The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 08, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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    ''infffff '
JANUARY 8, 1904.
Dr. Cobb's corn sacks arc made or spe
cially prepared and medically treated
pure- white silk, antiseptic and rubber
covered. They Ret up, at one c, a gentle,
pleasing perspiration and aid the won
derful and removing cflectH of the Arab
ian salve. It's not all in the sack nor all
in the palve but in the happy combina
tion that removes the corn. May bo z
worn day or night on the too ; no soiled W
hose or bed linen. Endorsed by all chl- W
ropodists. Sot corns and ingrowing x
nails yield to its magic Send 25c for one. !K
sack and one box of the salve. Agents' J?
desired. jr
fe Lock box CV1-B. Station C, Los Angeles, a,
California. t
bcno ron rncc list op
n coords . talking.
bat amr b a
glren free for elllns
$3.60 worth of good
ai torn want jou to
belloTp, but If 70a
send ns your nam
and a'jdreu, we will
end you notU
nnlil. nnd Trli.t
'"" -. .- - -
Lf'..r "V.. alth C.flk.
'AFVtMW'" I I.. n,l. Am.., . n .4
.COtroUOEi fattest Mllln ar
'ORAr,,l tlclea ew inadej
eaillr fold In half
an fcoHr at 10a. each, When (old tend tha motif jr, J3 CO, nnd wo
will itadjou gutranteodA.q.Colurahla CJruphophono with
three-sons record. In cue you are not pleated with the
flraphoplione, trndltlacKto ni and.wewlll illoirjou $tt,CO on
tie purchase of any machine you roay iclcct from our catalogue.
"We will forfeit 1 1.000 to any one proving any trick or catch about
this offer; or that wo filve a toy machine or oner that mutt be turned
by hand. Our machlno Is a key winding, lelf.playlug Columbia
OraphophoBe,andwHh,three-song record, is the grcaust premium
Tcr offered. Hand for free list of records and graphophones. Bend
your reply to us at onco and he treated fairly. A trial cottt nothing,
.address-plainly, V. 8. SIMPSON, Wept. 19, New York.
fMte" '- mgJ- siH&. zioimf
smrj. zzzxsf .
a i?f mWi
And got "Well, Stronc; nnd luorous.
If you will sond mo a B-imp'e of jour
mnrningurinol will toll you what dis
ease you liavo, its c&uro and if curable
ornot.frooofchurtfo. You onn lo cured
nt homo at a verr nmall cost. I troat
both pexort. Bond four cents for mnil
iiU'cnseand liottlo for urine. Addrc&s
J.P.SHAFER, M.D.WntcrDoctor,
214 Pcnn Ave, Pittsburg, fm
Cancer Cur
Canoer, Tumor. Catarrh. Piles, Fistula. Ulcers,
Eczema and all Skin and Womb Diseases. Write
for Illustrated Book. Sent free. Address
. BR ,'BYE, 3S Kansas City, Ho.
Old Trusty Incubator
SO Days Trial.
Made by Johnson the chicken man.
Qreal SIO Special. Find out.
Write to Johnson. Dcst Incubator
catalog over published. Sentfrco.
M. M.JOHNSON, Clay Conler.Hob.
lfV?Mt (RSI
P9f Slit SOCIirSd opinion uVoTntWtuwF
l UIU1II UUUUl UU Uy Scnfl for guwoijooic
and what to. Invent. Finest publications is3U0d for
free distribution. Patents socured by us advortlsod
free in l'atent hocord f-AMPLb COPY KitKE.
JCvans, Vtllkrns Co., Dept. F, vraihlntrton, D. O
MA USE. Bull
titrong, Chicken-
Tirrht Bold to tbe Farmer fit Wholciale
Friers. Fully Wirranled. Catalog Froft
Box 23-1 fflatbesler, Indiana, V. S. A
L U C ill fl nteo is bac
tULkinn 1 ooltlet froo
5NTLY (JUKEDI Our cuar-
backed by a National Hank.
free, ftlanter chemical to.,
60.H 31) Indiana Ave., Chicago,, 111.
V227 acres flno grain, fruit and stock ranch on
ftlerced rlvor, In Merced count, latlrornla. Water
for Irrigation free. Assessed at $18,000. Appraised by
Court Appraisers at 110,000. Ottered for $50,000. Will
also rent with privilege of purchasing on easy terms.
J W Knox, Attorney at Law Merced, ( alifornla
TlfllT TiFF &t by Test-7S Team
k I AM LAKQEBT Nursery.
lgW Fkuit Book free. We DA V.CASH
ill" Want MOKE Sawcbmem fr f 8 Weekly
"STARK BROS,! onM-wii Mn :lluntsvll'e,Alfl "
fraffiA Vrpt Propald-full 50c pack fine eardB the
Udmv I ICC Ramo that's all the rage NOW FiucE
for 10c to pay mall I x's. Costs moro than 10c to make
but these sample tell many others, fctock Exchange
Mfc, Co., 217 Warren A v., thlcago
I nrrrm Tranfe of Coal and llnrtlwood Tim
LuIUO llGbIS her Lands for sale A.S Em
erson, KnoxvllIo.Tenn.
hi -ATE. ANY Till KNE8. ANY SJZG, smoothed
and cut in a thousand shapes for a thousand purposes.
