The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 15, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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I s
JANUARY 15; 1904.
Through the Feet
Thousand arc cured at Home every
montli by MAtilC FOOT DRAFTS.
;! Why not YOU? '
Try Them FREE
The Drafts cured Mrs. W. D. Harriman, wlfo
of Judge Ilnrriman of Ann Arbor, Mich.
They cured II. C. Van Valkcnburg, Provi
dence, R. I., of an intensely painful case of mus
cular rheumatism.
They cured sevcro rheumatism of the arms,
neck and back lor T. C. Pendleton, Jackson,
Mrs. Caspar Yahrsdorfer, Jackson, Michigan,
70 years old, was cured in a few weeks, after suf
fering 80 yers. .
Tho Drafts cured James Gilbert, Locomotive
Dcpt., Mich. Cent.' R. Hi, Jackson, Mich., alter
27 years of pain . J , ...
' Dr. Van Vleck, Jackson, ' Mich,, writes that
they cured him and ho is now using them in his
They havo cur,ed hundreds of cases probably
just liko yours. Isn't tho chance worth taking?
You try them free. Send us your name. We
will send you by return mail a pair .of Magic
Foot Drafis prepaid. If you arc satisfied with
tho comfort they give you, send us One Dollar.
If not you send us nothing. Yon decide. Mngic
Foot Drafts are worn without the least incon
venience, and euro rheumatism in every part of
the body i y stimulating expulsion of acid poi
sons through tho great foot pores. Splendid
booklet, illustrated in colors, free with tho trial
Drafts, Don't suffer, but write today to tho
Magic Foot Draft Co., XC1C Oliver Dldg., Jack
sou, Mich.
more. One very potent reason is that
the average woman has all she Is able
to do to attend the wants of her
home and family, Tvhile tne above-the-average
.woman might employ her ex
tra ability in the amplification of the
same "sphere. ' Few women have more
ihysical or mental strength than the
need of her family calls for, and the
f-uties demanded of her in those lines
absorb all her energies, and exhaust
her nerve forces.
But there are circumstances which
render it obligatory on "the wife to ao
what she can toward the family fi
nances. These circumstances may
arise from shiftlessness, incompet
ency, illness or misfortune of the
rightful purveyor, and there may be
no alternative other than that the
wife and mother shall take up the bur
den of the family support, or the fam
ily suffer great discomfort, and per
haps absolute want, in consequence.
These questions should be settled
inside the family, as no outsider is
competent to judge of the necessities
which may lead to such a condition of
things. In the relations of man and
wife, it is of course best for all that
the husband be the providerthe wife
having quite as much as she is able
to do to look after the household af
fairs, and her work being fully as
arduous as-his, she should not be ex
pected, or' attempt of her own free
will, to add wage-earning to her al
leady heavy toil.
Where necessity compels, a woman
deserves great credit for trying to
"keep matters moving," by lifting the
burden on her own shoulders, but
more often than not, the consequences
of trying to do double duty is dis
astrous to the health of the woman,
and, unhappily, there are "men who are.
perfectly willing to allow tho wife to
pull tho load" oven after tho neces
sity for it Is removed.
When there are daughters in tho
family old enough to relieve the
mother of tho housekeeping, and tho
wage of tho father is insufficient for
the many demands, tho wife Is per
fectly right in using her spare time,
if she chooses, in helping out tho fam
ily expenses; and there are many
ways in which this may be done with
out in the least affecting disagreeably
the comfort of the home life.
It is often best that the mother,
rather than the daughter, -mould be
come the wage-earner, as, in that case,
the daughter max learn housekeep
ing, and get an inside knowledge of
homely duties which reliance upon
her own resources will teach her as
nothing else can. The elder, experi
enced woman can fill safely many po
sitions which might, to say fho least,
subject the daughter to annoyance,
and, at the same time givo to her
daughter's housekeeping lessons a
valuable oversight.
The question, however, is one which
every woman must settle for herself.
A self-respecting, self-reliant woman
need be ashamed of nothing Is
right and honorable.
(MIT AWAY free
100,000 Trial Packages of Dr. Blos-
ser's Catarrh Cure to be Mailed
Free to Sufferers
A Remarkabli Remedy That Positively Cures Catarrh In All Its Staeis
and Forms and Is Pleasant and Harmliss. '
.Mrs, WrNSL0w?8 60OTHINQ Strup for children
teetblng.Bhoull always "be used for children while
toethlnar. It soften thri fftima. llava all naln. cares
felna colic and la tho beet remedy for diarrhoea,
Twenty-live cents a bottle. It U the beat. i
"Blessed Aro Thoy Thxt Do."
We are told that every good deed
brings its own reward, and if wo
pause to think of it, wo find the saying
is a true one. Every good deed, ev
ery kindly thought sent out to an
other brings one of its kindred home
' to roost" with it. The little act of
courtesy, so small that we are scarce
ly conscious of doing it, makes not
only ourselves, but the world better
lor its birth. By these little, scarce
ly noticed kindnesses we are paving
the way, disciplining ourselves lor the.
greater acts of self-denial It may be
sacrifice which, at soma ttmo or an-'
other, must enter into the lives of
each of us. Step by step, we are thus
being led up the heights, where, in
time, we shall reach the power to
'love our neighbor as ourself."
