6 The Commoner boufder monument !n Lincoln park, Chicago. A Chicago dispatch says: "The stone occupies a po sition near the spot where Kennison was buried in 1852, in what was then the City cemetery of Chicago. Tho ceremonies attending the unveil ing were conducted by tho Sons of tho Revolution, Sons of tho American Revolution and Daughters of the American Revolution, which societies are tho donors of the monument. The boulder was scoured m northern Wisconsin by Henry Dudley, chairman of the joint committee of the societies that depict to perpetuate tho name of Kennison. It is seven feot in length, about four feet in breadth, stands three feot above the ground and weighs several tons. A bronze plate upon it bears the names of tho societies and the date of Konnison's death, which occurred in the one hun dredth and sixteenth year of his life." AN EXTRAORDINARY STORY COMES FROM Penrhyn in "Wales, and although it is vouched for by the London correspondent of tho Chicago Inter-Ocean, it is not generally accepted. Tho Inter-Ocean correspondent says: "The wife of a quarryman was bathing her three-months-old babe, when she was thunderstruck to hear the child say plainly in "Welsh: 'Next year will be a terrible year, mother.' The mother rushed in ter ror to the next door and told what she had heard to a neighbor, who ran immediately back, picked up the infant, and, as she soothed and caressed it, coaxingly asked it if it had told its mother that next year would be a terrible year. To her as tonishment, the child looked at her, said 4Yes,' and fell back dead. The story has been discussed far and wide, and the two women have oeen cross-questioned without shaking their story. At Penrhyn, where the people are rather primitive and religious, there is much foreboding." r it THE GREAT ECHOES OF THE "WORLD ARE described by a writer In the New York Her- , aid in this way: "The suspension bridge across tho Menai Straits, in "Wales, produces one of the most remarkable echoes in the world.. The sound of a blow with a hammer on one of the main piers is returned in succession from each of the cross beams which support the roadway, and from the opposite pier at the distance of 576 feet, in addition to which the sound is many times repeated between tho water and roadway at the rate of twenty-eight times in Ave seconds. An equally remarkable echo is that of the Castle of Simonetta, a nobleman's seat, about two miles from Milan. The report of a pistol is repeated by this echo sixty times. A singular echo is also heard in a grotto near Castle Comber, in Ireland. In the garden of the Tuilleries, in Paris, is an ar tificial echo, which repeats a whole verse without the loss of a single syllable. Another wonderful echo is heard outside the Shipley church, In Sus sex, which echoes some twenty syllables in the most perfect manner. The well-known echo at "Woodstock reperts itself no fewer than fifty times. In one part of the Pantheon so great is the echo that the striking together of the palms of the hands is said to make a report equal to that of a twelve-pound cannon." ft.' A GENUINE ALBINO BLACKBIRD WAS RE cently shot near Catterlck oridge, York shire. The Pall Mall Gazette says: "Scientific .ornithologists have clearly enough explained tho physiological nature of albinism in birds, but it is still a mystery what originates these physiol ogical conditions, and also why it is that very dark-plumaged birds, such as blackbirds, rooks, etc., are more liable to albinism, pure or partial, than any others. It is strange, for instance, that white robins are rare, and it is notable that the last found in this country was obtained in York shire (Sedborgh district). Last summer a per fectly white sand martin was seen by hundreds in the Betham (Yorkshire) district, and three or four in other parts of tho north of England. House martins, also barn swallows, are liable to assume albinism, and many records are preserved in Yorkshire. As for 'pied' blackbirds, rooks and such like, they are as common as the proverbial blackberries, whereas in the whole of England there are probably not more than two records of albino woodcocks." rHE GERMAN GOVERNMENT HAS ESTAB llshed a system of insurance for working men and it is clear that the results are satisfac tory to all concerned. A writer in the Chicago Chronicle, 'referring to this system, says: "In 1902, on account of sickness, 4,800,QOO persons re ceived sick benefits amounting to $51,500,000; for accidents; 384,566 persons received $26,800,000; for infirmity, 1,100,000 persons received $32,250, 000 a total of 6,735,000 persons benefited to the extent of $108,500,000. Of