!' Ill""1" 7 te iw- 6t' 10 The Commoner. VOLUME 4, NUMBER L Afof Cow Money You can Invest In nothing Hint will brine you Inrcr cash returns than tlio EMPIRE Oroant Separator EMPIRE CREAM SEPARATOR COMPANY, Bloomll.ld.M.J. Chloaoo, III. -Lr 4A jtfcto fnmmon or xfftf 3si A GOLD WAT0Hror$3.50 A Mtf.l Umiij. lllubMt iKlt J Ik j14 pint flnlih. .....-! .1.. ...... ullAMMakiliiii. IMaaaial IttDdim American ..? jwipm .... .. Urn wtnil A Itl toil thiolutrl; fu.tiDIMd fof ao at Jul -tJL. ju. Cut thWniit ' It is ' Hb jour ntin..iwil ofDcf n1 1 lprna D tditicit ttnl . will rn'l lh Uh nl txiuilfulchiln I 7 WIUJ tipriM ror tuminiiion. 1 1 u irjiic... il rT iiprtH sent WW nl bw din it ml thr tr tomt. Mention ill wtnttil ntlu.ItlUI!'r(a flatalMii .n.t Hit ftf llllirtll.l . n. -...., - .. ... r'tiulnt U'llmnnlili fr with tiirj ttch. Bk&.a.SMfJf.?8nfelra; TRYaWnTER DOCTOR 191 ii And ot Woll, Btrontt mid Vigorous. If you will Bond mo a namp'o or your . Z I ..!.... T .-lit al I ... .-I.m. llu moruuiKuruiuj. win tun iTOjumui--oasojrou luwo, Itnnnunonnu If ournulo or not.f roo of olinrno. Yon onn bo curod at homo nt a vory umi.ll cost. I tront both poxou. Bonil four conta for mall InirciMin Mid hotllofor urlno. Address iJ.r.stlArcK, m.u.,wnieruoor, ai4Pcnn Ave, Pittsburg, Fa. AGENTS WANTED to tako orders tor White Uronzo Monuments He ii (1h ton oh, etc. Cheaper tlmn grim Ito ami positively bettor. Boll nnywhoro. Honorablo legitimate business. Write nt once lor vory llbcrni terms. (Uvo ago, occupation and roieronco, If you need cemetery work ask for designs. The Monumental Bronze Company, Drawer A, Bridgeport, Conn. NO GAS TO KILL Vory Uttlo lamp gait In an Incubator crr chamber often kills ovary norm. No cos can possibly creep Into the SVRE HATCH INCUBATOR . luipnn.n ll iinnffMl Inr ntir mifttlftM. 1iinvr ooppor,hapvator circulator. Don't wneto lnpr with poor Incubator?. Bend for freo cntaloixuo.U 18 and-lcarn why tlio Brno Hatch natcnos fliirr. wiro iiiitcii int'ii buUr Co., Clay Center, Nob. audlndlaitapolla, I ml. fi Wl IPToiSmiiI in ' iir?, U y Ifir Just Monoy Enough I never cared to bo as rich as some men that I know, For riches ain't the greatest tolng in this old world below; An' hieh don't always feel the best be cause they've lots of wealth, For gold, though legal tender, won't buy its possessor health. But I'd 'just like to have enough of money so when I Was called theso winter mornin'a I'd bn nhlo tn ronlv. "Uh-huh! All right, I'm gettin' up; in just a minute." Then Roll over Irind-o' lazy-like, an' go to sleep again. I never cared to own a yacht or pal- aco car so line; An' automobiles are too strong I don't want none in mine. I don't want such a pile o' gold that folks will envy me, Nor mix in deals that won't let my old conscience feel quite free. But I'd just like to have enough laid carofullv awav So when I'm called at 6 a. m.. I'd feel quite freo to say: "Uh-huh! All right, I'm gettin' up; in iust a minute." Then Roll over kind-o' lazy-like, an' go to sloop again. To corner markets, water stocks, and float a trust or two May be the things the millionaires think lots of fun to do; But I don't want to have no fun that causes others woe Or by a robbin set of laws make my own fortune grow. I don't want millions that's too much ray wants are not so great; I only want enough so I at 6 a. m. could state: "Uh-huh! All vight, I'm gettin' up; in just a minute." Then Roll over kind-o' lazy-like an go to sleep again. colonel. "Colonel Furlong, I hold the key to tho situation. Wo all know your gal lant record as a soldier " Hero the colonel bowed. "-As a soldier, and it is a record to be proud of, sir. But you have overlooked one thing, and I am here to rectify your mistake. I represent, sir, one of tho greatest institutions in the land, sir. A few minutes explan ation will suffice to prove to ycu that we arc able to "Well, what on earth are you driv ing at?" "Patience, colonel; patience. I rep resent the Rushem & Shovem Institute of Medicine. Wo guarantee to fit you for a diploma inside of thirty days. With this diploma and a little