The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 26, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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    ' Mmm" m.
nTSBRUARTr 2o, 1904. 'j , 10 tommoiiier.
ondens ed News1 of
An Associated press dispatch under date oit
&nama, February 16, says: Dr. Manuel Amador
r&a unanimously elected first president of the re
public of Panama today. Dr. Pablo Arosemena,
)omingo Obaldia and Dr. Carlos Mendoza wero
llected to fill, respectively, the positions of first,
lond and third "doslgnados," or vice president.
Charles Emerson Beecher, professor of
paleontology at Yale university, died February 14.
The Galidn National hank of Gallon. O.. closed
Its doors February 15. The president of tho hank '
Iclaims that it will pay dollar for dollar.
W An Assnp.In.foi1 nrpsa no Wp.crrn.rn miilpr flnto of
ndon, February 15. says: By a majority of fifty-
me, the house of commons tonight defeated John
orley's amendment to the address in reply to the
speech from the throne, censuring the govern-
lent's fiscal policy, which was moved by Mr.
forley in behalf of the opposition. There were
J76 votes in favor of the amendment and S27
igainst it. This result, as forecasted in these dis
patches, was a foregone conclusion. The opposi-
lon did not entertain any idea that It would be
jossible to oust the conservatives. The division
took the form of a Tote of want of confidence in
flthe government, "which impelled many unionists
twno totany uisagree witn tne iaea or protection
too vote to keep Premier Balfour in power.
The Kansas City Journal prints telegrams
from Washington and Mexico City as follows:
f Washington; Feb. 15. The insular bureau of the
rar department is informed that ma value of tne
lexican dollar at Hong Kong today is 481-4
Scents, a jump of 2 points since Saturday noon.
?his places the coin on a practical parity with our
wn silver Philippine peso. The Mexican dollar
las practically advanced from 37 cents to Its
present figuro within a year. This last increase
explained at the war department by'Lhe slater
lent that the war has caused a heavy -drain, Chi
nese and Japanese merchants converting much of
their stqeks into cash to he prepared for emerg
encies. The result is expected to be the practical
extirpation of the Mexican dollar in the Philip-
)ines, an object very much desired, for a heavy
import duty on Mexicans will keep them outof
the Islands, once they are drawn." "Mexico City,
Feh. 15. The demand for Mexican dollars for the
far east continues and bankers fear, if the drain
Is not stopped, the tightness of the money market
mill be increased. It is rumored that the change
of the currency to "a gold standard will take place
late in the summer or in the autumn, after the
presidential election is over
Tlip. steamer New Orleans sailinc from Bal
timore for Savannah was cut through by ice and
beached west of tne bay aoove .eoint j-oouou.
It is announced from Muncie. Ind.. that the
fFirst National bank of Matthews will soon re-
fcopen its doors.
The work of rebuilding the city of Baltimore Is
progressing in a way that challenges the admira
tion of the world.
Two nersons were killed and seventy-five in
jured in a- trolley' car accident at Frostburg, Md.,
February 14.
V A -willow yarvanlr rnpiirr& TpAhrnnrir 14 nnnr
LChacrin Falls. O. A heavily loaded passenger
car ran down a steep hill and jumped the track at
la sharp curve. Sixteen persons were injured.
m w
Evansville, Ind., is 'threatened with a water
famine owing to 'defects in the city waterworks.
William J. Lomp. a well-known brewer of St.
Louis, committed suicide at his home Feb. 13.
John THamline. a nrominent lawyer of Chi
cago, died of pneumonia, February 14. He was an
iratjut cnampiuu 01 civu sui vice reuuiu.
The Methodist book concern has voted to rec
ommend to the general conference,, to be held at
-.os1 Angeles in May, tne combining ,q tne umcin
mti, Chicago and New York houses.
Alonzo Hayward, a well-known minor of San
Francisco, died February 14 as the result of a
paralytic stroke.
Judge Lyman D. Brewster of Danbury, Conn.,
lied February 14; He was a lawyer of national
reputation and drafted the uniform divorce law l
rhich its champions hope will be adopted by ov-
ry state in the union.
Five men lost their live as tho result of &
collision between tho schoonor Maggie and an
unknown vessel off Montauk Point, Feb. 14.
At San Juan, Porto Rico, February 14, tho
house of delegates by a vote of 15 to 11 passed a
measure to abolish tho death penalty. The Asso
ciated press correspondent says that tho indica
tions are that this measure will pass the council,
thus leaving tho final decision to Governor Hunt
The Americans in Porto Rico are said to be prac
tically unanimous in favor of capital punishment,
while that method is very generally opposed by
the natives.
,-Yardmastcr "Jack" Girardy at Nebraska City
saved .the life of a small boy February 11 by pull
ing the lad from beneath tho wheels of a moving
train. x
The Corning State Savings hank at Corning,
la., closed its doors February 15. Tho cause of
the failure is attributed principally to the bank
carrying a large number of loans, values of tho
securities having depreciated heavily during the
past few months.
February 29 is the date fixed for a conference ,
between the coal operators and the miners of Il
linois, Indiana, Ohio and western Pennsylvania.
