1 The Commoner. JRUARY 6, 1904. , 13 ., Costs Nothing to Investigate, Write Us for Our Proposition Anyway. AND EXPENSES WEEKLY NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. $20 TO $35 $1000 to $1500 ANNUAL INCOME For Both Men and Women. LET US START YOU WRITE TO-DAY. BIG PROFITS. DON'T BE HARD UP. 1.5., --f: fisXerlSliHHPl5lQmll bbbbbkJ vlfcvSv?3'V'9rffiB cwBtilt.'Uftw WRITE US TO-DAY. TRAVKt.lNG OUTFIT FOR GOLD, gllVKR AND NICKEIj PliATING. NO HUMBUG, FAKE OR TOY PROPOSITION. Air Honest, Legitimate Enterprise, Backed by an Old, Reliable, Responsible Firm, Capital $1 uu.uuu WHAT IS THE USE OF YOUR SLAVING LONGER ' FOR SOME ONE ELSE. LvdlHHiiHHv'HfilMMflHSlflftKi -vt wMMWJjffTy JfcA - alWTaaBWasasaHt New, Quick Process -SSiiiliB- TB llS We Manufacture R ffifjs HKHk Complete Outfits. lE HW F All Sizes. I 25? 1 'SV - . BOYAI. bIIVEII OUTFIT IN OPERATION. Why not start a business for yourself, reap all1-the profits and. :,get standing your-locallty ; ,' ' . ,--. . It you. are in squio.onQ',8 employ, remember ho will not con tlnlioto payyou a salary only bo Jong-as ho can mako a profit out of ytrur labor. - In II113 era eyery Diigni man ana woman 19 iuokiuij w uu u business, to employ help, and to make money. It la just as easy to make money for yourself as It Is to coin money for somo grasping employer, who pays you a Bmall sal ary each week. ...... 1 If you are making less than 330 weekly it will pay you to read this announcement, for it will not appear again in this paper. - If you read it and take advantage of the opportunity offered, , you will never regret it. To own a business yourself is cer tainly your ambition. ...... We start you in a profltablo business. Teach you absolutely free how to conduct it. To show you what others have done, we quoto the express ions ol a few who have roado money in tho nickel, gold, silver and metal platlnc business: "MR. REED MADE 888.10 THE FIRST 3 DAYS." Mr. Cox " writes: "Got all I cun do. Elegant business. Customers haniy." Davo Crawford writes: "The first week I had my outfit I made 842.75." E. D. Watorbury writes- "Am CO years old Just completed Job 1800 pieces tabloware. I clear about 8G.00 a day profit." Gentlemen'and ladles po itlvcly make 85 to 815 a day at home or traveling, taking orders, using, selling and appointing . agents lor PROP. GRAY'8 Latest improved. Guaranteed 'Plat 's JnV Machine! and Outfits. NO FAKE OR TOYS, but genuine, practical, complete, scientific outfits for doing tho finest of iiliiMnc nn WATCHES. JEWELRY. KN1VE8. FORKS. 8POON&. CASTORS, TABLEWARE OF ALL KINDS, BICYCLE8, SEW- BUGGY TRIMMINGS, motai specialties: in'fact all kinds of metal goods, heavy tiuuk. imjatjc every tjmji; uuau ANTEED TO WEAR FOR YEAR8. No experience necessary. There is really a wonderful demand for replatlng. you can do business at nearly every house, storey office or factory. Al most every tamilyhos from $2 to $10 worth of tableware to bo plated, "besides watches, jowolry, bicycles, etc. Every boardlnjc home, hotel, restaurant, college or public Institution uas irom 50 10 yo worm 10 do piaica. tsvery jew eler, repair or bicycle shop, every dentist, doctor and sur jreen, every man, womnp and child you meet has either a watch, somo jowcly, bicycles, Instruments, or somo articles needing plating. Besides the above there are hundreds of patentees and mam ufacturers of metal goods, bicycles, sowing machines and type writer repair shops who want their goods plated, or to whom you can sell a plating outfit, furnlshingthem supplies to do their own plating. ' Retail Stores who handlo hardware harness,, tableware and plated or metal goods all need p. plating and polishing outfit for refinishing goodd that becomo worn, soiled, rusty or tar- Every Undertaker requires a plating outfit for repairing and finishing coffin and iearso trimmings which aro soiled, tar nished or wprn. , Manufacturers are matin Bnu duiuujj iyua ui utjw lupmwuru, ana va,naus itinua 01 jiiuiui goous every tho old and buy now at high prices, but this only makes tho plating business Dettcr. Tho more new thinly plated floods sold the creator will h th demand for plating:. Plato somo articles lor your friendB and neighbors by Professor Gray's Process, and it quickly proves to them its genuineness and merit and KMifllMll l JPCfflBBr 'BBlHRsflsssBsssssM BnOP OUTFIT FOR GOLD, 8II VKR AND NICKEL VIjAIIXQ It is not hard work, but is pleasant, and especially so when your business is netting you 820 to $35 a week for 5 or 80 hours' work a day. This is only a minimum Income which may bo made by any1 one who is not lazyj.hustlcru should muko 8100 weekly. ' - TREMENDOUS PROFITS t jewelry, bicycles moniU wnil'U uuh uinjr jw i" ".";. """-" " ? ."" weeks, wears off, making tno gooas unsiguuy, unut lor miure mnntii which has only a very mm piaio, wnicn, in a iew 11 ho hh1a9 T)lfltGd. ManHfaeturera of Bw (foods do e replatin oh eld seods -whatevei', Taut