The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 20, 1904, Page 13, Image 13

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The Commoner
MAY 20, 1904.
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Thinks Ho Can Fly.
An Associated press dispatch under
date of Washington, April 30, says:
Professor Alexander Graham Bell
today gave at Columbia station, a Vir
ginia suburb of Washington, an ex
hibition of the tethrahedral kite which
he believes is the secret or aerial nav
igation. The demonstration was made
to the members of the National Geo
graphical society, of which Professor
Bell was formerly the president The
wind was- light and therefore the trials
were not as successful as some which
have been made in private, but con
cerning which much has been written
i the inventor and other scientists.
Three sixteen-cell kites, each said to.
have a sustaining power of seventy
Jive pounds, were sent to heights vary
ing from 400 to 1,100 feet, but the
wind was so uncertain that the tests
were not regarded as satisfactory.
Preceding the exhibition of kite
flying, Professor Bell explained briefly
what he is doing at Cape Breton,
where ho has his laboratory. He said
that the experiments there were on a
much larger scale, but that the idea
would be apparent from an examina
tion of the tethrahedral kites used in
the local demonstrations. The man
ner of construction of the kites from
the first light sticks or aluminum
tubes to the finished kite was shown
by Professor Bell. The aluminum
tubes or sticks are eight inches long.
Three are first used to form a triangle
and then three more are jointed to
the ends of the first triangle and
formed together at a common apex,
making a figure bounded by four tri
angles. Other cells of the same size and
weight then are taken until sixteen
form the tethrahedral kite the same
size as the first coll. Weight is saved
in putting the cells together by using
one stick only when two cells are
fitted together to that, while one tri
angle requires three rods, two trian
gles can bo made from five rods.
When covered with silk, as the kites
are, the two triangles have twice the
resistance power of one, but one-sixth
less weight than two ordinary tri
angles. The same principle of saving weight
is continued further in forming the
tethrahedral, the idea being that by
making, the kites large enough And
continuing to save weight a sustain
ing power will be possible so that a
motor and man can be carried. It
has been asserted this has been proved
at the Cape Breton laboratory, and
the trials today have given to the
public the first general understanding
of how it is done. Professor Bell said
the motor eventually would take the
place of the -kite string and that, when
this had been accomplished, aerial
navigation is established.
A World University.
The philosopher who said that to
have seen Paul at Mars Hill and
' Rome in her glory would have been
to him the culmination of earthly
felicity ought to have lived to visit
the World's Fair of 1904. He would
hear nothing in St. Louis quite so im
pressive as was the apostle's, immor
tal discourse to the men of Athens,
but he would witness marvels of
which the contemporaries of Caesar
and Trajan never dreamed. If he
were with us these days he would see
the peoples and activities of countries
which were ancient when Romulus
made liis first camp in sight of the
Tiber, as well ns those of great na
tions on continents not discovered un
til centuries after Oadacer and his
barbarians had upset the shadow
throne of the "Little Augustus" and
ended the career; of the Roman em-
. pire, Egypt kind China, which wore
old and mysterious in the days of
Herodotus fu' wjth us, In company
with England, Japan, France, Mexico,
Germany, Brazil, Italy, New Zealand
and other representatives of old and
new civilizations, from all climes and
from the four quarters of the globo.
A few days or weeks in the World's
Fair will give a closer acquaintance
with the people and .products of Eu
rope, Asia, Africa and America than
could be gained by as many years of
travel over the earth. Here the most
typical of all the interests and activ
ities of the various peoples of the
globe will be displayed. The person
who makes a circuit of the exposition
in the proper spirit will, for the time,
lose all his local identity. His own
especial horizon will disappear in tho
broader and fuller environment which
will encompass him. For the time he
will bo no longer an American, an
Englishman, a German or an Italian,
or bo restricted to the twentieth cen
tury. Habitat as well as time will bo
dissolved into the universal. Ho will
be a contemporary of Confucius, of
Rameses, of Augustus, of Charle
magne, of Washington, of Bonaparte,
as well as of William II., of Edward
VII. and of Roosevelt, and will see the
centuries pass before him in pano
rama. In far less time than the eighty
days in which the earth has- been cir
cled in these expanse-annihilating
times the globe and all its peoples,
employments and life can be seen and
studied in the great world university
at St Louis. St. Louis Globe-Democrat
more injury than war, whoso purposo
is to kill and maim. Fires, almost
always the result of carelessness, are
responsible for many deaths. Such
dreaded dangers as tornadoes and
lightning destroyed 087 lives in the
United States last year, while tho ov-ery-day
perils of the streots in a sin
gle city killed or' Injured nearly 11,
000 persons. Philadelphia Ledger.
