The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 01, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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    t- - fW V79W
The Commoner,
Tlioro nro moro than n
hundred reasons why folks
who try it liko tho
Cream Separator
hotler than any other, hut tho
rcnsona may nil ho summed
tip In this:
The F.mtire doesletterivork,
Gives less trouble and makes
more mane or thearmer.
Our hooks nhout tho Empire.
Way of dairying nro froo Tor
tho nskinc. Sond for them.
Emnlre Cream Separator Co.
Bloomlleld, N. J. Chicago, III.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Jb the most provident ol dlfccnsos. It Is a local
ailment ol tho mucous membrane ns well us
constitutional und
crndicntcd by proper treatment. Dr. Fykes
cured hlniscll In 1870, and the trcntment has
thousands since, and by using Dr. Sykcs'
Buro Cure lor Catarrh will euro you. Send
lor tho best book on catarrh ever published.
Aiuiicu tree.
Department C 118 So. Lcavltt St., Chicago, IlL
anger Cured
Canoor, Tumor. Catarrh, Piles, Fistula, Ulcers,
Ecsoraannd nil Skin and Womb Diseases. Write
for Illustrated Book. Sont f rco. Address
0R'BYE, ssssyj Kansas City, Mo.
:.KL':TV Tilts is n cretin in i 1 illl laa Eni
otter made to introduce the Peoples
Cream Separator in every neigh
borhood. It is the best and simplest
in the world. Wc ask that you show
it to your neighbors who have cows.
Send your name nnd the name of
me nearest ireiglit olhce. Address
Homo Arfcxln.
There's a face at the window and smil
ing at me;
A little hand waving in babyish glee.
And shadows that lurked in the even
tide glouni
Are banished the baby is once more
at home.
The silence that reigned through 'be
old sitting-room;
The halljthat was shrouded in echo
less gloom;
And long, lonesome hours with slow
steady pace
All changed by a glimpse of a sweet
baby face.
The welcomeless coming when day's
toil was done;
The long, cheerless eve when dark
shadows were spun;
The long, dreary night with no joys
to beguile
All changed by the gleam of a sweet
baby smile.
The burden of toil through the. hours
of the day
Grows lighter at thoughts of an even
ing of nlay
With baby at home; and I'm waiting
10 see
The bright baby welcome that's wait
ing for me.
Now pressed to the pane is the baby's
dear face;
Her hand waves me welcome with
infantile grace.
And brighter and brighter the sun
shlne3 above
At home is a baby, and welcome, and
E I Hi
A Home for $600
Va nnVilUVi n lAsinM lliM t. . l..i i.
wiiiiMViVehit.;;.- : i'..? i ".r?ue
...... ''!'"" mu iwa oincr nouses at
r.iVnUh V. . """" " "f f MJiniiren. Also tens now to
i. ... '"." w,ln.Coo gtaae furniture for
win i n f"?', A very Interesttnj: anil Instructive book.
Will be picked free with orders if requested or mailed on
recelnt Of llireft o.fml ttnmnt. .. "
Artrtress AtW.Mnr. Mont tf ornery Wnrd Jy Co..
Tho Now Order.
"The prisoner pleads guilty, your
honor," said tho prosecuting attorney.
"Ah, that simplifies matters," said
the judge. "Release the prisoner and
return him his kit of tools."
"But he admits his guilt, your hon
or," persisted the prosecutor.
wen, mat settles it," growled the
judge. "After a man ha3 been deemed
guilty would you have tho heart Lo
uua 10 ine punishment caused by pub
lic knowledge of his guilt?"
The prosecutor was about to pro
test again, when he happened to re
ca 1 a precedent in a now celebrated
railroad case.
emy from blocking the Highway," de
manded The Public.
But the Supervisor, consulting his
Almanac and noting the near approach
of Election Day, replied:
"That will I do, but heaven help you
if the Merger sees fit to ignore my
Moral: If the supervisor is re
elected he will claim a share of the
merger's vindication.
Having demonstrated by logic that
he could do right our friend proceeded
on his usual way.
"But why not give us an example?"
we queried.
"0, I am merely showing possibili
ties, not actualities," he replied.
Then it dawned upon us that a de
cision in the merger case was not
wholly sufficient.
