The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 29, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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The Commoner.
JANUARY 29, 1304.
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in all parts of the world, died at one o
I the Mills hotels in New York city January 19.
Mr. Train's death was due to heart disease, fol
lowing an attack of acute nephritis. Mr. Train
was. born in Boston in 1830. For years ho was a
Successful business man, and did much to the
K'avlnillrlt'nn nP Vi ntfir rt "ItvioTio "MoVi XXa WHO
I one of the prime movers in the construction or
Ifche Union Pacific railroad and organized the
credit foncier and credit mobilier for the purpose
cof raising the money to finance the Union Pacific.
LMr. Train once made a trip around the world in
sixty-six days. He made several fortunes and
tavo them away. no was luentiueu witn me
Penian movement, and was once imprisoned in
)ownpatrick, Ireland.
tho New York World presents the Panama
revolution in an entirely different light from that
given by Mr. Roosevelt in his special message to
jongress, in which he declared that his adminis
tration had no part, directly or indirectly, in the
revolution. The World says that its facts have
oen gathered from men who took an active part
In the events described, and that the greatest care
las been taken to substantiate all the statements
rtven. According to the World, the Panama revo-
ition wasfostered and promoted in many ways
y a syndicate of Now York and Paris brokers
(liq had formed an immense pool for speculating
the shares and other securities of the Panama
Janal company. TJais syndicate furnished 100,-
IQO, which was the revolutionary party
Panama to perfect the revolution. Of this
lonoy 88,000 was, used to bribe Colombian troops
tnd get them to leave the isthmus. The agent .of
this .speculative syndicate was Philippe Bunau-
rarilla, the present, minister of the Panama re-
Ebublic to the United States. The leading members
t-of the syndicate was Minister Vanlla's brother,
iMaurice Varilla, editor of a Paris newspaper. The
Fshares of the Panama Canal company, when the
tankers' syndicate took hold of the revolutionary
project, were selling at 87 .on the Parl3 bourse.
iToday they are selling at 114. Tho profits of the
syndicate at present prices are estimated at $4,-
)00,000. . t
a? &
dicate and the connection of Minister Va
rilla with the spec latlve pool was, according to
!the World, not known until quite recently, but
?the native Panamanians went into the revolution
Is out of a spirit of loyalty. The World says that
is mere IS HO eviuuuuu iuui uuy ul iucau juiueu iu
;the syndicate pool or reaped any of its profits.
It adds that the appointment of Varilla as min
ister of the new republic to this country was bit-
feterly opposed by leaders of the revolutionary
ffparty on u.e Isthmus until they discovered
if through representatives they had sent to Wash-
arlngton that nothing could 1& done In the way of
lTWHIo01'1'1 lo aooioLuuuti jli um vuio &j v ci uuiuut UAtjujiu
through Mr. Varilla.
ir if
timo before the revolt occurred, Var'lla in-
E'sisted to the active leaders of the revolution that
lie must be made minister of the reprbhc to this
r country, in exchange for which he would furnish,
R'first, the revolutionary fund necessary; second,
that he would have United States warships on
le scene at the proper moment to serve the in
vests of the revolutionists; third, that he would
ive the United States recognize tho republic of
mama immediately after the revolution. Va-
llla kept all three pledges.
cently given out by the chief of the bureau
fc statistics. This statement is entitled "The
jgress of .the United States In Its Material ta
stries." and shows: Area, population wealth,
Ibllc debtt gold and silver production, money in
fculation, savings bank deposits, larm products,
sorts ana exports or principal aruciei, ran-
r in oneration. number of nostofflces. receipts
tho postoffice department, and many other sub-
ts are incjuaea in tne taoies yraicn give op-
portunity to compare present conditions with
those of earlier years. Tho population In 1903 Is
estimated at 80,372,000, against 23,191,870 in 1S50
and 5,308,483 In 1800. Tho wealth of the country
is stated at $94,000,000,000 in 1900, and it is de
clared that presumably $100,000,000,000 would not
be an unreasonable estimate for 1903, while for
1850 the wealth of the country stood at $7,000,
000,000. The per capita wealth Is sot down at
$1,235 In 1900 and $307 in 1850, having thus moro
than quadrupled.
ment, tho interest-bearing debt in 1903 Is
$yj.4,000,000, against $1,724,00,000 in 1880 and
$2,046,000,000 In jl870. The per capita indebted
ness of the country in 1903 is $11.51, against
$60.4G in 1870. Gold and gold certificates in cir
culation in 1903 for tho first time exceeded $1,
000,000,000, or, to bo -exact, $1,031,000,000, against
$810,000,000 in 1900 and $232,000,000 in 1880. Tho
total money in circulation in 1903 was $2,367,000,
.000, against $1,429,000,000 in 1890, $973,000,000 in
1880, $675,000,000 in 1870, and $435,000,000 in 1860.
Deposits, in savings banks in 1903 were $2,935,
000,000, against $1,524,000,000 in 1890, $550,000,000
in 1870, and $149,000,000 in 18G0. The value of
manufactures for the census year 1900 is given
at $13,000,00.0,000, against $5,333,000,000 in 18S0,
- and less than -$3.0OO,OOa,OQO in 1860. Railways In
operation in 1902 had 203,132 miles of track,
against 166,703 miles in 1890, 03,262 miles In 1880,
52,922 miles in 1870, 30,626 miles in 1860, and
9,021 miles in 1850. Coal production Increased in
nine years .from 162,814,977 tons in 1893 to 269,
081,049 n 1902. Steely sIiqws an increase from
4,019,995 tons in 1893 to 14,947,250 tons In 1002.
,In the. same nine years exported manufactures in
creased .from $158023,118 to $407,526,159, and to
tal imports from $866,400,922 to $1,025,719,237.
