The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 11, 1904, Page 17, Image 17

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The Commoner.
MARCH 11, 1904,
Bright Diseaseand
Diabetes Cured
University Chemist Acting as Judge
Irylno 1C. Molt, M. D., of Cincinnati. O., Horn
onstnitcd before tho editorial board of iho Even
ing Potf, otif of tho leading dally popers of Cin
cinnati, mo power 01 uis
remedy to euro tho worst
forms ol kidney diseases.
Lutcr 11 public test was In
stituted under the anspl
cles of tho Post, and Ave
chbcs of 13rlght's Disease
Hnd Diabetes were select
ed by them and placed
under Dr. Mott's care. In
threo months' time all
were pronounced cured,
ono or tho most nromi-
ncnt Universities In tho United States having
beon chosen by the Pont to inuke examination
of tho cases boforo and after treatment. .
Any one desiring to read the details of this
public test can obtain copies of tho papers by
writing to Dr. Mott lor them.
This public dcmonstrctlon gave Dr. Mott an
International renutaUon that has broil cht him
Into correspondence with 1eoplo nil over tho
world, and several noted Europeans aro num
bered among thoso who huvo taken his treat
ment and been cured.
The doctor will correspond with those who
are suffering with Uiight's Disease, Diabetes or
any kidney trouble, either in the first, Interme
diate or last stages, and will bo pleased to glvo
his expert opinion free to those who will send
him a description of their symptoms. An essay
which tho doctor has prepared about kidney
troubles and describing his now method ortreat
ment will also be mailed by him. Correspon
dence for this purpose should be addressed to
IRVINE K. MOTT, M. D., 83 Mitchell Building,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
(Continued from Pago 15.)
4 gQejtew
Cures Cancer, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism
and All Other Blood Diseases.
How many people reallzo tho truo
value of our common red clover? It Is
the best blood purlilor known. Thou
sands of prominent people have beon
cured, of cancer, rhoumntlBiivconBtt
pat Ion, eczema, skin and blood dis
eases by Its use. Send your address
to 1). Noedliam's bona, 11a
Inter Ocean iildtr., Chicago,
111., and they wUl mall freo
. fall description of Jtcd
Clover Blossom Extracts a
history of how Mr. lccd
bam cured ids cancer and
testimonials from many
who hivo used tho remedy.
If you have any disorder of
the blood look into tho mer
its or Ncodham's Clover, It
Is tho best blood purifier
if Jt.
mJlBv 9LJ
anger Cured
Cancer, Tumor. Catarrh, Pilos, Fistula. Ulcers,
Eczema and all Skin and Womb Diseases. Write
lor Illustrated Boole Sent free Address
OftYBYE, S&S2& Kansas City, Mo.
Onred fey tho Colliaes System. Send your nama
'and addroai to Cap. W. A. Colling. Ronm 117, JGJ$
I'ubllo Square, Watertmvn, N. Y., and be Trill tend you
FREE BY MAILatrialothl wonderful trtatmentthat
cured htm and bat curod thooiandt of others. Do not
dtlay, but write to-day. Capt. Colllnc bad a remark-
able experience wltnruptar ana win jiaaiy reeiw i
uvnuu iuu kuu iroa iciai. ri.i.v mmw.
i the A
A Home for $600
Wo publish a booklet telling how to build It yourself
without architect or carpenter. Also two other houses at
$8ooatvdft,30o. Complete plans and specifications. Every
detail'of construction clearly explained. Also tells how to
furnish 6 rooms complete with good grade furniture for
less than f 3oo. A very interesting ana Instructive book.
Will be packed free with orders iirequested or mailed on
receipt of three a-cent stamps. 6o
Address Adv. Mpr. Montgomery Warcl Co.,
Michigan Ave.. Madison and Washington Sw.. Chicago.
NESS and head noises permanently
cured with Absorbent Liquid. Free
Book. Dr. L.8. Couplln, Sedalla, Mo.
W A MTCn 10 men In each state to travel, tack slffns
ft Mill CU and distribute circulars and Bamplesol
our goods. Snlary C0.00 nor month, $3.00 Der day
for expenses. KUHLMAN CO., Dept. II 10, Atlas
Slock, Chicago, HI.
$80 A MONTH SALARY tBm?itiiBr1
te Introduce eur Guaranteed Poultry and Stock
Semedlcs. Send for contract; wo mean business nod tur.
ah best reference. a.K.BlGLKKCO., X C60SjrligBe3.1lt.
rTipKbetbFTet--78 YEARS. WfciAV CASH
JMftiVe Want HOKE Salesmen AI WWkly
GHJttld Slark Nroery, LedsUu, Me.; Usstsvllk, Ate.
paramount issue. But wo insist that
there is some phase of the money
question always boforo the country
and we insist that tho democratic par
ty cannot afford to declare in favor
of the gold standard. Tho demo
cratic party must either favor bimetal
lism or tho gold standard. If you
want to scare tho reorganizers out of
their wits go into one of the!" meet
ings, and ask them to declare that
the gold standard is a good thing.
