fcwrTJ t IMMMMVOM u. up -!&r' V 74 VJ 7 J r ft rv. BK wwm S 1 1 8 4 M X H99 i ? w ff V 'v N r yy KM ti. .5 iNfttMSUt ;,;a,' The Commoner; VOLUME I, NUMBER 3. jiM A NATURAL H1NERAL ORE, mined from the ground like Gold and Silver possessing remarkable medicinal power AND HEALING VIRTUES & MEDICINE FOR YEARS TWENTY No Permanent Benefit Personal to Subscribers & WE WILL SEND to every subscriber or reader of The Commoner or worthy person recommended by a nf,nbetr or edeZ a fu "i ?,5d Ono Dollai; P'lckfl8e of VnVE-ORE, by mail, Postpaid, sufficient for one month a treatment, to be paid for in one month's time after receipt, if the receiver can truthfully say that its use has done him or her more pood than all the drugs and dopes of quacks or good doctors or patent med lemePhoorshe has ever used. Read this over again carefully and understand that we ash ou payuly when it has done vmi nnnA ta f untna w t,n -n u ' YO aau uur P"' OUi' risk; you have nothing to lose. If it does not benedt you, you 1 took- i Tm "ui""b "l-wo is nniurai, nara, aaamantine, rock-hko substance mineral Ore mined from the ground like gold and silver in the neighborhood of a once powerful but now extinct mineral spring, compared to which the springs of the present day are but pygmies, whose waters, iraprog natod with the healing and medicinal qualities of the Ore found at its base, no doubt spouted for centuries before the foot of man trod the Western Continent. It requires about twenty years for oxidization. It contains freo iron, free sul phur and magnesium, and one package will oqual in medici nal strength and curative value 800 gallons of the most power ful, eincacious minorul water drunk fresh at the springs. It is a geological discovery, to which there is nothing added or taken from. His tho marvel of the century for curing such diseases as Rheumatism, Bright's Disease, Blood Poisoning, Heart Trouble, Dropsy, Catarrh and throat Affection, Liver r riX M Bd.d AilmentB, Stomach and Female Disord era', , Jnppef Malarial Fever, Nervous Prostration and Genera Debility as thousands testify, and as no one answering this writing for a, package will deny after using. Vita-Ore has cured more chronic, obstinate, pronounced incurable cases than any other known medicine and will roach such cases stamp to answer th s announcement w ? , sss aKjsss sE jaar"8 mis unerai otierr One package s usuallv Rnfl)mnnt i ordinary cases: two or three for nW.! Ju .ul"c,ont to euro Vitoe-Ore Brings a Complete Cure I tcel it my duty to tell you, and nlso tho een cral public, what Vittc-Orc has accomplished I tor me. For tho last twenty years I have taken nil . .w..uw, ,..,. u w uulo recoivcu more winn a slight tem porary relief, threo years ago I took treatmontfromono ofthobc8t doctors at Leopold, Indi ana. Ho examined, me and pavens his opinion that I had Catarrh, Krone hi-, tis, Liver and Kid no' .trouble, i was ftt that timeUken with a severe pain in my bark which ho olnirnospd as I doctored with him continually ierJshnWmo' t,mc setting relief lor only a KffT Sffi "Wl nteL0?L"P? of or gottmg by a Jrlenll who had used it and sppke of it very highly I procured a lull treatment Mid beuan a! are ultlymi? ll woordlnir todSSotSriE rmVt nmi Syn8UfI?rlnB ,a noW a thlnS ot the C ?iimyouro l3a Permanent one, as this I havn w t'c.con montT3aso, during which .time. PomTnnK'A-V011 as,1 ovor did In my ltloand Mv 5?MCiol S0- 1 nta- ftty.four years old. mi Stihn8 T,caa?n t0 Pra,so lfc na stronuly Stn a Vh0,h,nvIn' becn uured by its use o, a Vit2 rfe1 consjbientlouslf believe that KiHnnBavc-dtray 1,0',ftnd certainly will op an in my power to bring itto tho attention ol those about me. JOSEPH L. MEUNIEU Apulona, lnd. you at our rllc. Von IretobVthJ lilli11?' Kou nMd J" tho fcrt. all the i wm.,? .'. !" .? onf raokaco) mixed wituVquttt" use of other advertised KtmenfsS. &!M1 seffi SENT ALWAVe bw :---."moimngiromyou. . .J-Thl3 offer will ahuiim. .1. . wimiu-we PAY THE POfiTnr.c m.' 1 -. ubu, rw0uruics3 ot what 1$ you have, by sending to us ' ncu. iNUbL CO.- breX CHICAGO, ILL jtf&. "s.;. . 11