Of Courso.
"But a man in your position should
be a friend of law and order," said tho'
simple-minded citizen.
"Sir," said the haughty trust mag
nate, "I would have you understand
that my order is law."
Not being versed in the subtleties
oi legal quiboie, the citizen was in
clined to keep silent in every known
His Experience.
"But do you never pause to reflect
upon the joys of being morally right?'
queried the constituent.
"Of course, of course," replied Sena
tor Graball. "But I find it more prof
itable to exercise due. care not to be
financially wrong."
Tho Horrid CreeUuro.
Miss Antique "0, Mr. Caustique, I
have solved the 'How old is Ann' puz
zle and I And that Ann and I are ex
actly the same age."
O. B. Caustique -"Uh-huh! Ann is
an awful old chestnut now."
A Llttlo Fablo.
A Mercer set forth nnnn tii
11 Highway once upon a time, merely to
wi "'"J1, wiis uoing, and what and
111 III I
nil it nil n
celling you call U80: (minted tun uliln.
Hat, M.OOi commoted or V crlninnil in
per MJMare. Write for to cntnfoKuo
No. 1, n, on miiterlal from Hlicrllta'
and llccclvors' pales
Went 5th A: Iron Bte., Ohicngo.
Old Trusty Incubator.
30 Days Trial.
Mado by Jolinson tho chicken man.
Croat 310 Special. Find out.
Writo to Johnson. Dust Incubator
catalog over published. Sent frco.
M.M.JOHNSOH.CInyContor. Neb.
QAaaI DiESm 100 Sonars Who might ho rinno.
-irL"Wyi"'5 Feet. TThing? wore coming the Mercer's
WE PAY FREIGHT EAST o! COLORADO vir',v, a Larg0 and Coarse Indi-
Btrlctly now. nurfoct aUol shoots, Ound Vldual, Slrnamed The Publio mnrto n
i root lonfc. Tho boat rooftiiff, Hiding or Great T?nnr UUUC, made a
CO KB VOU can nan. toilntml .. uih. ulwlL IVOUr,
Whyfore this Roar?'- queried the
Merger. "Can you not see that I am
working for the Public Benefit?"
Alas." mnnnofl Ti.n n..i.,.
have been timQ Tnn., ."A.' we
thin it is with DIQ&, StTthSS
distngulsh between a Pain n ihn
Baekd an Acute AttaeU o Gas-
SO lOUd flifl 'Thn T3lit !., .. .
"I must," mused the Road Sunor
visor, "do something to Hold "my
Whereupon the official Pifn,i 1
Mer to Appear .H,.
This the Merger was unable tn n
hereupon The Pbllo S?J !!
2aminrr vpnoil(n oi--. -"'' aim
LmV -"vn.s umfli
Brain Leaks.
Heaven begins in the 'heart.
Prayer is a petition, not an order.
There is only one way to do right.
The way to the crown Is marked by
the cross.
Obedience is much more than mero
We gallop our hobbies, but walk our
Proud of his work is always sure
of his place.
The leaven of laughter will lighten a
heavy neart.
The mind is kent nuro rmi i. ....
ning its corners. J ""."
2at SeSlts are thG ch'Wren of
Hustle and Hope.
True labor unionism goes dcercr
than mere wages.
unuciren are nfin
Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Cure
Costs Nothing if it Fails
Any honest porson who BUffora from lthcumatlsm u
vrolcomo to this oiler. For years I searched otoVt
whero to find a Bpeclflo for KhcumatlBui. y0t ncari
20 years I worked to thiB end. At last, in German
my Bearch was rowarded. I found a costly chemicAi
that did not disappoint mo as other Hhoumatlo nrn
Bcrlptions had disappointed physicians everywhere
I do not mean that Dr. bhoop'a Hhoumatio Cure c'an
turn hony Joints into flesh apaln. 'J hat is impossible
But It will drive from tho blood tho poison that causes
pain and Bwelllnjr, and then that is tho end of iihou.
