The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 26, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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The Commoner.
- w, '
morlfirftlrl'o" 'hot fltv 1... ,
ks! fimSLrj a iWC--? jl 1 1-3 If fill I-M 1 I, n7
iSAJtezf "' 3?XZZSrz" Miiwiuuuivuuy 7. JT 1 ! A . 1 ft i TO
.r3tWeen Watts tmw
Through Dodth lo Lifo.
Ilavo you lieard the tale of the aloe
Away In the sunny clime?
By humble growth of a bundled years
It reaches Its blooming time,
And then a wondrous bud at Its crown
Breaks into a thousand flowers:
This floral queen, in its blooming seen,
Is the pride of the tropical bowers,
But tho plant to the flower is a sacri
fice, For ft blooms but once, and in bloom
ing dies.
Have you heard of this aloe plant
That grows in the sunny clime,
How every one of its thousand flow
ers, As they drop in the blooming time,
.. .. .,(,.., I .,1nr.l Cnntnr,.. (l.
luuuib ijiuui tuui, luoiuua ilO
Is an
lrrJ fl
In tho place where it falls on the
And fast as they drop from the dying
Grow lively and lovely around?
By dying, it llveth a thousand-fold
In tho now that spring from the death
of the old.
Ilavo you heard this tale the best of
thorn all
Tho tale of the holy and true?
Ho died, but his life, in untold souls,
Lives on in 1ig world anew.
His seed prevails, and is Ailing the
As tho stars fill tho sky above;
He taught us to yiold up the love of
For tho sake of the lifo of love.
His death is our life; his loss is our
Tho joy for the tear, the peace for the
P'n. Selected.
It pays richly to give them care and
cultivation, ard unless you are will
ing to "put up with any old thing," in
tho way of a flower, I should advise
you to cultivate hardy weeds instead,
for a neglected weed will scarcely re
proach you, while a starved flowering
plant will.
It is hardly worth while to start an
nuals in tho house, for, unless you can
give them proper care, their later
planted outdoor sisters will out
thrive them. A busy housewife can
scarcely give to her "window-boxes"
tho proper heat, moisture, air and
u&ul tuau imiou uu givcu iucui in wi
der to insure their well-doing. These
plants generally are weak and spiud-
Hnrr nnl linnr trnnsnlnnt inc hnf in
Homo Chats.
Owing to circumstances and inter
ruptions, I have not been able to an
swer all tho hind lottors that have
come to mo, but I hope soon to be able
to givo a great deal more time and
thought to tho work before me than
I have been in a position to do during
the past. I have remembered all your
kind words, however, and have dili
gently thought of the suggestions you
havo sent me, and I hope you will not
weary in well-doing, and that I shall
havo more of the same kindly mes
sages. '
The few beautiful days that now and
then come to us, even amid tho storms
of our darkest month, make us think
v- vu iiuBBiumues or me garden and
border, and wo should improve the
long evenings in deciding just what
..- ...j , m U10 nower-world the
coming springtime. Do not undertake
more than you are able to do well, a
neglected flower garden is as sad a
sight as a neglected child, to me, for
It tolls a story of one who wants tn
gather about her the beautiful yet
h?m0H0rb.UrdGnhlg' falls en to do
tho little she oould.
Sow your sweet peas as soon as tho
ground may be well worked; this
plant does not object to cold weather
or icy mud, and many sow the peas in
the autumn-too late, however for
sprouting before winter is over
Hardy herbaceous plants are beauti
ful, and do not require much can S
a collection of them, once woU e'stib
lished, lasts for a long term of years
"m "
tfetblnar. it Hoftens the cums in,,. cnUdr?n "Mlo
wind collo fad Is tho belt 'rSl ?U PMD euros
TwcntiMWo ccnta a botUe. it ffigr 4lMrt. '
Emerson says: "Do not bark
against evil, hut chant the beauties
of the good." To recognize the good
in ail things is to gradually outgrow
in consciousness that which we are
wont 10 can evil. Menial discord nas
cord in music has upon the piece ren
dered; it destroys its harmonious ef
fect and symmetry; it grates upon the
ear of the listener and arouses feel
ings of repulsion. If you allow your
lives to become filled with jangling
mental discords, you will repel people
and things. The discords of your life
should not be due to outside influ
ences. The kingdom of your soul be
longs to you alone, and no outside
power can invade that kingdom except
by your permission; therefore, if your
daily life manifests discords it is be
cause vou entertain thom in na iht.v
dom of the mind.
