T ' ' ' ' ', . . . . -"-. W VOLUME 4, NUMBER 3, The Commoner. 18 as a unit, Is tributary to tho national republican organization. Through the party it secures the legislation which Kives its holders excessive pecuniary returns. For tariff, franchise, and otbor monopolies obtained through republican legislation, state and na tional, tho beneficiaries in return con tribute lavishly to campaign expenses, thus constituting a vicious circle by means of which the people are ex ploited and equal rights denied. The speediest and surest remedy seems to be for the people to gain direct and complete control of their state and national constitutions. The Political Weekly as an Advertising Medium (Written by W. J. Bryan for ."Ju dicious Advertising," published by Lord & Thomas.) Tho political weokly deserves to be considered as an advertising medium for tho following reasons: First Such a paper is takon main ly by thoso who believe in the politi cal doctrines which it advocates, and advertisements appearing in the paper conimond themselves to the readers. A man's political convictions are, as a rulo, deep and lasting, and in ev ery great crisis tncro are innumerable Instances whoro the individual's views on public questions are stronger than family tles. 'lhoso who hold tenac iously to their x-oliticnl opinions nat urally prize papers upon which they can rely for the information which they need in tne discussion of politi cal questions, and those who adver tise In such papers profit by the con fidence which tho reader hag In the publisher. Second Political weeklies are not read and thrown away like daily pa pers, but aro laid asido for reference. The advertising matter Is, therefore, of lasting value, and it is not uncom mon for an advertiser to hiar from THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL. Few People Know How Useful it is in Pre serving Health and Beauty. Nearly every Lody knows that char coal is mo safest and most efficient disinfectant and purifier in nature, but few realize its value when taken into tho human system for tho same cleans ing purpose. Charcoal is a remedy that tho more you take of it tn better; it is not a drug at all, but simply absorbs tho cases and .impurities alway present ir. tLo atomac and 4ntestines and car ries them out of tho system. Charcoal sweetens tho breath afrpr smoking, drinking or after eating onions and othr odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually clears and im proves tho complexion, it whitens the tteth and further acts as a natural and eminently safe cathartic. It absorbs the injurious gases which collect in tho stomach and bowels it disinfects tho routh and throat from the poison of catarrh. ah uruggisis sen charcoal in one term or another, but probably tho best charcoal and tho most for the money 13 in Stuart's Absorbent Lozoniw tbey aro composed of the finest pow dered Willow charcoal, and other harmless antiseptics in tablet form or . rather in tho fcrm of largo, pleasant taBting lozenges, tho charcoal being Tho daily use of theselozenges will , , soon tell in a much improved condi tion of tho general health, better com- piexion, sweeter oreatn and purer blood, and tho beauty of it is, that no possible harm can result from their . continued use, but on the contrary great benefit. ' A Buffalo phypician in snonlrW the benefits of c-arcoal, says' "i ad viso Stuart's Absorbent Lozenges to ell patients suffering from saa in the etomach and bowels, and to clear the -'complexion and purify the breath mouth and throat; I also believe the . liver is greatly benefited by tha iniir use of them; th cost but 25 cents a box at drug stores, and although in ome sense a. patsnt preparation, yet I believe I get more and better charcoal .s in Stuart's Absc-bent Lozenges than in any of the ordinary charcoal tablet - such an advertisement many weeks after it has ceased to appear in tho paper. Third The political weekly Is grow ing, and bids fair to occupy an in creasing place in the field of journal ism. The daily is becoming a great business enterprise whose editorial page is either practically without po litical color or defends the interests of the corporations