If'W'?-" V The Commoner. ISSUED WEGKLV. Jaldtd ft Hit loitcfl-ccat Lincoln, Kcbrctkn, etiecond r Jrf mll roe Iter. Cee Year fi.oo iJi Zi'onth ....50c In Club ol 5 or more, ptr 7r 75C Tbrie Jt'onth afie single Copy 5c Sample Copies Free. Foreitca Pottage sac Extra. SUBSCRIPTIONS can be rent direct to Th Commoner Tbc j can alio bet-eat fhrough newepap nwblch hove adver tlil a clubbing rote, or throuph !oca lucent, where Euchapcnti beTt-brn appointed. All rcmittenccE should be tent by post cfl cc n oncy order, fxprm order, or by Lank dratt on New loxk or Chicago. Uo not tend individual checks, ttanjps.or aoncy. RbNLTT ALS. The date on your wrapper shotcb when your lubfcrlptlonwlllexj ire. Thus, Jan., C4, means that payment Litlttn rcceirid to and Including the Jntthme 01 Janunry HC-l. Two week are required alter money lirtcelvcd beiore tit date on w rapper can be changed ChANOfc Of- ADDKLS5.--ubscrlbcrRrcqucMJnF a change claddms muft give the OLD as v, ell as the NEW addrcM. ADVbkTI51NQ rates Jurnithcd upon application. Address 11 communications to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. The delegate who opposes instructions would willingly accept instructions if they met with his approval. It seems that the republican managers have decided to pay little or no attention to Senator Hoar's talk, being sure of his vote. Wonder if the guessing contests which have been run during this administration will be ex pected to contribute to the campaign fund. Mr. Cleveland is a great anti-lmperlallst un til somebody shouts something that gives nim an excuse for supporting the party of imperialism. Mr. Watterson announces that he has "re tired from politics." The use of the word "re tired in this connection is a bit of unconscious Tho Chicago Chronicle seems offended be cause somo regular democrats object to it request for unanimous consent that it bo allowed to name the democratic presidential ticket. If, as the president told tho West Point ca dets, a good soldier ought to bo not only willing to fight, but anxious to fight, how our army must long to get into tho war in the east. There is another uprising in the PhilmninM Tho cause is not given, but it is probably due to the smuggling in of a copy of the Declaration of Independence or constitution of tho United states. deathDnfadInlrtrati0Il, rgan deQ,ares "int the death of Mr. Hanna "removes the last obstacle in tho way of Mr. Roosevelt's nomination "Of course the aforesaid administration organ has overlooked Mr. Roosevelt. S s We can best appreciate the reference to Mi poleon as standing "grand doomv SiL , alone," when wa think 0 ' thf Sn Son Jf S Shafroth Tho indications "aT theres gn tion will never be overworked. signa- As tho republicans assure us that the no always receives fair treatment in tno north the question arises, Was tho Springfield 0 lynching clone by a crowd of southern democrats uS why did tho Ohio republicans permit it? ' President Jordan of Leland Stanford urn versity indignantly denies that rloi , m ?" strings to their university rift? PrnrUmeU0 Ue of the Nebraska state SJmI2 dent Jordan a few pointers on twine. l" Any group of insurrectionists contemplate a revolutionary movement against a frlenSJ i public will please see to it that tho finaS E" 1908 ana save the expense of that convSnJ The Commoner. Republican leaders avow and aver that the time has come to select vice presidential candi dates who are quite worthy of being classed as presidential timber. It seems that the republican leaders are not yet incapable of learning by ex perience. Tho farmer who hauled 50-ccnt wheat to town in a tariff-taxed wagon and sold it to an elevator combine managed by a railroad trust, is now expected to rejoice and bo glad because that same wheat is being sold by the holders at a dol lar a bushel. Mr. James J. Hill is confident he will win a verdict in the merger ease, and his confidence is well founded. Long since the people learned that they would not profit, no matter how the case was decided. As an anti-trust bluff the merger suit is worthless Tho administration's quickness to announce neutrality in the present war recalls some very interesting failures to remain neutral during a recent war when a little republic was valiantly striving to keep from being gobbled up by an ar rogant monarchy. The gentleman who retired General Miles without a wofl of ccira.endation, retired amidst a perfect fusilade of flapdoodle. And yet there are those who will believe that General Miles will be remembered for liUite a wuile nfter the other man has been forgotten. The tariff organs that favor putting building materials on the free list for the benent of Balti more will have to talk awfully loud aoout some thing else in order to prevent people from notic ing their lapse from the old cry that "the for eigner pays the tax." It pains the republican leaders to think that Porto Rico should be so ungrateful as to desire statehood They have drifted so far from the - SS f ne, f seK-Sovernment that they cannot un derstand why