" ''" ""- ' " TTBanflB JANUARY 8, 190.4. The Commoner. yrMjtyvK!&wu:b&'ph''ry&i -m '" 3 cciv.or breaks its circuit when not in use. The up and down motion of the pencil sets up what mathematicians would call the "ordinate" current, the right and left motion actuates the 'abscissa" current When the pencil is at the top of the pad the ordinate current Is at Its strongest, and when the pencil is on the right of the pad the abscissa cur rent is strongest. Ordinary writing is, of course, a combination of up and down and right and left motions. "When the pencil is off the paper the current is -broken, as the. lead slides up and down a short distance, and pressure is needed to complete the cir- cuits. At the receiving station a small mir ror in a dark box is so mounted that it can be rocked in any direction. Two magnets are operated by the two cur rents, and they rock this mirror to correspond with the motion of the pencil. A pencil with a lens throws a beam cf light on the mirror, and this beam of light, as the. mirror is rocked by the magnets, follows the exact motion of the point of the pencil. The light falls upon a roll of sensitized payer, and prints upon it a fac-simile of the written message. When the message is written and the pencil put upon its rest the light of the lamp goes out and a little motor starts up. This operates rollers that draw the part of the paper written upon into a developing bath and out again into a set of drying rolls, so that thirty-five seconds. afterward the written message is in the hands of the receiving person. Boston Globe; A Remarkable Village. Baron Kodaina, the Japanese min ister of the interior, recently made a visit of . inspection to a remarkable village in the Samby district of Chi-ba-Ken. The minister's curiosity had been aroused by reports regarding the communal system in the village, and ho went there to see for himself how the system worked. The name of the village is Mina inoto. It contains about 300 families, the total number of inhabitants be ing 1,600. It is to one man, the ex headman, Namiki, that the credit of having brought the community to its present condition is almost wholly due. Namiki resigned his post last March after having directed the vil lage affairs for nine years. In educa tional matters Mhiamoto is ahead of even the most advanced of the Japa nese cities. Every one of the 125 boys who have reached school age is at tending school. Of the 102 girls 88 at tend school, while of the li others most are only residing temporarily in the community. The school has a per manent fund amounting to about 12, 000 yen, ($6,000), which yields an in come more than sufficient to pay the whole school expenses, although not a cent is asked in the way of fees for the children. This system of financing the vil lage education is to be extended to other public affairs, and, beginning "with this year, the village office has begun the work of creating another Permanent fund of 10,000 yen, the in terest of which is to be used to meet all the rates and taxes the villagers have to pay. When this fund is com plete the villagers will be practically A Weak Heart neglected means heart disease, the fnost common cause of sudden death. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will strength ES'i folate and cure weak hearts. Wibya11 druggist on guarantee. Fre & Mxlm MaDiQAb doV, llkUrt, Ia& exempt from Mm nnvmnnf i. he taxes. "-"" nuu- mart-nhfn11 eycs thG most re markable future of the community is the sumptuary law, which is strictly atalTSi h 8! garment " t0 f'f11, the giving of banquets on enrollment or dlsbandment of conscripts customary throughout Ja- Sndls,couraEed No Pas aro spared to inculcate habits of thrift and diligence among the villagers. I he members 0-f the community are all zealous Buddhists. New York JLiniGS, Mountains for Sale. The extinct volcano of Popocatapetl is on the market for sale. The price asked is $5,000,000, and it is estimated to contain untola wealth in sulphuft alone and a generous supply of other valuable material. The crater Is oer 1,500 feet In diameter and about 1,300 feet deep and is one solid mass of sulphur. The deposit has been esti mated at over 1,000,000,000 tons The sulphur is taken in such quantities as to be a source of considerable Income to the owner, but the methods fol lowed at present are very crude, and with modern machinery it is said that the profit would be fabulous. The volcano is the property of Gen eral Gasper S Ochoa, of the engineer ing corps of the Mexican army. Years ago, while a student in the National Military academy, his engineering mind -was directed toward that now smokeless chimney of the earth. Ho had Te'ad how Cortez detailed a group or his bravest soldiers to ascend the volcano and bring sulphur up out of the crater with which to manufacture gunpowder, needed for the continua tion of his war df conquest against the Aztecs. General Ochoa rendered such good service for the Independence of his country during- the French invasion that when he asked for a concession of the volcano the Mexican govern ment gave