1 : Jf t ,r 16 Tb TDIABOEVmEffiBHS 51. 1 r If. ' P 1 fl". " far aui mi is Its power iBMaiTedL it aaEd subjected tes atAe im tLe oC fwrtoaad. peace to mSI tary tfeefctfm negro supremacy,,' axd tkaX it fca "tariffed the right o trial by jry aboEa&ad tie right oC aabea corpus and overthrowm the freedom of speech and press-."" The republi cans nominated General Grant and Scfaiyier Colfax, and secured a. pop ular plurality of about 3OG,fiO0 (less tics the plurality l36"4, a&I art electoral majority of 1$L Continued Neact Week) Lfr a WilJin Slav. Although slavery In the United States has long been abolished, tbere are still 3ome reminders of the Insti tution In the south. It Is doubtful if the emancipation proclamation of President Lincoln altogether abolished the Idea In the minds of some good old southern families. This was clear ly demonstrated by the 'will of an aged woman who died recently In southern Maryland. Before the war there had been many slaves In the family, and at the time of her death three old black mammies still re mained of the once large number. Her goodness to her old servants was repaid by a lifetime of devotion. They swore never to leave her, and she In turn fcept faith with them. During her last Alness she made a will dividing all her goods and chat tels equally between three daughters. Each of her children got a barrel of pork, a cow, ten bushels of wheat and CLUB LIST. AnrcTteoft&e foUovrfnjrwrfll besentwltbTKE. C03r0XER, both cue year, for the clnb price. Periodicals maybe rent to different acIdreyEes If desired. Ycur Wends may wish to join wlilr yctt fa teedfajr for a combination. Arfsnbscrfp Uons are for one year, and It new. fce?te vttthtbs ctcrrentmn3bercn!es?otherwf,edfrected. Pres ent subscriber! need not wait until tbelr sub criptfons expire. Renews U received now wilt be entered for a fell year from expiration date. Subscriptions tor literary Itfgrest and PnbHc Opinion meat be mew. Eenewals tor these two not accepted. - Foreign postage extra. AGRICULTURAL. Price JigrfenlfnralEpItooIar.mo j Breeder's Gatte,wx 2LC0 Campbell's Soil Cnltnrciao 1C Tana and Homesesat-nx0.....,.....5 Tannr Jleld and Flreafele,wfc IX Farm, Stock and Home, semi-mo.. . jst Farmer' Wife, ano j Home and Farm,semi-mo..... J& Irrigation Ace, mo ijg Kansas Parser, wk Ltt Mtwocri allej Farmer, mo SA Orxaar JddFarer,wk...i..... UJO Poultry Topics, mo .25 PrftcttcalFarsHsr.wk ijj Prairie Farr,wSc.... ixffi KeilaWePoaltry Jcnrasl. mo JQ Western Swiae Breeder, mo j iHH f Wont you come into my parlor? sadd the spider to the fly." Clnb Price nna 2-25 L3S IXO IjSfr 1.CO 1X0 1.10 IjOO IJJ5 IjCO 1J 1XO NEWSPAPERS. PriS Atlanta. Constitution, ij Cincinnati Engnlrerrwk. 1X0 Indianapolis Sentinel. wk jsq Kansas City World Daily sxq Kansas City World, da. ere. 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Then came this paragraph, eliminating, o&coorse, the names of the danghters: "To my daughter I leave Aunt Mnni; to my daughter I ieant Aunt Jennie; to my daughter I leave Aunt Sallie. I ask eacfe of mv daughters to take care of the old ser vant bequeathed to her until the death of said servant.' Each of these old mammies consid ers that she is as much the property of the daughter to whom she was 'be queathed" as if this last wffl and tes tament had been made In ante-bellum. days, and no amount of freedom, talk would induce them to assert their independence, so strong is their affec tion for the family.-ChIcago Tribune. Political Parson Blinded. A political parson named Stein hausen -was suddenly blinded in a dra matically tragic manner in the pulpit of his church at Glimte, near Schoen beck. In his sermon on Sunday evening he fulminated against the socialists, declaring that the curse of God would fall on those -who supported socialist candidates at parliamentary elections. For fully half an hour he continued in this strain, condemning, denouncing, and threatening. Scarcely had he concluded his ser mon when he became blind in a mo ment. It took several minutes for him to grasp what had happened, dur ing which he groped around in dark ness; then, realizing the awful truth, he uttered a Jong shriek of despair, and fell sobbing into the arms of the parishioners who came httrrvfn- tr uie- I support. The tragic occurrence made a deep The Commoner Condensed VOLUME IT. ISTOW READY. Reproducing from the second year of The Com moner the editorials which discuss questions of a - permanent nature. z: 4SO PAGES. A COMPJMETX DTDEX. A POLITICAL REFER ENCE BOOK, r Publisher's price : Cloth bonnd, $1.50; Paper cover, sec. OUR PRICE TO SUBSCRIBERS r THE COMMONER, one year ) TIaU Ct Gf THE COMMONER CONDENSED, cloth hound J "IMJllI I.3V THE COMMONER, one year ) P4f tt 1Z THE COMMONER CONDENSED, paper cover S Blittfl LAt) By MahFOSTAGE PREPAID. A few Copies of Volume I. left. Cloth bound same price. Address orders to. The Commoner, LINCOLN. NEBRASKA.. impression on the rural population, I ists at the next election. -Berlin and will be of great help to the social-1 London Express- fc w Con