.. The Commoner. JANUARY 15, ISM. 3 1 DEAFNESS CURED A Device That Is Scientific. Slwiple, Direct, and Iastastly Restored Hearlajr in Even the Old st Peraea Cemfertable, Isvlslble, aad Per- fet Fitting. ipo-Page Beak Containing: a History f the Discovery aad flany Hundred Signed Testl - xaenlals From All Parts ef the Werld-SENT FREE. '- . . msam& --.' r aWBHaaEBBaWiams. The Trne Story of the Inventlea ef Wilson's Common Sense Ear Drums Told by fJt. H. Wilson, the Inveator. I vns deaf from Infancy. Eminent doctors Burgeons and car specialists treated mc nt ereat expense, and Vet did me no good. I tried aU the artificial appliances that clulmcd to restore hearing, but they (ailed to benefit mc in tho least. 1 even went to the best specialists in tho world, but their efforts wero unavailing. Ay case was pronounced incurable! crow desperate; my deafness tormented me. Dully I was becoming more of a recluse, avoid ing the compnnlonship of peopio because of the Rncoyanceraydeafnessanu sensitiveness caused me. Finally I began to experiment on myself, and after patient years of study, labor and per sonal expense I perfected something that I found took the place of the natural eardrums, and I tidlled it. Wilson's Common Senso Ear Drums, which I now wear day and night with perfect comfort, and do not even have tore- move tnem wnen wasinng. wo one can ten 1 am wearing them, as they do not show, and as they give no discomfort whatever, I scarcely know It myself. With these drums I can now hear a whisper. I join in tho general conversation and hear everything going on around mc. I can hear a ecrmon orlccturo from any part of a largo church or hall. My general health is improved because ot the creat change my Ear Drums havo made in my life. My spirits are bright and chcertul; I urn a cured changed man. oinV.o my fortunate discovery it Is no longer necessary for any .deaf person to carry a trum pet, a tube or any other such ord-mshloned makeshift. My Common Sense Ear Drum is built on the strictest scientific principles, con tains no metal, wires or strings ot anv kind, and Js entirely now and up to date in all respects. It is so small that no one can see it when in posi tion, yet it collects all the sound waves and fo cuses them against the drum head, causing you to hear naturally and perfectly. It will do this even when tho natural ear drums are partially entirely destroyed; penoraieci, scarred your own town and slate, many whoso names you know, and I am sure that nil this will con vince you that the cure ol dealncss has at last been bolvcd by my invention. Don'l delay; write lor the Jroe book today and adlrc89hiy firm The Wilson Far Drum Co., 13M Todd lluildlug, Louisville, Ky., U. H. A. Mr. Bryan on the Democratic Party. (Continued from Pago 11.) and timber laws of the United States bo extended to said territory. "Tho Monroe doctrine as original ly declared, and as interpreted by suc ceeding presidents, is i, permanent part of tho xoreign policy of tho United 'States and must at all times be maintained. "We extend our sympathy to tho people of Cuba in their heroic stiug gle for liberty jnd independence. "We are opposed to life tenure in the public service, except as provided in the constitution. We favor ap pointments ba-ed on merit, fixed terms of office, and such an adminls tiation of the civil service laws as will afford equal opportunities to all citizens of ascertained Jitness. "We declare it to be tho unwritten law of this republic, established by custom and uaago of one huudred years and sanctioned by the exam ples of the greatest and wisest of those who founded and have main tained our government, that no man should bo eligible for a third term of the presidential office. "The federal government should caro for and improve the Mississippi river and other great waterways of the republic, so as to secure for the Interior states easy and cheap trans portation to tide water. When any waterway of tho republic is of suf ficient importance to demand aid of the government, such aid should be extended upon a definite plan of con tinuous work until permanent im provement' ! ceevivod .