the Porto Ricans should want to control their own affairs, iii iThe Kansas city Journal says Senator Teller lernLSCfah.fe?Ured ?rough STOSsest frauds and demands that he resign. The Journal may not know it, but such a demand is laying the prece dent for reducing the republican iajSrlty in the senate to an infinitesimal minority. niJIlei f11 reciPrcity treaties, having been Pigeon-holed tor several years by the " n n managers, will now be taken out, dustedorf aJd used for campaign purposes. The .tariff viofK Ao bites at tbe republican reciprocity oaitTgain should get his money ready for thegoid tSck tendtt administration are dpfriv SwL I? ,reDublican XS .7 werase rePl)"can editor la com SSSfSrSSS " appavatusVcon- shoot into the Mffi S&$ ?J?, Ti,ii 1 ce ls aeamst twins Insurance tin? L, SUro s.lgn of degeneia Twins. n this country. flatW- , ? ted for twins and Siif a Premiuin' K triplets. And q uaSrupTets shoX- comPetey for parents more than mr uld in5ure the proud American even attempt? to ,cmpetency' W Pull him down on the spot! G against twI "MXr to interfere First lotted iS w d Ttthe spaco al" In Order. sought it. it V, j2an eaSerly VOLUJns 4, NUMBER 9, but that it will bo the first Installed and , , The exhibit will be in charge of youn Veady are acquainted with Japan! e?ery resm'p Who nothing will be left undone to So" ? evervtM possible calculated to impress the world wi 1 ?g fact that Japan is making wonderf unrog l1?! the arts and sciences. uitss m There is a lesson for parents in tho ' bandits' " case just decided in Chicago ThmST it. i merely y8 in years, the con Fruil of vlcted criminals were old tho crime. They have been con- Dime Novel. victed of murder, following a , series of daring robberies Eirw in their lives all of the boys contracted a taste tZ the "penny dreadful" novels that make heroes of highwajTnen and paint crime in attractive color These boys decided to emulate their dime novoi heroes, and the result was the death of three men, the wounding of -others, and finally the ar rest and conviction of the youthful criminal Tho lesson should not be lost upon parents. The lit erature that the boys read should be carefnllv selected. Not a Question of Section. Two incidents in widely separated sections ol the north still further prove that lynching is not a question of section, nor race prejudice confined to the south. Within the past ten days two negroes have been lynched in northern Rtntas nno in nMr. ,i one in California. When it comes to pass that a southern governor takes the field in person and i-escues a negrq from a mob, while negroes are lynched in the north, it is high time that those who seek co make the negro question a political question subside. Judge Lynch knows no poli tics, and it seems time for the people to lay poli tics; aside in this particular, and let it lay aside until the lynching question is solved in a satis factory manner. They are Protesting Too Much. ShakeSDeare SaYS snmpfhlnfr nhmif "nmlaeltr.r. too much," which quotation is forcibly called to uimu. uy me vociferous denun ciations uttered by a number of congressmen when Mr. Bristow's report was submitted. Some of nwloi, . ,.ine congressmen seemed to p.x- &nnv 2 great difllcuIty in finding words sufilc w y i"?,g to eXDress their wrath towards Bris tS 1, e W,ay they vocally defended their Snn edfcnor k calculated to make the average eno?S.btnhT that. hey are tryInS t0 make 110i'e 2S.J ?bscur5 the real issue. As was quietly nSSSL? a democratic member, If there's nvLw he c,harSes why not insist upon a full lZtZrthm "astins a11 this time ni Still They Talk That's AH. naJrnltll7 Crtf1lyou. who has charge of tho new cabinet portfolio of commerce and Tabor, ad- "icBauu tne Merchants' club of Chicago recently and told the members the aims of his depart ment. He spoke in behalf of did not qPfn n, , uui,uai ana labor, but lie has vet w the ccasion to explain why no move of thye She'mnmaae.,t? enforce th cri&al clause eml ha! fannTfanti;truSt law' Tfle attorney gen S to seeSi dnt0 a?dH that has been done been cool ln inuction or two, which have Sy Colte Ured J? the trusts aimed at. Sec to e3on?P fi U mi.ght sefc the -machinery at work example ?hathfimina,Cla?se' and tUusshow by depaiSenf ofJTS sougTo SiSgSfS iheXfs How to Gof 0f corruption in the postal de An Partment the republican major- 1 7 ltl defeated the motion. And investigation, while republicans were opposing were denonnoir, J?e, 5ullest investigation they measured erng S?BtoE and ais report in un that several wni,Jihe sit"ation ecame so tense tion and h D bl,cans berated the administra te renuhHonn 3? Prosed Cannon for president This roni hiSi he bouse cheered heartily, should b enouV?D8lti0n to an investigation to the Mil ?h 2 2en the eyes of the people known topi6 ?L?rB' Bnouh iB alrea(ly Postal donarSf ha crruPtion is rife ln tho for a fSn onf',anc thore Is a owine demand democrat i ZLiiiv, iavestlgation. But until a need not ovndmInl8ttIon Is elected the people anya?Ucu?a?CvalSe.InVeStigati0n that wiI1 be !i r- " i ..