FEBRUARY 26, 1904.". The Commoner, DEAFNESS CURED A Device That is Scientific, Simple, Direct, and Instantly Restores Hearing in Even The Oldest Person-Comfortable, Invisible and Perfect Fitting 190-Page Book Containing a His tory of the Discovery and Many Hundred Signed Testimonials from all Parts of the World -SENT FREE. The Tra Stery of the Invention of Wilson's Comae Seme Ear Drums Told by Oeorge H. Wilson, the Investor. I was deaf from infancy. Eminent doctors, surgeons and ear-specialists treated mo at ffreat expense, and yet did mo n.ogood. I tried all tho artificial appliances that claimed to restore hearing, but theyfailed to benefit mo in tho least. I oven went to the best specialists in the world, but their eflorts were unavailing, iy caso was pronounced Incurable! .pow desperate: my dealness tormented mo. Xuily I was becoming moro of a recluse, avoid ing the companionship ot peoplo because ol the annoyance my dealness and sensitiveness caused mo. Finally I began to experiment on myself, and after patient years ot study, labor and personal oxpenso I porlected something that I lound took tho place of tho natural ear drqms, and I called it Wilson's Common Sense Ear Drums, which I now wear day and night with perfect comlort, and do not even havo to remove them when washing. No one can tell 1 am wearing, them, as they do not.show, and, as they givo no discomfort whatever, I scarcely know it myself. With these drums I can now hear a whisper. I join in tho general conversation and hear everything going on around mo. lean hear a sermon or lccturo from any part ol a largo church or hall. My general health is improved because of tho creat change my Ear Drums havo mado in my life. My spirits aro bright and cheerful; 1 am a cured, changed man. ilnco my lortunato discovery it is no longer necessary lor any deaf person to carry a trum pet, a tube or any other Huch old-lashioned makeshift. My Common Sense Ear Drum is built on the strictest scientific principles, con tains no metal, wires or strings of any kind, and is entirely now and. up to dateia all respects. It is so small that no ono can see it when in position, yet it collects all tho sound waves and focuses them against tho drum head, causing you to hear naturally and perfectly. It will do this even when tho natural ear drums aro par tially or entirely destroyed, perforated, Bcarrod, relaxed or thickened. It fits any ear from child hood to old ago, male or female, and aside lrom tho fact that it does not show, it never causes the least irritation, and can be used Avith com tort day and night without removal for any cause. With my deviqo i can cure deafness In aay person, noonatter how acquired, whether from catarrh, scarlet fever, typhoid or brain fever, measles, whooping cough, gatherings in the ear, shocks from artillery, or through accidents. My invention not only curcs,but at once stops" tho progress of dealness and all roaring and buzzing noises. Tho greatest aural Burgeons in tho world recommend it, as well as physicians of all schools. It will do lor you what no medicine or medical skill on earth can do, tr, u ant place ny-190 page book on deafness t Jn? ",nn,?8 ot Yory dcftf Person In the world. 2 1 V " Kjadly send it freo to anyone whose name ? aH&,C33 can Bet Ifc describes and illus ni?3iWIlson 'a Common Benso Ear Drums and contains bona fldo letters from numerous users bL United States. Canada, Mexico, England, iolftd Ire)and, Wales, Australia. New Zeo ThZZ ,fasmani' IndIa an( tho remotest islands, fir vi i?" from People i every station of ire-minifltcrs, physicians, lawyer merchants, KK,ladiCnS',ctc.-n,n1 tcl1 thc truth About the benefits to bo derived from my wondcrrul lltilo device. You will find tho names i of f peoplo in your own town and state, manv whoso name! you know, and I am sure that all this will cSn yiucc you that thc cure of deafness has at last been solved by my invention. n.te'1 dclay,;, wrft0nfor V,1,0 frco b00k today and address my firm The Wisoh Far Drum Cn 1470 Todd fiulldlng, Louisville, , KyU.fl! A. " BOOKS RECEIVED. The Most Marvelous Discovery of This Age, by W. H. Kerr, Great Bend, Kas. (Pamphlet) Republics vs. Woman, by Mrs. Woolsoy; The Grafton Press, New York. Control of Heredity, by Casper La vatcr Redfield; Monarch Book Com pany, 381 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Henry Ashton, a thrilling story and how thc famous co-operativo com monwealth was established in Zan laud, by R. A. Daguo; Published by tho author, Alamada, Cal. What Shall I Do to Bo Saved? by B. E. By rum; Gospel Trumpot Pub lishing Co., Moundsville, W. Va. vTho Religion of a Sinner (pamph let), by Henry M. Arnold; Pawtucket, R. I. Where Are Wo At? How Did Wo Get Hero? And the Way Out, by Anti Tory, 35 Fulton st., Now York; price, 20 conts. Tho Root of All Kinds of Evil (pamphlet), by Rev. Stewart Sheldon; published by Charles II. Korr & Co,, 56 Fifth ave., Chicago; prico, 10c. THE WAR IN THE ORIENT Monday, Feb. 15.