The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 26, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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t tmt mmHimttm
The Commoner.
Keep Sinking.
Tho world's all right if you're doing
. your part,
.With smiles on your face and with
joy In your heart;
And chill blasts of winter that blow
will ero soon
Bo banished by sunlight and roses of
Tho, sunshine and flowers of June.
If cloudy today do not sit with a
For oven tho darkest of clouds will
roll by;
But look for tho lining of silvery
,That sparkles with light in the bow
of tho blue,
The beautiful sheen of the blue.
(Pross onward with hopo, though tho
shadows are deep,
'And burdens grow heavy and pathway
is steep;
For sooner or later will come a glad
When burdens and shadows will van
ish away.
Forever and ever away.
iWith songs in your heart and with
smiles on your face,
Press steadily onward in life's busy
'And, sure as the'- seasons, when toil
ing is done,
.You'll get the reward of a race that's
well run,
Successfully, earnestly run.
Good Romody.
"I have been compelled to take
something for my appetito lately."
"What are you taking?"
"Thrco meals a day.'
Spoaks From Exporlorvco.
"I see that Dr, Wiseman says that
no young man should go into politics
unless ho has plenty of money"
"Woll, there'? something in that."
said Senator Graball. "It's alwajs
woll ho havo plenty of capital when
JiUig0 I,10.1.0 business. It insures
quicker dividends."
Quid Pro Quo.
Mr7TUT ar arJazy wretch!" exclaimed
work at your office, but you merely
loaf away your time. You never
earned a dollar in your life.''
And yet," murmured Mr. Henry
5B2 l0W HIS Wio could not heaV,
and y0t people say I married you
for your money.-'
Groo.t Scheme.
You say you have a great thine
.Oh?" queried thu promoter. you"
ihlnk? I know it, sir. This is
mortal man. All it needs is a little
monoy to push it along."
3hat lmve you eolr
f fVe ot a subatitute for all sub
stitutes for coffee."
i Al?11 , thQ promoter iraniediatniv
reached for his check-book y
"Look here, pard," remarked Hitto
do .Rhodes, 'Mis is what I call rubbW
rSat,f do mattr now; cull?" nUer
iod Waydown Pike, pushing anSther
splinter under tho can uumer
"Matter enough," growled Hitte
"It's been only a year or two 1 nee'
wo wuz a-weopin' over th' woes o
poor Cuba, an' here she goes an'
borrys t'irty-five millions .0' plunks.
T'ink of it, Pikoy boy t'irty-five mil
lions. An' we who wuz alius weepin'
over Cuba's woes can't borry de price
of a duck."
"Well, it is a disgrace, Hitte, mo
boy. But jus' t'ink o' de hustlin'
Cuba had ter do t' git it!"
Glorious Victory
"The Russian batteries have been
silenced, sir," reported the Japanese
"Good!" exclaimed the general com
manding. "How did you silence
"We shot every vowel out of 'em,
sir," proudly replied the brave captain.
Uncle Jason.
"I have noticed," remarked Uncle
Jason, crowding a little nearer to the
stove, "I've noticed that the men who
are quickest and loudest to demand
goin' to war for a nrinninls. iisniniiv
have a whole lot of interest rtfinnnriin
vu tue result.
"I helieve Cumso has solved the
problem of aerial navigation."
"What makes you think so? Has he
made a flying machine and tested it
under all conditions?"
''He's made the machine all right,
but he hasn't tried it yet"
"Then how do you know it will
"He's made the wings out of five
dollar bills, and everybody knows that
monoy flies."
Six Old.
Six years old? 0 my, 0 my!
Goodness sakes. how time does fly'
It seems no longer than yester night
The angels came from the vaulted
Bearing on wings of the purest white
A tinv bit of n.n Ain o.if
a ium... :"" -a""3
. ""u uaujr anu tnat was you.
Six years old? Well you don't say!
Where s my babe of yesterday?
Going to school? Well I declare'
A big girl now, hut you'll always bo
The same sweet babe with blue eyes
And curling wealth of golden hair
The same sweet little babe to me.
Six years old? And goes to school'
Sings by note and works by rule
MyAn 57 J52! take pw Cm
niirHii t i ; im srowlng old.
uut still i Sing from fa "iU-
Because at eve I'll cat? j&t "
Of Bwet-faced girl with curls of
tST the mem.
Proposition." MUlt mo wi your
mtenHo".0 tT nl
ESS?" &&!
m'oS JLSSSS5 y tor
member-elect snorted the
tnat you are nf tf t0mthe Iact
you have not tawS an mcIal. as
Therefore my Sit n? ath of .
only bo technical'' ' 3 yu cal1 lt n
h2&nUr. aunnnred ti,.
name and addresB and I will look up
other applicants for that postofflce.
Your mention of technicalities gives
me an idea. Good-day; glad you
Brain Loalcs.
' Ho who sows doubt reaps despair.
Tomorrow's time is easily spent to
day. '
You cannot cure faults by watering
them with tears.
Vnn lon'f nnwv Knnl insurance with
out paying the premiums.
The worth of the son is not meas
ured by the wealth of the father.
We'd hate to endure anything more
melancholy than the average fashion
able call.
You cannot tell by the size of the
monument the worth of the man who
lies beneath it.
The man who jokes on the subject
of gas meters seldom uses gas. The
gas meter is no joke.
There may be more comfort with a
furnace, but there is more enjoyment
with the old-fashioned fireplace.
If we judge a man's knowledge bv
the size of his head, why not judge
how far ho can walk by the size of his
A lot of men build reputations for
being "good fellows" at the expense
of tho happiness and comfort of their
The COld that a woman will endure
in order to appear In a fashionable
dress would freeze a Minnesota lum
berjack to death.
