Lff. -I..'!. i.-.Ji.-.i t-.a K. J . .. The Commoner. YOUTHS 4, NUMBER 19. L: A " .. You Are to Be the Judge ! Not New, But True DANIEL WEBSTER onco said about a certain ppllt leal proposition, "There are lots of new Jpjnf8 about It anil lota of true things, but the trouble la that the NEW things are not TfitJE and the TRUE things are not NEW." THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL-THB PROPRIETORS TAKE ALL THE RI5K-Y0U HAVE NOTHING TO tOSEI YOU ARE TO BE THE JUDGE. "JUST THINK OF IT" WAS USING FOUR DIFFERENT AD VERTI5ED SPECIFIC REMEDIES No Help Uatil VltaOre Was Called la You have seen It before-all of you have. Jt has ap peared in this papor a dozen Ume3 a year for a number, of years. You have all seen It, even though you may nnt hava anatvnrnri If Tt la not T1CW. but It IB all tfHd. You have but to write, to send for it, to direct that itbo sent to you and It is sent to you. No questioning tie- nulhhlf no- nn mnncv. Tf Vflll want to DflV tOf It all right. If you don't yoa don't have to. Enough aro satisfied, enough want to pay, enough to pay to mako It pay tho advertiser, to mako Its fame grow from year to year like a green-bay tree, and it is btcauso It If all trae. The claims for Vita-Ore aro not now, but they are all trae. Your follow readers who havo sent for a packago and tested it havo prevea this. It history le an open beak that all may read, and all will find It all true. If you are sick and alline. no matter what tho trouble may be, if you need help, if you want help, here Is the help for you. How can you, in Justlco to yourself and your family, your friends ana those around you, refuse to accept? How can you you refuse to bo helped to tho help you want? Remember, we take all the ritkl You aro to bo tho judge. IT IS ALL TRUE! SENT ON JHIRTY DAYS' TRIAL READ THIS SPECIAL OFFER WE WILL SEND to every worthy slok and ailing person, who writes us, mentioning The Com moneii, a full-Bized 31.00 packago of VITi&ORE, by mail, postpaid, sufficient for one month's treatment, to bo paid for within one month's tlmo after receipt, if the re ceiver can truthfully say that its use has done him or her more good than all the drugs and doses of quacks or good doctors or patent medicines ho or Bho has over used. Read this over again carefully, and understand that wo ask our pay only when it has dono you good, and not before We take all the rljk.you have nothing: to lose. If it does not boncflt you, you pay us nothing. Wo give you thirty days' tlmo to try the medicine, thirty dayB to sco results boforo you need pay us ono cent, and you need not pay us tho one cent unless you do see results. You are to be the Judgel Wo know that when this month's treatment of VITiE-ORE has eimcr curea you or put you on the road to a cure, you Will bo moro than willing to pay. Wo know Vitto-Oro, and aro willing to take tho risk. I recoived A trial package of Vltte-Oro somo three months ago, haying answered and accept ed tho thirty-day trial offer which appeared in my paper, and it is from- this day that I date my return to health. I have used it continuously. B1I1CO IQHl umo with tho following result; I now feel Btronger than I have at any time for fivo years. I can eat a variety ot foods without inconvenience or Buffering. I can walk five times as far and faster without losing my breath than I could beforo I oommmenced its use. Tho head noises have ceased back ache is gone; tho nervous Constipation of tho bowels Is entirely cured; I am not troubled with con stipation any more, although formerly I bad to take a doso of salts every morning; in fact, it is simply marvelous wbat vltte-Ore has dono for me. I was taking a root medicine for my kid neys, nervino for my nerves, nprvo ana livor ins ior my uver, ana neart euro ior my near lust think of.it) and. still I could not Ho on my oft side without a nain in mv heart I used to bloat and. tho pain in my back mado mo miser able, but thank God for inducing me to read through tho Vitto-Oao advertisement. I havo now discarded every other medicine but V. O. and am lettting God's natural mineral euro me and am nearer a perfectly healthy woman than I havo been for six years past. LOVINA PETERSON, Slatington, Cal. How can you refuse t6 givo it a trial after reading such ringing testimony? If you need tho treatment it Is a Bin and shamo if you do not! Mmgt d51!?By Pi loi IT WAS TRUE 12 YEARS AGO And it is Trie Now Not a Peony Unless Benefited What Vtae-Or ! Vitas-Ore Is a natural, hard TYiwu VUaturc IS: adamantine, rock-like sub stance mineral Oro mined from tho ground like cold and silver In tho neighborhood of a once nower- IU1. nilt nn PTMnnf mlnnrnl tlnrlnn TJ- .... 