- Nineteen thou sand Japanese troops were landed at Chemulpo but a small landing force of Japanese near Talien Wan is re ported to have been attacked ,and al most annihilated by Cossacks. The American steamer Pleiades, detained at Port Arthur by the Russians, slipped out in a storm and reported at Chee Foo. She brought the report that eleven Russian warships had been badly damaged in the several attacks, and that the whole Russian fleet had been withdrawn into the in ner harbor. St. Petersburg dispatches show the rapid mobilization of troops and extensive preparations for a pro longed war. Nagasaki advises are to the effect that the Japanese are wild with joy at, tho report that twelve vessels were destroyed and eight cap tured by the Japanese fleet at Fort Ar thur on the 9th. France formally an nounces neutrality. The sinking by a Russian torpedo boat of a Japanese merchant vessel has stirred Japan greatly, and is denounced as a wanton crime. Tuesday, Feb. 6. Confirmation re ceived of the rumor that Japan had effected a landing iri Manchuria. The wires carried many rumors of en gagements, but nothing definite was heard. Russian claims are to the ef fect that a Japanese torpedo boat was sunk during the Port Arthur engage ment on the 9th. St. Petersburg re ports that General Pflug telegraphs that the situation at Port Arthur is unchanged. The Paris Figaro pub lishes a dtepatch from its St. Peters burg correspondent to the effect that the Russian Vladivostock fleet had encountered a fleet of Japanese trans ports and sunk several of them, but Baron Hayslia, Japanese minister at London, denies it, saying that the Russians encountered two minor Ja panese merchantmen and destroyed one of them, the other escaping to Fukuyama, island of Yezo. A report from Chee Foo, seemingly reliable, is to the effect that the Russian gun ners in the forts at Port Arthur, mis taking- three Russian torpedo boats for the enemy, fired upon them ana sunk them before the mistake was dis covered. In response to voluntary of fers of assistance from volunteers in other countries, Japan has said that she will fight the war alone. The new war loan was subscribed three times over. The full details of the Chemul po fight on February 8 confirms the first reports that the Japanese won a decided victory. Wednesday, Feb. 17. War rumors are flying thick and fast, but nothing definite develops. St. Petersburg re ports are to the effect that Russia is wary of Great Britain and will keep an eye on India. This is considered tfnworthy of credence, although the rumor is persistently floated. Ru mored from Chemulpo that Japan has landed 120,000 troops in Korea. The Russian cruiser Boyaria, cruising in Port Arthur harbor, was blown up by mines of her own planting. There are nm'RlRtp.nt rumors that Russian troops are practicing barbarity, but Ru&sian I officials deny them and say they orig inated in tho minds of those wLo havo an ulterior motive in discrediting Russia.- The London Times' Foit Ar thur correspondent says that seven Russian warships aro disabled and helpless there, and that eleven Rus sian ships were put out of action Dy the Japanese in tho first naval en gagement of tho war. Thursday, Feb. 18. Tho Baltic sea fleet is reported as moving eastward. Japanese claim to have torpedoed the Russian warship Boyaria, but Rus sians claim a forgotten, mine did- the damage. Further evidence of a" sea fight at Port Arthur on the 11th is given, but nothing official is known. Japanese troops are embarking from all the larger ports. The Port Arlhur Chee Foo cable has been severed. Friday, Feb. 19. An official state ment at Tokio denies the claim of Admiral Alexieff that Japanese war ships were damaged at Port Arthur. Russian troops aro centering on thc Yalu river in Korea, and Wuji is ex pected to be tho scene of a collision. A French army officer believes the Japanese slego of Port Arthur will result in its downfall. Russia counts confidently on the eventual support of Germany. The increasing possibil ity of war with Great Britain is dis cussed without reserve at St. Peters burg. The desire at Washington to close the 'Integrity of China incident without awaiting the formal response of Russia has nonplussed officials at St. Petersburg. Russia will attemnt a policy of delay until her army force is mobilized. Saturday, Feb. 20. Russia declines to grant an exequatur to the United States consul at Dalny. Her refusal disturbs the state department, but tho program that will be followed is not indicated. A Che Foo correspondent says an American squadron is coming