J. N. llowell, Pen Argil, l'n,
(meaning slave3) without being intcr
ferred with by congressional action-
The election of 1860 resulted in a
victory for the republican party,
whose candidates, Abraham Lincoln
and Hannibal Hamlin, ran upon a
platform denouncing "threats of dis
union," and saying that ' the new dog
ma, that the constitution, of its own
force, carries slavery Into any or all
of the territories of the United
States," was a "dangerous political
heresy." The platform did not call
for the abolition of slavery in the
,states whore it existed, but asserted
"that the normal condition of all the
territory of the United States is that
of freedom; that as our republican
fathers, when they had abolished slav
ery in all our national territory, or
dained that 'no person shall be de
prived of life, liberty or property,
without due process of law,' It be
comes our duty by legislation, when
ever such legislation is necessary, to
maintain this provision of the con
stitution agalnot all attempts to io
late it; and we deny the authority of
congress, of a territorial legislature,
or any individuals, to give legal e.v
l&tence to slavery in any territory of
the United States."
Lincoln received a popular plurality
of over D00,000, and a plurality of 10b
L in jtlie electoral college. Douglus came
second in the .popular vote, but fell
"behind both the Breckinridge ticket
and Bell and Everett ticket in the
electoral college. This was due to
the fact that the Douglas vote wa3
largely in the states which Lincoln
In the war I ctween the states the
supporters of Douglas enlisted side by
side with the supporters, of Lincoln,
Douglas himself having urged the biii:
l.ort of Lincoln in the war for the
maintenance of the Union. During
the war, however, many thlngo wore
aone which aroused crijtlcism from
the democratic leaders, n.nd by the
democrats' generally. Among the
things complained of were arrests
and courts-martial in states not in
insurrection, and where the civil au
thority was undisturbed.
The democrotic platform of 1SG4
announced "unswerving fldeMty to the
Union under the constitution, as the
only solid foundation of our strength,
security and happiness as a people,
and as a framework of government
equally conducive to the welfare and
prosperity of all the states, both
northern and southern; ' and then de
clared: "As the sense of- the American peo
ple, that after four years of failure to
restore the Union by the' experiment
of war, during which, under the pre
tense of a military necessity of a war
power higher than the constitution,
the constitution itself ha? been disre
garded in every part and public lib
erty and private right alike trodden
down, and the material prosperity of
the country essentially impaired, jus
tice, humanity, liberty, and the pub
lic welfare demand that immediate
efforts be made for a cessation of hos
tilities, with a view to an ultimate
convention of all the states or other
peaceable means, to the end that, at
the earliest practicable moment, peace
may be restored on the basis of the
federal union of all the states."
Gen. George B. McClellan of New
Jersey was nominated by the demo
cratic party for president and Geoige
H. Pendleton of Ohio lor vice presi
dent. The election resulted in a pop
ular majority of 408,000 for the re
publican ticket, and in an electoial
majority of 191 Kentucky, New Jer
sey and Delaware being the only three
of the 24 states giving thel electoial
vote to the democratic ticket. It will
be seen that the republican plurality
was less than it was in 18fi0.
The assassination of Abraham Lin
coln and the inauguration of Vice
President Andrew Johnson (q.v) as
president precipitated a struggle in
which most of the republican senators
and members of congress wcro ar
rayed against the president. The
democrats took tho sldo of the pitbi
dent, and with tho aid of a few re
publicans prevented the adoptlou of
the articles of impeachment presented
by the house.
During tho reconstruction period
that followed, tho Jemocrats insisted
that the states which were held lu
the Union should bo given the rights
and privileges of other states.
The campaign of 18G8 was fought
under the leadership of Horatio Sey
mour of Now York and Francis I.
Elair of Missouri, and the platl'oim
"1. Immediate restoration of all
the states to their rights In the Union
under the constitution, nnd of civil
government to tho American people.
"2. Amnesty for all past political
offenses, and the regulation of tho
elective franchise In Uie states by
their citizens.
"3. Payment of all the public debt
of tho United States as re Idl as
practicable all money drawn Horn
the people by taxation, expert ro much
as is requisite for tho ncceslttof, or
tho government, economically admin
istered, being honestly applied to milIi
payment; and when the obligations
of tho government do not expressly
state upon their face, or the law un
der which they woro isauea docs not
provide that they shrill he paid in
coin, they ought, In right and jtihticn,
to bo paid In the lawful money oi the
United States.
"4. Equal taxation of every species
of property according to Ito real val
ue, Including government "oiids ai.d
other public securities.
