VOLUME 4 NUMBER X 10 The Commoner. A Cornortf. "Ho spent his life In search of wealth; ' Ho worshipped gods of gold. fAnd through bis schemes of greed and stealth Ho gathered wealth untold. 'A "corner" In tho people's wheat Ho worked with cunning hand; 'And millions poor had nought to eat And hunger filled tho land. Ho "cornered" coal and hugged hlm solf With joy to ceo his gain; And littlo thought his growing pelf Was snatched through woe and pain. Ho "cornered" wool and little cared That children starved and froze; Tho helpless ones ho never spared, And heeded not their woes. Ho "cornered" everything in sight That promised profits great; Ho crushed tho weaker by his might And groed insatiate. No pity for the weak and poor , Within his bosom beat; Ho turnod tho helpless from his door And drovo lovo down tho street. ft Ho diedas all men dio at last " And downward led his path. As ho had sown despair broadcast Ho reaped tho grain of wrath. Ho "cornered" things on earth com plete; , He's "cornoreu" things down there He's got a "corner1' on tho heat And is warmed up for fair. Fully Preparod. The senator-elect was about to de- iv. jiuii iiuiu ma uuuiu, uu iuuiu iu iuu national capital. "Aro you suro you have everything you need in your grip?" queried Mrs. Senator Elect. "Sure." "Collars, cuffs, shirts, cravats, un vlorwoar, brushos, comb, medicine and passes?" "Got 'om all, my dear." "Is your cigar caso woll filled?" "Pull." "I guess you have ovorytlnng then. Good-bye, dear." Tut senator-elect disappeared in the direction of a rtrcet car, but in about five minutes ho camo tearing back, out of breath and visibly excited. " "Wh-wh-wh-what's tho matter?" gasped Mrs. Senator Elect. ."Great Scott, wifo!" exclaimed the conator-olect "I forgot my techni calities and left 'em lying on the dressor In my room." Stvndulno. J'DoWrito is tho most sanguine fel low I over saw," "What's ho been doing now?" "Ho read sorao where that every suc cessful novel meant the destruction of 800 trees, and boforo ho began writing on tho novel ho expects to publish next spring ho went out and planted 1,G00 trees." . . Lower. To rail at trusts Is now a sin, . So 1o not do it, friends, I bog; For coal is lower In the bin, And boef is lower down tho leg. The Difference, "Is Bilklns a poet?" No, he's a versifier." "What's tho difference?" "A versifier writes verses that read era can understand. A poot writes verses that nobody can understand, but everybody raves over." Disappointing. "Whillikers is a broken man." "What's happened to him?" "He graduated from college last spring and thought ho knew about all there is worth Knowing." "What made him change his mind?" "He was accepted as a juror in a murder trial yesterday." Proparod. Tho indicted federal official locked himself in the office with lils attor ney. "Have you prepared demurrers for everything?" "They aro all ready, sir" replied the attorney. "Have you fixed up the plea In abatement?" "It is in the proper shape, sir." "And have you secured the proper amount of technical objections to pre sent from time to time? ' "I have an unusual number of them, sir." "Are you prepared to make a show ing that the court has no jurisdic tion?" "Yes, sir." "And have you prepared for filing a motion to dismiss?" "Hero it is, sir." "How about tho motion to nolle?" "All ready, sir.". "And are you ready to ask that the indictment bo quashed?" "I am, sir." With a smile tho federal official opened the door and admitted the waiting reporters. "You may say," said tho federal of ficial, "that I will demand immediate trial. I court fur and, free investiga tion and will make no objections. I want the public to know everything. This trial will bo pushed by mo, and I will waive all technicalities. Truth is mighty and will prevail." Good Sohomo. Tho wealthy thpugh bashful Mr. DcRyche was no sooner seated in tho parlor of the Spoonamore mansion than Miss Grayce Marie Spoonamoro said: "What a funny little mistake you made in your note to me this after noon, Mr. DeRyche." "I beg pawdon, Miss Snoonamore: but did I make a mistake?" "Yes, and such a comical mistake, too. You dated it '1903 I should tuink you would remerabor the right figure because this is leap year." JLdid,Viatrahor-1 did that pur posely Miss Spoonamore. I wanted to remind you that-ah-er-r wanted to recall to your mind the fact that this is leap year, and perhaps you would then assist mo in er ah I thought you would seo my distress and help me-er-ah-that is to say i wanted you to er ah " ' "Goodness, gracious, Mr. DeRyche aro, yu tS to propose to me?" ' Ah, that s it, my dear Miss Spoon amore. Thank you for helping me '. "Well, why didn't you come rleht out with it instead of all t 3lgS role. Of course I'll marry you!" Ployin SoJe. "If you will be mine," said tho ard ent suitor, i will endow you with all my worldly goods." ? Being, a young woman who kept in touch with political topics, Miss Cutely lost no time in saying: "Words, Mr. DeRIche, are good when backed up by deeds, and only so. But- We heard the statesman loud declare "I want a trial full and fair On this charge of venality." But when the statesman's case was called Down on his knees he