- - ..... "Confiding in the justice of our cause and the necessity of its suc cess at the polls wo submit the fore going declaration of principles aad purposes to the considerate judgment of the American peopio. We Invuo tho support of all citizens who ap prove them and who desire to have them made effective through legisla tion, for tho relief of the people and tho restoration of the country's pro? perity.'' The minority, led by Senator Hill of New York, submitted the following, which was refused by the convention: "To the Democratic National Con vention: 16 delegates, constituting the minority of the committee on res olutions, find many declarations in tho report of the majority to which they cannot give their assent, gome of these are wholly unnecessary. Some are ill considered and ambiguously phrased, while ethers' are extreme and revolutionary' of the well-recognized principles of the party. The minority content themselves with this general expression of their dissent, without going into a specific statement ?L0LZlraJ. ff"'Bt.f!: of the objectionable features of the AUljU U. liilUIVUULUi .&U Ul) U L. MZ11M. 11UU1 U1I11U" I .--,, , ,. - nood to old age, male or iemai6, and aside from tho fact that it does not show, It never causes tho least irritation, and can be used with com lOrt day and night without removal lor uny cause. Vith my dovlco 1 can cure deafness in any person, no matter how acquired, whether from p.atarrh, scarlet fever, typhoid or brain fever, measles, whooping cough, gatherings in tho car, shocks irom artillery or through accidents. My Invention not only cures, but at once stops the progress of dcainess and all roaring and buzzing noises, f hegreatest aural surgeons In the world recommend it, as well as physicians of all schools. It will do for you what no medicine or medical skill on earth can do. I want to pluco my luu page book on deafness in tho hands of every deal person in tho world. 1 will gladly send it free to anyone whoso name and address 1 can got. It describes and illus trates Wilson's Common Senso Ear Drums and contains bona fide letters from numerous users in tho United Stutcs. Canada, Mexico, Englaud, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Australia, New Zea land, Tasmania, India and the remotest islands. I havo letters from ucopleln every station of life .uinisters, physicians, lawyers, merchants, society ladies, etc. and tell the truth about tho benefits to bo derived from my wonderful little device. You will 'find the names of peopio in report of the majority; but upon tne financial question, which engages at this time the chief share of public attention, the views of the majority differ so fundamentally from what the minority regard as vital demo cratic doctrine as to demand a dis tinct statement of what hey hold as tho only just and true expression of democratic faith upon the para mount issue, as follows, which Is of fered as a substitute for the financial plank in the majority report: " We declare our belief that the experiment on th? part of the United States alone of free silver coinage and a change of the existing standard of value independently of the action of other great nations, would not only imperil our finances, but would re tard or entirely prevent tho estab lishment of International bimetallism, to which the efforts of tho govern ment should be steadily directed. It would placo this country at once upon a silver basis, iirpair contracts, dis turb business, diminish tho purchaiing power of tho wages of lr.bor, and in flict irreparable evils jpon our na tion's commerce and industry. " 'Until International co-operation among lending nations for the coinage of silver can bo secured wo favor tho rigid maintenance of the existing gold standard as essential to tho preserva tion of our national cicdit, tho re demption of oui public pledges, and the keeping Inviolate of our country's honor. Wo insist that all our paper and silver currency shail bo Uept ab solutely at a paiity with gold. The democratic party is tho party of hard money and is opposed to leal tender paper money as a part of our perma nent financial system, and we tnorc fore favor tho gradual retirement and cancellation of all United States notes and treasury notes, under such legisla tive provisions as will prevent uifduo contraction. Wo demand that the na tional credit sh til bo resolutely main tained at all times and under all cir cumstances.' "Tho minority also feci that tho re port of tho majority Is defective in failing to make any recognition of tho honesty, economy, courage nnd fidel ity of the present democratic admin istration. And i-hoy therefore oficr tho following declaration ns an amondment to tho majority report: 'Wo recommend tho honesty, econ omy, courage ond fidelity ol tho pres ent democratic national administra tion.' " Tho main resolutions submitted by tho minority wero rejected by more than a two-thirds voto, and tho plat form as reported by the commitleo was adopted by the same vote. The resolution indorsing the president was defeated by a little less than two thirds. 