City Perils.
The Civic Federation of Chicago has
a committee on public safety which
hag been investigating the causes of
accidents in that city. From the re
port just submitted it appears that
there were 10,707 accidents in 1903,
resulting in death or serious bodily
injury. In order to adopt measures to
reduce tho number of casualties, it
was necessary to know the causes
that led to them. ( An expert was,
therefore, employed to examine the
police reports, under tho supervision
of the city statistician, so that the
committee's report might be as au
thentic as possible. The committee
recommends that the city should clas
sify the records of accidents, and
make the information readily acces
sible. At present and this is prob
ably true of most American cities
the number of accidents occurring in
a givon period cannot be ascertained
without much laborious research. The
committee says that this is the kind
of information which should bo read
ily accessible and published periodic
ally; that the knowledge of the
causes of accidents would suggest
remedies for their prevention, and the
effect of publication would, no doubt,
be to make the people themselves
more careful.
Of the 10,707 accidents, 2,000 are at
tributed to the operation of the street
railways and 914 to the steam and
elevated railways. There is no at
tempt made to apportion the fault in
the railway mishaps. Doubtless, in
the great majority of instances, they
were due to the carelessness of pas
sengers. Nearly 1,000 are chargeable
to teams. Injuries wero caused in 1,
15G cases by personal violence, by
pure lawlessness, for the prevention
of which the police establishment Is
largely responsible. If the data were
at hand, it would be interesting to
compare the records of the great cit
ies of the country in this respect, hav
ing due regard to population.
Explosions are sensational causes
of accidents, and occupy much space
in the newspapers: but the deaths and
injuries from such caused during the
year numbered only 117, not half as
many as were caused by "falling ob
jects." It is believed that it will ba
found in the last analysis that by far
the greater number of ..accidents were
due to preventable causes, though the
report does not undertake such an
alysis. Malice, carelessness, inatten
tion, destroy more lives and inflict
Facts Concerning Oyster Farms.
"How We Aro Fed," by James
Franklin Chamberlain (tho Macmillan
Company), is a book for children, but
contains much information that would
be unfamiliar to most adult readers,
one particularly interesting chapter
being on oyster farming.
Oyster farms, says Mr. Chamber
lain, aro far more profitable than aro
those upon which corn and wheat aro
raised. This is a now industry in our
country, but it Is very old In somo
parts of tho world. As longr ago as
the seventh century, a Roman knighl
raised oysters for tho market, and it
is said that the business made him
very wealthy.
Except for the first few days of
their lives, oysters aro prisoners, be
ing attached to rocks, to tho shells
of their dead relatives and, to other
objects. They grow in Immense num
bers, and crowd one another more
than people do in the tenement
houses. In fact, most of them are
soon crowded out and die.
Oyster beds aro not found in very
deep water, but rather along tho
shore, generally near the mouth of
some river. Tho oysters often live
where they are uncovered when tho
tide goes out, and on this account,
partly, man has used them for food
for' ages. When tho Pilgrim Fathers
landed on the shores of New England
thoy found that tho Indians used oy
sters very commonly, and all along
tho coast wore great heaps of shells.
At tho very first Thanksgiving din
ner given in America oysters were
In a single year an oyster will pro
duce more than a million young ones.
Tho young oysters are called spat,
and most of them are drifted away
by waves and currents or devoured by
large sea animals.
Oysters used to be so plentiful on
the natural beds that they were very
cheap, but by gathering them at all
times of the year, so that they had
no chanco to produce tholr young, as
well as by the catching of the young
themselves, many of tho natural beds
were destroyed. In order to keep up
the supply of this food men began
oyster farming.
The oyster farmer prepares his farm
In various ways. He places clean oy
ster shells, stones, trays, bundles of
sticks and other things on the bot
tom, so that the oysters may find
something to which to attach them
selves. Then he places the young oy
sters, or spat, on these objects. When
trays are used, several are placed, ono
upon another, and bound together by
means of a chain. These trays are
taken up from time to time, in order
to gather the oysters that are ready
for market. Sometimes stakes are
planted in a somewhat circular form,
cords are' attached to the stakes, and
bundles of sticks are fastened to the
cords in such a way as to keep them
a little above the bottom. Young oy
sters attach themselves to these
sticks', which may bo drawn up when
the proper time comes.
Oysters grow at very different rates.