They do not vant to do thatthey
simply ask that wo dodgo the ques
tion. They want to practice a confidence
game on the pootflo. While they tell
the people that the question Is settled
or is immaterial they want to elect a
president who will follow the dictates
of Wall street and carry on by secret
means the crusade against silver. Wo
have six hundred million silver dollars
in circulation. Youh.ave them in your
aockets, or certificates representing
them, and they pass for money overy
wheie. Tho people of this country
see more of ..these silver dollars than
they do of gold com. The gold men
want to make thdse minions of silver
dollars mero promises to pay gold,
but they dare not so doclare in tho
platform. They want first to "make
the silver dollars redeemable and then
ihey want to retire them with an is
sue of bonds.
They want to destroy silver as a
standard money and make gold the
only legal tender moneys that remains.
They want to adopt the European sys
tem where the only legal tender is
gold and where bank notes are the
only paper; they would make the
enormous business of thta country
rest upon a narrow base of gold. Then
if by any exigency the gold is drawn
out, tho whole system will collapse.
They are asking us to build the busi
ness of our country upon a quantity
of yellow metal that is not sufficient
for this purpose. There Is not a na
tion in the world that has sufficient
gold in its control today, and less
than half the people of the world are
now using gold. I do not say that
less than half the nations use gold; I
say that less than one-half the people
use gold. It is true that the silver
using nations do not use as much per
capital as we do in Europe and the
United States, but tnesr nations use
enormous amounts of silver and there
Is not enough gold in the world today
to furnish the standard money that
the people need, not to speak of the
amount necessary to retire the four
billions of silver now in use.
This crusade against the white
metal is going on and if this nation
deliberately takes its stand on the
side of gold there is no assurance that
wo may "not in a short time reach an
other era of falling prices, and wo
cannot afford to take that position.
There is no necessity for taking that
position. If our party is to stand by
the rights of the people it must in
sist upon a volume of money that will
keep pace with the demands for mon
ey and it must not be controlled by
Wali street and made the mero tool
of tho financiers. There- never was a
time when it was safe to let the mon
ey changers control tho nation's
I have been called a disturber of
the peace because I am not willing
that the democratic party shall be
made an ally of the republican party
in practicing deception on the Ameri
can people on the money question.
You will find that aside from these
measures which relate to silver alone
there are others which relate to paper
money, and tho people who tell you
that the money question Is dead be
cause of the Increased production of
gold have nothing to say against tho
asset currency, . against tho branch
banks and against what is known as
tho Aldrich bill The secretary of the
treasury has called tho attention of
tho country to the fact that wo must
now consider whether wo will have a
perpotual debt as a basis for bank
notes or some othor basis; and what
is the other basis? Tho assets of a
bank. And how long will an asset
currency bo good? As long as tho
cashier is good and stays at homo,
but if ho takes tho money and ab
sconds, what becomes of your asset
currency? I Bupposo you never have
bank failuros down here, but wo have
had them out lu our country. "We had
a little bank there and ono night af
ter dark tho cashier put the osset3 of
the bank in h's valise and left, and
did not como back, but f wo had had
an asset currency Issued by that bank
we would havo had the currency even
after the assets had gone.
A banker in Omaha made a speech
recently; he Bold that ho left tho
democratic party in 1806 in order to
savo the country from a fifty-cent dol
lar and that ho might havo to return
to the democratic party to save tho
country from an asset currency that
might not be worth anything on tho
dollar. Those who tell you that the
money question is dead are not going
to offend the financiers by arraying
themselves against an asset currency.
And what about branch banks? It
means a great central bank In Now
York with branch banks throughout
tho land and when the system oi
branch banks Is established tho
branch bank will run out of town ev
ery other bank and will then have the
business of tho community at its
mercy another bank like that which
Andrew Jackson -destroyed. "When
they tell m3 that we must now make
friends with the financiers; that we
must now let them write our plat
forms, nominato our ticket and con
trol our organization in order to win,
I ask them if they remember what
Andrew Jackson did when ho was
likewise tempted. The same tempta
tion that is presented to the party to
day was presented to Jackson. Bid
die, the president of the bank, went
to Jackson and told him that he had
it in his power to elect him president
again 01 to defeat him. What did
Jackson reply? Did he talk like the
reorganizers do now and say, "Well,
we need you; we will make terms with
you, and let you run the government."
No, when Andrew Jackson was of
fered a choice between their opposi
tion with prospective defeat or an
election, with their aid, what did ho
do? He said in substance: "If your
bank has the power to elect a presi
dent or to defeat him, it has a sight
more power than any corporation
ought to have in tho United States and
more than it will have long if I havo
power to take it away."
Ho had tho patriotism and the cour
age to oppose tho money power of his
day and I am praying hat the spirit
of Andrew Jackson will come Into the
hearts of the democrats of this state
and of this nation and make them rise
up and say: "By the Eternal wo "will
not sell the democratic party to the
money changers at any price." That
is what is needed today, and you will
find that if you surrender upon one
phase of tho money question you will
have to surrender on all phases. If
you are willing to leave out tno ratio
of 16 to 1, what ratio will you adopt?
The republicans Complained of 16 to
1 eight years ago, but they have had
power in the house, in the senate and
in the White house and they have not
changed the ratio. We have the same
silver dollar today and the same 16
to 1 ratio. If tho ratio is wrong, why
don't they change it? They dare not
change it If you are going to sur
render the ratio, what ratio will you
substitute? Are you going to leave
out bimetallism entirely? Then the
fight will come on the asset currency
and the branch banks. If you dare to
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