tho total amount $10, 350,000 was contributed by the government, $52, 500,000 by employers and $45,500,000 by the in sured. That is to say, tho working classes re ceived over tz,000,000 beyond the amount of their own contribution to the cost of their insurance against sickness and Infirmity, and this amount is increasing With great rapidity. It has already increased tenfold in the eleven years. An in cidental effect has been an immense impetus to the work of public sanitation. There is a direct economy in providing healthful living conditions for tho working classes which acts as a constant spur upon the authorities. As consumption was found to be tho worst enemy to tho health of the workers, a law was passed in 1899 providing for tho establishment of sanitariums in connection with infirmity insurance and there are now be tween seventy and eighty sanitariums, contain ing 7,000 beds, for the accommodation of work ing class patients under the insurance laws. The open-air cure is employed with great success, over 67 per cent of the patients being fully restored to working capacity and over 21 per cent additional are partially restored. Another marked effect of the system is that it has greatly promoted peace ful relations between trades unions and employ ers. Instead of aiming at workshop control the. unions take to politics, and this has J)een a great factor in the enormous growth of the social demo cratic party. This is a curious reverse of-the original expectation with which state insurance was introduced. It was intended to disarm so cialism by attaching the working classes to tho government. It has promoted socialism by teach ing the working classes to look to the exercise of state authority for the promotion of their inter ests. It has given the labor movement in Ger many a thoroughly political character, recognizing and upholding public authority, because itcxpects eventually to wield that authority. Hence there is a powerful force at work counteracting anar chical tendencies." f? ST THE WORLD'S RICHEST MAN, JOHN D. Rockefeller, attended his sons Sunday school recently, and listened to a sermon delivered by Rev. R. P. Johnston and entitled "Money Mad ness." The New York World tells the story in this way: "The church was crowded. All list ened intently, dividing their time between watch ing the pastor and scanning for the effect of his words tho face of Mr. Rockefeller. Every onceMn a while the trust builder nodded his head in In dorsement of the speaker's sentiments, after wnich he glanced around apparently to see the effect upon the audience. The effect was marked, and even John D. Rockefeller made no pretence of ignoring it. The audience was there to be affected. It began gathering early, and was pre pared to stay late, for the pastor had advertised his intention of telling the evils of sacrificing all to greed. 'For the love of money is the root of all. evil,' the good man -read from Timothy 6-10, wherqupon Mr. Rockefeller nodded again in ac quiescence, 'which some, reaching after, had been led astray from the faith and have pierced them selves through with many sorrows.' The rich pewholder leaned forward to let no word escape him. The throng leaned forward to let no move ment of his escape them. A smile was upon the face of the observed of all. 'The age in which we live is not wholly good nor wholly evil,' said the pastor, and with an almost imperceptible nod, not lost upon audience or preacher, Mr. Rocke feller indorsed it. 'Yet,' continued the man in the pulpit, 'I cannot even call it a happy me dium.' Slowly the magnate shook his head. 'I cannot but say,' observed Dr. Johnson, 'that the passion for gain is stronger in the hearts of men today than ever before. I believe it to be the duty of some men to make money' a nod of ap proval from Mr. Rockefeller. 'God intended them, to do it and to use it to His glory.' Again the rich man smiled and nodded. 'I despise a man who fawns to wealth,' came from the lips in tho pulpit another nod of approval, and thus the dialogue a dialogue of speech and pantomime continued, and with the benediction all arose to go. 'An excellent sermon, most excellent,' Mr. Rockefeller exclaimed, as he shook hands with a score of friends. 