'The convention named as its candi dates William Jennings Bryan of Ne braska, and Arthur Sewall of Maine. Tho "national" democrat mot at Ind ianapolis in September following, is sued a platform indorsing the gold standard and named .Tonu M Palmer and Simon B. Bucknei as their na tional ticket. William McKinley of Ohio, and Garrett A. Hobart of New Jersey were tho nominees of the re publican convention. 'I he platform contained a plnnk favoring a protec tive tariff, and a plank opposing free coinage until foreign co-operation could bo secured, but pledging the party to promote international bl-l metallism. Tho people's party, generally known as the populist party, met ai St. Louis and adopted a platform containing plank as the deino- and indorsed and democratic candidate Instead of indorsing the vice presidency, named Thomas E. Watson of Georgia for that office. The silver republicans met at tho same timo, indorsing the democratic ticket and adopted a silver pmnk identical with tho democratic plank. Tho campaign aroused deep feeling on both sides, and was warmly con tested in the central states. It be came apparent early in the cam paign that the democratic ticket would carry the western and south ern states, and that -he republican ticket would sweep the eastern states. A very large vote was polled, the to tal that year being nearly 2,000,000 in excess or tne totai voto ul wur -am before. The republican party secured a popular plurality of 603,514. The electoral vote stood, alcKInley and Hobart 271; Bryan and bewail, 176. Between 1896 and 1900 there was an improvement in .ndustnal conditions; an increase 'in the volume of money, and a series of wars throughout tho world. In 1898 the United States. ln- the same silver cratic platform nominated tho for president. Mr. Sewall for the convention 90 Days' Trial Wo cell mora reliable merchandise by null iban nybcaiselnihoworkl.Volumecfsalesreculates prices. No firm can undersoil us on rellaWa cowls; wo refusa to handle tho other kind. Par Oakland machine frVKTI. A 0 O A Our Oakland Machine at $0.25 la warranted for 5 years and Is the best machine on tho market at the price. At$t2,75our Amazon Is as COJd as the reeulir $23 kind! is beyond comparlwnwiih othor machines at this price. II smvvhI Hsrpw m TJ' ". I1 "PyfM"wpsgMI,jJ , ) mfm2n 37irpaBBBiHaa For 14 KBB I BHHHHaMMjHJefJHJfMMifBHH our Brunswick Seven Drawer. H ch Arm. Ball Bearing, Drop Hrad Machine Is a beauty, one that will do all kinds of work and can bs de pendsdupon. Prlca Is much lower than any other firm asks for oqual quality. Mounted on hand somo Automatic Drop Desk Quar teroa Oak . y Cabinet like 1 ig pUure.onlylvJ7 Free Catalogue of Sewlnc Machines conlalnjntr our 90 days' ht trial of for , sent on request, write for If tody. iy i. S5 CHICAGO ' irT'iiflnTffi 18HH 1 rn. F.Tcnr ftufferer from Ism want to bo cured. It hi malftd tbt nmrer etinw Htr, never wrrt out and never gota bacuw&ra. it if & coiuiabb mc ai well ju torture. It br J1 comfort, Activity iuid rueecM. Ot inn many i-icuro who irroM under It, altnoit all liar tried vainly to yet relief. YOU liter UO one OI mow wno r erem falllnz Into deirxtlr, Sat I tell you now to cheer tljjw4 pot once more. X hv' perfect cure for rUieumatli, in Uaererjr nni unit Irt.lM "- mllrvl tk Vluro-Atrtorbcnt O , and -will positively hutUii y "ir pln.re llove your help Jen. ti, niter vou to found lioaltli v and we f ulnow. I mean to MinvK M.U THia to you at MY OWIf TCOf, write to me anu titan avnajoa inivvriii'iTun. . It arlll nk 1 9 cot t you a cent, and cornea ky re- '?.M turn mtll. Itls thpnnlr Ihrrrmurh and final cure of KheumattfM and my offer putt the proof la your om band. Wrlta tc-dy Prof. . Maieoim wauon tUfU 77. BATIUL CfcTXK, BKM. Jl 53 Two regular fixed packet of choice, CKcuiuis mjiuvuvvi wbbvu.w. "-' er HeedJi, and one packet each at Ilromiif Inerrolf, lSpeIt,Japaoee Millet, T.fMX Itape, Teotlnte, Pes. dlla rla. Thousand Iteadod Kalo.Vlcl VIIHoa, Boji IJeans and Kaffir Cora end illustrated catatar. maneal.free. Alio, all who aniwer this ad will re ceive k Que Bill For 60 ortb 01 eia to ie eecia row m catalog. AC ent for IOC. (com or etainp) to help pay pottage aod vuUiC. CUkc UumtitiM- Writ Bf. t. a. ecry . llll l.li.ll Bex aje WIRE $1.40 rr.K, LH. BMeeru c alvawizew tvike pMtupieolts.toaba!o(gao(ref from 11 to I i Inclusive. Lengths ruuolnff up to 0 ft. Per 10O Itw. SU0. feats BUpIe, ell Jmh, per lOfllt. SLC. Wire Walla. oworU-d la Htg, per 100 lb. SI 70. Harbrd Wire, per lOOlba. KM. Pesllry Netting Field Yx,ga., Jow prtcre. AU for frta catalogue fo. 23, on merchandlseof all klndff roroBberlfffand Ilecetvenfatee CiiitiUO HULbK WKKOtlSU CO., Sitk ft frta fcu,lhU The Bantam taiji (1 alefct ftmt (0 a. Tte BtMtm Suitt t7 Uttii Kgntrg tfa. CUlrpiTMlt-4Ml6M. Baekeye JcfUr C, ..' cA'-.