"T Mi.Mfa. IISSaSSSSaBBBSasl ,5tv' ir hi MAY 6, 1904. The Commoner, 3 .''TSMPsaS!KVwfr r ' .' . ."(. ,jS ,T! because he has not succeeded in mak ing a favorable impression on thp world; nor should a young man of 21 become unduly elated or vain becaiioo he lias succeeded in winning some ad miration. The. battle of life has not begun for most men at 21. With the great majority both victory and de feat are a long way off.. A poor start does not by any means mean a bad ending, nor does a good start alwa3 lead to a triumphant finish. The proposition presented by tbc suicide of j-oung Stevenson and tbe elevation to a justiceship of young Osborn amounts only to this: That a boy, as a rule, does not and cannot Imow whether he is a success or a failure at 21, and he is simply im pudently presumptuous when ne passes judgment upon the ways of the world or the wisdom of his Creator. Chicago Inter-Ocean. A Timely Warning to Democrats, We publish today, under the caption "Will Tennessee Democracy Surren der Its Principle and Repudiate Past Platforms?" a forcible presentation of the political situation, and one whl'h clearly points out the dangers that now threaten the party. Every demo crat in the land should read and pon der over the pertinent facts and the logic of events as indicated in tWa warning. It would be well for the party in Tennessee especially to heed this warning. As is shown, those who disrupted the party and aided in defeating it in 189G and 1900, now are seeking to taivc lull control, reverse the whole party creed and nominate the chief deserter in Chose two notable campaigns. i ho writer of the communication Urfes the high ground that the party declarations, to which Mr. Cleveland aad his followers re.fused to subscribe, have reflected the sentiments and hopes of the party throughout the long years of its existence since 1840, when the first national democratic cilatform was adopted. It is shown that all along the event ful career of the democratic party smce the year of its birth to this gojd hour, Hie paity of the constitution has been for bimetallism and against the rule of the "concentrated money pow er." it is pointed out that Cleveland aad his crowd are trying to recapture the democratic parly, adopt a Cleveland Matform and nominate Cleveland for tne presidency. In view of the designs of the minor i'y element, that element that has been oi t of sympathy and out of vot ing with the democratic party during he past eight years, it is now up to the democratic party to meet the ex igencies of the hour by forcing a dis tinct and thorough understanding a to what may be expected at the hands ef the national convention. The persistent contention on the part of the "reorganiezrs" for an iin instructed delegation carries the stamp of fraud upon the face. It has the double purpose of procuring the nomination of Grover Cleveland and the repudiation oj the Kansas City Platform. The movement is one of stealth and deception. While concil iatory in its offering, the design 13 cicarly evident to force stultification aad humiliation upon those steadfpet ud faithful democrats who have stood by the party through a long period of attraction and vilification. The Cleveland organs, with one ac cord, have all along urged a compromise- policy, and at the same time have held Cleveland up as the great and only Moses to lead the party out ot he wilderness. While advocating a harmonious coming together of the discordant elements on a middle ground with a compromise candidate, tiiey have industriously and persist ??tly searched the face of the earth jw those who would consent to say, tiL?im for cloveland." Falsely pre wmaing to favor a compromise, they have designedly sought to bring about the nomination of the man who had more part in the undoing of the pai :y in 1896 and 1900 than any other one man. Self-respecting democrats, who have no apologies to offer for marching un der the party's banner when Bryan was in the lead, the democrats who still believe the declarations of the party were right and that the cause espoused was a righteous one, will re sent the insolence of this arrogant mi nority that is striving to turn the party over to Cleveland and Wall street. Forewarned Is forearmed. Know ing the deserters are seeking to con trol the state convention for the pur poses nerein enumerated, every dele gate chosen by the mass conventions should be of the genuine type, to the end that the 'lelegates to St. Louis may be democrats, and not deserterb; that they may be of. that class of demo crats who have faith in the traditional principles of the party and have the courage to maintain them, and hot of that class that are in the service of the party of pelf and plunder. Select democrats to perform the party service, and whatever com promises are deemed expedient and admissable will be made by them, and not by a crew of party wreckers. Senator Carmack, who Is one of the nation's strong men and who is demo cratic in every fiber, every impulse and every Inspiration, strikes a blow at the Cleveland movement. With char acteristic force and candor, he says: "The class of democrats who may be distinctively described as Cleve land democrats seem to be dominated by the one id6a of rubbing it into the democrats who have loyally stood by the party "vvMIe Mr. Cleveland him self was supporting the republican ticket." Senator Carmack then hands the Cleveland interviewers the following hot one: "A little coterie of Cleveland boom ers say to us in effect, 'We insist on putting the brand of infamy upon ev ery man who supported the democratic ticket as the only condition of peace. We