went and crawled , Out on a technicality. Fathor Gooso R.hymos Taffy was a financier, Staooth beyond belief; Taffy sought a tariff law And cornered all the beef. I went to Taffy's house Determined it to wreck, But Taffy took a campaign fund And smote me on the neck. Tom, Tom the magnate's son. Watered stocks then away he run. The stocks were so wet They are leaking yet And Tom's papa paid for his fun. Eo.sy. There was a young man in the Sault Whose dollars were woefully fault. Said he. "If I must I'll form a big trust And get In with the big pirate crault." Pa.pa Gooso. Steel stock common, Steel stock preterred; Steel stock in the soup And well stirred. Bra.In Leaks. Greed is the soil that the devil loves to sow seed in. Every gossiper exists because there are plenty of listeners. The workman who forgets to look at the clock Is earning his wages. Can anything bo more sad than a childless home where love of children exists? The man who gives nothing good to the world gets nothing really good out of it. The man who succeeds in attend ing to his own business has aqcom plished much. It takes one hundred pennies to make a dollar, but one penny will un make a dollar. God does not look at the denomina tion of the coin; He only looks at the heart of the giver. When we want a boy we can trust we look for one who is "tied to his mothor's apron-strings." Good humor is a medicine that is not carried in a doctor's case, but it can effect more cures than ,any drug. Somehow or other we always reel sorry for a, baby dressed up in a lot of very white and very stiffly starched "fixings." Sometimes wo think that the "in fant class" in Sunday school should bo made np wholly of those who have children of their own. The world will never forget the mu sician who shall succeed in writing something that sounds as sweet as tho laughter of happy children. Wo often wish wo could hold on to our last dollar like the average wo man can hold on to the last can of fruit she put up the summer before. nn?! &.?uro may not make as much noise in the business world as Hurry & Flurry, but usually Slow & Sure is tteflm with the longest credit at the We are. always sure that happy CMl- RHEUMATISM Cured Through the Feet Exttraai remedy so successful that the makers seed it FREE ON APPROVAL t aaybody TRY IT Send your name and address to the makers of Magic Foot Drafts, the great Michigan euro for every kind of rheumatism chronic or acutet Muscular, Sciatic. Lumbago, Goat, etc., no mat. ter where located or how severe. You'll get a pair of Drafts by return mail prepaid frc ea approval. If they give relief, send them a rfellar; if not, keep your money. You decide KAStf mac fif tr -f... Magic Foot Drafts are worn without inconven ience and cure rheumatism in every part of the body by drawing out the poisonous acids in the blood through the great foot pores. Yon cart see that this offer is proof of their merit, for hun dreds of thousands of persons answer these ad vertisements, and only those who are satisfied with the benefit they receive, send any money. Write today to Magic Foot Draft Co., XCSOOUver Bldg., Jackson, Mich., lor a trial pair and be cured. A valuable illustrated beok a rheuma tism also sent free. dren rush to greet the father who is always cheerful when compelled to hang to the strap of a crowded street car. The most fortunate man is the one who does not have to spend the lat ter part of his life unlearning what he accumulated during his earlier years. ' When women become real neigh bors they run across for a chat with out stopping to tie something around their necks and dabbing at their cheeks with a powder rag. When nations calling themselves Christian have 2,000,000 men under arms, and spend more for rum and war than they do for religion, how can, they say "Merry Christmas?" There is a vast difference between the rewards of tho world and tho rewards of God. The world rewards those who get tiie most; God rewards those who give the most. The world rewards those who achieve most; and God rewards those who strive hardest. JUST AS EASY JAaX Pr,ntcd. a hook-a handsome book S?Jlni ryx y ??tc?3 U ls n00(1 b00k- I wroto It myself. Just stories, and fable3 and pootry-but it was all good enough to bo accepted by Tho Commoner and other pu lications oflikochar nt; in(1 hiytaB Prints tho book I've got to sell it. Yes, got to sell it. I need tho money. A FAIR PROPOSITION I want to sell my book. You really ought to confident that I'll Bend it on approval. Look tlhlV1 am! ,ul nk ,fc ovor- and If you think tho book is worth tho monoy, send mo a do an !l ?&? Wk U lB worftl -the mSuoysend InmKdoVftvV011 may haV a WCOk t0 A GOOD BOOK r 1 1 i b0u0k you own ,fl "to the old and tried friend whom you havo known for years. The formnnnR?" ls rtho Fnce -acquaintance a USSl in 0 train-forgotten when out of sight. over. My book will bo your Jrlond, See? Mr. liyansaysitaa good book. If you don't bo' "ha! So says Voffir CMd aUd Wl to11 y0U THE RISK IS ALL MINE 277SnJnlUhBk ln, "Bering tho book. It baa ASi1 ? Printed on book papor w ?ndita cl,ot.hv 1 tak0 tn riak. If yoa thohokVas0 kU0W moroatottt WILL M. MALtPIN, aoaj South i7th St., Llricfela, Nepv " 7 EavHPR