inatl8m. I know thiB bo woll that I will furnish for a
full month my ltbcumatlo Curo on trial. I cannot euro
all cases within n month. It would bo unreasonable
to expect that. Ilut most cases will yield within 20
days. 'J his trial treatment will convlnco you that I)r
Shoop's Hhoumatio Curo is a power against Khouma
tlsin a potent forco against dlseaso that is Irresistible
My oiler is mado to convlnco you of my faith. My
faith Is but tho outcome of experience of actual
knowledge. 1 know what it can do. And I know thli
so well that I will furnish my rcmcdyon trial. Minpiy
write mo a postal for my book ou Ithoumatlsm. iwlll
then arrango with a druggist In your vicinity eo that
you can Bccuro six bottles of Dr. t hoop's Hhoumatio
Curo to mako tho tost. You may tako it a full month
on trial. f it succeeds tho cost to you 1b J 5.50. Kit
falls tho loss Is mlno and mine alone. It wll bo loft
cntlroly to you. I mean that exactly. I don't expect a
penny from you.
Wrltomo and Iwlll send you tho book. Try my
remedy for a month. If It fails tho loss is mine.
Address Dr. Snoop, Sox P515 Itaclnc, Wis.
Mild cases not chronic aro often cured by one or
two bottles. At all druggists.
ing of the birthdays of most of her
female acquaintances.
Sins of omission are the natural re
sult of sins of commission.
The nearer we Keep to our rellow
men the closer we get to God.
"Kings of Finance" are very often
the "Knaves of Business." Watch the
Trouble grows rapidly when watered
with tears and warmed by hugging to
the heart.
When a friend insists on having
your candid opinion, that is the time
to back up. j
Flowers blooming daily in the heart
are better than flowers that bloom in
society on picture hats.
S'ome people spend so much time
writing press notices of their inten
tions that they never get an oppor
tunity for performance.
As a general rule the man who criti
cises ministers for not preaching
strong sermons against prevailing
evils, is the first one to quit contri
buting to the pastor's salary when he
happens to hit his pet sin.
1 f
uniformly aiuusvdi qulck-to-ncl vrafor
regulator! cold-excluding vrallaj cou
vcalent trays; hydro-tiafcty lampi cop
per tauki every condition a duplicate
ui nuiuru a way, rjiuuu ino Dure jiiaicii " u..
ItaMuliatflM B .wfl .W......I. I, ..... , .... m W
nuv.vw. ...v. v vv iwim a.Mwuu. limit JTUUT lHTOrilO
eld hen. Photos In froo catalogue 1H8 toll tho truth.
Sun HSTcn incuDSTorbo,. biay ut nier, hcd. or maianapolls Ind.
Month mid nxpennra 5 no experience
needcdjposlllon perrnnncnt; self-seller.
-eabe iu u. uu., oiurii b'J, vincinnnu.u.
their parents' faults.
Punished for
Therefore, we pray, forbid this
-rSSSg!0""' -" than
SocsHon rsTral "teUo
J3SSZ S& - 8vins
en ler
We have nfrn .
woman onn f.ft..:.,. vnaored how
orv -"",tcl"uuloer the nrro. '' J
-uer relations, to say nou
Something from nothing a garden
from a desert. Such is the histoiy of
irrigated sections. Take land that sells
for 50 cents an acre, put water on it,
and it sells forwhat? TJiere are
quarters of land in irrigated sections
of Colorado that cannot be purchased
for $20,000 and which earn a remunei
ative interest on that valuation.
And yet you can purchase irrigated
lands where the soil is perfect beyond
belief, where the water supply is plen
tiful and inexhaustible, where climatic
conditions are healthful and exhilar
ating, where fuel is abundant and
cheap, for from $15 an acre up.
The North Platte Valley, extending
from Bridgeport, Neb., to Guernsey
wyo., and the Big Horn Basin, Wyom
ing, have been but recently maae
available for settlement by the exten
sion of tho Burlington railroad into
those sections. The irrigating compn
nies must have settlers along their
ditches and they offer substantial in
ducements in the shape of low-priced
water rights and lands.
None may say surely, but it won't be
lor long, and the sooner you invest
the cheaper will you be able to do so,
for tho advance is just as sure as has
been the advance in the price of sim
ilar lands in other sections.
For further information write to J.
Francis, General Passenger Agent,
Burlington Route, Omaha. -
j 1 ' ii