The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 01, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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    - tnmrr-ir rvw"- SstTi
APRIL'l, 1904.
The Commoner.
commerce, and requiring all corpora
tions to show, before doing business
outside of the state of tlieh origin,
that they have no water in their stock
and that they have not attempted and
are not attempting to monopolize any
branch of business or the production'
of any articles of merchandise, and
tho whole constitutional power of
congress over interstate commerce,
the mails and oil modes of interstate
communication hall be exercised by
the enactment of comprehensive Jaws
upon the subject of trusts. Tariff laws
should be amended by putting tl'o
products of trusts upon the tree list
to prevent monopoly under the pica
of protection.
The failure of the present adminis
tration, with an absolute control ver
' all the branches of the national gov
ernment, to enact any legislation de
signed to prevent or even curtail the
absorbing power of trusts and illegal
combinations, or to enforce the anti
trust laws already on the statute
books, proves the insincerity of the
high sounding phrases of the repub
lican platform.
Corporations should -be protected in
all their rights and their legitimate in
terests shouldbe respected, but any
attempt by corporations to interfere
with the public affairs of the people
or control tho sovereignty which cre
ated, them, should be forbidden under
such penalties as will make such at
tempts impossible.
"We condemn the Dinsley tariff law
as a trust-breeding measure, skillful
ly devised to give the few favors
which they do not deserve and to
place upon the many burdens which
they should not bear.
We " favor such an enlargement of
the scope of the interstate commerce
lav as will enable the commission to
protect individuals , and communities
frpm discriminations and-the" public
from unjust and unfair transportation
. .We reaffirm and indorse- the prin
ciples of the national democratic plat
form adopted at Chicago in 1896, and
we reiterate the demand of that plat
form for an American financial sys
tem made by the American people
for themselves, which shall restore
and maintain a bimetallic price level,
and as part of such system the imme
diate restoration of the free and un
limited coinage of silver and gold at
the present legal ratio of 16 to 1
without waiting for the aid or consent
of any other nation.
We denounce the currency bill en
acted at the last session of congress
as a step forward in the republican
policy which aims to discredit the
sovereign right of the national gov
ernment to issue all money, whether
of coin' or paper, and to bestow upon
national banks the power to issue
and control the volume of paper mon
ey for their own benefit. A perma
nent national bank currency, secured
by government bonds, must have a
permanent debt to rest upon, and it
the bank currency is to Increase with
population and business, the debc
must also increase. The republican
currency scheme is, therefore, a
scheme for fastening upon the tax
payers a perpetual and growing debt
for the benefit of the banks. We a:e
opposed to this private corporation
paper circulated as money, but with
out legal tender qualities, and demand
the retirement of the national bank
notes as fast as government paper or
silver certificates can be substituted
for them.
We favor an amendment to the fed
eral constitution providing for the
election of United States senators by
direct vote of the people, and we favor
direct legislation wherever practica
ble. We are opposed to government by
injunction; we denounce the blacklist
and favor .arbitration as a means of
settling disputes between corporations
and their employes.
In the interest of American labor
and the upbuilding of the working
man as tho corner stone of the pros
perity of our country, we recommend
that congress create a 'department of
labor, in charge of a secretary, with
a seat in the cabinet, believing that
the elevation of the American laborer
will bring with it increased produc
tion and increased prosperity to our
country at home and to our com
merce abroad.
We are proud of tho courage and
fidelity of the American soldiers and
sailors in all our wars; we favor lib
eral pensions to them and thoir de
pendents, and we reiterate the posi
tion taken in the Chicago platform in
1896 that the fact of enlistment and
service shall be deemed conclusive
evidence against disease and disability
before enlistment.
We favor tho immediate construc
tion, ownership and . control of the
Nicaraguan canal by the United
States and we denounce the insincer
ity of the plank in the republican na
tional platform for an isthmian canal
in the face of the failure of the re
publican majority to pass the bill
pending in congress.
We condemn the' Hay-Pauncefote
treaty as a surrender of American
rights and interests, not to be toler
ated by the American people.
We denounce the failure Of the re
publican party lo carry out its pledges
to grant statehood to the territories
of Arizona, New Mexico and Okla
homa, and we promise the people of
those territories immediate statehood
and hometiie during their condition
as territories, and we favor home rule
and a territorial form of government
for Alaska and Porto Rico.
We favor an intelligent system of
improving the arid lands of the west,
storing the' ;ers for purpose of ir
rigation am!TO1Q holding of such lands
for actual scttlera, ,
We favor tho continuance and strict
enforcement of- th"e Chinese exclusion
law and its application to the same
classes of all Asiatic Taces.
