- - j iprf-FT j Tpr.TrwwwyylWHW ''qW'lMPfWB9Wag8ffF The Commoner. 14 VOLUME 3, NO. 50. 5 ?!PWiHfi '1'nn-'-- t-w--"-"- 0' Bxotor (Nob.) Bntorprlso: It la be coming painfully evident that Mark Hanna has lot go of the prosperity Sever long enough, to spit on his hands. Woodsford (0.) Spirit of Democracy: Come to think of it, aren't wo a little .inconsistant in making a big kick over grafting by post-officials whilo the na itton is in the same line, of business? Owensboro (Ky.) Messenger: Mr. Perry Heath, peeping out from under neath tho potticoats of the statute of limitations, is another of the sights of tho purity of the republican party 4ho grand old party! Rats! Gilmor (Tex.) Echo: Tho isthmian canal would bo a good thing and our government needs it, but does she 4ieed it bad enough to got it by violat ing a solemn obligation to a weaker 'government? . Hastings (Nob.) Republican: It is noticed that the knocks given tho Northern Securities merger by Attor ney General Knox is not hurting or to any porceptable extent disturbing any :of the other .great railroad combina tions. " " Hastings (Mich.) Journal: Well, tho report of Bristow puts tho scandal worse than ever on Perry S. Heath, the secretary of tho republican na tional committee. The postofflce de partment is a veritable nest of cor ruption. Darlington (Wis.) Democrat: The Philippines are in a state of chronic rebellion. If the nations of tho east had done as President Roosevelt has, they would long since have recognized the Independence of the Filipinos and warned us to got out. Paragould (Ark.) Soliphone: Tho old Panama canal scheme has been so honey-combed with fraud and reek inc with corruption that even Eu ropean nations have for years stood aloof from the, stench that ascended to heaven from tho isthmus. . Sholbina (Mb.) Torchlight: Lake Whitewash has been discovered in the Philippine islands. If congress gets to investigating the boodling in the postofflce and other governmental departments, Washington ought to tap that lake with a pipe line. Woodsford (0.) Spirit of Democracy: We are having more "peace in the Philippines." A few days ago there was a brush there in which six "con stables" wore Injured and three hun dred Filipinos "known to be killed." Nothing said about Filipinos wounded. Rawlins (Wyo.) Journal: As shown by recent debates in the senate the republicans are more than anxious to forget tho postofflce scandals and have them hushed up. Democrats will see to . it that they are kept boforo the public until the rascals aro punished. Bellofonto (Pa.) Democratic Watch man: It is certain that when it comes to making a nominee for president for the democracy neither tho New York World nor tho Brooklyn Eaglo will bo looked upon as "bell cows" and since they can't bo "bell cows" all that is left for " thorn to do Is to "fall in bo hind." Darlington (Wis.) Democrat: If the Boers should rebel against England tomorrow, would President' Roosevelt recognize them tho next day as a free and independent nation? And would he say to England, "Hands off?" What he would do is best shown by what he did when the Boers wero struggling to maintain their freedom. Clipper: Tho "tho action of Canon City (Colo.) Commoner says that the administration in tho Panama matter violates all of tho precedents of American statesmen." Tho repub lican party is not being run on pre cedents these days. Since the United States became a world power tho con stitution and precedents have been disregarded by tho party in power. Enid (0. T.) Democrat: The Demo crat believes in the unity of tho states. The editor has long since concluded that secession is wrong. We do not believe that our country should 'back up and sustain the disruption of tho United States of Colombia. With tem perate and wise diplomacy wo could have obtained tho canal concession and not been accused of acting the bully. Emporia (Kas.) Times: Grover Cleveland announces that he will not be a candidate for president. His decision is unalterable and will not be changed. Only a very few persons considered Grover as a possibility. His chief support came from the re publican press of the country. The democracy of the nation is not sur prised at.jbjs decision and heartily concurs in the wisdom of it Emmettsburg (la.) Democrat: Sen ator Hanna thinks that Judge Parker of Now York will be tho next demo cratic nominee for president. The boss from Ohio seems to bo doing a little skirmishing for himself these days, though he is taking special pains to deny it. If