A Lincoln man Tecenlly resolved to
spend an liour a day thinking of his
faults. He is now in a thoughtful
mood moBt of the time.
We are thinking APrinnaiir t ..
ing gold medals for the amateur cham
pion woodsawer and coal carrier.
Would there be any contestants?
When a man finds it inconvenient to
live according to the win rf u
ter he usuaUy finds it very easy to in-
- m, .." system or nig own.
Perhaps we are wrong, but we never
SS? if a i? of &Tls orfianizing a
thilw f GiF ?, Club" but ate
think it is a plain bid for matrimony.
leamWitwleVla l0t of g00d WPle to
fKShM ? p0puiar Sftme of
n2n iS n?ins moro than e Chi
nese game of "fan tan,' with a few
slight changes to make it easier?
Just as soon as the people becin
2enHng ?Pial rePresentativ?s in leg
slative bodies the special representa
tives of selfish interests will have to
work harder to earn their money!
Golden Passes.
Five Englishmen enjoy a dlstInp.
Uon conferred on no other Br tons
They are the possessors of tS
to Person whom the railway comp
me aesire to reward for serv ce7of
signal value to th M w vices of.
one lBBw.: ! r companies, m
for services ronJere tn Was glveu
in a disastrous ; raSSL ? ?fssengerS
recipient in this 5i y accident. The
of GloucesL vhose ? Ue Blaop
gold, carried by the wJB?8 is of M
chain charm. London I Pbas a waW
four owners of gold nnf Wers names
vit'os rendered di?cctl?teSHf0r epr
panies. Lord Jamil HZ Jhe com-i-hus
rewarded Cm lleretord wgp
tor, ortterfmerdarV7nIC afi, w
between the d!rocto?i nf a dlsP,,te
western Railwav !!I?f the North
of their V?- cmPany nnd sni"
-- uuiuiinn .- wiiin
w"4 oittir ' i -..,.
Get My Book, if Sick.
Itort &d a Peony.
Don't Bend penny.
JubI wait till you eo what I can dn
jour friendship , yonr ndonJmon fflW.,.,M
rora wholoinonth you can u&iftlfcfi
Dr. Shoqp's Restorative
A Month on Trial,
I will absolutely stand all tho cost if i r.n
wy. "It did not help ino,':that ends It L S! " m
you Is concerned. Do TotfnndeMtand Sf r iM C()St t0
lnsr it m plainly, M clwriy as i can Tnntln M
know absolutely and without doubt that thu ?r0U
mado on honor. I havo tho nreacrititim, is ,otIct li
My only problem te to . ooSSnco f!S that nrlchCUrc?
Itestorativowlll curo-ls an tmcommon mP8
onimon remedy could not stand f ?SS ilMl' h
I am fiucceedlnar orerytThoro and horo Ib thn . JlB?
my success. I found Invariably that wVn,ih,ecrctot
woaknoss. tho Inside am wSwlk. hSS!?8
was a lack or vitality, Uie t Mtrcs inSS,iIhew
Whoro woakorKans wore found , I25ii SifnWrC
nerves. Not tho nervosxommonly tffihUf imnS
vital organs norves. Tho Inslde-th" inffibio Srr
ronjody failed Just Ihiakr t Vou oMO SiVS
of my oircr. Tell Jilm. Got my book for him n
IXSISS SlhforfthUo8-hoK
Simply state which
boot you want and ad
dress Dr. Snoop.
Box 3515, Racine, Wit.
Mllrl oan 1. 1 -. , ...
..u taom, uut uuxuuiu, ore oitcu cureu wiia
one or two Taottlcs. At dniffists.
Great Northern, Metropolitan and
Southeastern railways, respectively,
are "goia pass" men. Answers rawer
paively remarlts: "All' these legisla
tors have worked hard on various
railway bills." These Dasses are per
manent, and enable their owners to
pass free "from any station to any
station." Philadelphia Public Ledger.
TOOK 0. 1 Off DTrtriU
took no. J ok th i amvt
jbook wo. s on Tins kid.mii
ftnnr urn a n waiitv
words, he was presento . , , ta r
ass. for 8ettlin?ntrikaWi? lhe
bei's of parliament dirn?18 iaoin-
l Sectors ot the
The Needs of Japan.
During each of tho last five years
the United States has purchased more
of the products of Japan than any
other country, and more than all of
Europe, yet British India and Great
Britain each sell raore to Japan than
does the United States. During 1S03,
however, tho Imports from the United
States increased 13 per cent, as com
pared with 1901, while those from
most European countries fell off. Tho
United States continues to surpass all
other countries in furnishing Japan
ese importations of electric light ap
paratus nr InnfriirnnTifa olnntrli TTin-
tors, fire engines and pumps, liour,
sole leather, kerosene oil, lubricating
oil, paraffin wax, cardboard, leaf to
bacco, timber other than teak, bicy
cles and electric light wire. The ex
portation of flour by the United States
to Japan is threatened by Canada,
lhe Dominion people are making a
strong effort to Increase their trade
in the east, and,, at the Osaka Expo
sition, now open, the Canadians aro
spoken of as having the largest and
u uAiumi n any or tno iuicib"
countries. .They are striving espe
cially to advertise the merits of Ca
nadian flour. As a result it is re
Ported that several large orders havo
already been received for that prod-
Uf.r.. TMia TTifj-.i Liii t. i. fur-
nishing from 96 to 99 per cent of all
tno flour imported Into Japan, and last
year this commodity ranked third in
value among the imports from the
United States, raw sinned cotton be
ing tho first and kerosene oil the sec
ond. The most important import from
Canada durJnK , 1902 . was. salted sal
"mnand ,troift f. which she to
nislved nearIywJce' airiiich as the
United States, Chicago Inter-Ocean,