'IZ&JH1" WUIfHW I -UWWWUMJWI my m ,SLTrj.?iSto3t: fwPi .a',s-. i.?.vurj ?5v 'AST v; ,r r ' ; '.! ' w VOLUME 4, NUMBER ! 4 vj 1 1 P A : in M The Commoner. ISSUED WEEKLY. Fntcrcd nt the poMofllco t Lincoln, Nebraska, aaiiccond t In nun nil matter. Or Year ,. fl.ee lis A Btha &ec l Clubs et s r more, per ytar 75C Three JVentka a AlnrleCepy 5 Sample CepUa Prre. Feretgn PostAg sac Extra. -i ftLIKRIITIl)Nfi can he cnt direct to Tke Comnoner They con alco be Rent through newspapers which have adver tired a clubbing rntc, or through locnlaRcntH, where BuchnfrcnU bate been appointed, All remittances ahould be lent by post ofltec tuoncy older, cxprcu order, or by bank droit on New lork or Chicago Do uoiecnd ludWlduol chccki, itampB.or money RENCTtTALS.Thc date on your wrapper show when yotir njbicrlptlon will expire Thus, Jan., 04, mtnnu that payment kaibcen received to and IncludlnR the IosUbbuc ol January K04. Tweweeka ore required alter money ie received beioro tic date on wrapper con be changed. CHANGE OF A DDMfcSS. Subscribers rcqncBtlng a change etaddreM muxt give the OLD ai well at the NEW addrcee. AbVtikTISlrSO rates lurnlshcd upon application. Addreas 11 communlcatloub to THE COMMONER, Llacela.H 4,On to St. Louis!" Tho "graftor" should be stiro o his technical ity boforo going ahead. Mr. Hnnna's declination seems to bo several laps behind his press agent. Tho graft hunting public official will hcreaf tor bo suro to pack a few technicalities in his grip. Presldont Roosevelt Is to bo excused if ho thinks tho Hanna declination la suffering from a "vexatious indisposition." It appears that Senator Dietrich got on tho blind sido of Justico a fow months before Con gressman Drlggs started. Mr. Morgan's personal property assessment has boon reduced $200,000, and Mr. Rockefeller knows who Ib responsible for It. Porhaps thoso Russian dogs of war havo heard about that Russian purchase of American canned beef and aro afraid to broak looso. Mr. Drlggs sooms to have overlooked the possi bilities that wero hidden in a successful effort to got behind tbo statute of limitations. Mr.' Hanna's resolution not to bo a candidate seems to belong to tho same class as a lot of New Yoar resolutions wo have heard about. About all tho moral that tho grafters will get out of tho Dlotrlch and Drlggs 'cases will be this: Try to got a seat In tho sonate it's safer.' Tho military otlquotte that prevented a word of commendation, for General Miles when he re tired was on a vacation when General Young retired. Mr. Hay informs the Colombian minister that Panama is a closed incident. But it may have a llttlo crack in It, just liko tho Dietrich "vindication." Tho Sioux City tTournnl declares that "Sena tor Allison maintains an open mind." Does tho Journal mean that it is well ventilated or only porous? How true it is that sin brings its own pun ishment. Schwab admits tearfully that most of tho monoy ho made in tho shipbuilding trust ho invested in steel common. Now that the country has found out how old Ann really is, it might try to figure out how old she will bo when the president sends a trust magnato to tho ponitentianry. General Adna R. Chaffee won his way from a private in tho ranks to tho position of lieutenant gonoral, and there is no talk of investigating him But Gonoral Chaffee was fortunate in getting bo high up boforo personal favoritism camo into oriteB uot b& "jumped" by tb0 Sv- The Commoner. Owing to circumstances over which they seem to havo no control the citizens of Sheffield, Mass., aro just now unable to devote all of their tlmo to solving tho "southern race problem." The personality of their candidate is a matter of secondary importance to tho g. o. p. bosses. Tho man who can offer tho best evidences of being easily financed is the man tho bosses are looking for. Tho president says tho Panama matter is "an accomplished fact." So is tho "grafting" in tho postal and public land departments, but that is no reason why tho guilty parties should not be punished. Japan will not feed her soldiers on American canned beef. This is an indication that Japan's military leaders are quite well informed concern ing some interesting developments of tho late Yanko-Spanko war. The postal deficit continues to grow, and prob ably will keep on growing -until an administration takes hold that will back up denunciation of graft with tho deeds that will result in sending the grafters to tho penitentiary. The finding in the Dietrich case seems to be to tho effect that all a senator-elect can get be tween tho tlmo of his election and the time of taking the oath is his for keeps. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat says: "Gen eral Wood earned his stars." And so did 500 other and more experienced soldiers, and many of them boforo Wood was out of knickerbockers, but they'll bo a long time getting them. The citizens of Arizona, New Mexico and Okla homa should "rise as one nan ' and send a spe cial commissioner to Washington with an appli cation for statehood in one trunk and an oppor tunity to squander a fow of the nation's millions in another. Before the interstate commerce commission wastes any more time trying to ascertain why the railroads havo advanced rates, some good friond should inform that august body that tho railroads did it because ihey could see nothing to prevent it. One who opposes Judge Parker's nomination because of the uncertainty as to the judges posi tion on public questions suggests that in case of his nomination the second verse of the third chapter of First John