Jefferson said: Teace, commerce
and honest friendship with all nations,
entangling alliances with none." We
approve this wholesome doctrine and
earnestly protest against the republi
can departure which has involved iu
in so-called world politics, including
the diplomacy of Europe and the in
trigue ancMand grabbing of Asia and
we especially condemn the ill-concealed
republican alliance with En
gland, which must mean discrimina
tion against other friendly nations,
and which has already stifled the na
tion's voice while liberty is being
strangled in Africa.
Believing in the principles of self
government, and rejecting, as did our
forefathers, the claim of monarchy,
we view with indignation the purpose
of England to overwhelm with force
the South Africa republics. Speaking,
as we believe, for the entire American
nation, except its republican office
holders, and for all free men every
where, we extend our sympathies to
the heroic burghers in their unequal
Laundry Queen Steam Washer p&Sgug
This Is tho Washer that removes tho dirt from the clothe without
im, .umuiiih, ,.wiiiiib ui ii-uriuK, ur uuuniicfUB lO injure UJO CIOW1CS. J(. i$
, all doriG by Steam Power. Tho Hraifant I ht Cu C. IU-J
jb iignt, easily operated; any UlfQIIdl LQUUI Odfll till USIUi
child can uso It. Undo of metal and will lout a llfojlme. Price within
tho reach of all. Wrlto at onco for lull particulars. Frco catalogue. Dent.F.
ED. S. CUSHMAN CO., Sole Mt'&r.,
One Fr Plu Two Dollars Fop Round Trio. T
Datas nfSal fin 4 nri 1K l- r ma ?. n r
w. , WIIM ,w, uu. nnu in, ran. c una io, maron
1 nd 15, April 6 and 19.
To Minnesota, Wisconsin, many points In Nebraska, North and South Dakota, In-
wuuiuu jjuutBicui, uciuru iiiuuzi uaye. a
LGEtassm --"' a.
Read tho Folio wlncr
Write OiTOtir Illin.llnn. .-.I
chances von wmil.l ui.i, i .
Buctrr and m will nn - i -.
trJV CT rt . -(""."" ""n
roT, .::,." .?" i :.!
5" ------ r-r: "ufJ oraer a you
desire, and ship, to you when inrln onens or
ftl any reasonable time ajtaagamaa . iter vonr 1
will set just what yoa Hil wart, the
best Uujf yssTaaWBPH5-r'
" r i SHrm s '.. .
i i .
The same prlco for
which tho regular
Stock Split Hickory
la sold.
Don't put this off.
x IhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbwbbbbbbkbbbbbO
Wheels Sarren patent, 38 and 42 Inches high or higher If wanted. Tiro ) Inch by Jf Inch thick, round edge.
Azlea Long distance, duit proof, with cemented axle bed. Sprlnca Oil tempered, graded and graduated, Z and
4 leaf. Wooden .Spring liar farnlthed regularly, Bailey Loon If preferred. Dnholatcriajr FJneit quality IS e.
imported all wool broadcloth cushion and hack. Spring cushion and solid panel spring back. Top Genuine No. 1
enameled leather quarters with heavy waterproof rubber roof and back curtain, lined and reinforced. 1'uJiiUnff
Wheels, gear wood, body and all wood work carried 100 days in purs oil and lead. IS coaU of paint with tin rery
highest grade of finishing varnish. Dear painted any color desired. Body plain black with or without any striping.
This buggy Is furnished complete with good, high padded, patent lsoher dash, fine quallty.fall length carpet,
tide curtains, storm apron, quick shifting shaft couplings, full leathered ilufts with 38 inch tiolnt leather, special
bsel braces and corner brace. Longitudinal Center Spring.
Any reasonable changes can be made in the finish and construction of this Buggy. We make it to salt the cmsto
mer'i taste, and guarantee It to please, no matter what the requirement are.
80 DAYS' FREE TJUAL allowed on Split Hickory Vehicle for you to tet them thoroughly In every way.
A positive 2 year' guarantee given with every one. This is a plain business proposition between business men. Our
reputation Is established by many year of honorable deallne with buggy users direct and you are assured vt a square
deal when you accept our proposition. Send for our Fau 134-page Catalogue of Split Hickory Vehicles and Harness.
THE OHIO CARRIAGE MFG.C0., (H. C. Phelpt, Preldent.) I0B0 Sixth Street. CINCINNATI, OHIO.
NOTKt We carry a foil line of high-grade Haxnea told direct to the near at wholesale price.
NOTICE: When Writing to Advertisers Please Mention "The Commoner."
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Don't Pay Two Prices
and then eet an inferior paint In the bargain. Our Star Brand Ready-Mixed Barn, Fence and Roof
Paint will wear longer. look nicer and cover more surface to the gallon than any medium-priced
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