"5. One currency for the govern
ment and the people, the lanorer and
the office-holder, the pensioner, ann
the soldier, tho producer and tho
"G. Economy in the numlnibtra
tion of the government; the mluctlcn
of the standing army ind navy; llir
abolition of the freedman's buieau
and all political instrumentalities de
signed to secure negro tupremacy;
simplification of the system and dis
continuance of Inquisitorial modes or
assessing and collecting internal rev
enue; that the burden of taxation
may be equalized and lessened, and
the credit of the government and the
currency made good; the repeal of all
enactments for enrolling the btate
militia into national forces in turns
of peace; and a tariff for revenue ujou
foreign imports, and such equal taxa
tion under tho Internal-revenue lawb
as will afford incidental protection to
domestic manufactures, and as will,
without impairing the revenue, Im
pose the least burden upon, and best
promote and encourage the great in
dustrial Interests of the county.
"7. Reform of abuses in the ad
ministration; the expulsion of corrupt
men from office; the abrogation of
useless offices; and the -estoration of
rightful authority to, and the inde
pendence of, the executive and judi
cial departments of the government;
the subordination of the military to
tho civil power, to the end that the
usurpations of congress and the des
potism of the sword may cease.
"8. Equal rights and protection lor
naturalized and native-born citizens,
at home and abroad; the assertion of
American nationality which shall
command the respect of foreign pow
ers, and furnish an example and en
couragement to people struggling Tor
national integrity, constitutional lib
erty, and individual rights; and the
maintenance of the rights of natur
alized citizens against the absolute
doctrine of immutable allegiance and
tho claims of foreign powers to pun-,
ish them for alleged crimes commit
ted beyond their jurjsdiction."
Besides this statement of the posi
tion of tho parties, the platform ar
raigned the republican party for its
reconstruction policy, charging that
instead of restoring tho Union it had
Km IWI wt I Ba EL
km m - ry.
built separator in tho
world; simpler in con
struction, with fewer
parts, most durable,
most easily cleaned. Its
sales have increased
1,000 in tlio
MitM nal four Our
W book will intcrott
frA. you. I'cc.
Blcmtleld, R. J.
Chiefs ul.
WASTKI) to lako
orders lor White
Unitize Montimcntn
lie hi! fit on ex, etc.
Cheaper Chan until
ito iktul txitltivclv
hotter, hell nnywltere. Ilotioriihle JcKlllmnte
business Yr!titt owe lor very liberal tcrnu.
dive aw, ocrnpiillon !! crenco. If you
npcu cemeicry sixv. tik for u hjkhk.
The Monumental Bronze Company,
IJrawer A, Hrlrt a'port. Conn.
W cn r voo mony o your innU In
tliU line Wo olfcr jon Two-Mjr Tn-1
Jtrxdiitf Foil. 1W Kuuru feet Ut thr roll,
conipiito xrllli caix, null nl rrnnt,
n'rrol 1.16. Tirrt' iljr complo
mil, iM.nft. ViitcuiiUc, thi ftltfhett
irrndfron thaniArktt.CGiiiflfta lxo.
I'llro rr roll. I .no. We liATd all kind
of ll'ortnif. Wrllo forFri-oCUkjn No,
tU on inMcrUI iKXiRti' f 10m HitrtnVni
ISU (O., U. aHUttyt Ire S(rt, U !!.
1 1 1 1 hi i ii it m
Fruit and Orna
mental, Shrubi,
Roses, Bulbs k
Bond rnrDrccrlptlfuFrfofclCnttlofrFRCf:
603 Acre. 1 3 Qutuhotau. EsttMitbtd 1U2.
irfwrnu r iwa wir ibmbw
J', cuu 7,000 feet per
dny All Mws l'fan
rre.HilncIo Mill nnd
j-iikpi wiih patent
arlabIo Krlctlon
Frcd'l'nrtanfi) firlnd
Intr Itlili, Water
nu.u uu. Min, . K.l
it i nn.l
Vtuw-n mm. ura ok
IIi IM( AlUau.Ot.
1UUW.1, Hi .fi'lNk.
The MfMrmes of nil Fed
eral Soldier, tbclr will
own or lieJrn, who filed
h forntftcad, on h-nit
than 1(A) ncrei be
idut June 23rd, 1671.
Will purchate Land
warrant Isiucd 10
Soldlcra of
any war.
Comrade W
y- t mm I -
7u wncoimon ijiock, Ucnvrr.wolo.
Door enn't
Jump Ibetrnek
nnd can be al
jmted up or
down. 01 In or
out with only u
OoutH no
more thnn oth
irs and gives
yon a perfect
didlng door.
A a k your
dealer for It.
Western Ofllrc, Vch iJolnea, lown.
of Lincoln, Neb., can use two or three
more good men In northwestern terri
tory. If there are any clerka, sales
men or traveling men would like to
better their condition it would pay to
write concerning one of these positions.
Tfaver ontclaased Burn Ifatek
Incubator. Unlit better ttura
yourliouBts. No hot centers; no
ctilllln? drauitbU on nensltlre
tgKtu Erorr cabin Inch In ezs i
cnamncr t nniroran, Diooa ten
Dereiaro of fowl. lt' aoontlnuul
pleasure to batch nearly erenr t
fertll tsne trith m, Haro Utch.v
.. ""T .. ... .. ....... . ..
trre catnioinjo ft is witn pictures itnt urwj story.
Clay fester, A'cb., IadiMayclb, !
i jMMl'IWt w -