The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 11, 1904, Page 18, Image 18

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The Commoner.
FREE-Great Crops of
strawberry book written by tbo "5TRAW
URKKY KINO," ho called because lie discovered
the way to develop the fruit organs In a plant
and iniiko It grow two bl berries where one
Uttlo one grew before, lie grows the biggest
crops of the biggest berries ever produced, and
the book ells all about how ho docs It. It Is a
treatise on PI ANT I HVSIOLCdY, and explains
correct principles In fruit-growing. It Is worth
Its weight In gold to any fruit-grower. Will bo
sent ireo to nil readers 01 The Commoner. Send
your address now. Tho finest TMOROU(lM
IlkEl) I'lmokEh PLANTS In the world
R. M. KELLOGG, Tlireo Rivers, Mich.
Built for Bumps
Write for free Rivn. . .. .
Trunk Cat. J-ia&" ? Viil
Trunk, built in
stroncest pos
slblo way; 15
braces on each
end and 22 on
.,. t " . :.' ?y",.r". v "
nftmntr. J .li- "' ""i0 L OU.r 3P.C9 alCaW'0O
-. .. uuaoa unu reaa aoout tnemanyat
trac ivo trunks wo sell. Prlcosall rock bottom. Our
trunk catalogue will Interest you. Write today, ea
Mnntifnmimir urnn p .
Michigan Avo.. Madison and Washington Sis.
Chlcnrin -J
1 1 j? i! , v i" - i MrflmS"1
Ever Grown.
NoTW hotter nml nnmn mn.
low in prlco, lc per pkt.
in., t """"VlHyoH'UIU. 1MUU3C
.Illustrated catnlniriin mmn
printed sent FREE. Engmv-
Inca of ovory variety. A great
?finrrn. rtvonntnr ""
2&eiK So?Brts onions only 5&
'per lb. Other seed equally low.
ATlfl nil niiafAmAninniln1..1
' ?ods J,w irosh and reliable overy
h II niiiiBiiii iff "" auiioguo.
i.n.snuMWAY. Hookford. III.
Our ruro Bred SoedCornThoroUKhlTinnturAri .n
.noil dried; hand picked, sorted I and BeiS8dtMta2
and best quality; yields '20 to40 hu. moreeracrflth2
hardier, more tlooroSffll SleU KSoHtlSffio2
grown now crop, at low prices, our biff Sth nmTS
Illustrated desor ptlvo catalog of all 1 arm nnVi n?SJ,M
Bocds mailed fukk If you Zmin ti?.rmGnrdea
lUUkla.' Seed Heme, Shenandoah,' I.wa.
Tl P1 W A Frult and ma
HliLV mental, Shrubs,
II lrj Roses, Bulbs &
Bead f or Desorlpttre Prlood Catalog- PIlEP
rosist their demands y,J win have the
same peoplo to fight on other ques
tions. If you are willing to leave out
( very phase oi the money question and
give them branch banks, an asset cur
rency and the Aldrich bill (a bill that
will loan three hundred millions of
money to tho pet banks and give the?e
banks enough profit to lay the founda
tion for an enormous corruption fund)
if you gave them all of these things
vou would not make peace with these
men for, after you ha1 surrendered
everything, they would ask you to be
easy with tho trusts. No matter what
you are willing to surrender you can-
not maite puuuu wim (-ucou iui-u. j.uu .
will not find a single issue upon which
von n flcht the neoule's battle if
you must first get the consent of the
financiers to your platform.
As a rule those who are opposed to
the reaffirmation of the Kansas City
platform will not write a trust plank
that will hurt a trust. The very men
who tell you that they simply want
to get rid of silver are the men who
are planning to write an ambiguous,
uncertain and meaningless platform,
and then nominate a man whom they
know to be in the control of the syn
dicates, and then they expect to col
lect a big campaign fund from tho
trusts. This is the policy that I am
fighting. These men who say they
are opposed to the Kansas City plat
form are not only against the peo
ple on every phae of the money ques
tion and trust question, but they are
also against any real tariff ieform.
S'ome of them emasculated the Wilson
tariff bill and made it a mockery and
a by-word. Many of them voted for
a high tariff presidential candidate in
Neither are they prepared to take
tho people's side on the labor question.
