"tWJ&f i'li! The Commoner. 14 VOLUME i, NTJMBEn 5. r if K t i i . IN P J'' N - NHkOTVj?vaC7vuviviiiu;A - ra ;r, n Q' Morgan County (0.) Democrat: Above all things, kcop your eye on Borne ono who supported Ills party In 1890 and 1900, for no other kind will do. Kingfisher (O. T.) noformor: Talk about the republican party antagon izing tho triiBls. Why, it would be like a mother strangling her own child. Winona (Minn.) Leader: It is given out now that Grover Cleveland would not refuso tho democratic nomina tion for president If forced upon him. . Well, ho will never have the oppor tunity to accept or refuse. Frankfort (Ind.) Standard: . Lot's see. Domocracy had a platform to Indianapolis Sentinel's liking in 1892; likowiso a "conservative candidate' very. Consequence: Democracy was salivated till her teeth got loose. Want another doso? Frankfort (Ind.) Standard: Tho monoy question, in some shape, has 'been tho thing that has most affected 'tho interests of tho people in tho past and must continuo to bo one of tho leading questions until eithor the gold powor is in undisputod control or until the people compel the govern ment to exercise absolute control. Tho money question is not settled; nor is tho question settled which shall rule the man or the dollar. Chardon (O.) Record: What the hermaphrodite is to physiology the reorganlssers are politically; complex agglomerates, ringed, streaked speck led, spotted, neither ono thing nor . tho other, as Uncle Eben remarked: "Doy's nuthor pig nor pup!" They protend to bo lemocratg even as Judas protended loyalty to the Master when Imparting tho hypocritical kiss. They go to Wall street for orders and to the trust presses for plaudi's, and whilo ranting of harmony they cease not raising the other thing at every opportunity. Juuas haiiged himself, but tho reorganizes will go up Salt . River. ; Rochoster (Ind.) Sentinel: We havo "hauled down the flag' again, notwithstanding tho great hullabaloo , wo so. of ton hear against it 'Old Glory" no longer floats over tho isl ' and of Cuba. The war with Spain was , not a war of conquest on the part of tho United States, it was waged In bohalf of tho cause of humanity to free Cubans from intolerab.e condi tions. And that done we hauled down the flag and got out. This country has kept faith with Cuba, but wo have : made the Philippines a sublect pro vince and have denied to the Filipinos What wo granted the Cubans. We InTJL wSi l0SGrS by Ur C0 . J? th PhHlPPtaM, both in the ostima- tlon 6f tho world and in a financial . way. Wo are criminal aggressois there because we forcibly annexed inese. islands and assumed sovereignty over an unwilling people. We have gained by our conduct towards Cuba and lost by our course m the Philip ' ? lnef; We ousht to bo just and fair to all liberty-loving peoplo. The Fili- fiXS t0lp us In the w asahwt Spain because we gave them to un derstand wo wore lighting cor their liberty as we did in Cuba and Porto Tobacco Heart may be cured. Don't neglect your symptoms. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is a great heart and blood tonic about which you will learn a groat deal and aiJ about Leart trouble by wndlnl iital fo? tree bookon disease of tho h arf an?n7rY$ Albert Lea (Minn.) Standard: Ev ery plank'of the Kansas City platform is as sound today as it was in 1000. "Will it pay" to stand by it? Shame, Oh, shamo on such truckling. Cameron (Mo.) Sun: ; Tho Grant City Star wants some on? to tell It "what is the paramount issue of the democratic narty?"That's easy: it's to I defeat the undemocratic and un -American policies of tho, republican party. ,j Youngstown (O.) Vindicator. The democrats have charged Uhat the re publican party is the servant of trusts and- ruled by bosses, andfthe columns of some republican papers are fur nishing tho evidence tbs prove the democratic charges. Maryville (Mo.) Forum': Tho para mount issue of democracy is tho re storation of the rights of the many; to make this a nation not. where com merce rules and Mammon reigns, but where ovory industry, either the fac tory or tho farm, has a fair and equal chance and thrives not because It is a pampered industry at tho expense of tho people, but stands .on the firm basis of rich resources and intelligent