The Commoner. JRTJARY 26, 1904. 9 ,' -r EXTRAORDINARY MERIT Of a. New Catarrh Cure physicians are slow to take up new untried remedies, until theJr val- f' lias been established by actual ex- iment. and they are naturally ptical of the many new prepara- is constantly appearing and for. lich extravagant claims are made. :he most liberal and enlightened ysicians are always ready, however, make a lair trial of any new spe- and get at its true medical value. new preparation for the cure of irrh has atti acted much attention .the past few .months and has met th great favor from te medical )fession not only because it Is ie- Lrkably successful in the cure of tirrh, but also because It is not a iret patent medicine: anyone ufcing jknows just what he is taking into system. it is composed of blood root which fe on the blood and mucous mem- toe, hydraetin for same ' purpose v , - .,. .. .. , - , - , I ciear me mucus irom neau ana roat, and red gum of eucalyptus tree .destroy catarrhal germs in the )d. ill of these antiseptic renledies are ibined in the form of a pleasant- jtting tablet or lozenge, and- are sold V, druggists mder name of Stuart's jtarrh TabletG, and many recent ita in chronic catarrh cases have Lablished its merit beyond question. fcDr. Sebring states that he has dis- rded inhalers, sprays and washes id depends entirely uppn Stuart's itarrh Tablets in treating nasal Larrh. He says: "I have had pa- mts who had lost the sense of smell pttirely, and whose hearing was also lpairea irom nasal catarrn, recover impletely after a few weeks' use of tuart's Catarrh Tablets. I have been fually successful with the remedy in itarrh of the throat and ca Larrh of tomach. I can only explain it on le principle that catarrh is a con- Htutional disease, and that the anti- fcptic properties In these tablets rives the catarrhal poison complete- &out of the system." )r. Odell says, I have cured many ses of catarrh of stomach in past ;mr months by the use of Stuart's itarrh Tablets alone without the use any other remedy and without dlet- ig. The tablets are especially use- U in nasal catarrh and catarrh ot the iroat, clearing the membranes and rercoming the continual hawking, pughing and expectorating, so dis- lsung ana annoying to catarrh Bur ners. ?oonfulof allspice. Mix all well to other, make into a firmly-nressed )af, brush over with beaten egg, then riniiie with bread-crumbs Bake In moderate oven about twn hours! teste several timea while cooking with cup of boiling water and a spoonful C butter. When cold, slice. A Chestnut Salad. TakA on tiint. of shestnuts, shell, boil and blanch un 11 tender; drain, dust with salt and itand aside to cool. Boil two eggs iara; when ready to serve, arrange iSD leaves Of lottnp.e in 'salnd hnwl. put the chestnuts over.itBGfle&vesyladd t French flVfliv uei. iom. fttivft.' tx i wm.vauuu ;ju. i instead of vinegar. Cover the sal&d lightly with the yolks of the eggs by holding a sieve over the bowl and rubbing the yolk through. Old-FoJshloned Lye Hominy mm To make old-fashioned lye hominy, using concentrated lye instead of wopd ashes, take for each quart of water one tablespoonful of lye; boil the shelled corn in this until the hull, or bran readily slips off, then romovo the corn from the lye, wash well in clear water, and put into an old-fashioned dasher churn, with plenty of water to cover the corn, and churn as you- would in making butter; change water frequently until all the hulls are off and the slippery feeling about gone, then put to soak in clear water overnight. In the morning, put the corii into a vessel large enough to allow for swelling as it cooks and add plenty of clear water, boiling in this until the corn is done which will be several hours. The hominy may then be put in jars, covered and set in a cold place, to be used as wanted. When wanted for table, fry in nice meat-drippings or butter, or eat with cream and sugar. It may also be put into a baking dish, covered with bits of butter, flouv dredged over it, and baked a nice brown. This hominy is "good diet," and takes the placo of vegetables, when they are scarce in the spring. BoJcod Parsnips. Parsnips mat have been left in the ground outside are much sweeter than when dug and stored in the cellar, and are generally much in demand in late winter and early spring. They should be well washed with a small scrub bing brush kept for such purposes in most kitchens, and then scraped light ly to remove the outside skin and small rootlets that grow out from the sides. Cut from the leaf-end the coarse ring, and slice lengthwise, as you would sweet potatoes. Stew un til just tender in slightly salted wa ter, letting them be nearly boiled dry when lifted; lay the slices in a bak ing pan, drop over them plenty of: nice butter or fresh drippings from pork, (some add sugar to the dress ing), dredge flour over them and set in the oven and bake until done. Another way is to boil with the par snips slices of fresh, or salt pork, and when done, take up the parsnips, lay in the baking pan, and over them lay the slices of pork, and bake as above. Many prefer them simply stewed with fresh or salt pork, without bak ing, and if nicely prepared, nearly ev erybody likes cooked parsnips in the spring. Sausage. In order to vary the ways of serv ing this article of food, try the fol lowing: Chop one onion fine and brown it in a tablespoonful of butter, adding, if liked, the juice of half a lemon. Cook the sausages in this for five or ten minutes, remove them to a hot platter and make a brown sauce in the fat that remains in the skillet; pour this over the sausage and serve hot with a sprinkle of minced parsley over it. Make a nice biscuit dough, roll out and cut as for biscuit; into the mid dle of each piece of dough put a small rojl of sausage meat, and gather the edges of the dough up together, infold ing the sausage securely. Put these in a baking pan, and bake as you would biscuit. Serve with a brown gravy. Now, is it really? I have not found it bo; and one will bo twice as careful in handling a pretty thing which ap peals to her love of the beautiful as she