The excess of total exports over total imports in
,1903 was $394422,442v In 1893 the imports ex
ceeded the exports by '?18 .735,728: '
JSform of reference used by some London
newspapers to Mr, Chamberlain's tariff commit
tee. The London correspondent for the Chicago
Inter-Ocean says that Punch's cartoon represents
them as all blowing trumpets, each man facially
a replica of Mr. Chamberlain, who Is conducting
what is called "Joseph's Orchidstra," being a
pun on the former colonial secretary's hobby of
" wearing an orchid In his button-liole. Tho Inler
Ocean correspondent adds: "It appears that even
the king himself shares tho notion that Mr.
Chamberlain is inclined to run tho country on
his own hook, and that he is not pleased that he
-selected the word commission for a collection of
business men who are preparing a tariff scheme
for presentation to the country at tho next elec
tion. Commissions in England aro issued only
by royal warrant, and Mr. Chamberlain is not
even an officeholder now Ho refuses to with
draw the name, and approved of the meeting
place at the Whitehall rooms, which are only a
few minutes' walk from the house of parliament.
This commission numbers sixty-five, and, al
though the official tory Standard dubs them plu
tocrats and nonentities, they inplude a remarkable
number of the chief manufacturers, railway and
shipping managers and economists of England."
dent that the statement of Prime Minister
Balfour at Sheffiold that ho was not now sure of
the ilscal methods which would bo tho best in
securing Imperial union, was to prepare the way
for the announcement in the king's speech Feb
ruary 2 when parliament meets, of tho appoint
ment of a royal commission to consider the best
means of including colonial representatives on
the national defense committee, making them im
perial by adding them to tho judicial committee
of the privy council, -which is the ultimate court
of appeal of tho empire, and making colonial
statesmen like peers. According to the Inler
Ocean correspondent, Mr. Balfour's friends say
. that such a policy is complimentary and not an
tagonistic to Mr. Chamberlain, but they admit
t may be difficult to bring Mr. Chamberlain, over
"to tfife viowr " t- .l"t's - . .
ers' association recently. Mason S. Stone
told some interesting stories about school life in
tho Philippines. A corrocpondent for tho Chicago
Tribune, referring to Mr. Stone's addross says:
"At one place ho found this definition of a hat
written on tho blackboard: Tho hat is the tblng
that men uso to tako off tho sun. At another
place ho found this geography lesson for tho pu
pils to learn: 4Tho products of tho Philippines
aro cucumbers, onions, and tomatoes, milk, gar
lic, watermelon, candy, mangoes, gooso, duck, figs
t and many other fruits and nuts.' Professor Simo,
a Spaniard, thought himself qualified to writo a
primary English reader to bo used in the schools
after the Amorican occupation. Tho sample book,
shown by Mr. Stone, contained twenty-fivo les
sons, and hero Is tho concluding chapter: 'Sit
by mo, Molly, and lot us breatho the fresh breeze
which comes from the sea. Wo aro hero at our
full easy. Look at theso bees flying about I
will seizo them said BettyOh, no, do not seize
tho bees, please, nor tease them, for they will
at once sting you Thon, reach mo that slice of
cheese with some bread. Thank you, Molly; now
squeeze hands.' A small 16mo. geography, the
only one used in tho privato Spanish schools in
Manila, contains only two pages Jescrlptivo of
the United States, and closes with this statement:
'Tho most conspicuous products of tho United
States are millionaires, advertisements, and ec
centricities.' Tho book was published in Bar
celona, and affords an excellent opportunity to get
a glimpse at ourselves as others see us."
newspaper publisher, recently adopted the
plan set on foot by one or two Paris newspapers,
and caused his agent to bury medallions, each
of which entitled tho finder to 50 pounds. In all
1,000 pounds were thus distributed about the me
tropolitan districts. Tho London correspondent
for the New York World, describing this plan,
says: "Clows were given in articles which ap
peared in Sunday's issue of tho Dispatch and early
that day men, women and children, armed with
sticks, umbrellas and trowels, began to feel along
,the top walls, explore tho crevices of pavements
and grub about tho base of lamp posts, and de
spite printed warnings 'No medallions burled In
privato property,' to upturn the edges of lawns.
Many -persons came upon what they thought tho
much sought medallions only to find later that
they were penny lead medals buried by some
joker. Mr. Harmsworth's newspapers have been
booming tho treasure hunt, but thoso of C. Ar
thur Pearson, who is considered his rival in tho
newspaper field, have been calling on the police
to stop what thoy term 'such wholesale trespass
and vandalism.' That American ideas are con
tinually being imported oven in journalism was
attested by the announcement tho other day that
the Daily Mail, beginning next Monday, would
commence running a special train to the west of
England for the delivery of Its own edition. This
is followed by similar statements from the Daily
News, tho Express and Morning Leader."
1' 9C
"love" played a part was recently rendered
by Supremo Court Justice Bischoff of Now York.
In this decision, Justice Bischoff declared that
marriage for love is not the only lawful marriage,
and that while that kind of marriage is "a con-
ditlon favored by tho poets," it is not yet favored
by our jurisprudence. This opinion was rendered
in the case in which the justice refused to an
nul the marriage of Charles V. V. Gunthor, on the
alleged ground that his wife had married him
for the purpose of advertising herself as an
sr ar
Bischoff said: "The fraud for which an
nulment of ther marriigo is sought by way of
counterclaims, is alleged to arisefrom the fact
that tho plaintiff induced tho marriage through
false assertions of affection for the defendant,
concealing her real motive, whici. was to ad
vertise herself in her profession as an actress,
-J)y means of this marriage. It. appears from tho
matter pleaded, however, that this mental -iftttl-