with which the owner is connected. The stockhold ers of the great dailies are generally unknown to the public; neither are the writers known whose pencils sup ply copy for the editorial page. It is impossible that an intelligent and thoughtful student of public affairs should pay a great deal of attontion to editorials written by nobody-knows-who and often with an ulterior purpose. With the growth of the daily it be comes less and less possible for tho same person to be both editor and owndr, and if he is employed to do the writing, he must write as the owner desires or forfeit his place. It is like ly, therefore, that there will be an in creasing tendency to read the daily for its news and the weekly for the thoughtful discussion of the problems of government. A weekly paper can bo published without great expense and can be edited by tho owner. Its circulation will depend partly upon tho popularity of the ideas presented and partly upon the ability with which the paper is edited. FourthThe political weekly has a wider field than the daily can possibly have because a daily published in one city .cannot hope to invade the pre cincts 01 anotiier city, but a weekly published anywhere in tho United States can find its way into every viuugu auu namiet or the country. Its contents are not valuable because of their freshness as news, but because of their pormanont usefulness in the consideration of questions of moment. E if th Tho political weekly is inex- ijuuaivo aa compared with ho Ann, reaches thoso who would nnf fooi to pay tho nrice nr n rtniur t v- 1 n -fcAjr 1 JL !, uo conimenuy expected, therefore and able From Factory to Farm 14 ii. Steel Ba Plow. DwMe Skte best that mmtj an dun, ti S9.0D mSMT ll-ln.i8.71 18-ln.iO.M lft-tn. $12.00 M Sulky Plow $M Dung Plow $M IM?. sWkXJTW Outer Coal- 11 Th 1 ii ' TUTroiiTf tor with BngRloB.uarnow. . ,. . ,.,. 4 ,h0Yh H12.00. Rit .lkln OuUbr&tor. 4 nhovnl ml vm. Sf improTod rR(klnrdiltlTitor,4i hprelim Improted Biding DIso CaUhrator. 6 DTee, 135.00. Corn Plantor.completo, 80 rods nlro, 1.70. Address HAPGOOD PLOW CO., 148 Front St, ALTON, ILL. (Onlr plow faotorr in tho United Statea tolling direct to f armsr at wholwala prlcaa.) NO AGENTS NO MIDDLEMEN am waai it meant. M-Tooih Iioyer Harrow ta.u lxoo(ajjOTer u $12.45 ll.ln.Imn. LI BUr $17.75 Aim. onuy . IilBterf!l.M R.f. RskniMm Sewing Machlno 19.00 eat Hflwlnt? Martilnt I Gt. ean&l to anr tra 1 mnrli!ti17Ml Steel Itangu with Hos, : 19.70 1 IjMnnTon llnmrr 'LMWll u-io jjim narrow $17.00 D fjfJRL 4il H ifsarwffilajfl lam tfei IW9 -a alii 00R, & IT S A CORKER "THE LOCOMOTIVE SPECIAL" stampeb 17 Jeweled Adjusted Juftt -what you kayo been loekltir for. A watch that wlllkwp perfect time and make a blsc show for tho tnouoy. It 1b eqnal la appearanco to tho gonulne 17 jeweled adjostod watches that &ii sold overy day at prices ranging from $i!5.00 to $60.00. It hu doable damaakeened plates In gilt and nickel with raised gold fowoled BOttlnRB. Locomotive handsomply ongravod oa ths plates and artistically painted on the dial, atampod on nl&tet 17 Jowoled adjUBted. It la a genuine American mado watch and nothing llko It has ever boon offered boforo at this prlco. It ti guaranteed a perfect timekeeper and positu iprlc tho very heavy and solid through and through. It is hotter thu solid coin silver for it will never tarnlRh. It !b screw back and screw betol and therefore dust proof and damp proof. Justthi ?ratch for railroad men, mechanics, farmern and those whs equiro a substantial solid heavy watch and a reliablo time keeper. It is stem wind and stem set and absomteli Guaranteed for 80 Years, both caso and movement, $EEINQ 1$ 8EUEVINQ 9iKA8e?a3 express oillce address and wo will send tho watch to yon brp nt-noo fni-ovnTnlriaf Inn "Vnn nimlnii Itftf. Tfllir fiinresB OmCt VUV AW WAUUllUWVtWUf A WM J.M g m w v m - , ana u as representee pay express agenc our oarRam b.uo IB.25 and express charges and IMs yours, uraor to-aay m wu and If as ropresentbd pay express agent our (ROR nml .vnMioff nfidMit. .nil UUnt1M. ft adrortiBBmont will noaltivelr not SDoear acaln. AaareM CHALMERS St. CO., 356 Dearborn St., CHICAQO, ILL Fire, Wator and