start in the military arm of our country's service, colonel, you wilt have do dil iiculty in With a glad cry the colonel fell upon the neck of his visitor and wept for joy. "At last!" cried the colonel "The last obstacle to my promotion is about to be removed." An hour later Colonel Furlong was busily engaged in studying the doctor books. Dr. Stoop's Rheumatic Cure Costs Nothing if it Falls Any honest person who sudors from lthoumatlsm Ii wclcomd to this oiTor. Tor years I searched every, where to find a specific for Hhouraatlsm. For nearly 20 years I worked to this end. At last, In Germany, my soarch was rewarded. I found a costly chemical that did not disappoint mo s otbor l'houmatlc pre scriptions had disappointed physlclnns everywhere. I do not mean that Dr. hoop's l.houmatlc ( uro cau turn bony joints Into flesh again. 'J hat Is Imposslt le. l.ut tt will drlvo from tho blood tho poison that causes pain and swolling, and then that Is tho end of lilieu matlsra. I know this ho woll that I wilt furnish for a full month my Rheumatic uro on trial. I cannot euro all cases within a mouth. It would bo unreasonal lo to expect that. But most cases will yield within 30 days. 'I his trial treatment will convince you that Dr. - hoop's i hcumatlo i uro is n power ngalnst houma tiim a potent forco against dlsoaso that Is Irresistible. My offer Is inado to convince, you of my faith, 'ly faith is 1 ut tho outcomo of oxporlence of actual knowIcd.ro. I know what It can do. And I know this so woll that I will furnish my romody on trial, simply wrlto mo a jiostal for my book on l.houmatlBm. J will then arrango with a druggist In your vicinity so that you can secure Mx lottlea of T)r. Fhoop's Mieumatlo t uro to mako tho test, you may taKO it a .inn montn on trial. f It succeeds tho cost to you Is 75.50. Kit falls tho loss Is mine and mine alono. It will bo left entirely to you. I moan that oxactly. 1 don't expect a penny from you. Wrlto mo and. 1 will sond you tho book. Try my remedy for a month. If It falls tho' loss Is thlno. Address Dr. Shoop, Box 0515 Itacino, Wis. Mild cases not chronlo aro often curod by ouo or two bottles. At all druggists. Cancer Cured WITH SOOTHING, BALMY OILS. Canoor, Tumor. Catarrh, Pilos, Fistula, Ulcers, Eczomannd all Skin and Womb Diseases. Wrlto lor IUustratod Book. Sont f roo. Address DOYE, S&ffiW! Kansas City, Mo. Dntnni Onniirntl OK FKK returned. FIIKK rulC II OBuUl till ?l,m,on nB ,0 Pntentnbll ...... u'- Soml for Kuu.obook and what to invent. Finest publications issuod for free distribution. Patents secured by us advortliod free In Patent llecord hAMPLK cow KiitiK. Kvans, likens Co., Dept. v, U aiulngton, I), o. GAIN ACRES ly cl. rlgttuUtumpy rice of UnJ. TUP. HtlillllLKS ((Slump Pulltr Pull anyttump UuIckUile. lurcu!ei Mfg. Co., Dopt 10 Csntervllli, lova. ing no escape we had to grin and prepare to bear it. "What's she been doing orjsaying now?" we asked. "That's just what makes her so re markable," said Boreus. "She hasn't said or done anything remarkable since she was born." kHB W fir -iiL1 j nAib CCilfC I 3TBOMGE&T VIMlMtLl &ADE. Bull Tight. Sold to the 5Kr"Su8BSa COILK6 BPKINQ FKNCB 8o. B 231 WUtJBMUrIadUn, U. 8. A DO YOTT SCRATCH? Kmiim and All Mcln I)innnfln Cured. $80 A MONTH SALARY tftS wx to introduce our (guaranteed Poultry Bemedlei. Year contract. Hank reference furnished. 0 it l)lglerCo.,X3a7,SDrlngneul,lll. tu,8U1' " A Groat Opportunity. The battle-scarred warrior gazed upon his battered sword, and the tears stood in his eyes, ftis thoughts wan dered back to the great day when his superior officer called him out before tho army and publicly thanked him for having held a vital position with a handful of bravo men against the onslaught of an enemy that outnum bered them ten to one. He opened the box wherein reposed the medal voted him by congress for gallant ser vice, and then unrolled the parchment upon which was inscribed the resolu tion of thanks adopted by that same congress. "Thirty years of untiring service for my country " he said his shrunken cheeks flushing with pride. "Thirty years wearing my country's uniform fighting mv country's imttloa nn holding my country's flag. And yet I am only a colonel, while younger men scarce acquainted with tho smell of powder are wearing the uniforms ui urigaaiers. The veteran sank into his chair and thought and thought and thought. Suddenly ho was aroused from his reverie by a knock at tho door. "Come in," ho said. In response to his summons a dap per young man ontered. fi,l'Is, lhls Colonel Furlon8' aslced the visitor. "It is, sir." "Well, it ought to bo 'General' Fur long, and I'm heio to tell you how It may become 'General'.' 