try to force tho public to throw away Factory and Warehouse of Gray & Co., Cincinnati, O. Capital $100,000. Employ 200 to 300 people dally. that your plating is much thicker, will wear better and longer than n. lnreo nercentaco of the new croods. Your trade Is then established, and within a short timo you will have all the goods you can plate, .. , I'lnte a few articles for yoar frle4s. call a few WCCkB, a few months, or five years later, and you will find the plate sat isfactory, and they will givo you every article they havo need ing to be plated. When you deliver me gooas piaiea 10 customers muy win be well pleased, in fact delighted with tho wprk, will pay for it promptly, and you will bo given on an uvcrago twice as much work to bo plated as they gave you tho first timo you called. YOU CAN DO PLATING SO CHEAP that every person can afford to have their gobds plated. No tidy housekeeper will allow worn and rusty tableware to go before a guest when it can be restored and mado equal to new. No person will wear Jewelry or a watch, or rido a bicycle, or uko a typewriter, sowing machine, or any machine mado of metal from which the plate is worn off when they ijo samples of your work ond hear your prices. People in this day and generation aro too sensible and economical to throw away their old coods and buy new when they can havo their old goodB replated for so small a cost, making them, in many coses, better than when now. , , ,..,.,, r L Tho best part of the plating business ia that It increases fast and is permanent. ....... Put out your sign, secure your outfit do a little work, and quickly you will bo favored with orders. If you do not wish to dp tho plating yoursolf you can hire boys for 83 or $4 a week to do the work the samb as we do, and solicitors to gather up goods to bo plated on commission. Tho profits realized from plating aro tremendous. To plate aset ol tcuspoons requires only about 3c worth of metal and chemicals; a sqt of knives, forks or tablespoons a bout 5c worth. Tho balance of tho price received for tho work is for tho agent's timo and profit. r- Agcnts usually charge from 25c to 50c per set for plating tea spoons, from 50c to 75c for tablespoons and forks, and from COo to 81.00 for knives. We allow yew to set your own price for plating. Oct as much ad you can. You will have no competition. You know what It costs to plate the goods", and all you get over cost is profit. Somo agents charge much more than the above prices, while others do the work for hall and still make money. Let us start you In business for yourself nt once, dn't de lay a ingta day. Bo your own boss Bo a money maker. We do all kinds of plating: ourselves, have had years of experience, and aro headquarters for plating supplies. We manufacture our own dynamos and outfits, all hI es, and send them out com plete, with all tools, lathes, wheels and materials; everything ready for use. We teach you everytklnfr, furnish all recelp , formulas aaa" trade aecrcts free, so that failure should bo impossible, and anyone who follows our directions and teachings can do flno plating with a little practice, and becomo a money maker. THE ROYAL SILVER OUTFIT. Prof. Cray's Famous Discovery. THE NEW DIPPING PROCESS is the latest, quickest, easiest method known. Tableware plated by simply dipping in melted metal, taken out instantly, with a fine brilliant, beautiful plate deposited. All ready to deliver to customers. MAKES THICK PLATE EVERY TIME. GUARANTEED TO WEAR 6 to 10 YEAR8 A BOY PLATES 100 to 800 pieces tableware dally, from $10 to 930 worth ef work, profits almost 1000 per cent. GoodB como out of plato finely finished. No pellsblag, frrlad lae or work necessary, neither before or after plating Yu will net Heed te canvas. Agents write they have all tho goods they can plate. People bring it for miles around. You can hire boys cheap to do your plating, the same as we do. and solicitors to jjathor work for a small per cent. Put a small ad vertisement or two in your local paper and you will have all tho plating you can dp. Tho plating business is honest and le gitimate. Plating on our machines gives perfect satisfaction. Wears for years; customers aro ulways delighted and recom 'mond you and your work. We are an eld established firm, have been in bnslBess for years, know exactly what is required, furnish complete outfits, tho samo as we ourselves use, and customers always, have the benefit of our experience. We are responsible and gaarantee every tnla-?. Header, here Is a chance" ef a lifetime to go la bdnlaess for yourself. We start yea. Now ia tho time to'mako money. FREE-WRITE US TO-DAY ' for onr new plan and proposition; also valuable information how tho plating is done. Sit down and write now, bo wo can start you without delay. If you wish to sec a sample of plating by our Outfits, send 2c postage. Send your address anyway. GRAY & CO., Plating Works, "ciNaNNMj"!Sia C-j 0 " ..