it you allow the inharmonles of life
to poison your soul, if you give room
to greed, onvy, resentment, hatred,
jealousies and discontent, then you
must hold yourself responsible for the
consequences of entertaining such a
foul brood. There is within every one
of us a real self which dwells in a
perfect harmony which nothing can
disturb, unless with our consent. He
who is at peace within will soon find
his environment changing to corre-
ff 'JShe Pracice of "listing not
Si!1? COnverl your enemies into
friends, because it "takes two to make
a quarrel," and if you agrelw tthjou?
environments, they must agree with
you. W6 are nasum! tv.,,4- i-n ,..
Z'VT11' for soa'" ta tuimiils
"tJ w u 111 inn VM II UlflfTTI S rrN .T-
tho p,an about uvT sCuTri
not to recogn Ke the bad a i ?
wo should not search for it VvaS
let us think the beautiful uh,er
ana strive to llve XFgJffi.
learned to look forwnXw We have
recital of the lessonln? ti I perIect
shall be ready to ?eSnomwe 0Ur' we
Ings of the sour rathe? At ,he leaa"
of the senaS Thfa Im hn ?e Voice
in perfection -s5eCted harmpny
Query Box.
Boons; ,yo 2itow velvet
Tessie. To bleach the faded mus
n mix three tablespoonfuls of chlor-
lin, mixthree tablespoonfuls of chlor
ide of lime and three quarts of water,
and stir the cloth about in rnis solu
tion until all color has disappqared.
Mrs. J. D. R. For information as to
what nut trees are adapted to your re
gion and how to grow them, write to
Division of Forestry, Bureau of Agri
culture, Washingte-n, D. C.
F. R. L. For cleaning chamois skin
garments, rub a lather of soap into
the skin and put to soak in a weak so
lution of warm water and soda for a
couple of hours; then rinse well in a
ncuu suiu(,iuu ui j v;iivM ouuij, uuuu u.uu
warm water. When nearly dry, rub
until dry and soft. If rinsed in clear
water, the skin will become hard
when dry.
Housewife. Any reliable paint
shop will be able to furnish you with
tho weathered-oak finish, and direc
tions for using Many persons prefer
it to the bright varnish of golden oak,
and it is becoming quite popular.
Mrs. J. M. Sent you addresses by
mail. Very few high-class literary
magazines are published at less than
fif) Pfinta Tint vflnr Vkllf Hiot'o nvn nntln
a few publications devoted to home
work and housekeeping published at
from 10 to 40 cents per year, which
are very helpful, and many of them
contain good literature.
Mrs. L. M. N. Very few papers,
periodicals or magazines find the
money paid in for subscriptions at all
adequate to meet the expenses of pub
lication, but by selling at a low sub
scription price a large circulation is
obtained, and the publishers are thus
enabled to ask paying returns for
their advertising space.
Babbette. A proper set of carving
tools comprise a solid, three-pronged
fork, a light, sharp-bladed knife of a
convenient size for handling, and a
E?10 carving Bcissors for clipping
the joints of poultry and game. The
meat must be cut across the grain a
few firm strokes being made from end
to end of the joint. Slices of roast
meats should be thin, smooth and neat
Flossie.-Hospitality does not call
for elaborate feasts and fine surround
ings, but it is well to provide our best
and show our guests by cordial treat
ment and a desire to please them that
we are glad to have them with us
Be your own dear willing self, and
do not strain to imitate those whose
means are far beyond your own- re
member the "dinner of herbs Where
Sister AUpa. wviQ .