We have in this country today a labor
question. We have capital and labor
arrayed against each other, and you
will find that tie people who do not
want to reaffirm the Kansas City plat
form have something else that they
want to get out of that platform. It
s the plank providing for the arbitra
tion of differences between capital and
labor: thev nlsn wnnf t crf -1.1 c
the plank that condemns government
by injunction. If there was one plank
in that platform that lost me more
VOLea Minn omr fv... ii. ,.
tne labor nlnnu-. Mnmr v., ut..i
behind the nretenso rhn m,
toPP?im? nf?60 Silver wh0 heeled
to that platform mainly becaun it
breathed the spirit of brotherly fove
S.;r2?fliJW e HAorer and
mado fn hl t m D,Q cognized as
made in the image of God. Becauso
mnrTf0 "? willing that the laorS
man should be placed at the mercy oi
rteWa wS iUr! and aM
than that; you will fl J i !?"? more
who want to destrov w1 H16 men
on the pretensettt They1 are tT
posed to in t i ry are 3ust op-
the indorsement of the Z ?PI)osed to
Independent LfJ?, .D?claratlon of.
ernmenr. , f"u. "u "octrine of kov-
ernment by the nnnLnt . of sov
emed. It was oS? i f the eov
tbatlreaaTnthelLtIeW days o
tteer, one o the r5Smer? Adver"
an interview VS S ZOrs pap6rs'
Brooklyn BaAPPMrel n the
Per, with the'presidont f fanizer3'
I his Commercial At no?f f Uie Mem"
organlzers paper aSS f ' aother re
view received the'indnraUS this intG
Pers m different 2?' three
y that nro ; Palts of the coun-
remedy of that S s to th trust
on imperialism, and he said that ex
pansion wa3 no longer an issue; that
expansion was an accomplished fact
ihat to argue against what he called
expansion was to argue against the
commercial development of the south.
Vou will find that as a rule tho men
who do not like that platform are so
steeped and dyed in commercialism
that they wouid sell the principles of
American government for a few dol
lars' worth of merchandise. They put
merchandise above manhood and wo
manhood, and I am hoping that tho
democrats of the south will join with
1he democrats of the north in declar
ing to the world that we raise some
thing in this country more important
than cotton or corn; that we raise
mon oiirl wnmon nnrl that we Will not
make merchandise of their blood. Cer
tainly the people who had a taste of
carpet-bag government a generation
pgo will not be in favor of giving the
Filipinos a taste of carpet-bag govern
ment now. A man who is willing to
send a carpet-bag governor 7,000 miles
across the ocean and hold him in office
by an army sent equally far cannot
consistently complain of carpet-bag
government in the south. If we are
going to condemn carpet-bag govern
ment we must conuemn it not because
we are the victims, but because of the
principle involved, and I believe that
it is time to challenge the republican
party to defend the moral principle
involved in this question. It they tell
me that they are going abroad on a
missionary crusade and are going to
kill men for the love of God, I ask
them to go back and read their Bibles
again. They will find that the Author
of our religion was not a warrior, but
the Prince of Peace, and that at His
coming the angels sang Peace on
earth, good will to men. If they think
that we can win a victory for Chris
tianity by shot and shell let them go
to tho ruins of ancient Rome. As they
stand by the walls that have for two
thousand years defied the ravages of
time their thoughts will run back to
that time when Nero gathered the
Christians from their humble homes
and delivered them to wild beasts, and
ua mey recall now helpless those peo
ple were, how helpless among the wild
animals, made hungry by having their
food kept from them for days for this
purpose, how 'helpless and how hope
less those Christians were as they
KiioiL ana sang and prayed until life
was gone, let them take courage. Let
them remember that on their knees
those Christians invoked a power
more potent than the legions of Rome
Let them take courage when thoy re
member that these defenseless Chris
tians prayed to the God of "We and
offered no resistance to their torment
ors; let them remember how these
men by their silent suffering overcame
ef Y1;? Rented them and how
the stateliest edifices of the Christian
church were reared upon the groui -reddened
by martyrs' blood. Those
7hl Smie5 watch the sufferings of
the Christians went away asking
themselves, "What is It that make!
these peoplo willing to die for their
religion?" The very heroism of the
martyrs brought converts to their
laitn And today we need more dem
ocratic heroism. If the democrats of
the country would live for democracy
and, if necessary, die for democracy
X,!SS ,d ..-oon win an overy:
JySliX rePSanWpeart7Sto S
these moral issues and f they tel' vou
that we are going to add money to
our treasury by the exports of the
Philippine islands; if thev t,ii ,,J
no more justify yourselves in shonr
Implement Price
Guaranteed tools-the kind you like to
Don't pay double prices, when ,,
a postal win bring you our free
implement uataioguo No.
