The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 29, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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The Commoner.
tANUARY 29, 1904.
Condensed News of the Week
Owlncr to tho t.hnrnupti monmirr-a nrlnnfnrt hv
K the Russian government, the threatened massacre
or tne Jews in tno Kishineff district recently was
prevented. Later reports, however, are to the
enact mac inreats or violence are irequent anu
it is helleved that the Hotoua eicment nf tho
population have agreed on Easter as an occasion
r for further masHnnrpR of Hi a .Tnws Mnnv nf flio
i Jews in the province are making preparations to
e-emigrate to tno united States, and those who
is cannot no tnat, out must remain, decare that
lcney win aerend tnemseives, regardless or re-I'sults.
It was announced from Frankfort, Ky on Jan
uary 16 that the house committee on suffrage and
elections has decided to report favorably the
Heilin suffrage bill. This measure in effect dis
franchises on the ground of illiteracy.
The famous boodle trials at Grand Rapids,
tich., are in progress and much interest is lnani-
jsted in the proceedings. No less than Ave
former aldermen of the city have admitted that
ley were paid various sums as bribes in con
nection with the water franchise for. the city.
James L. Blair of St. Louis and former counsel
tor tho St. Louis exposition, died at Eustis, Fla.,
m January lb. Mr. Blair was horn at St. Louis
hi April 2, 1854, and was the third son of the
imous General Francis Preston Blair. Last fall
r. Blair became known throughout the country
jecause of his connection with certain alleged
fraudulent transactions in conducting the affairs
f an estate of which he was a trustee, and it is
Believed that the strain upon him at that time did
mch to hasten his death.
A fire originating in the rooms of the Daily
lews, a newspaper at Wheeling, W. Va., on Jan-
lary 17, "entailed the loss of an entire block in
bhe business portion of the city with damage and
loss aggregating $200,000. -
if Orders were recently sent by the Turkish gov-
srnment to the governor of Beirut, Syria, to pay
the arrears due the troops in thai district, tho
yaon-payment of which has kept the troops in
m, mutinous condition for some time. The mu
tineers numbered about 1,300 men, and there was
about $80,000 in arrears of their pay.
The republican editors of Missouri, in conven
tion assembled at St. Louis on January 16,
(Adopted the following resolution: "Resolved,
hat the" president of this association be in
structed to telegraph President Roosevelt Its con-
feratulations upon his patriotic, consistent atti
tude with regard to the recognition of the re
public of Panama and to inform him that the
republican press of Missouri is a unit for his
irenommation at Uhicago next June."
Dr. F. Pollack Hyatt, who was consul at San
tiago do Cuba five years prior to the outbreak of
l-the Spanish-American war, died at his homo in
-Jersey Shore, Pa., on January 17 at the age of
lis vears. nr. tiyatt served aurintr tho o.ivii war
as surgeon in Washington and in 1877 was sent
t"o Florida as the personal representative of Sam
suel J. Tilden to count the vote in that state.
President Cleveland appointed Mr. Hyatt consul
ft Santiago, President McKinley retaining him in
lis position until the outbreak, of the Spanish-
imerican war in 1898.
h The socialist party has decided to hold its na
tional convention on May 1 at Chicago, 111.
According to d special cablegram to the Omaha
ElWorld-Herald dated Berlin, January 17, it seems
fcthat tho German government has joined with
France and England in sending a note to the gov
ernment at Washington asking that the United
fc States agree to adopt tho international laws for
yene prevention or epiaemicai diseases, wnicn in
ternational laws were recently adopted at a sani-
iry conference at Paris, where tho United States
id Turkey were the only countries not repre
According to a cablegram from London, under
ite or January iy, non. air iienry jeppei, aa-
irai or tne ueet, is aeaa. Jtie was oorn in auy.
Some attention Is being directed to the efforts of
sques Lebaudy; a Frenchman, to organize a
lltary company for his so-called "Empire of
mra," in Africa. He proposed to draw- the of
ficers and non-commissioned officers for two bat
talions from Great Britain and tho United States,
and it is stated that he will submit to President
Roosevelt an Invitation to name any officers of
his former Rough Riders for commissions.
Eighty-eight democratic members of the Mary
land general assembly met in caucus at Annap
olis on January 18 for the purpose of nominating
a candidate for United States senator to succeed
Senator McComas. They reached no conclusion
in the first meeting and there seems. to bo some
division as to tho candidate to bo selected.
George B. Cox of Cincinnati announced on Jan
uary 18 that ho was a candidate for delegate at
largo to tho republican national convention, and
this announcement was received with much in
terest, as it Is regarded as completing what is
known in Ohio as the "Hanna" slato. Tho other
three candidates for delegates who are known to
be friendly to Mr. Hanna are said to bo Governor
Herrick, former Governor Nash and Congressman
Dick. It is understood that Senator Foraker will
.name four others for delegates in opposition to
the Hanna men, and that what is known as tho
"administration" slato will be headed by Senator
The fifteenth annual convention of tho United
Mine Workers of America opened in Indianap
olis, Ind., on January 18, with about 1,000 dele
gates present. Canada was also represented In
the convention. The meetings continued for ten
days and many mattors Interesting to the labor
interests of the country wore discussed. Presi
dent John Mitchell delivered a speech reviewing
tho work done during the year.