By every thought and act, we are
building for tomorrow. If we would
be happy tomorrow, we must set
about creating the necessary tomor
row conditions by making the best
use of today, and there is no way of
doing this so surely as by helping to
make the world about us as happy as
we can. We must fight out of our lives
all hatred, envy, jealousies, repinings
and complainings. We must not allow
the clouds to obscure our vision. De
termine that you are happy and
thankful and grateful not that you
will be, IF, hlit that you are, and re
fuse to harbor a suspicion that you
are not. Believe the best you can of
everybody, and do not allow any one
to make you doubt them. Do not
listen to any tale-bearing of a harm
ful nature.
There is nothing that so quickly
breaks down one's happiness, and
even self-respect, as the admission in
to the soul of afeeling of envy. Wby
should you envy any one? The dear
Lord gives you just the work he wants
you to do just the discipline you
need to fit you for the task assigned
you. If you will but accept it as such,
seeking to read the lesson it contains,
you will find that the exercise of your
faith and the earnest performance of
your work will give you just the
strength and growth needed to en
able you to reach the heights of ycur
Ideal. Bring yourself to be glad for
the success of another, even though,
at first thought, you may be tempted
to indulge in ill-natured envy. If you
find yourself indulging in such feel
ings, turn at once to your mirror
and see the ugly lines the emotion
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Dr. Blosser has for .many years made the
treatment of catarrh r special and constant
study. Ho has demonstrated that tho usual
treatment with sprays, douches, snuffs, oint
ments and tho ordinary inhalers, cannot pos
sibly be applied so as to reach all the diseased
parts, so that even if thoy were composed of
curative Ingredients thoy could not cure.
Neither can the blood bo made so pure that a
deep seated old chronic catarrh will get well
without local treatment applied directly and
thoroughly to tho ulcerated surfaces. An old
catarrh, with its foul dischargo and burrowing
microbes, will continue to eat its way into tho
tissues in spite of all the blood remedies that
the sufferer can swallow.
You had as well try to cure tlic corns on your
toes by swallowing calomel, as to try to cure
chronic catarrh by medicine tliat U taken into
the stomach. , ., , AX
Catarrh begins as a local disease In the mu
cous membrane of tho noso and head, and this
is always the home and stronghold of the dis
ease, and it is there that tho battle for its exter
mination must bo fought by medication that
can bo applied directly to the disease. This is
tho way that Dr. Mosser'fl Catarrh Cure eradi-
makes upon your face Tell yourself
that you are glad; tell it so often and
so emphatically that you will compel
yourself to believe it, and you will
thus open in your heart a well-spring
of joy and a source of nappiness that
will surely bring you reward.
In this seeking after the happiness
of those about you, you will insure
your own. But, through it all you
must not lose sight of the fact that
.,, wnrlr f fin. While flght-
ing envy and malice and jealousies
and hatred out of your own life, you
must not forget that you are a living
witness of tho faith you would up
hold and you must strive to make of
our life something so safe and strong
that you shall draw others after you,
not to -their undoing, but to tho
straight and narrow way that leadcth
forever upward, even into the pres
ence of the In3nite. You cannot ac-!
complish this by sitting down with
folded hands: "Blessed are they that
do His commandments, and one of,
the strongest of these is "That ye love '
one another." '
On January 6 Secretary of the In-;
terlor Hitchcock recommended to the J
president that the office of railroad
commissioner held by the late Gen-;
eral James Longstreet be abolished.!
It seems probable now that the rec-.
ommendation will be adopted, as the
duties of the office practically have,
been absorbed by the interstate com
merce commission.
catcs the disease. No other remedy can be an
pll d so directly, thoroughly and ciTectually in
every diseased snot.
Dr. DlosHcr'H Catarrh Cure will destroy tho
catarrhal microbes and at the same time is heal
ing to the mucous membrane, and is applied in
such a way that it reaches every part of the dis
eased membranes.
Why We Give Samples.
Wo Hvn miftcrnr frrirn cnlnrrh n anmnln nfr.
Blosscr's Catarrh Cure that each one may sec for
himself how the remedy takes hold right where
tho disease is located. This is tho best argu
ment we could use to convince any one that this
treatment, if continued n rcasonuble length of
time, will effect a cure. Nearly everyone who
tries the sample becomes our customer.
No matter now many remedies you may have
tried to no eilect, write us, and wc will send you
n unviirilfa ulifrh urn )nitvn it'll I ntf.nuA
well that you will give It a further trial; or If
you wish to give it u moid thorough trial with
out being delayed, send us 81.00 for a full
month's treatment, which wc send postpaid.
Address Dr. Uiotser Company, 871 Walton St..
Atlanta, Ga.
- A