-v3rirE r .-. . .- The' Commoner. APRIL 15, 1904. ; ') 9 .. under heading "For the Complexion. ' Query 3 is answered in reply to H. M. above. Query 4. Application shouid he made to some hook dealer, or li brarian of your city, lor the informa tion wanted about hooks. V. A. N. For dressing your hair, you should he governed by your uil or thin face, quantity of hair, expres sion of features- and general contour of face. .Better consult some friend who exhibits taste and skill in dong her own. The skirt should he long for one of your age; the length of skirt does not add to your maturity of face, or take from it. The drooping shoulder effect will he all right. If you bleach or wash your hat you niujt re-block it to get it in shape. If you wish, you can remove the entire crown and make a new one of tuiie closely shirred over a cape-net or who foundation, concealing the sunburnt and discolored brim under a frill of tulle or lace. three days had 6,500,000 germs." The name of the health food company mak ing the demonstration is not given, and it is not stated whother the germs were "good" ones or evil ones. A stone jar with, close cover is supposed to bo the best vessel in which to keep breads, but the jar mus't not be al lowed to get moldy and musty for want of air, and heat. greatly lesson tho labors of tho real, not-to-be-done-without hdusccleanlug upheaval. DON'T RISK A PENNy, GET TOLL FIRST, For the. Walls. If papering is to be done, "remove ail old paper possible from the walls. This may be done by going over the paper two or three times a day with'a wet cloth: when tho paper is made quite wet in this way it can be easily peeled off. After the old paper is removed wash the walls with soda and water Lo which a few drops of carbolic acid have been added, and let the doors and windows remain open for a day cr two in order Nto air the rooms. Wails which have been whitewashed should be well brushed over with strong vinegar, or the paste will nojt adhere. Fill all holes in the plaster with a mixture-of plaster paris and mortar. If the plaster is broken in large places, paste a piece of muslin,. over it. Af ter these matters' have been attended to, paper the walls in thehisual way. If the paper persists in cracking or tearing off the walls, a smooth, raw paste made-offlour and thick sour milk will generally proy6 effectual In holding it. It is difficult to make pa per' adhere to a wall that has been roughly plastered. It is always best, on the score of sanitation, to replace paper that has become dingy or blackened, but some times it may be improved in appear ance at small expense in the follow ing manner: Tie a canton flannel cloln over the broom, and with long, even, firm strokes sweep the ceiling. Soft cheese ,cloth may be used in place of the canton flannel. Change the cloth on the broom frequently, or the walls may be. smeared. A soft cloth may Ue used in the same manner for the walls, hut may be. hand-used to better effect. Do not. forget to change the cloth frequently. For patching wall paper, take a piece of the same that is on the wail, and tear not cut out a piepe con taining, and much larger, than, the design to be covered, match the fig ures at the edges and paste the scrap over the place to be mended. ,Grease spots anay be removed from wall paper by holding a piece of blot ting paper over them and gently rub bing with a well heated iron; or, ap ply powdered pipe-clay mixed to tho consistency of cream with water, and leave it on the spots for several hours. Which Sh-fUl It Bo? Despite the fact that we have been warned from time out of mind of tho harmfulness of eating warm bceads and the exceeding healthfulness of the stale article, here is another side of the story: "A health food company made a recent demonstration of the fact that stale' bread is dangerously infected with germs, showing that, while fresh, well-baked bread gave two hundred and forty germs to the grain, hread that ivas kept In a cupboard Gold Fishes. The goldfish , belongs to -the carp family, and arrived at its golden color a trifle by nature, but more by a sys tematized method of selection, and the Chinese and Japanese bear the palm for tho culture of these little creatures. By close and persistent breeding the little creatures have as sumed tho desired forms which make the distinctions between the different kinds. They were brought into Eu rope in the seventeenth century. The annual sale of the goldfish in tals country at present is estimated at over two millions, with a value of over three hundred thousand dollars. A goldfish attains maturity in a year, but is said to live a hundred year; but not in the ordinary glass 'globe in which we find it in the homes throughout the land. A wise precau tion to keep an aquarium in a swOet, healthy condition is to place in it cer tain other creatures that act as scav engers. Frog-tadpoles, snails and newts serve this purposo, but shouid never be left in with the spawn or baby fish as they will eat them. They will eat all the waste food and other material, and are' thus a real aid to the person in charge. "' -" -i AN OLD AN1) WKtL, TIUEJD KEMEDY Mns: WiNsLow'a Soqthixo Sirup for children teething bUouU always be used for children while teething. It softens the gum, allaya all pain, cures lnd colio and la tho bestwhaedyfor diarrhoea. 