145, )ust off the press,
completely illustrating
and describing: all the
new and aoorovad
tools for 1904. ffijiZr I ,,atl8 WeN
We sell only re- j&sfmeW m, tested Im
each one d.
slgnod for a
certain uso
and guaran
teed to do
what It u in.
tended for, as well or
better than any other
similar make. Every
Implement solected
and approved by Mr.
F. L. Shaw, for eleven
years Manaeer of n.
M.Osborn Implement Com-
pany, now Supt. of ever-
growlng Implement and
Vehicle Division. Mr. Shaw
believes that quality is more
imoortant than price and in ore-
paring catalogue No. 145. has
been careful to select only tho
finest and bost tool of each kind.
Tho leading manufacturers of the United Statos
make our goods: some we mako ourselvtss. Our
Implements aro In use everywhere, satisfying
others, and we know they
will sal
you. ,
at once
for our
free cat
alogue No. 145, it
Illustrates, describes
and prices almost overy
kind of a farm tool or
Implement known, from tho Midget 60c. corn
sholler to the woll-known Banner Disc Harrow.
Wo have stool beam plows as low as $8.30. culti
vators for $9.25, corn shelter tor
$4. 10, harrows at $8.75, gas en-
gin es $74.50, all
honestly made, cor
rect In design and
guaranteed to please.
Let us send you a
catalogue and you can sect for yourself. You can
iook over the entire lines, compare our prices ana
see for yourself that we can save you anywhere
from 15 to 40 per cent,: catalogue also gives
freight rates, explains our ship on approval plan,
contains order blanks and gives much desirable
Information. The spring edition Is now ready.
Ask for Implement catalogue No. 145. Address
Montgomery Ward & Co.
32 years World's Headquarters for Everything.
Michigan Ave., Madison and Washington Sts.
1 Chicago "
There Is but one way to
tell the reason of baldness
and falling hair, and that
Is bv a mlcrosconlc exami
nation of the hair Itself. The
particular dhease wltnwiucn
your scalp is aimcicu wim
be known before It can
be Intelligently treated.
Tho uso of dandruff cures
and hair tonics, without
trnnwlntr the EDeclfic cause
of vour disease, Is like taklnff
medicine without knowlDg what you aro trying to cure,
Send a few l'allea hairs from your combings, to
Prof. J. H. Austin, the celebrated Bacteriologist, who will
send you absolutely free a diagnosis of your case a
booklet on care of the hair and scalp, und a sample dox
of the remedy which he will prepare especially for you.
Enclose 2c postage and write to-day.
PROF. Jf. 1L AE8TI5,1 oVIker Building;, ChleaBo, 111.
W iMii
vrnmrw fr
I vBtl flmtirxM 1 1
b y
Vibro DIscb curoMtaoumntlsm. Tbcy aro applM ex
,En?llv?.n.d drftw- out tho BhoamaMp poison as "
maple. Tills now romedy is dlfforont from nil o ucra
and cures ovorv form of tlila naluful dlflenso q"Lc1K'
t inmiinlil.. .r .. !.. .... 'I-. Ik Inlm TTlVWOrU l
it. llllt mot It
""8,i.r.V".r""k" onn f m your
name and address and I will send you a complete trcair
mont-a full dollar'a worth of tlieso wondorfuUjKCB
and won't ask you to pay for It now or In tho future
will also send you an olegant illustrated Book hi
tollu all about Iihoumatlsm aud now VibrpDtBW PJJpv
ic All this costs you nothing. Don't scno any m ry
not oven a stamp-but Bond rno your name 1 "-iJjcb.
Prof. S. M.WAd?gQN,Vpr 77 r" "ok.miL,
" ai ' i" l. ' .