will in dealing with a coarse, un Bightly pieoe. Food eaten from dainty dishes is much more appetizing than that from ugly tableware. Besides, tlio pretty colored dishes mako the table look so bright and cheerful, ' Cure For Fdce Pimples. In answer to inquiries, I copy the following, which is highly recom mended: To one quart of cloar soft water add half an ounce of corrosive sublimate, one ounce of saltpetre, and perfume if wtehed.' Remove jewelry; use with a sponge or soft cloth, as it sometimes checks thp hands; put on evenly without rubbing; lot dry; a drop like a teardrop allowed to dry in one place will blister. Apply this remedy three or four times daily for a week; you may have to weaken it at first, or it will burn your face, but usod persistently, you will soon be re lieved of the pimples. Before using such recipes, however, I should advise you. to ask your phy sician's advice about it Protly Things. Every woman loves pretty dishes, yet, in selecting for her own table,1 many a woman will pass by the "pret ty things" and select homely patterns and heavy wares, giving as a reason that "the dainty ware is so much easier brokenthfri, the coarse, beavyware which she,, carries home witb .her.- Washing Woolens. There are many ways given of wash ing woolens, each one declared to bo better- than the other. Here is one sent in by a reader, who wishes it published for the benefit of our home folks: Under no circumstances should a woollen garment be put into water more than ordinarily warm; just warm not by any means hot, but just so you can well bear the hands in it. If too hot, it will shrink them; and if just hot enough, it will not shrink them. Make a nice clean suds; do not rub soap on the garment, but dis solve the soap in the water. WaBh well in two or three waters of the same temperature. Always use a good quality of soap, as poor soap tends to yellow the goods, if white. Use buL very little blueing, and let it bo of the best. Do not let freeze; if possi ble, choosing a sunny, warm day for the washing. Rinse always in warm, soft water. Of course, woollens are not "ironed." but should be smoothed out carefully, folded evenly, and, for blankets, subjected to pressure. Gar ments may be smoothed over with a moderately warm iron, wnile still slightly damp, but no hot iron, such as one uses on cottons and linens, should ever touch a woollen garment. Muteitlon. They talk of short-lived pleasurebe It so Pain dies as quickly: Stern, hard featured pain -Expires, and lets her weary prisoner . go. The fiercest agonies have shortest reign; And after dreams of horror comes again The welcome morning with its rays of peace. Oblivion, softly wiping out the stain, Makes the strong secret pangs of shame to cease; Remorse is virtue's root; its fair In crease Are fruits of innocense and blessed ness; Thus, joy, o'erborne and bound, doth still release His young limbs from the chains that round him press. Weep not that the world changes did it keep A stable changeless state, 'twere cause to weep. Wm. Cullen Bryant. Spring Work. The winter in already on. the wane; nnr hardest storms and sharpest colds L a Mr4- ! r& laa.A home-hearth gatherings, and ,ouj long evenings around the lamp, and thcM we should improve in all ways possi ble. It seams but a few days since we wore talking of housecleanlng'and spring sowing, and planning out the gardenings flower and vegetable; yet the incoming florists' catalogues, as well as tho merchants' price-lists of spring sales, warn us that "the hour Is at hand." Now Is a good time to send for sam ples of wall papor, and by getting them now, you will have ample time to study tho various designs and se lect suitable patterns and colors for each room in tho house. Although you may not bo able, at a later date, to get just tho pattern selected from tho samples, you will at least know what colors and special designs wiil most' please, you. Different rooms should have diiforent paper, chosen with a view to fitness to use and amount of light in each. Rooms not well lighted require bright, cheerful patterns; rich, warm colors may also be chosen; but rooms that are sup plied with much sunlight should have cooler hangings. Do not select very gaudy, or s'triking patterns, as one soon tires of such, and besides, it does not always correspond with the fur nishings. Largo designs make a ' room look smaller than It Is, and a wide border always diminishes the apparent hoigr.t of tho walls, while stripes make tho walls look higher. Get a good quality of paper, as It hangs much better, and should last for several soasons. Teach tho fam ily not to handle tho wood-work or the walls, and repair at once any little break In plastering or paper. If the broken plaster cannot be "patched paste a piece of cloth over tho hole before putting on tho paper. In buy ing paper, try to have enough so that you may have some loft for any need ed patching or renewing. -Nothing makes a room look neater and cleaner than fresh paper and paint, and with a little patient prac tice, one can do both the painting and tho papering, and thus save consid erable expense Color cards can also be had of dealers in paints, and you can thus decide on the colors for painting. A Great Meeting. William Jennings Brjan has been accorded a warm welcome n Nash ville. Five thousand people attended his free lecture at tho Tabernacle Sat urday night. He has lost nothing of his strength and vigor since he last appeared in Nashville and none of his fine co'mmaud of language and splen did oratory. Every word he spoke could be heard through jut the entire . building. Even those who did not agree with his line of argument en joyed his address, while his partisans were wild with delight. Nashville Banner. Your Cows Will Pay bigger profits and you will have an easier time of it if yon use an EMPIRE Cream Separator, the easy running, easily cleaned, lone? lived, no-repairs machine. Our book shows why It pays you better than any other. May we send you a free copy? EMPIRE CREAM SEPARATOR CO.. Biiemfielrf, H. I. ChleMa Ills. IICNftilt, HHM. '( tk f, O ' i- - WjfJ m.v.k. '"-J- '.-