The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 08, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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The Commoner.
"Welcome "Does Not Mean Surrendei
(Continued from Page 3.)
'a mild "way to get back to" the famil
iar principles advocated by the party
for more than 100 years.
"Democrats who were' faithful to
the party in 189G and in 1900 are not
prepared to say that the national
platforms of thoso years departed in
the least from the 'familiar principles
advocated by the party for more than
100 years.'
"If by 'the eastern idea' these gen
Others went away because they had
important business dealings with cor
porations. Many others who never
had an original opinion in all their
lives and who would not understand
a great principle if it were accom
panied by a diagram made readily un
derstandable to children left because
in certain quarters departure seemed
to be fashionable, and Lhev honed to
make it appear that they had a mo-
Starving With
Plenty to Eat
tlemen mean democracy controlled nopoly on the intelligence and the
and dominated by the trust magnates;
if by the eastern idea these gentle
men mean that the democratic party
is to take on again the ioul smelling
garments that were forced upon it
during the Cleveland regime; if by
'Bryanism' these gentlemen mean the
spirit of the platforms adopted by
the democrats at Chicago in 1896 and
at Kansas City in 1900 then there are
democrats in' all portions of this
country and in Nebraska the prairies
are crowded with them who will say
to these gentlemen that the demo
cratic party will never, with their
consent, adopt 'the eastern idea' and
will never abandon 'Bryanism?'
"The thing called 'Bryanism' is
nothing more nor less than demo
cratic principles-explicitly stated, and
in a way that the people may know
just what tftdy may depend upon in
the event drthe success of the parly
advocating1 those principles. In brief,
'Bryanism' means 'business in the ap
plication Of democratic remedies to
public ills.' The representatives of
special interests understood the defi
nition in 1896 and in 1000, and they,
therefore, exerted their influence
against the party.
''Some gentlemen talk about those
democrats Who are 'weary of the
husks of defeat.' It must not be for
gotten that only a few individuals can
immediately profit by political" vic
tories.' There are, comparatively
speaking,' only a few offices to bestow,
hence a very small number of men
have paramount interest in more vic
tory. There are. however, millions of
democrats who are more interested in
a victory 'that means something for
the party's principles, and therefore
something for the masses, than they
are in victories that mean office to a
few bandwagon politicians, who nev
er favored a political policy tney
would not . surrender in return for an
office, and who never opposed a po
litical principle they would not Em
brace if it happened that in the sur
render they could win either an office
or the privilege of being patted on
. the back by some trustee of God, or
dained to control the property, and
therefore .the opinion of the country.
"The democratic party's position
on the question of bimetallism was
made an excuse for the departure of
some men who did not believe with
the party on fundamental questions.
Curt d to Stay Cured.
Mrs, S. T. Roberts, Clinton, La., sent a postal
card request for a trial bottle or Drake's Pal
metto Wine to Drake Formula Company, Drake
Block, Chicago, 111., and received it promptly
by return mall without expense to her. Mrs.
Roberts writes that the trial bottle of this won
dorfuiT?almettoMcdiclnoprovedquitesufllclent to completely cure her, She says: One trial
bottle of Drake's Palmetto Wine has cured mo
after months of intense suffering. My trouble
was inflammation of Bladder and serious con
dition of Urinary organs. Drake's Palmetto
Wino gave mo quick and entire relief and I
nave had no trouble since using the one trial
Drake's Palmetto "Wino cures every such
case to stay cured. It is a true, unfailing speci
fic for Liver, Kidney." Bladder and Prostate
Troubles caused by Inflammation. Congestion
orCatarrh. When there is Constipation. Drake's
Palmetto Wine produces a gentle and natural
action of the bowels and cures Constipation im
mediately, to stay cured, One small dose a day
does all this splendid work and any reader of
this paper may prove it by writing to Drake
Formula company, Drake Building, Chicago.IU.,
for a trial bottle of Drake's Palmetto Wino. It
la free, and cure. A letter or postal card i
your only expense.
honesty of the world.
"Among thoso who strayed there
are many with whom democrats
commonly known as Bryan demo
crats,' would have no difficulty in
affiliating. There are many who,
while not agreeing with .he demo
cratic party upon the question of bi
metallism, do agree with it on tne
question of trusts; there are thobe
who believe just as firmly in the war
fare against asset currency and bank
domination as do the democrats who
remained at home: there arc amonu
those who strayed away men who are
just as firmly convinced against the
policy of imperialism and who ob
ject to centralized government and to
the exercise of unconstitutional pow
ers. However some of these gentle
men may have been misled on tlie
money question, they are, ,at heart,
democrats upon fundamental ques
tions, and their geLeral opinions are
such that any democrat could very
readily keep step with them to the
music of liberty, self-government and
constitutional order. ,
"But there are others wlio strayed
away in 189G and who remained, away
in 1900 who never were and never
could be democrats. They believe
and let it be granted that In some in
stances it is a sincere belief that
corporation government is the best,
that some men are born, booted and
spurred, to rido over others. The ouly
candidate that would be acceptable to
these men would be a candidate chos
en by the corporations; the only
platform to which they would sub
scribe would be a platform written
by and for the trust magnates. A
very ignorant man elected to the po
sition of justice of the peace walked
into the office of a county clerk in the
good old state of Kentucky, saying;
'Mr. Smith, I have been chosen b my
constituency to the office of justice of
the J. P., and T want to be qualified.'