labor, Steuben villo (O.) Gazette: Big headed schemers may scheme to their hearts' content, but they can neither manage nor boss the democratic par ty. The 6,000,000 men who have been gladly supporting Jeffer?omanJsm the past seven years are not'going to turn their party over to the republicauizers. A fev purchaseaLle metropolitan pa pers and a handful of easy-virtue poli ticians are no more to the democratic party than one swallow Is to a sum mer. Gallatin (Tenn.) Tonnesseean: The Tennosseoan is no prophet, but it here makes the prediction that, if the next national democratic convention un der the leadership of certain men and the lashings of certain newspapers sees proper to turn its back upon the underlying and fundamental ideas and the spirit of tho two last platforms of the party, and to slap In the face the millions who enthusiastically sup ported them, the party will go down in the most disastrous defeat known to its history, and one it will not recovor from in a decade. Portsmouth (N. H.) Times: Some or the papers are reviving -.hat old charge that Bryan bolted the demo cratic ticket in 1892 and cast his vote for Weaver. The simple fact is that the democrats of Nebraska generally voted for the populist electoral ticket -- t..uu..u vii uU uuuarstam ing be tween the democratic and populist national committees whereby in sta cs n,hnre nl rePublicans stronger than either the democrats or ronui ists, the latter should vote together for -the democratic ticket lnSJX whore the democrats led mn m? s ulist ticket whereJtopisier' wSrt 'La (Minn' Standard: We hereby agree and will flnfn- t bonds to pay for and WJ ivef fJ value of one .hundred shares of srSS of any trust that Roosevelt hue r ck cuted and squelched To curtS' can be shown' wherein Ti CaSG that to be erlmlMllDrSeeu ted 2TC(l or Imprisoned any 1 ruSf o7 nd flned magnate or indlvidim 1? ,monopolr buster or dnoc , ,.:." lruIy a trust- to do as they nlenco, n m freo rein Bridgeport (Conn.) Star: If by "get together" is meant that he democracy that votes for democrats shall throw up the sponge of the democracy that votes for republicans, then there won't bo no getting together. Put that in your cob-pipe and smoke it! Malone (N. Y.) Forum: The "any thing to win" democrats would turn the party backward on tho road to progress and substitute the promise of participation in party spoils for a surrender of principles. Expediency is a mockery, delusion and a snare. That which was right in 1896 was still light in 1900 and will be right when the campaign of 1904 is in progress. Reactionary policies never yet won a battle for right and justice and can't win this year. The sturdy democracy of the land will not be duped into making an alliance with monopoly for the sake of winning a so-called victory that would really be a defeat. Bound Brook (N. J.) Record: The year just closed gave the peoplo a lib eral education on the trust question. The coal trust has taught them what a law-defying monopoly can do in the way of oppression, and the shipbuild ing trust's downfall has opened their ej es to the methods by which practi tioners of "high finance" pocket mil lions without returning an equiva lent. The people have learned, also, that there need be no expectation that the trusts will be molested by the hand of the law while the party of the trusts remains in power. .This 3 ear, 1904, the people will havo an op portunity to make use of their educa tion at tho polls. Pontiac (111.) Observer: The recent meeting of the democratic state cen tral committee demonstrated the fact that the few so-called democrats who left the party in 1896 are attempting to get control of the party under the specious plea of harmony. The put ting forward of Eckles to address the democrats was an insult to all who voted the ticket since 1892. He was not only a bolter, but an out and out republican supporter, and should not be considered or honwi t ,ji.. SL?r5 alono ?iciatS and r , T& uo 4"cy or tne party. Relegate such men as Eckles to the rear and let men who have supported Sn pay hrouS thick and ihm do the dictating. No self-respecting democrat will for a moment listen with patience to such harmony speeches. Better let republicans con- f.fd?nt0f!'ule tuan t0 nave such