'X wonty.flvo cents a bottle. It is the host. Housecloaning. This is a work that many house keepers dread, and as it is usually done, one can but wonder how it can be faced with any courage at all. Jt is usually made much niore laborious than, is ,at all necessary, because the average housewife docs not under stand or employ the best methods. The smoke andMirt and grime, should not be allowed to accumulate to sucn an 'extent as" to render an entire up heaval of the whole housekeeping economy imperative at stated times of the year. Once a week, or even once in a month, all closets and other "hid ing" places should be attended to, and all the odd corners attended to on the regular sweeping or cleaning days, A great many small jobs may be looked after at odd times at Intervals during the whole season, so that when the real renovating time does come, the work will be greatly lessened. The cellar may be looked after at any time, and the work here should be done by the boys or men of the family. It is not wise to allow the cellar to become the repository of all kinds of refuse, and it should be kept clean and dry. The walls may be whitewashed at any time of year, and as fast as the fruit or vegetables "give but" or are removed, the division which they occupied should be thor oughly cleaned and sweetened, even if it is only a pine box, and in that case it can readily be taken out ai?d aired. The closets and pantries may be of ten overhauled, washing the floors and woodwork with a strong solution of alum or borax and water, in order to insure against insect pests which frequently 'infest such places. Wash all shelves and drawers with this solu tion in the kitchen also, and see that they are dry before replacing the ar ticles removed from theim Do not hoard a lot of old bottles with rem nants of medicine in tnem, as you will in all probability never use the medicine so left, and it is much bet ter to clean the bottle and put it away with others for some future use. Such work as this, and much more which will suggest itself to the thoughtful housewife, may be done at odd times, and even on rainy days, and will Asparagus Plumosus. One of the loveliest plants that can be grown in tho houso is the asparagus plumosus; the 'plant has largo, flat fronds of exquisite delicacy and fine ness, and a well-grown plant never fails to attract attention and admira tion. The foliage is particularly "lacey" and delicate. It should bo giv en a soil of loam and sand, watered moderately, and kept out of the sun. If the red spider attacks it which may bo known by the yellowing and falling of patches of its foliage the remedy is water; turn tho plant dewn on its side and spray it thoroughly twice a week. A daily shower bath would be much better. When tho new shoot is about a foot ia length, nip off tho end to cause side branches, for without tho nipping it is apt to grow more like a vine, and is not then so attractive. , Asparagus sprengeeri is one of tho easiest plants to grow. It requires a sandy loam, plenty of water and shade, and often becomes a large plant with long branches thickly covered with rich lustrous green foliage. It is fine for hanging baskets, or grow ing in pots on brackets, and for decor ative work it Is one of our very best plants because of its graceful habits and lasting qualities. It has charming little feathery white flowers delight fully fragrant. The plant lover knows that the window garden requires much atten tion, as the plants are struggling against unnatural conditions, and in-, sects. of various kinds injure thcin greatly if allowed to establish them selves on them. yr 80 years Iva bees a physician! I hare treated nearly two ralilioa funI Burelf you'll admit that such oipcrlcace et hare taught wo some crtalatlc. t .AndCu tnat x kB0W dloo and cure,all that 1 have proypa-to be worth Kaowl&g-ls condensed Into my six hooks for tho Sick. Write for a frco copy today. .iiTI)0!1 d,BCvery that practically all 2..W v?n h0 Permanently cured through the sym pathctlo Nerve. ,..V?t IL?03 wo fcel ,lB "eo with, hoar with, but tho Insldo nerves. rtU!?-thr? A01 "ncoiHcIougljr operate tho vital 0lSffii7i .W,"1' Llvor Klducr, "rain, etc. Whoa the Insldo noma get run down, that organ which Is weakest In tho body looica It power to act properly. It then throws 1U work upon tho othor organ. Thrwi nfff&nt In turn. Imnnm. ir....i .1... . work, and so, scarcely any caao Is found without com plications. I proved It useless to doctor tho individual Organs thomiolvcB wh Jo tho Norvo power to fully operate them was lacking. Sedatives temporarily doadeuod tho pain, but In creased tho distress afterwards. Tonics revived the drooping powors. only to Jnsuro relapse, so soon as the atlmulous was withdrawn. Of what uso to hourly move ahead tho bands of a watch U Its mainspring be seriously weakened? Tnoro Is Imt one sensible thing to do, vlz,stlKeB up tho malniprlng. That Is what my, now famousprescrlptlon Dr. Snoop's itcstoratlvo does. It acts directly upon the Sympathetic Norvo Cen ters Just as steam acta In an Englno. It provides, through these inside nerves, th power to make tho weakest drgan dolts duty. It enables woak organs to cast off their clogging "mw uiAiMu, uu mj repair moir worn tissue. It runs tho human mill, at full capacity, till that mill produces enough new material to keep Itself run nlng without further help. So suro ami of this Re storative that I authorize certain Drutrclsta nvnrv. whoro to supply it on a month's trial, to practically all who wrlto mo for that privilege. To supply It at my expenso if It falls to bcncflt.