must have Cleveland himself, or else we must have some man who voted for McKinley or for Palmer and Buckner.' Such anarchy, of course, will be destructive of all har mony and ruinous to the democratic party. So far as the argument for Cleveland's nomination is concerned, it amounts to nothing more than that with him as the nominee, Wall street and the trusts will put up a larger campafgn fund than they would for any other candidate, democrat or re publican." Nashville Daily News. The Way of the World. There was a man once on a time, Invested all his health, With madly avaricious aim To win the goal or weauu; And wien the same he had attained, With all his might and mam, He vainly lavished all his wealth To get his health again. Farm Journal. L feot, and it all comes In five months an average of four feet a month. It is humorouslj' said in Colon that tiioro it takes the people all the rest of the year after the rainy season to get dry. In the dry reason the heat is in tense, the morcury ranging from 80 to 90 degrees day and night. There is little difference in the temperaturo after dark, but it is possible to adapt oneself to the conditions of the place and there is a certain fascination about it that, in the case of some people, seems to make up for the heat. Chicago Chronicle. A Scientific Diagnosis. "What is your diagnosis?" asks tho older physician of his young confrcie, who is earnest, but inexperienced, and who has been called in consultation. "Well," says tho younger medico, "thcro doesn't seem to bo much the matter. The pntient lids a slight fever and some little tightness of the chest I should say thcro was nothing mora than a cold bothoring him." 'My boy," said the oldor man, kind ly, "you havo gone about it wrong. Note these symptoms: A white mar ble stairway in tho entrance hall, gold furniture in the parlor, cut glass and silver galoro in tho dining room, two automobiles in the side yard, a solid mahogany " "But what has that to do with tho sickness of Mr. GumpurseY" "It hns lots to do with it The man has congestion of tho bank-account, and the proper move for us to make Is to relieve that as much as possible." Judeg. Tm$2i r iryu bEbsm l7JVsBBBBasssnxYv I w X 9MiaBQftTasssssBsssBsr?ui OO PRICE EXPLHHED FOR $21.00 TO $23.00 TOP BUGOIES.slmllarto one Illustrated. HAVE BEEN WIDELY ADVERTISED! alio ROAD VVAOONS at HOW BUGGIES can be offered at these orlces and wlivvrni-nn soil buggies and all other vohlcloa at much lower prices tlinn any other house Ja all fully explained In our Four Big free Vehicle catalogues, uut wis au. out and ttenu to us and youwlll rocclvo by return moll, Free, Postpaid, Four Big Vehicle Catalogues showing tho mort 416,000 Acres of Land to be Given Away. -., ', f. m sSMisajLa :,, ; ' Tlit Only IAnc to Uie Itoecbud Country. Address John A. Kuhn, A. G. F. &, P. A., Omaha, Neb. (Aa(?0 Easy in Panama. In few places on the earth has the weather prophet as easy a time as in Panama. In that part of the globe he can always tell to a certainty at What hour to expect a downpour or rain. At 3 o'clock every afternoon it is due and it seldom fails to be on time. , A, . ,. This is tho rule all through the rainy season. The morning is -clear and the evening, after 6 o'clock, is de lightful, and except from 3 till G no body ever thinks of carrying an urn brella Not' so in Colon, only forty-seven miles away. There it rains all the time during the rainy season, and it neer rains but it pours. Water comes down by the bucketful. At Panama the an- ', -ti m nAlffhhorhood OI nine feet, while tlmt of Colon is 21 1 CASH OB CREDIT Cafa logua FREE. ONLY $10.00 Cash, balance $5.00 a month, buys this 3 -year guaranteed Buggy $37.50 on time pay ments or $33.50 cash. We trust honest people located in all parts of the World. Write for free catalogue of Baggies, Surreys, Phaetons, Spring and Farm Wagons. century mvmmm go. fltpt 73 EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL BBSSS? 'Waste also ovcrvthlncr In llarnoM. Saddles and Had. (llery, all shown In largo handsome "halftone lIlU8traMonil,rulldticripUoiiitaUllprlcrUlprlti Barli lower lima say ollirr host esntpoulblr ulr. WITH THE FOUR FREE CATA- I slftllEO youwlll receive the moit astern kUUUiiV Ishlng Bugy Oner ever heard of, n.nnw And lutnnfiililtiir nrnnnnltlnn. lfnurntlinra ean offer top buggies at K21.00 to 123.00 and why wo con soil at much lower prlcoa than all otliora will Im fully explained. Wo -will explain -why wo ship ao as to raalco freight charges amount to next to nothing. We will explain why wo are tho only makers or dealers In tho world that can Khln buorRles tho day worccclre yonr order. OUR FREE TRIAL OFFER. OUR PAY AFTER RECEIVED TERMS. OUR BINDIHO OUAR ANTEE ARE ALL EXPLAINED WHEN WE SEND YOU THE FOUR FREE CATALOOUES. HAVE YOU ANY USE FOR A BUGGY? SW."! call vour neighbor's attention to this announcement Don't buy any kind of a buKtry until after you cut this ad. out and send to us and get THE FOUR BIO FREE CATALOGUES, THE MOST LIBERAL pj;;;xTMri.; sears, roebuck & go., Chicago, ill. Our V H. P. "Man of All Work" GASOLINE ENGINE $76 SrS'SS: Oomoe complete with gasoline and water tanks, both tabo and electrlo Igniters and all fitting aad connections, act up on basoreadytorun.xnovablofromplacotoplaco. (I'ompuig attaonmem in iu exira;. a. coua can runic jiovre, aaneer. cxpius. Simplest enginaxnade. Cheapest power on earth. Hadoalso In Send 5 Jj.P. at propor tionately low prices. Ererrono folly guaranteed. Bend for Gasoline Engine Catalog, rre O. L. CHASE MERCANTILE CO., Dpt, Q2, Kansas City Mo. t IN 4 V) If 1 I t 'Sb -ftl 1 m m i '3: -'A- "SV?' i rawa AStf