and marines will be landed. Russia has abolished the censorship on out going news. Ice on the Yalu river is beginning to go out. Russia has placed her response to the Hay note in the hands of Ambassador McCor mick. Harbin is fast being made tho oase of Russian military activity in Manchuria. A rumor at London that the empress dowager of China is dead is not confirmed. Tho rabid anti British feeling in Russia has caused a warning note to bo issued by Lon don newspapers. Sunday, Feb. 21. Minister of War Kuropatkin has been relieved of his duties and. appointed commander-in-chief of the Russian army. Uncles of the czar have asked permission to go to the front. French officials are watching affairs in the Balkans with nearly the same anxiety as in the tar east. Russian scoute are reconnoiter ing in the vicinity of WTiju, Korea. Powers of Europe are fast placing themselves on a war footing. Spain is especially active and the fear seems to be growing that a general con flagration is imminent Chinese at Mukden refuse to aid Russians in guarding the railway. i 3 SEEPS JOCKMTS SUM SUCOEft ! SPECIAL OFFER: rMs4e U BhIM hew KmIim. A trial WHT xbaxo yea ear permaaesc eaatoaier. DHm Vk1f4-frM R. 17 varieties: V rssfcV WilVVMV 13 ijudll Teaee. 11 Uu fluMtj Tarsi?, 7 splendid t Osles, 8 be rtMtm; M BprUg.lswtrlii BalU-afc vwfctU Im sll. GUAJtANTEKB TO JPLEAHK. WrHm fm-timyj Nhmtlmn thfn Pmmw SEND IO CENTS to cover postage and packing sad receive this valuable BUeeUeMreaaMtJ.MftferwHM7Mfr jnairacuves hmhuihi s h i-jaiti jimk, um au aoous un dh tctim oc Betes, ruw, ik HW iliinVhBB Bocxrou) seed farms lfliDUlRUBBDpt.M28 HOUtrOKD.ILL tiCTSsOftt Tirw GOOD CHE; Em Brown. fono better and nono so ow in nrlco. lc ncr nlcfc. Ami Itn nnafnntrl Vlnnot- illustrated catnfoguo ever L printed sent FREE. Engrnv- iuksoi every var civ. a urc&t of extra pkes. of seeds, new nrwTlfn frin wtth nvitra order. Somo Borta onions only fifo 1 Dflr lh. OMinr- swiil nnitnlltf ln 4Q VMDt A Rr(l (oivitVAP and rlnalu. "ana nlirilRfnTnoraRntlnflnrl KnnM Meeds. Now, frcah and reliable every rueir. rrnw lor me v utim catalogue. !.H.SHUMWAY.Kockford.llL DERKXf-QilCK-FOOBl SAVE THE CHICKS. No mAM HlMrl frllllff. .in msA IaI t.lf... VIM. 1 1 the use of ralil ng a lot of cliickens to die o t various all. uicuu uuku vfi wnmKT ioou , wjicn you can Duy lietiy'i scientific combination of pore trraln, seeds, animal matter uu imiai uuuiiiccuiu;ivo icjuiu, or money refunded. Costs Less Than Others. Send for our valuable book, "Chicken Manual." Full of I ratuame miormauon lor ererv owner or noultrv. Sml far ...... i ..,.. .f.. .,.. -'- -: .r: . . r- . niimviiuiviii i huim iT.T.rTne luti piuui af IMK " r irf. IOT IllOf. U'jntWLIJ. TYtlU Bf. . A. Berry Send C . Bok3Z, Clarlnda, lew, itNP ron rncc uiTor ncconoa talking MACHINES. bbbb-a!" 2m, ', tiwtj j.i a hu nnn baea given free for mUIbs $3.G0 worth of toodf at Mint Traat vou t Ullere, but Ifroa send 'as jonr naae and vAttu,nt will end yon post paid, and 1'raat xc oa wlth38cftb bandioBsit as A fastest s tiling ar UeUs crer bj1: easily setd In half IJ-M M " AfVrriP' 1 coVuomt( an hoar at lOo. eaeb. Then sold snd the aoeey, .CO, and ws will ssodyou ajnar an teed A.(J. Columbia ilrapbophoao with threeaoaa; record. In cast yon are not pleased with lb Qrapbonbone, send It back to us and ws will allow you $8.60 ea the purchase of any maehlne you may stleet from our ealatox. We will forfeit $1,000 to any one prorlnr. any trick or catch ahont this offer, or that we give a toy enacbloeor one that mostbe tensed by hand. Our machine is a key winding stlf-pleylng Columtla Orspbophone, and with thrte-soag record, Is tbe greatest pirmlua ever offered. Send for free list of records and graphophonss. Send your reply to ns at once and he treated fairly. A trial costs nothing. Address plainly, W. 8. lMPON, UtpU 19, New York. PER LBS. WIRE $1.40 SMOOTH GALVANIZED WIRE putup 100lba.toa.balo, gauges from 11 to is Inclusive. Lenetbs runnlnz ub to 2Mt. I'cr lOOlbs. tl.iO. Fee o PSS7 Staple, all ekes, per JOOlba.. 18.09. Sp Wire Nails, aworted In a keg, per W9iii. i.7. Ilarbed Wire, per JWlbfl. W.W. Paaltry NeUlacr, Field Fene,ete.:at low prtcf. Aak Tar free catalogue No. 234, on taercbandlaeofallklndsfroBaBherUraandHccelreiv sales CHICAGO HOUBK WKKCKIKU CO., SStb A Iron Hls,tblg. OLD TRUSTY ssss 30 Days Trial. If yon want to know about the chicken business, write for John eon's catalogue. Great SIO effer this year, write and find out. M, M. JOHNSON, Clay Csntar, Ne. The Bantam bMts'smaU. OMetoawwrUsMb. Ulad 1 ebkts fra 60 fa. Tie Kftsei fcateM evssr ! sscevtrf Umt. OiUfcyisysoisslt mb. Bsiekcye Isteweafey Ce.) Kx, ,. Rjsrtoxflf, i 1 '1 'I :f J Ml U3S 1 . I V' :a 1 tfl m ! in i l m I ' afiMm in I iii 1 k-fci 3 .' 3 U Pi'4 n u M m w i .i' ,