-at your expenso If It cures. Tho cost is but 15.60 for six bottles, Including my professional help during treatment. ( ould anything hotter prove my faith In this sys tem, than this voluntary tost? Could anyono furnlih you bettor grounds for confl denco? YOU Should CTOt mv honk. TOllfh tiMa hnn fri otira diseases permanently. Wrlto for It to-dar. now vou can't irtt wMi ton 'soon. Just specify which of tho six you need. Tro.lned Nvxrsos. , Answering a correspondent, we give,; tho following: Most hospitals uo not, accept girls under twenty-one years of age; a health certificate, and also a certificate of good muial character, is required from some physician and others who hae known the applicant for some time, On an average, two years' training is required before a graduation certificate is received. During this time, she has much prac tical work to do; receives much in struction and oversight as to the best methods of doing things, has some study, the training of discipline, and the benefit of association with and observation of those at tho head of the medical profession. Only a com mon 'school education Is required enough to enable her to make her rec ords neatly, study books relating to her profession, and to understand the relative quantities of medicine. She will require a generous amount of common sense. For tho first few weeks she is on probation; if sjie gives satisfactory evidence of fitness and competency for the work required of her; she is given the right to wear the cap .and apron. The hours are necessarily longer than in moat other occupations. Breakfast is served to the nurses at 6:30 in the morning; they go on duty at 7 and -remain on duty until 7 in the evening, with one hour off for re creation in tb.e afternoon. On certain evenings, each is free after 5 o'clock supper, and in such cases she does not have the mid-afternoon hour; she has one afternoon a week for hnrsclf, and usually fpur hours on Sunday; oc casionally she may be able to get a "long day" off duty, Every training school provides several months' night duty for its pupil nurses, wh6n the go on duty at 7 o'clock in the even ing and remain on duty until 7 o'clock the next morning. In connection with her practical work, the pupil studies nursing, anatomy, hygiene, and such branches as will be. helpful in her work. As 'a rulenurses are paid $2 Pook l on Dyspepsia. Book 2 on tho Heart. Book 3 on tho Kidneys. Mook 4 for Women. Book 5 for Men (sealed) Book 0 on lthcumatlsin- Address Dr. Shoup Box 7515, Haclno, Wis. P. a simple cases often yield to ono bottlo or Itcstora tlvo. All druggists carry It. llutaU druggists do not supply It on a month's trial. You must wrlto to mo for that. a week for their services while learn ing, and their uniforms are furnished them. Besides this, some training schools furnish them with a watch. The profession is full of hardships to the conscientious devotee, but the pay is good, and the work interesting to those fitted for it. Inter-Ocean. , A Good Figure. ' In correct breathing the abdomen is drawn in and up with each inspira-, tlon, The habit of bVeathing in -this way can readily he formed. If in ad-,' dition to that, one remembers to standi with the chest advanced and the ab domen drawn in, instead of in the too-, common ungraceful attitude in which the abdomen is thrust forward and thq back hollowed in, there will be littlo trouble usually from the enlarged', "stomach" which is the affliction of so many women. The reason that so many persons not otherwise stout have enlarged abdomens is that the muscles of that part of the body have so lit tle exercise that flesh readily accumu lates there. Another cause which helps to bring about the same thing is that many people by wrong habits of breathing push the abdomen down, and out at each respiration. The im portance of right habits of breathing and of the proper carriage of the body cannot be too strongly urged upon one who wishes a good .figure. Fruit of flit Palm. Drakc'3 Palmetto "Wine, a tonlc'laxatlve. un failing specific from purgiuice of the wonderful Palmetto fruit. Glyes immediate relief aodab-. solutely permanent curg In all cases of Catarrh, Stomach Troubles, Flatulency, Constipation, Congested Kidneys and Inflammation of Blad der. Seventy-five cents at Jrg Stores for a large bottlo, usual dollar size, but a trial bottle will be sent free and prepaid to every reader of this paper who writes for; it. A letter or postal card addressed to Drake Forsasla Company, Drako Building, Chicago, 111., is the only ex pense to secure a trial of Drake's Palmetto Wine. One small dose a day cures to stay cured. II Al .1 1 I ,r MUfemtu '.4- . -' vJLjmi