One thousand miners are 6n a strike at tho
mines in the vicinity of Painesdale, Minn.
An Associated press dispatch under date of
Springfield, 111., Fobruary 15, says: Judge
Humphrey in the United States district court said
today that the fact that labor unions wore not in
corporated enabled them to escape any responsi
bility that migh accrue fiom damages resulting
from their actioij. The case in question was that
of Eugene LInxweller, secretary-treasurer of the
Decatur labor and trades assembly, who pleaded
guilty to a violation of the postal laws by send
ing through the mails postal cards threatening to
boycott business firms if they continued to ad
vertise in a western newspaper which has differ
ences with the typographical union. Postal cards
were sent to advertisers by order of the Decatur
trades and labor assembly
Col. Henry T. Cranberry, aged 96, died Feb
ruary 15 in New York. At one time he owned a
large tobacco plantation in Virginia, but since
1841 had resided in N,ew York, and claimed to have
voted at every presidential election since Jack
son's time.
London cablegrams announce that Lord Rob
erts has retired from the British war ofllce, but
that "at tho request of Premier Balfour he has
consented to place his services at tho disposal
of the committee for imperial defense." The Duke
of Connaught has been appointed inspector gen
eral under the new law.
An Associated press dispatch, under date of
Philadelphia, February 15, says: United States
Senator Quay, through the decrotary of the re
publican state committee of Pennsylvania, gave
out a statement at Washington addressed "to the
republicans of Pennsylvania," in which he de
clares as false the charges that Governor Penny
packer is using the office as governor in a politi
cal deal by which he (Pennypacker) expects to
be made a candidate for the state supreme bench.
In the statement Senator Quay arraigns Supreme
Court Justice Brown for comment on the alleged
deal. The accusations of Justice Brown, he says,
are malicious and mendacious. In commenting on
Justice Brown's nomination for a place on tho
supreme bench, the senator said: "Even in his
case there were evil-disposed persons who said he
was not selected for pre-eminent qualifications
nor in obedience of the clamorous demands of the
people, but that he was taken by the scuff of the
neck and the seat of his inexpressibles by a" friend
or two and catapulted over the sacred pale which
divides the supreme court from common mortals."
Recently it was announced from St Peters
burg that Russia would abandon her exhibit at
the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis.
On February 16 it was announced that Japan
Would take every foot of exhibit spac'6-that had1
been given up by Russia.
the ' W eek
February 15, for the first time glnce June, ISM.
wheat touched the dollar inarlc is th New YorK-market
Tho United State cruiser Prairie, with a bat
talion of marines, has sailed from Colon for Sauto
An Associated press cablegram, under dato of
London, February 16, said: William Redmond
caused a sceno in tho house of commons today
during tho discussion of tho Chinese labor in tho
Transvaal. H. J. C. Custs, conservative, mado a
referenco to the effect that Irish labor was re
sponsible for corruption in New York, whoroupon
Mr. Redmond exclaimed, oxcitedly: "You have no
right to insult America; I will not allow it" Tho
speaker called Mr. Redmond to order and other
members protested, but still Mr. Redmond contin
ued, repeating his exclamation, and added: 'In
America, at least, they don't appoint a chancel
lor of tho exchequer who is unfit for his post."
The speaker again intervened and Mr. Redmond
finally subsided with the remark: "America seems
to get on all right."
Fobruary 16 tho Gypsum Mills at Wymore,
Nob., wore destroyed, entailing a loss of $30,000,
on which there was only $1,500 insurance. The
property was owned by the Gypsum trust.
George A. Castor, republican, was elected to
congress February 16 from tho Third Pennsyl
vania district, at a special election. He will fill
tho vacancy caused by, the death of Henry Burk,
republican. Castor's democratic opponent was
Samuel J. Randall, son of tho famous speaker of
the house of representatives.
On February 18 it was reported that an Ameri
can "warship, had bombarded the insurgents at
Pjarito, near San Domingo, and had afterwards
landed marines, who, however, subsequently re-embarked.
An Associated press cablegram, under date of
Constantinople, February 17, said: Sixteen hun
dred Albanians are in revolt in tho district of
Diakova against tho reform plans of tho powers
for Macedonia and obnoxious taxes. In conflicts
which have taken place between Albanians and
Ottoman troops the latter were worsted. Largo
reinforcements have been sent to Diakova. The
Albanians attacked the town of Diakova February
13, and plundered and burned a number of houses.
Turkish forces subsequently attacked the insur
gents' main position at Babajhosi, but were re
pulsed with heavy loss. Feverish activity con
tinues among tho Turkish authorities on the Bul
garian frontier, in accumulating stores and repair
ing roads for tho expected massing of troops.
. Col. E. L. Eno, a well-known Nebraska hotel
man, died at his home in Fremont Feb. 16.
Three fire insurance companies have already
gone into the hands of receivers as the result of
the great Baltimore fire.
A number of Wisconsin democrats have or
ganized to boom the candidacy of Edward C.
Wall of Milwaukee for the democratic presidential
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