'I indorse every word of it. Such an example for young men. It is true, there is no happiness in the possession of great wealth. The happiness is in the good the possessor does with it. The good pastor is right " SOME QUEER PURCHASES ARE MADE BY the United States government for the ben efit of the senators. These are revealed In the official report made by the secretary of the sen- ... VOLUME 3, NO. 50. ate, and among tho items Is "260 tons of best timothy hay for use of the United States senate' Another item is "one oak refrigerator and pan fa committee on women's suffrage;" also, "for re pairing three electric stoves;" also, "for one year' subscription to the Ladies' Home Journal "iv, report shows that five dozen hair brushes were bought and paid for out of the contingent fund of the senate, also nine dozen combs, forty noimri., of camphor, 109 pounds of sponges, aside from one dozen bath sponges, the latter $20 a dozen The secretary's report shows that considerable" sums of money were spent by the government in order to purchase for the use of senators attar of roses, oil of bergamont, glycerine, hair tonics bay rum, vaseline, dandruff cures, a gallon of cologne, fourteen different kinds of soap feather dusters, twenty-five pounds of horehound candy 6,000 quinine tablets, and also $6,000 worth of mineral waters; also two dozen corkscrew knives $21.60; two wrist bags, $10; four manicure sets' $12; one year's subscription to the Delineator one year's subscription to St. Nicholas; one year's subscription to the Youths' Companion. Thpso purchases were paid for out of what is called tbe contingent fund. v THE GOVERNOR OF NEW HAMPSHIRE IS having his share of troubles these days. A correspondent for the New York Tribune says: "Nahum J. Batchelder, the present chief of the Granite State, holds four offices, being his own subordinate in three instances. Now, offices are by no means so many up among the quarrymen, nor anywhere else for that matter, that four for one man seems to the patriot an equitable ar rangement. The governor is not his own ap pointee. When he was elected he held several lucrative positions: He. is secretary of the state board of agriculture, which pays an annual salary of $1,500, besides dork hire and other necessary expenses. He is also cattle commissioner of tho state, his compensation being fixed by the gov ernor and council vand paid from the state treas ury, the total compensation and expense of the board of two not to exceed $10,000 a year. He is also commissioner of immigration, with an allow ance not exceeding $2,000 annually, as audited and allowed by the governor's council. Mr. Mee han, editor of the Concord Patriot, has asked tho courts to oust the governor from the secretary ship of agriculture." PROFESSOR GEORGE C. COMSTOCK, DIREU tor of Washburn observatory, and professor of astronomy in tne University of Wisconsin, has created a sensation among scientists. The Madi son, Wis., correspondent for the Chicago Chronicle says that Professor Comstock declares that, ac cording to exhaustive experiments made by bim for a period of years, the ideas held by astron omers about the telescopic range of vision and photography are enormously exaggerated per haps 2,000 times. Heretofore it has been held that astronomers could see through their toie . scopes stars the light from which took 2,000,000 years" to reach the earth. Professor Comstock de clares that it is, in his opinion, impossible to see a star with the best telescope in existence the light of which star takes more than 1,000 years to reach the earth. "Modern investigation," Pro fessor Comstock said in an address before a gath ering of scientists and students, "proves that the statement of the astronomer who said a century or so ago that with his telescope he could see stars from which It took the light 2,000,000 years to reach the earth was enormously exaggerated. Modern astronomers claim to be able to see stars from which the transmission, of light takes 20,0(10 to 30,000 years, but I believe that we cannot see farther than the stars whose light is transmitted in 1,000 years, nor do I believe we .will be able to get beyond that distance." r THOMAS JEFFERSON'S ACHIEVEMENTS IN the line of invention are referred to in an interesting way by a writer in the St. Louis Post Dispatch. According to this writer Mr. Jefferson invented many articles of every-day use. He de vised a three-legged folding camp stool that is the basis of all camp stools of that kind today. Tho stool ho had made for his own use was his constant companion on occasions of outings. The revolving chair was his invention. He designed a light wagon. A copying press was devised by him and came Into general use. He also invented an instrument for measuring the distance he walked. A plow and a hernp cultivator showed that his thoughts were often on agricultural mat ters. His plow received agpld medal in France in 1790. Jefferson never benefited financially oy his inventions, but believed they should be tor tho use of every ono without cost.