1 .. nn years for oxidization by oxposuro to the air, when it slacks down like lime, and is then of medicinal value, it contains froe iron, free sulphur, and freo magnesium, throe properties which aro most essential for tho roten- IlAn fT hnnliU 1 4 1. !. A T vu ui utuim m mo uuiiihh byatoui, ana one packace ono ouncc-of tho ORE when mixed with a tiuartof VO'iWill equal in medicinal strength and curative value 800 gallons of tho most powerful mineral water drank fresh from tho Bprings. It is a geological discov- uty . m wuicn incro is notning aauea or taken from. It is tho marvel of the century lor curing Buch diseases as ENJOYING FOOD, SLEEP AND EXERCISE. Rev. C. T. W. Davie, ninlster of Kensington, Kansas, Tells What a Trial Package of V.-O. DldaYaar Ajjro. R-otxd What x Michigan M&.n Says to Prove It Hermansville, fthen. I had been pronounced lncurablo of Bright' s Disease by threo eminent physicians, when I commenced using Yltro-Ore. I weighed aboul 100 pounds, but in threo months I weighed 145 pounds and was well aad hearty. Havo not Buffered with my kidneys Blnoo. and it was twelve years since 1 first used tho V. O. I am now 66 years old and bollove I am good for thlrtv years yet if I can have V.-O. W. H. Norcross. noel says: RheumatlitBt, Brleht's Dlteaee, Blood Polsoatagt Heart Troable, M Drepsy, Catarrh and Throat Atfectfeas, Liver, Kldaey aad Bladder AilmeatJ, Storaach'and Peraale pUordere, La Orlppe, nalarlal Pever, Nervoue Prostratlea and Qeaeral Debility. S&SSP aSLwlJfc, "ST StefJ8?f&o Peculation, tho WILL CIJRK YOTT. Nnl has been familiar witiTlts wonderful pVopertles" for two " J ,.. i..u.vu no luuiuiKiiuiu ucuon in thnn. 'J3 HnntABnnrt ni..ii-:n.-.vj,"yutui,wuy " msiruc- trlal to every sick or ailfnPVcadcr 'of 'tho mMMnN?,Smr pacKtt8. Q y day's who requests It, tho receiver to be the junQK. and not to pay ONE cent unless satisfied. NOEL is the presl d?nt.prlnc,pal etockholderoftho Theo. Noel Co. what HE says goe. Hero Is his signaiure on it- J&- l . y,. Z9t V. O. Is a Mineral Spring Condensed and Concentrated. aa inouBanas testuy, ana as no ono, answerine thi7 Writing for a package, will deny after using , vFtJBf ' ORE has cured more ohronlo obstlnato, pronouneeinS" curable cases than any other known mMiininn !! .n." reach such cases with a moro rapS and L nSwnSd.Vi11 tlvo action than any mcdldnc bombinXn if1 CUr,V dries, or doctors' prescriptions wSch it SnofthW" procure. Vltm-Oro will do tho some for you Sft hJ 1 huudreds of readers of tho Commonou if?n win SSfil a trial. Bond for a 81.00 packaice at on'r Ht vi gl.vo U nothing to lose but tho Btamp Tto imwlr & nSu lmve ment. We want no nnV Zna!"7?L announce- not bonont. YouaretobotheiiTVf " v"o-oro can uatti and this orainarj enses: but twn nr noiDonoiit. You aro to bo the iudKo! rVn ..ki ,re an fMr? What sonslblo porsonVno mat tar hoVffl 5F b? .moro sho may be, whodoslresa 'ZnTn i.n2w..?IeJ"(llcol ho or would hosltato to try Vltaj-Oro on this lhnVin.?opy for u 8R XllLX SP? fcTo Sl?, a E ?htnf thrOO for Rhrnnin ilatin.. - " in .fct. ..ir:.-"""' "u"u cast-. wn mftn ii.. k. r.r' " mo ouuuuuut'inoni, and will do in.t .r, " "" rosy dy for a packago at our risk and mniSf.70 .roo Wrlte t0' aro ontltiod to this liberal offer. ladiSE""' know thRt you I think that Vitae Ore Is the greatest discov ery in tho Bcionco of medicine. I received tho $1.00 trial package and when I commenced using It I was suffcrlnirbevond deseriDtlon With Rheu uinuiuu uuu uu- ralgla combined. In my Jaw. and whouovor lopened my mouth to take some food I Buffer ed terribly. I had been troubled with this affliction for several years. WhonI commenc ed taking VitavOro I noticed almost the first day that thoro vaaan lm- E rovemontandmy calth haa never Jjeen better for twenty years than it is now. 1 had hfnn trnnfnri hv a niimTinr ftf niir nhvslnlfinS. but was going from bad to worse. I was able i to walk around a llttlej but after taking VitavOro four days I walked to town sir miles away, going homo the same day In the rain and I sup lcredno inconvenience. from doing so. I paid nrklnirAS iaiu iweuvj years ago and enjoying fobdjileep and exorcise. kjsv. U. T. w. iAV40,,K.ensingion, a-ua. This offer voi cMUnath ottentioli and con sideration, and afterward the gratitude of every living person who tieaires better htaWi, or wno suffers pains ills and deumw which havedejita the medical world am grown worse wtth age, We care not for tfour sHeptioUm,bMt ash only your 1 wluit ills you have, by sending tousforapacKaoe, VK'jCrtjK I i THEO. NOEL CO., B. C. DEPT. VITE-ORE BLDQ. CHIC AGO, ILL. l',t h 1 1 3 3 4 .' y ,. ' ,' .M&&