chains, etc., have to be res run S
Elovo; cut a stri? f Z t) S 0l? llW
color of tta fand aew0"1 th
curely to tho garment W the ends 60"
or i&3Xj? ZJtTm
account must it . fattao"nei but on no
even tho Lt25? jnd?or6. and
great care, if nit: ""si exorcise
been cleansed with Lsn07n"tic,lc hl
oughly dried t S ,? and lnor
odor o" the flu d? mav S" an
freed from w mto u&?
garment has been thoroughly 1:3
iTdoors0'8 befre SUbjectine to hS
Bernice.To cleanse a silk x
without removing trimmings of T
bon, silk or lace, put into a jar Z
gallon of gasoline and immerse if!
waist in this. There must be suf
ficient gasoline to completoly cover
the' waist, which is to be cleaned and
the jar must bo tightly closed so as to
prevent evaporation. If the cover Is
not tight-jitting it must be made so
by using a cover of cloth, flannel or
some like close firm weave, well tied
on between the lid and the jar. Allow
the waist to remain in the jar over
night; in the morning it will be found
perfectly clean, and the dirt which
has been removed will be settled in
tho bottom of the jar. Rinse quickly
in clean gasoline, shake out well in
the open . air and hang out to dry,
The gasoline so used may bo kept for
cleaning of colored goods. Do not
overlook the deadly nature of gasoline
if used indoors.
i i
Some Good Recipes.
Frosting Without Egjs.Put one
cup and a half of sugar and half a cup
of milk over the fire to cook. Do not
stir it after it begins to boii. Let boil
ten minutes, than add a teasnnnr.fnl
of flavoring and stir over cold water i
until the frosting is of a consistency
to spread. If one likes, a half cup of
nuts, dates, or figs chopped fine may
be added to the frosting with satis
factory results.
Creamed Lobster. Take one can of
lobster and cut tho meat into small
pieces; then take one pint of cream,
to which add a generous dash of ca
yenne pepper and salt to taste. Place
cream in a saucepan and allow to
cook slowly until smail bubbles ap
pear around the edges of the pan;'
then add the well-beaten volks of
three eggs; the moment the small
bubbles appear around the edge, add
the beaten eggs, whisking both to
gether briskly for a few minutes. AdJ
a little good sherry and the lobster,
stir until the boiling point is i cached
and then serve hot.
Beef Loaf. Thiee and a half pounds
of beef chopped fine, one cup of bread
crumbs, one teaspoonfui of salt, one
teaspoonful of .pepper, one of onion
juice, half pound of ham, chopped fine,
two eggs, halt -teaspoonful of sage,
half teaspoonful of cloves, half tea-
How tho Pastor Saved a, Life
A man near Fort Gay, W. Va.,
made an entire failure of getting
strength from tho kind of food he ate
and not knowing that the trouble
was with the food kept on losing
health until the doctors gave him up
to die.
It was supposed to be consumption
because he was wasting away steadily
and slowly dying. His minister called
from time to time and ouo day
brought along a package of Grape
Nuts thinking from what he knew o
the famous food that perhaps it mighj
heln him Thn Rinlr miin took tO H
at once and from that day began to I
get well. In writing he says:
"I walked to town today 3 miles.
Have gained over 40 pounds in about &
mnnha n-nA ,-., tintfrlilmi'a ilntl't IiDOW
-what to say. I frequently am told it
vas as if I am raised from the ueu
Everybody here knows of my case,
you can tell people to write to tno
Postmaster or Rev. L. D. Bryan.
will make a sworn statement tnat
Grape-Nuts saved my life." Name
given by Postum Co.. Battle GreoK,
MIch- I.
This is another illustration that
whore all othor food fails ono can d
brought hnnir in hnnith and strengi"
on Gijape-Nuts. "There's a ras0";,a
.Ipk ,m each,pkg. for the fafflouj I
rfittleftbook, "TK&IMad to Wellvl"e