it to him as a reward. At present the sulphur is mined by men who go down into the crater and shovel it Into sacks which are placed on the backs of mules and carried down the mountain-side. It has been figured that it would cost $800,000 to erect a modern transportation plant to take the sulphur out in gi'eat quan tities. Philadelphia Hecord. Heart Wounds not Fatal. In wounds of the heart itself the es cape of blood Is never in large quan tity and the lethal consequences are due to the fact that the escape of blood from within its cavity (or cavities) in to the surrounding sac of the pericar dium mechanically Interrupts the al ternate contraction and expansion by wlii nii its nnmninc is maintained. Ac cordingly, the results of wounds of the heart are usually identical with, those of gradual suffocation. This fact was strikingly demonstrated in the case of the Empress of Austria. And the diabolic skill and precision with which the wound was inflicted in her case offer a diagrammatic illustration of -a necessarily fatal wound of the heart. The instrument used was too large to form a mere "needle puncture;" it was inflicted too high in the chest to be "non-penetrating," for it was aimed with truly fiendish ingenuity at the position of one of the thin-walled of the fourth cavities of the heart, and the directness of the penetration, com bined with the thinness of wall of the cavity, rendered it physically impos sible that the wound could be "valv ular." The Israelite warrior of old smote the enemy when possible "beneath the fifth rib," because the impulse of the heart is felt : there But he probably did not know that it is in that precise position that wound of the heart is least necessarily fatal. The Italian assassin of recent date displays incomparably greater skill and knowledge. The sclcncu of tho present day also proves that the his toric account of tho death of Admiral viiieneuvo is open to skeptical doubt. And tho recent cases of suture of the heart glVo Illustration that modern surgical skill may attempt and with success tho seemingly impossible. American Medicine. c MAGAZINE 10c a Copy $1.00 a Year " At any Price the Best." For special articles on national subjects, good short stories, beautiful pictures, and novels by famoul writers, McClure's is of all magazines the Best and, Cheapest IN Lincoln Stoffons, who wrote the "Shamolossncsa of St. Louis' making Joseph W. Folk famous, will have a series on "En emies of the Republic," on corruption in the State Governments; the business men, captains of indus try, and leading politicians who "work" State Legislatures for private gains. 1904 Ida M. Tarbell will continue her Story of Rockefeller "one of the most remarkable and stirring that has ever appeared in a magazine," says the Chicago Record-Herald. Tho Serial Stories will be by Frances Hodgsbn Burnett, Henry Hariandj Irving Bachellcr, George Barr McCutchcon, Stewart Edward White, and Booth Tarkington. THE GREAT STRIKES The big labor conflicts of the day, the real facts about them, their importance andsignificance,will make the series of papers by Mr. R. S. BAKER, soon to ap pear in McCLTJRE'Sj the most important contribution of the times to the great problem of labor versus capital. F? jf 7lte Nvmber and December numbers of 1903 will be given free with a sub' A -i X- tcription for the full year of 190414 months tor $1.00. These numbers contain the introduction and first chapter of " The Story of Rockefeller" Part Two. Address S. S. McClare Co., 648 Lexlnzton Building, Ncip York City. m From Factory fo Farm U la. Steel fleaa Plow. DotAIe Sbla best tint aeuejr ua bslU, aljr jkHk. efc $9.00 .iBIBk Jw Hard BtAsTO NO AGENTS NO MIDDLEMEN Sewbatlt miui. 12-In. f 8.7fl 18-ln. 19.90 18-ln. $12.0) Bulkjrl'lowtM Gang Plow f 39 1000 other ortl elea. Ill Catalog Free. Special uataiouf9or "V jHHKiHflff iwBmmsx $zKKMm WiIE AW2 MAOothLerar " Slitfi it-la. Imp. Llater 917.70 M-Tooth Lertr Harrow M.M S1Z. li-lu.HnlVr LlerpM B-ft.IUkoilCOO wintr Machine WJW IfMit Htntinit Machine Gt. equal to aarStt) midline 117.40 Steel Rang with lie. 119.70 inn avv iJuvjc 12.1ISDI.a Harrow 117X0 8tsl Cantor Coal tor with kriow.tUO UusfjIeu.IIarneM, "awwww extra. l - Hteel Itamjoe. liet Walking Co It Ira tor, 4 ahornl. (12.00, Heat 'alklnff Claw, $16.20. ImproTod ItUIIng Onltirator, 4 .horel (19.00. Improred . fZOMU. uorn riniuer, compioio.ov roan wire, (,iu. nuurrws , HAPGOOD PLOW CO., 148 Front St., ALTON, ILL. Onj plow factory in tbe United States selling direct to farmer at wholeaats priceo Oaltlratar. 4 ahoral am) Eaala Hiding Dlio Oaltlrator, 6 Vi$c, i MHMHMHHnnMnMMHHMnMHi mmmmmwmmwwmmmmmm Established Over 30 Years at the same location. No change of firm, no fires, no failures, nothing but steady progress, and in all that time I have been dealing direct with the con sumer. The above facts are certainly evidence of merit and fair dealing. Send for catalogue of the Celebrated Birch Carriages and Harness, 100 styles of each, at moderate prices, mailed free upon application. James H. Birch, Burlington, N. J. mmmmmmm u jl'A niHiiii''!-1