'State your business, sir," said tfie Taking No Chances. The senator-elect hesitated ere he spoke. "What I want torlcnow is this: Does my salary begin coincident with the expiration of my predecessor's term of office?" "It does, sir." "And do my recommendations for appointments have ejqual weight with the gentlemen who fiave been serving in tho senate for years?" "They do, sir." "And I am not responsible officially until I take the oath of office?" "The courts have so held, sir." "Well, all I can say is that I wish uuugress wouldn't meet for a couple wj. jema. i ui'nK mat by that time I could dispose of about all the post offices really worth having in my nart of the state." It Somotlmos Happens. "Good evening, Mr. Softleigh," said Little Willie Staith to his sister's caller "Susie will be down in a few minutes." 'Thank you, Willie." "And she told me not to bother you nor ask you any questions, but" ' "But what, Willie?" "O, nothing." Right here is where you expect Wil lie to make some fool break, but you are going to be disappointed. H11?.86'.4?61 for flfteeu minutes while his sister was crimping her Jffr "ja during the whole time he m" SDoaCalC;lated t0 ass DeSmooth "T -wont t !...., tor supper last night wow1' 0yS" DeSoak "And found that the oyster wasn't in- your stow!" Here is whore wo have a chance o S.in his st- "utTe: the?oup' Waan'fc a single yst in Boreu!! in "" C0Untr claredVr! We knew what .was coming, but see- Dldn't Work. "Look here, Kersoak; I thought you said that whisky would drown my sorrows." "Well, didn't it?" "Not much. I tried to drown mine, but they floated to the surface." Brtvln Leaks. What the world calls failure is "often tho greatest success. A place to eat and sleep is not all that is required to make a home. If your life is empty it is probably becauso you have put nothing into it. "Just this once" is che sign over the door to the ante-room of destruc tion. The fellow who waits for somebody to give him a start in life usually finds when death approaches that he can reach backwards and touch his starting place. The man called at the eleventh hour received full pay, but the man who is called at the first hour and does not respond until the eleventh hour is going to meet up with trouble. Bright s Diseaseand Diabetes Cured University Chemist Acting as Judge nJjf7110 ott'.,M D,v of Cincinnati, O., dem onstratcd before tho editorial board of tho Even ing IW.jwnt the lending dally-papers ; of?Jln- uiuniiu, nio power of his remedy to euro tho worst forms ol kidney dlsenses. Later a public test was in stituted under tho nuspi cles of the Pout, and five cases of Urlght's Disease and Diabetes were select ed by them and placed under Dr. Mott's care. In thrco months' time all were pronounced cured, nent Universities in the United States ffi?taj been chosen by the Post to n ako examinS on ol the cases bcore and after treatment. BuSt??5M?f0 rcml the ditolta of this "to correspondence with people all over tS berii'n8?1 nted1Europcan3 aro nurn, StamWen'cTrcd?0 h,W tttkcn hl3treat The doctor will correspond with those who arc suffering :wlth Brlght's Disease Diabetes or VytLdley.tr.0Ubl0' olther n the first Intermc d ate or last stages, and will bo pleased to give Sfe,?Pierto,pi.nlon ,reto those who will s.-nd JMMtt11 thcIr yPtom3. An essay Hi!:.i i th0 '1jJt0r has prepared about kidney KSSRSt n S-?TriMn.? WW method ol -treat SVSSh!?0 b0 mallca by hlm- Correspon- Cincinnati; dhlov J' ' T B' rt& Y '-" ' , J' I ' rt