively, by the republi
can and democratic parties.
" 'When and where,' he demanded,
'did the republicans of your state of
Nebraska ever elect a United States
senator because he was a representa
tive of the people? What malign in
fluence is it that is at work that makes
the contests in your state a mere fight
between rival corporations when a re
publican legislature Is to elect a sen
ator or a republican convention is to
nominate a candidate for governor?'
" 'If the people of this country,' he
declared 'would take their parties out
of the hands of the hired political
managers, of manipulators who are
paid large salaries for influencing nom
inations and platform, the republic,
with Its free institutions, would en
dure. If they do not, our downfall is
certain.' He proceeded to dilate on
the organization and methods of the
corporation lobbies, as they work at
the national and state capitals, and
insisted that so long as these 'political
vermin' -are tolerated we cannot have
honest, representative government.
"Congressman Cochran charged that
there are not three important commit-
the corporation lobby from its coun
cils in 1S9G, and to plead, in an Im
passioned manner, that they never bo
allowed to -Glurn to a position of in
fluence in the party of Thomas Joffer
son. Far better dofeat, ho insisted,
than victory won undor tho flag of ex
pediency, on an equivocal platform,
and by tho aid of corporation funds
and corporation leadership. Ho had
rather bo known as a member of an
indomitable minority, predestined to
defeat, stubbornly and uncompromis
ingly standing as the champion of the
rights of the people against the ag
gressions of tho corporations, than to
participate in such another victory as
that of 1892.
"With ringing eloquence Mr. Coch
ran denounced tho recent wars of con
quest waged by England, tho United
States, France and other powers,
'prosecuted where tho stealing is good
at the behest of great corporations on
the alert for increasing dividends,' and
concluded with a stirring appeal to tho
democratic party to stand Arm for the
democracy of Jefferson, tho republi
canism of Lincoln and the ideals of
the republic
"Long-contlnuod cheering greeted
the conclusion of Congressman Coch
ran's speech."
The convention then unanimously
adopted the following resolution:
"Be it resolved, That we are proud
of and most heartily indorse tho rec
ord of Hon. G. M. Hitchcock, our dem
ocratic congressman-from this state,
and pledge him our most hearty sup
port in his re-election."
James C. Dahlman was unanimous
ly re-elected as a member of the
democratic national committee.
Teeth And Digestion
The close connection hetween de
cayed teeth and diseases of the diges
tion is pointed out by a writer In
Guy's Hospital Gazette.
The presence of free acids in the
mouth is particularly harmful. These
may come from various sources, but
most commonly from the acid fermen
tation of the carbo-hydrate food
lodged dh or between the teeth at
the gums, and due to the action of
micro-organisms present in the mouth.
Normally the saliva is alkaline, and
any acids produced in tho crevices of
the teeth are thus neutralized and do
cay prevented. There are two condi
tions under which the saliva is unable
to neutralize the acids produced local
ly, namely: (1) when it is deficient
in alkalinity," and (2) when it is de
ficient in quantity. As to the former,
it is well known that the saliva be
comes less alkaline or even acid in
any condition of prolonged gastric di
gestion, a phenomenon which occurs
in nearly all cases of dyspepsia. More
over, the teeth when aecayed further
tend to keep up the state of chronic
dyspepsia by rendering mastication
imperfect. A vicious circle is thus
To obviate this form of dental dis
ease the teeth should be washed fre
quently with a solution of which one
of the ingredients is bicarbonate of
soda. This may prevent one of tho
most disagreeable results of the dis
ease facial neuralgia.
tees in the national house of TjiJHPP
sentatives today that are not
trolled by the great corporations
through the appointment on the com
mittees of men known to be under
corporation influence.
"With this exordium Congressman
Cochran proceeded to eulogize the
democratic party for having expelled J
An Unsentimental Fact.
The fact that Andrew Jackson had
no children slightly mars the senti
ment of the announcement that his
granddaughter will have a prominent
position at the Woman's Building at
the St. Louis exposition. Washington
thdagu not the oldest, la the
moat popular separator In tho
world to-day.
Why? Simply because It Is do
ing better work and diving great
er satisfaction than any other
can. That'B-whyso rnony farm
ers havo discarded all others.
f will fay you to ht tht btsi.
Send for our freo books on tho
"Empire Way" of dairying.
Thole's good sense In tbem.
Empire Cream Separator Ce.
BliranRelJ, N. J.
OkieacavIU. JUaBeieUe,MUii.
Its Record Has Never Bcn Equate
Ask for Catalogue.
1 16 So. 15th St., Omaha, Nebr.
Cur Cancer, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Rhcumatlm
and All Other Blood DUkxicx.
How many people reallzo the trua
value or our common red cIorer7 It la
tho best blood purlllcr knows. Thou
sands ot prominent people hare beca
cured of cancer, rhouinatlsin, consti
pation, rczema, skin and blood dis
eases brIU use. tend your add ret
to 1. Ncednara's Sons, liu
Lakeside JUdg., thlcago,
111., and they will mall free
a run description 01 eu
Clover liloMoin Kxtract, a
history or how Mr. Keod
ham cured his cancer and
testimonials from many
who htvo used the remedy.
If you havo any disorder of
the blood look into tho mor
lUorNccdbam's Clover, It
Is tho best blood purifier
Are Yom Interested
In ralHlng chicks In at
up-to-date way? If you
are and arc looking
for Bomcthing cheap
at a cheap price dQDrt
write us. If you want
as good as the best at
reasonable price, w
have it to ofler you-
Wrltc for free catalogue of the
Manufactured by Lincoln Incubator Co., Lin
coln Neb.
M Jft 4fe 1 1 for your farm, hwjtncws,
flH WL U m homo or property of any
MBf kind, no matter where
m U Mm II located. If yon desire
SJ bM M quick aalo fiend ua dc-
m acrlptlon and price If
yon wish to bay a business or property of any
description tell us your requirements. Wo can
cave yon money.
Ser-D SMk of Commerce Bid.. KANSAS CITY. MO.
U kf ttmtx nut; aqsai la apMaraou ( &ei
IV uuuTrATmrvara&IM4jrat& WCflr
It AIiSOLUTELT rK to Uj u4 W m ay.
oa Millar V) pUcca tt aar hma.a j tnlrj at.
lOt aaeh. Scad w adcraM aad will Maa I
" Jrwlrr poataaldi bca Kl), m& a f 3cn4 tl)
XU2KTY. JtCWUi C0o hfU 79 OaiCit,