Lightning Proof iiiitiii mmi New Steel Roofing and Siding Complete with nails and painted red on both sides at 92m00 Per 100 Square Feet Most durable and economical roof nnvflrlni? mnfln f-ir hnnona ctrtroa Viarn. nhpds. cribS, poultry houses, etc., and a hundred other purposes for inside or outside use; cheaper and mu wiai,.umur man any otnor covennar. Sheets aro 0 and 8 feet long. We Pay the Freight to all points cast of Colorado. This roofing at 9.00 por squaro is our No. 10 grade. semMiardoned. Very easy leoiiiatcnei or Hammer tno onlv tool needed. Comes In Flat. Oorrutraicu, nil tnflilrwl Iil1lnn Ol.ll Tn. .W..1... o.. ... J.... ii.ilnv todllT for immediate shipment. Writo forionr cataloeuo No. an on furniture, bulldlnir materials, wire, plpo, to layj requires no oxperloneo: hatchet or hammer Crimped, llrlck Sldlngr and Bended Gelling f for immediate shipment. Writo forionr cata piummns; materials and snnmles of all kinds. Wn li,,v a ui.ifr o .o.tvW i. CHICAGO HOUSE WRECKING CO., 35th and Iron Sts., Chicago that political weeklies will increase in muiuubi, m circuiation and in influ ence and the value of an inch of ad vertising in such a paper will approxi mate the value of like, space in a monthly magazine of like circulation. W. J. BRYAN. Humor of th Departments. One of our .exchanges tells of some "i uie queer letters that are received by the various departments of the government. The following is an ex tract from a letter received by the miarior uepartment from a man who was trying to help a friend to obtain a pension. No one can read tho let ter without recognizing that the per- wwn nuu YV1UIU It WHO fining i.i best, Dear Sir: Please ask your WIFE, DAUGHTER or SISTER to Read MY FREE Offer. WISE WORDS OF SUFFERERS From a Woman of Notre Dame, Ind. I "vvill mail, t reo of any charge; tnis Homo Treat ment with full instructions and history of my own case to any lady suffering with female trouble. You can euro yourself at home without the aid oi any physician. It will cost you nothing to plvo the treatment a trial, and if youdeoide to contlnuo it will only cost you about IS cents a week. ItwiU not Interfero with your;work or occupation, i havo nothing to sell, Tell other sufferers of 11 1yy.sTallIask. It cures all, young or old. via if you feel a bearing-down sensation, senw of impending evil, pain In tho back or bowels, creeping feeling up the spine; a deslro to cry fre quently, hot aaBhes, weariness, frequent desire w urinato, or if you have Leucorrhea (Whites), Dis placement or Falling of the Womb. Prof ase, Scanc or Painful Periods, Tumors or Growths, address Mrs. M. Summers for the Free Treatment and Fu Information. ThmmnnfloVinalfloafrlviaAlfhftVOCUrCU W PfATIlnni. - - . f)lAmoAlnnn ..t.i. il v .. a ii. t.. -llfMTMinnflN. Effectually cures LeucoS HS J $11 iPln a simple Home Treatment whioh speedily nd wner troubles to others PimnnS0 of e ona save your daughter the hum! Whartwnr vn iu. t .i?; -t:iumpnoss and health aiwavo o,,i? vnrn u ,,co 4nd wlliBiadly tell anv S.,iffJ55 XSHS. i! knw.n ladies of your own State or county who know our delicate female organism thZmSw omo atment really cures alldlseased conditions u dsplacement. and malSwSn W IMiMlrTi iili ri vK0m:"m MP . KrJ although the humor of ii JnZ . fe1?8' ft"l save you anSeSSSIS11688 and Palnful or Irregular' Menstruation in young nrof," !im , f ll Prol)ably im- troubles to othSrspKZn nrm h , S QS aeepfy the affliction described: " bui aiseased in his nlDea nnrt iTn- ": " uuu maKe3 women well. wuen nis nines wnROnf " mrr A "By the use of JZTr Wdte .wWBBB'ra" , displacement, whioh had? SSsed SSohmSriS17? beon oured ot congestion, inflammation ; and sea mucn srinf 'om nervousness, headache and backaohe.'' t I bad Inflammation of thw . SS LAURA WORTH, 618 Monroo St., Quinoy, "! tored in vainvSur two months" feato&i? umors ot tue womb s onJ d a weatment has made me sound and well." , .,, 7 used your treatment fn,, v. MR3, J0HN w HAINLINB, Minior. II SSSJIy entirely cured of a severe caae of tUceratig known a well day for tenJSui PSSS ia2 rnnflny8088111 W at the Pe08 1 ha UU was COnQned tO thO hfirl mnsf. nr tVio Hma I MRS. M. SUMMEs;xliTE48Damerin