would be about as definite a declaration as tho judge's record would permit. Captain Mills has taken the long distance jumping championship from General Wood. Cap tain Mills has just jumped over 27C captains, 354 majors, 122 lieutenant colonels, and 105 colonels. Like Wood, Captain Mills had the advantage of a running leap from a presidential favor springboard. When Wall street backed McKinley the g. o. p. editors told us that we should listen to the advice of Wall street. Now those same editors aro tolling us that the alleged opposition of Wall street to Roosevelt is the chief reason why Roose velt should bo elected. The average republican editor usually becomes so twisted in his argu ment that he collides with himself before he Rets to the first turn. Attorney General Knox, in reply to an inquirv r?POr.t?o.tIn ln the last year he ha- expended about $25,000 of the $500,000 voted him to assist in prosecuting the trusts. At the rate ho is workin the appropriation will run his department for .twenty years. Even a republican congress ex pected about twenty times as much activity as ho has displayed Twenty expected to one realized that is moro than sixteen to one. The Philadelphia Telegram prints a dispatch from Newcastle to tho effect that Andrew Carne gie has set aside $4,000,000 as a fund, the interest ?i?lch ? t0 b? l,sed as a Iens 0 fund for employes who meet injury in any o' th Pnriior steel plants. Among other .ens'ion items is one nf Tts ,a day t0 any Hcl under 16 years of ago injured, or $100 to the familv of any chilS meeting death while at work." But who i the Philanthropy n allowing children indS 16 years of ago work in a steel mill? Why not nav thn i,h ?rS ?,?,gh wafies t0 opiate the necessity of firing children under 16? necessity of i "The recogniton of Panama a3 ah Indepen rionr. renubllc Is already an accomplished fact,' said President Roosevelt with the air of one who would put "finis" to the incident. Robbery of the government by postal and land thieves is also an accomplished fact, but that in no reason why the robbers should bo left in undisturbed enjoyment of their loot. Senator Aldrlch, whose daughter married Rockefeller's son, sent Rockefeller a 30-cent tele gram and had it charged to the government If Mr. Rockefeller had been compelled to pay the toll he might have advanced oil another half-cent a gallon to get even, and Senator Aldrich should be thanked, not blamed, for his economic thought-fulness. Republican leaders are declaring that the same financial interests whose desires proved the wisdom of electing McKinley, prove the wisdom of electing Rooseve.t by their opposition to him. Republican logic continues to wriggle around with, a crimp in its spine. In the court that dismissed Senator Dietrich on a technicality a young man who broke into a postofilce and stole 30 pennies and 9 worth of stamps was sentenced to three years in the fed eral penitentiary, while a employe in the Omaha postofilce who stole $2,029 was let off with a fine of $2,000 or $29 less than the amount of his steal ings. And yet there are those who complain be cause there is an apparent growth of popular dis trust of the courts. The other day a report was filed in Washing ton. It recalled a scandal of thirty years ago the Preedman's Savings and Trust bank. Tho bank failed thirty years ago, and its affairs were taken in hand by the gov ernment for the purpose of winding them up. The end is not yet, and the expenses today exceed the disbursements to old time depositors. But the commission provides fat salaries for a lot of politicians, and that is the only excuse that can be offered for the long drawn out affair. A Ghost of Other Days. Factors in the Equa-Hon. The next national convention of the republi can party will be its thirteenth an "unlucky num ber." Mr. Roosevelt i? a presi dent who succeeded his cme", and as yet no vice president who became president by the death of his chief has ever been elected president. And another factor in the equation is the fact that the republican party has never succeeded in electing an eastern man to the presidency, and Mr. Roosevelt is an eastern man. While persisting in disclaiming that he is a can didate, Mr. M. A. Hanna imagines that he can overcome the "13" hoodoo. If any added proof wero needed that President Roosevelt and Secretary Root went out of their -mh r- way t0 administer a snub to Miles Grows. General Mlle8 ,t may be f J by tho in the fulsome compliments Sharp Contrast. rai(l to General Young in the order retiring him when Jib reached the age limit. General Miles was dismissed kai ?old and blunt order' and administration apologists claimed that it was not permissable to do otherwise. But when General Young retired it was with extreme difficulty that the secretary nf war ound words enough to express his comply ments By calling attention to their own little. S2XaSS,0 General " " F&s&z. BGtWPfln mnnufnntii.3n im-i ...... .1 nations ana leoVio?, ISS&TWTi YiaA m . u Limo' x ne statute of Mm. Justice Hs itatlons has oneratim t LA Troubles several prominent republican of Her Own. Politicians from the disagree- aDl taslc of facing an investica- lini'i a!ld.0no remibti senator who declared loudly that he would demand a full and fair trini sneaked behind a technicality and escaped S2 Congressman Drlggs is entitled to craBlderaWa credit. Ho stood trial, admitted the facts nad his fine and served his twenty-foui hour's in a 1 SnrfCS:n0d to plead a technicality 2nd mode no 81 1 t -l 1 SI 1 4 - 1 J '3 , J.A ir i . ...r.'X 4.iiV,J ?HM