The 'clerk, who had an intimate ac
quaintance with the new . justice of
the J. P. looked at hm a moment
and then, taking his certificate of
election, replied: 'I can swear you
in, but all h 1 can't qualify you.' -"In
Nebraska these gentlemen
bolted the party,' not on.y in 189G and
in 1900, but they bolted in other
years. In 1894 they walked out of a
democratic convention called by a
committee controlled by their own
people with eighteen men, some of
whom had not been elected to the
real democratic convention. They set
up a rival organization. They nomi
nated a ticket in 1894; in 1895 they
nominated another ticket, and then in
1S96 they assumed to s?nd to the na
tional convention a delegation which
they said was representative of Ne
braska democracy, although they well
knew that they had been fairly de
feated in 1894 and that at no time
did they represent the voice and the
will of the democratic party of this
"When, on the reinstatement of
some of these gentlemen to member
ship in a political club, occasion is
taken by an enthusiastic, but not al
together discriminating gentleman to
say that democrats owe apology and
reparation to those who of their own
free will and accord strayed away,
and when in accepting the olive
That's What Thousands With Poor
Digestions are Doing Every Day
II II) I III H I I I llll 1 'I I I "' ' IWIIWIMIIIIW ! !! lllll II I pi I IH I H !!
They have no nppctltc or if they do have nn
appetite and eut what they require It docs thom
no good because the ctomaeh docs not digest it
nnri- the fermenting most of food becomes a
source of disease, of headaches, sleeplessness,
languor and the thousand and one symptoms of
disordered digestion.
Stuarfs Dyspepsia Tablets promptly relieve
and cure all Jorms of ingestion. They have
done it in thousands of cases and will do It In
yonrs. The reason is simple. They digest the
mod whether the stomach works or not and
that'? tho whole secret.
Mr. Thonmfc Settle, MayfleJd, Cal., says: "Have
used and recommended Stuart's Tablet because
there is nothing like them to keep tho stomach
rMr.E. H. Davis of Hampton, Va., Bays: "I
doctored five years for dyspepsia, but In two
months I got more benefit Irora Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets than in five years oi tho doctor's
''mKm. Faith of Uyrd's Creek, Wis., says:
"I have taken all the tablets 1 got of you jind
thev have dono theli work well in my case, for
I feci like a dlflercnt person altogether. I don't
doubt If 1 had not got thcrn I should havo been
at rest by this time,"
I'h 1 1 Hrooks, Detroit, Mich., says: "Your dys
pepsia cure has worked wonders In my cose. J
suil'ered lor years from dyspepsia, but am now
entirely cured and enjoy Hie as I never have be
fore. I gladly recommended thcrn."
Mrs. Q. II Crotsley, KW Washington 8t., Ho
boken, N. J., writes: "Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
les just filled the bill for children, as well as
lor older folks. I've had tho best ot luck with
them. My three-year-old girl takes them as
readily as candy. I have only to say 'tablet'
and she runs lor them."
Miss Leila Dlvely, 4027 I'lummcrSt., Pittsburg,
Pa., writes: "I wish everyone to know how
grateful I urn for tuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I
Buffered for a long time and did not know what
ailed me. I lost flesh right along until one day
l noticed an advertisement oi tnesc taoieis ana
immediately bought a ftO-ccnt box at the drug
store. I am only on tho second box and am
gaining In ilcsh and color. I have at last found
something that has reached rny ailment."
At all druggists Mc a box. A little book on
"Stomach Troubles" may bo had free by ad
dressing V. A, Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
branch one man talks about surren
dering to 'the eastern idea,' while
another points with pride to his mis
erable half-baked republican doctrine
and pompously adds: 'Truth s
mighty and must prevail' then it is
at least not improper that some one
of the boys who remained at home
enter a word of protest. It need not
bo protests against an invitation In
viting the return of those who went
away. They are right cordially wel
come; but they need not think and
the world must not think that the
men who remained true to the party
and followed William J. Bryan in
1S9G and 1900, will permit it- to he
understood, even by Implication,
that the faithful were In error, while
wisdom and truth will die with those
who deserted the party.
"When democrats extend the hand
of welcome to those who once, or
twice or thrice, deserted, It means
welcome.' It does not, however, mean
surrender. It .does not mean a sur
render of the great principles to which
the democratic party Is committed
and which it cannot yield if it would
live. It does not mean that demo
crats have concluded that government
by corporations is the best form of
government and that opinion shaped
by the trust magnates is the best form
of opinion. It means that everyone
who is willing to affiliate with the
democratic party is welcome whether
ho be convert or backslider; that the
sins of the past will be forgotten in
the effort to fraternize for the good of
the people through the success of the
"But If the interviews of politicians
or the resolutions of statesmen be
Interpreted as a surrender of demo
cratic principles, the hjmblest demo
crat in Nebraska has the right to cay
that the party will not return to 'the
Idea of 1892;' the party will not be
again placed under the authority of
the representatives of special inter
ests; it will not, in its dealings with
the people, again hold the 'word oJJ
(Continued on Page 12.)