Disturbances are reported from Southwest Af
rica among the Herreros, who are said to bo mur
dering settlers and burning homesteads ovGr wide
areas. The German colonial troops in the dis
turbed districts are insufficient to deal with tho
rovolters and tho reichstag will bo immediately
aBked to authorize tho sending of reinforcements.
There seoms to he a better condition in
Manchuria and other disputed territory between
Russia and Japan. It was made known on Jan
nary 20 that Russia is now considering the evac
uation of Manchuria and tho arranging of a
modus Vivendi with Japan. Some authorities are
of the opinion that the action of he United States
in making a treaty with China without Rubsia's
consent, is construed by Russians as an unfriend
ly, act, and tho completion of that treaty upset
some of Russia's plans in the east. It is re
garded as almost certain,' however, that Russia
will make concessions to Japan, and war may bo
averted, after all.
The constitutional convention of Panama met
on January 19. The Panama minister of war re
ported to the convention that the republic is ready
to fight to maintain its independence, and gave in
detail the preparations made in case of invasion
of Panama by Colombia.
Senators McLaurin and Money of Mississippi
were elected orf January 19 by both houses of the
legislature to succeed themselves In the United
States" senate.
A dispatch from Detroit, Mich., dated January
19, says: The Detroit board of commerce tonight
adopted resolutions, declaring that "the joint
- high commission should be reconvened for tho
-purpose of negotiating a new reciprocity treaty
with Canada and tho approach to Its delibera
tions on the part of representatives of the United
States should be in such a spirit of liberality and
concession as may lead to agreements satisfac
tory and beneficial to the United States." Resolu
tions were also adopted indorsing the action of
the United States government toward Panama.
Judge William L. Pehfleld, the solicitor of the
state department at .Washington, has formally
announced himself a candidate for tho Indiana
republican gubernatorial nomination.
On January 19 the supreme court of Delaware
decided two cases involving J. Edward Addicks,
and Mr. Addicks must show the boolia of the
company of which ho is president. The second
case -decided that the company headed by Mr.
. Addicks need not file .with tho state secretary a
certificate of the condition of ..the company on
the ground that it was chartoicd by a apodal law
prior to tho enactmont of the present general cor
poration laws of tho state, which laws reauire
statements to bo filed.
According to reports from European sources,
King Peter of Servia is prepared to voluntarily
ronounco tho throne and allow tho powers to nom
inate his successor. It is said that King Peter's
successor will only bo permitted to ascend tho
throne on tho condition that ho agrees tc punish
tho leaders of tho conspiracy which resulted in
tho assassination of King Alexander and Queen
On January 19 President Falma of Cuba or
dered the congress of tho island to adjourn, and
tho Bossjon came to an end. This action was taken
by President Palma on account of tho inability of
tho houses to arrive at a decision as to the dato
of adjournment.
As a result of tho bursting of a reservoir at
Bloomfonteln, South Africa, on January 17, sixty
persons wero drowned and 176 houses and thieo
hotels wero destroyed.
As a result of Investigations of charges of fraud
at the recent elections held in Colorado, eleven
judgos of election have been arrested, charged
with "wilfully, corruptly and negligently violat
ing tho election laws."
Tho republican state convention, to elect four
delegates at large to the nuiional coavention to
ho held In Chicago, June 21, is to meet in Lin
coln, Ncb on May IS, according to tho decision
of tho committee. At tl-e meeting of the com
mittee at Lincoln on January 20, President Roose
velt was indorsed for president and John L.
Webster of Omaha for vice president.
A boiler explosion in a mill of the Cambria
Steel company at Johnstown, Pa., on January 21,
brought down the whole section of roof and
caused the death of at leadt fourteen men. Many
others -were injured.
Tho heavy snowfall thioughout many sections
of tho eastern part of the country on January 20
caused the blockading of trains on several roads.
In some places in Now York state trains wero
delayed several hours by the heavy snowfall,
which is declared to bo tho worst for many years.
The attempt to organize all the great German
steel companies into a syndicate has resulted in
a failure. The conference held for the purpose
of effecting a combination succeeded in splitting
the steel industry into two groups, each of which
will compete with tho iiiicr.
. About 800 hack and carriage drivers of St. Louis
went on a strike on January 20 to enforce their
demands for $12.50 a week, a twelve hour day, 25
cents an hour for overtlnit, and recognition of tho
union. Contrary to the practice at Chicago, how
ever, ,when that city ww dieted with a like
strike, it is announced that there will bo no in
terference at funeraib.
,On January 20 the house of representatives in
the Kentucky legislature passed a bill appropriat
ing $1,000,000 for a new state capitol building.
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