In two years they may grow to he six
Inches in length, or It may take them
several years to reach that size. They
grow most rapidly on the artificial
beds, and are also of a better quality
than on the natural beds.
The starfish is ono of the greatest
enemies of the oyster, large numbers
of which it destroys every year. New
York Tribune.
There aro mora than a
hundred reasons why folka
who try it lika tho
Cream Separator
better than any other, but tho
reasons may all bo summed
up in this)
Ctvti Utt troulU and maktt
more tnont for the farmtr.
Our books about the Empire
Way of dairying aro free tory
tho asking, bona ror tncm.
Empire Cresss Separator Ce.
BIoewtltW.N.J. Chkap.UL
MlaMspellft Mm.
Wt fell the celebrated IMPERIAL. DU- crt
Instruments at
.about tn.
I i'ar .
WiiY M
M Fv f
irT I m i,
half tho arlces otliors
,(uk forthosonio high frrado
Kootia. For our rree Sana
Instrument Cataletfue, also
our Free Beeklat entitled. ,
Flow to Tlur Dand Initru
ments." for lanro illustrations anil complete
descriptions of our throo largo linos of brass lnatru
tnonta, also everything In Drums, Clarionet, Flutes,
Saxophones, etc, eta., (or the frco catalogues, our
Euarantco and refund proposition, for the most liberal
and Instrument offer orer beard of, for the new
method of eelllng Instrument! fully explained, for
something now and Immensely Interesting to erery
bandman, cut thli ad out and mail to us today.
- . MaMM
Are Ye latcrestc
in raining chicks In an
up-to-date way? If you
arc and aro looking
for something cheap
ata cheap price don't
write us. If you yrant
as good ns tho bent at
reasonable price, we
have It to oiler you.
Wrilo for frco catalogue of the
Manufactured by Lincoln Incubator Co., Lin
coin, Neb.
i ) i wmmmm i
Li !Mggcsr vm I
Wi RE Si. 40
rut up 100 Iba. to a bale , gauges from
1 to H Inclusive. Lengths running up
to ISO ft. I'cr 100 lbs. It 10. Veaco
Htaple, all sizes, per 100 lbs.t t&OO.
AVI re Nulla, assorted In a kr. per
100 lbs. SI 70. Harked Wire. Dcr
100 lbs. te.M. Poultry Netting Field Once, etc., at
low prices. Aalc for free catalogue ?o, 331, on
morchnndlMorfill kinds fiomBherlfra and iCrcclrerpaales
Oared by the CollUgs Syatfw. Sd yenr
and sddreii to Capt. W. a. Colllnft, Hem 111, 1C),
Nubile Square, WaUrtewn, H. Y., end ha will ind yoa
FREB BY MAILaUUlof hit woDdarlulUeatmeaUbal
cured him and hoa eurad tbooiandl of cthtri. Do not
dtlay, but writ to-day. Cit. Coiling bad a '
atiiipmne wun rupiaraano win cuoijirwm
awiua&asBaireauui. nnmia,
frco to all who sutler from stomach, Intestinal
troubles, headaches, nervousness, etc. A Sci
entific KcYlatlea. Write today. A. II. Swin
burne, M. D., 287 fit. Clair Bldg., Marietta, Ohio,
Pfiffillt SGfiUrfifl opinionS toatentabll.
I UIVIII UUUUI UU Ity 0end for guidebook
and what to intent. Finest publications lwued for
free distribution. Patents secured by us adrertlMd
free In Patent Itecord UAMPLK COPV XHEK.
Ktsds, Wllltens Co., Dept. F, Washington, D, O.
r tniifci "&,?
v m vni haws'
Ttebt. gold to tho Farmer at ft'rtufi
rrMM. nurnwruut, Catalog Tn.
coiLxb sfkih itehckI.
Box 2U WhesatUr, fcuMw. W. a. A.
(OR nn DPD WCElf uid all expenses, toi
00, UU rCn TVlCIV with rift, to introdace
Introdace our
Poultry Goods; year's contract; send stamp. Eureka
Manufacturing Co., Department Q, rvaota, Texas.
bestbryTet-78YEA15. WGTii V MSB
Wxur MORE Salksmkm lAI Was;
Stark Nurtery, LoaJsuMa, Mo.; Kaalayiik, Afc.
Stop Runaways: Hitch horses solid instantly; carry
4m nAriWfrt flffcrht SUtlf AP mCTM&tM Vint All TfUlra Ulf W.
J ln Pott Co., 222 Main St., Miwete, IadUsa.
sm is 1
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