men guiding the party. Frankfort (Ind.) Standard: In 1900 the democracy of Indiana tried fo 7T!?e; y belaid V Bryan JR. f delS SWffift it was claimed that it was Sta i in OW. M the" " traUor Z g Indiana gave hi J, democracy o tinn p t , ue Political organi?a- cratic 'tZZST keep them from tumw fi ? ?er to to the republicans igfhne ltate over in 1896. Now rGa?S had ne asked to submit ?ft democ;rats are What is mean 'by SS"0: most anything. In generil iV J11! the machinerv"ofaLnl?0 tuning guard, and in charce of i,n' t0 ?ut on Cleveland-Olney-Bucimer D?rty' the whom Wall street and fg ,n bond manipulator SDld and trust. The wCe schema C0?Tfldetly an claims is to T? ' as Ml Bry democray from th0 Tate a11 real the part and make mtanaagemt of ceptable servant to nfnO.m0r0 ac cven the republican "pfig0 tha Shawneetowu (in.) DemtJ ib vMmFoBii $10.95 NEW STEELlANGE run anu.yo nev h.nS'J ,h' Wckel trimmer" "toi"' iSIl!' - hinikvr .iSS- ,RLer. iemr and better than anv other ranges mado in tha world: formirthroomonth!? celrejlDterm8; fr cturo of oTt foundry, the i largest stovo founds this ad. and our Frco Stove CaS wm' .""" w o'wjmuiK lu EU701 and cast Iron Btoros and rang will ba mailed at onca! With our Froc Btove Catalogue you get tho most astonishing Btove offer ever heard of. AddrcBB SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., Chicago. CREAM SEPARATOR CD EC (S2i This is a ecnuinc d C owcr maae to lutroaucc the Peonies Cream Separator in every ncleh. borhood. It is the best and simplest in the world. We ask that you show it to your neighbors who have cows. Send your name and the name of the nearest freicht office. Address PEOPLES SUPPLY GO. DOPt. 177. KANSAS CITY, MO. II KiSSsJSH Mark the Grave of your departed. Headsones $4 up Monuments $11 up Blue or Whito Marblo nicely lottorod. Tnfrnpfinna for sotting. Save agent's cuuioissioa. dCBaioruitalOae. W.J.MOORE. 8 Third St. Sterling, III. RUPTURE Oared by the Oolllaa-a SystcM. Send your cttas nd uddrsM to Capt. YT. A. Colling. Room 117, 1C54 Public Squire, Watortown. N. Y., and ha will tend rem PRE8 BY MAILatrlU of hi wonderful treatmentth cured him and has cured thousands of others. Do not amy. but WriU la-d.r. nnl nnlltnir. Ii.ri n r.nwrk. able experience with rupturo and will cladly recite the j uo.u ana eena a ire a trial, writs mm. Ganger Cured WITH SOOTHING, BALMY OILS, ior Tumor. Catarrn, Pilos. Fistula, Ulcers. SrnhVS Wom6 Disease WriS lor lUustratod Book. Sontlreo. Address nil intll Iak en., cc mm - --. iw.Bit,gaaj; Kansas City, Mo. ammammmmmmmmmmmmm Fruit and Orna mental, Shrubs, Roses, Bulbs & PLANTS fni? a forD.e8or,Ptl Priced Catalog FREE GOD ACTCI. 1 3 npffnttneiw Dtl.tll..j 1CC7 PHOENIX NURSERY CO. EffiA T REES TESTED 50 YEARS. Hanaat In quality. n-T,r' ,"", .r' ri "r"" bmlcled cherry. 100 $20. GooU varfeUes. Concord fyraoes. 100 13: Pr.mffli.iM0 I'MuB- J-":ut tc. low prlcM. Dig CAtDRAITH NURSERIES, Box 84, FAIRBURY, NED. FLO WERSK8 5'.loral Majrazine, trial. Park's ?nrf P?arn8n Flornl Gal3 1004. i Bureri?5n?if ''l000 BrtB,forabig iJed that will "orrtamn011 Xb nflworfl every day all Bummer.all - Uwp Go- yr. Park. B 1 8 Y,a Pork, vh. tf7 AnONTH. MlddIeaKed or elderly man Wi) aTaBn,wante(l.,n oww towa. No nook v aopoyTBalary Bohomo. No tricky "outfit" Iness aa.iu 2;kH51J,,,i,9 tra,ffht permanent bus- geach-Klngglcy Ce i5 ad St.,Bngfiampton N.Y. J311 WFFKI Y palght Saiarr and all expenses yuu IBLLlhUl to man with rig to lntroduco our Send for Pnnf Poultry and Stock Remedies, bestof roftSStSSS' .moan buslnow aad furnish lnaianaSolK0,?' iDol,t' H l7 l Co-op. Ufe Co. . - ??81I?0HTH SL"M ftlflarw JtCMCdlPURe0nriH 0Mtee4 lOHltry awd Stock nl8rfr;rV.d-forJltraol womeanbuBtnenaand fur man host reference. O.R.mQLKRCO..X SWSprlntfled.lH. P P. 7 C M A rMANBNTLYUUBEDI Our cuar LULLtnA a,ntL0, l! packed by a National Hank. '030 N. Indian Avg C&l'. jj&nt0t CQ0oalCo" is now announced with much glee by tne republican papers that J. I Mor ea J. J. Hill, President Stillwell, V '. Koclcteller and the other Wall street trust magnates havo declared lor Roosevelt. Of oourao they are for 2S?i y,a ?,he talk tnat Wall street was against himowagnothirigibut political buncomb all the time. Au ' ,.iHjakaft.: ,,. ... jmMmjya- .iiiTittin uL r-"- fc.: