r-V 5' 4 The Commoner. ISSUED WEEKLY. Filtered nt the po&tofllce at Lincoln, Nebraska, m second rJcfBtnnil tnnltcr. Or Year , fi.ee AlxMeathJ see Ib Clubs ef 5 r ner, per yr 7fic Thrta Month affe SlugUCepy 5c Sample Caple Free. Foreign Postage 53c Extra. SUBSCRIPTIONS can bo sent direct to The Commoner They can r1o be sent through newspapers which have adver tised a clubbing rate, or through local accnta, where such ngcnti have been appointed. All remittances should be sent by post office money order, cxprcES order, or by bonk droit on New York or Chicago. Do notecud individual checks, Btamps,or money. RENEWAL5. Thcdntcon your wrapper showswben your lubscrlptlon will expire. Thus, Jan., 'C4, menus thnt payment tins been received to and Including tho IntthEue ol Janunry, JHM, Two weeks arc required alter money Is received before the date on wrapper can be changed CHANGE OF ADDRESS. fulscribcrc requesting a change ci address must give the OLD as well as the NKW address. ADVERTISING rates lurnithed upon application. Address all communications to TIIE3 COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. It seems that China is destined to get bumped If tho door is open, and badly jammed if the door is closed. It is worthy of note that the only congressman who eVer resigned a seat after learning that' he was not honestly elected is a democrat. If it is true that Mr. Schwab, speaking of the shipbuilding trust, said, "All Js lost save honor," then, indeed, are his assets pitiqbly small. - Tho gentlemen who are shrieking so loudly for "harmony" are tho gentlemen who raised the rumpus. That fact should not be overlooked. When a "captain of industry" uses the mails to defraud it is called "subtle financiering." When anybody else does the same thing it is called a crime. A democratic administration purchased with trust money would bo worse for the co-isumers than a republican administration. That's the only difference. It seems that the only thing doing at tho headquarters of Tho Hague peace tribunal is the matter of janitorial attontion to the cobwebs ac cumulating in the deserted rooms. To a man like Congressman Sliafroth ihe words of pralso bestowed upon him for his manly action are worth more than congressional honors or the salaried emoluments thereof. Pending settlement of the vexed question as to who Is "father of tho now navy it might be well to holp tho child get rid of a whole lot of use less nurses who get most of tho baby's malted ,. a?,D,??8 contention that tho democratic party should disband may bo founded on the fact that ho cannot understand why it did not after ho loft it J. Adam mistakes the size of the hole he left. Tho Iowa anti-trust law has been declared un constitutional on a technicality. Some of these days it may happen that tho taxpayers will benefit by a technicality, but it appears to be a very faint sort of a hope. J Judging by the appointment of "Doc" Jamie son, it must bo evident that Prosident Hoosevelt is a Btronuous civil service reformer only when tho appointment of spoilsmen will not serve hi purpose better. vlt will be observed that the newsparers that howl loudest about "yellow journalism" have nothing to say about tho crimson and buff ten dencies of the Administration managers of Wash ington court etiquette. Postmaster Goneral Payne has issued an order that only Bell telephones shall be allowed in nost offlces. Why? Well, tho fact that Mr. Payne is a stockholder in tho Bell Telephone company mav have had something to do with, the order. . Dr, Harper sayft thai 6rit!clem otiliri RocUe- The Commoner. e feller is not barred from Chicago university. Cer tainly not, but neither is any professor in the university barred from thrusting his head into a lion's mouth if he really wants to do it. Dr. Harper is too awfully innocent. It seems that an investigation has brought out the fact that 20 per cent of the gas meters 111 New York city measure too fast and that the gas was in many cases adulterated. This is the nat ural result of a private monopoly, but would not exist under municipal ownership. The Washington Post says: "Mr. Bryan de clares that no one will be admitted to the St. Louis convention who was antagonistic to the Kansas City platform." Annanias was struck dead for just such misrepresentation, but owing to changes the Post paragrapher is safe for a time. J. Sloat Fassett still insists that we are under treaty obligations to Korea Strange that J. Sioat fails to keep up with the procession. Were we not also under treaty obligations to Colombia? And what's a little matter like a treaty with a world power when that power vjants to gobble something? The Sioux City Journal says that Wall street is coming around to Roosevelt, which is proof that a great light has "dawned upon Wall street.'' The Journal is mistaken. It is not a new light; it is merely Wall street acknowledging the fact that its attempt to befuddle the people was a dismal failure. Some of the papers that bolted m 1896 are call ing Mr. Bryan a republican asset because, he is not willing to have the party turned over to those who betrayed it. Well, they can give expert tes timony on the subject of "republican assets," but somehow the republican papers do not treat Mr. Bryan as kindly as they did the men who assisted the "republicans in 1896. The Milwaukee News is authority for the statement that Secretary Shaw has no authority to withdraw government money from banks for the purpose of paying it over for the Panama ditch. It seems strange that a newspaper usually so perspicacious as our Milwaukee contemporary should for a moment think that Shaw or any other member of this administration, would for a moment be deterred by such a little thing as lack of authority. Harper's Weekly says that the answer to tho question as to whether it will be well for the mw w country to keep Mr. Roosevelt c 7 ,u '? ofllce ?r t0 disp?ace him by a Stands With democratic nominee "will de- Mortfan. Pend entirely upon the veputa- . tion of the man selected by the democratic national convention." Harper's Weekly means that this will depend entirely upon Morgans reputation" with " Herpont Henry Watterson reiterates that he wants nothing and will have, nothing, if he could get it Will h q jln,the shane of Political office' l ut desires simply to be "a Without Kentuckian of Kentuckians a Hitching7 democrat of democrats." Are tw o Ye t0 accePt this as assurance that after the democratic national convent shall have nominated a ticket nnri Xn V r. form, Mr. Watterso wi not T4rt an i nt?Ut" hurried trip to Europe as ho mS i ti k a j89G? up, us no did m the year of ft2 "" Commenting upon the appointment nF To son as naval officer Obtag. MfbS.'SS?' StaJwart shSraoS.T!3 80es on' an'3 & rll ". snuf flora, trimmers, comnrom- Champlon isers, and accommodating m?n of Reform, retain their popularity with tne emciency ana pnrFty'of 'tT 1 eXP?Se 0l 5-et, this deplorable condlHnn "? ,seivI-" And the fact that w , have in ? the wm? tSi ln 8plte Good. ctoea thaUe? "he Srlct Pt." The Telegraph tX Z'" ? Hoosevelt also .WSM. VOLUME 4, NUMBER f, by deeds and only so." In other words, the M is to "stay put" when it serves tho Roosevelt ad ministration's interests to have it so. Otherwise," If-, la tn ho fiaiilert rfrtwn ,Yibe The Lato Senator Hanna. A dispatch to the Cincinnati Enquirer, under date of Live Oak, Fla., February 1G, quotes Mr niyun us tsaymg; "Mr. Hanna has grown in public estimation during- tho last eight years, his recent election demonstrating ma iuw cuomg uum upon tho people of his state. He won his place at the hcaa of his party in the senate and in the nation by his extraordinary executive ability and by his skill in organizing the forces that control that party. Even his political opponents recognized the strength o his personality and his many ad mirable qualities. He- was- one of the most force ful figures in modern politics." Foundation of Morality. In his address at Chicago, Bishop John L. Spalding sounded this warning: 'If the present methods continue a few indi viduals and trusts will boon control the means of production and distribution, and this in an era in which monev is tho mightiest form of social iniiaence and dominion. To these few individuals and corporations will belong an authority and power greater than any history makes known an authority and power which are incompatible with political liberty and popular institutions. If our national welfare cease to rest on a foundation of religion and mor ality it will vanish." Be Bold at the Primaries. The Louisville Post says that in 1896 and 1900 the democratic party repudiated the platform of 1893, and adds: "Now if the democratic party has again changed its opinion, chere is no reason why it should not have the eaual .boldness to renndiate the platforms of 189G and 1900." Are the Post and the people whom it represents willing to make the test of the election of delegates to the na tional convention the question as to whether the national platforms of 1896 and 1900 shall be re pudiated? If the Post really desires to be bold, will it be willing that the boldness oe displayed at the primaries rather than reserved for the con vention floor, after delegates nave been elected on the so-called harmony platform. The Denver News says: "The clause of the anti-trust act which provides for the imprison- ment of persons guilty of operat iveveals ing illegal trusts would be, of the a verity, the strong right arm of Program. tn government if there were an ... . administration at "Washington With a. serious intention of enforcing the law. To repeal it would leave the law merely an instru ment by which an illegal trust might be made to uissoive, but the organizers of It would go scot tilt uin,shment and at llberty o carfy ou J?rIou5 ?usines3 to some other form." Be S5S! JSf8? Kngs are so weU understood the 2i S.that the oralW bill will not be hi,tlllB session of congress. The News is, S?wpS?dly mrrect; and yet the democratic tT2?2?e!S WiU d0 wel1 to tak0 every opportunity 2E L e People that the Foraker bill repre ovpnf S prosm Ht will be carried out in tho event the republican Pjrtyta restored to power. of rJni1!;?11 S,treet Joal 'says that a number of replies have been received by New York bank- c.ma In5 houses in response to a re- Ari queBt for a statement of busi- tUId aess conditions in their locality. Scheme. Tho Journal says that these re- manifmri ,Won ?Ie.s diffored from each other in Sart hlf 1S' bXfc tllat thei'e wa a 0lo"s Sfl!6111 in on aspect. For in Slon,? lhese rop'lios' aft raying that nestSn Tv1"?"8 aro g00d' declared t l fcrtin? thaf cn"V?fy conservative because of the exnlainpf? iS0.m,et?ing mlhi happen;" and, it is waT VSh ' but,moat Peopie connect it in some 2P!w 5 PrQ,Bidential election," Those who Sd M00 wm iinddent8,oC camnaign. Of 1896 -what flX hav?, uo dIfflculty in understanding brine IS? ST8, 1 lt i8' however, a bit early to ttonfi, ?at W and wel1 worn Bcheme, al S ?ferbaps; !t is fc well to have it now. can nnnii l depended upon that the Ameri SfemSfPtn?1?1!6 riquired t0 endure tho same SnnJSfei? ! i8bten tbem' bat wore Practiced bo successfully during the last two presidential cam- &dlS&3MaMMM ML.