President Roose velt does not agree to surrender com pletely to the money power, Mr. Han na will be given the nomination. Bellaire (0.) Democrat: It would seem the part of humanity on the part of the senate to let up on General Wood before he entirely exterminates the Moros. As we have been told that there has been profound peace among our benevolently assimilated for the past two years, the useless slaughter of these defenseless people seems lit tle better than the slaughter by Greeks and Itbmans of their helpless prison ers to entertain the depraved populace at their feasts and games. Rochester (Ind.) Sentinel: While the president declares a part of them must bo punished, the men whoso pockets are filled with pilfered cash show no signs of nervous prostration, for with many of the most influential politicians claiming that to punish these "good fellows" who have done so much for the success of the party in the past will discourage men wilh like talents from lending assistance in future elections, a "go easy" policy will bo adopted aifd no one but the public will be injured. Bollefonte (Pa.) Democrat: Why do not the g. o. p. organs tell their read ers more about the causes, that brought about the present big break-down in the iron business, in a score of other industrial lines, in stocks of which thousands of honest and confiding peo ple were investors, including widows, have lost their all? Why is this thus? When tho country is blessed with a bountiful harvest, the g. o. p. organs would place the credit, not to Provi dence, but point to it as the "pros perity" wrought by political vaga bonds who aro running things for the benefit of themselves and favored fol lowers. Why aro so many thousands of people thrown out of .employment all over tho country? The trnnhiA ii in the fact that the government is be ing run entirely for tho benefit of the rich and to the detriment of the poor. Bellaire (0.) Demooraf? a, the thousands of petitions being pre sented to the senate against the seat ing of Smoot wero hundreds from Ohio, Senator Hanna presenting large batches, many from nearby sections, Barnesvillo, New Concord, Canton, Cambridge, Wellsvllle, East Liverpool and other towns being on the list. It looks like the farce of the year to see Mr. Hanna standing before 'the most dignified body on earth, presenting pe titions against carrying out a bar gain he, his associate, Perry Heath, and other leading lights in tho parly havo agreed to carry out and for which Smoot has already rendered value expected, and these poor, de luded people sending them, suppose that because party necessity caused the unseating of Roberts, their peti tions will cause tho same action to ward a republican. Bry?vn on Democracy. (Continued from Page 11.) tion of any of those possessions, that we will not stand in the way of any amicable arrangement between them and the mother country; but that we will oppose, with all our means, the forcible interposition of any other power, as auxiliary, stipendiary, or under any other form or pretext, and most especially, their transfer to any power by conquest, cession, or ac quisition in any other way." Jefferson died on July 4, 1824 just fifty years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The year that marked his demise marked the entrance of tho second great dem ocratic rfader into the- arena of poli tics. ' (To Be Continued.) A Rare Operation. The life of Frank Mcllhatton was saved by an exceedingly rare surgical operation, only nine other cases being recorded. The man was suffering from an aneurism or dilation of the great ar tery which extended three inches above the base of the breast bone and was three and a half inches wide. As a result of this enlargement he had become unable to swallow, had great difficulty in breathing and suffered excruciating pains in tho head. To save his life it was necessary to reduce the aneurism, and to do that the hos pital physicians had recourse to what is known as "Corridi's operation." Mcllhatton was able to talk to his wife five minutes after the taslc of the surgeon was completed, and is report ed as doing well. Tne operation was performed by Prof. E. W. Holmes, surgeon in chief at the Samaritan hospital, assisted by Dr. Dietrich, Dr. Snively and Dr. FInck. Many men prominent in the profession were spectators. ' Cocaine was applied to the affected portion of the aorta, the disease lying in the transverse section, or arch, of that artery. A hollow porcelain covered needle was introduced into the aneurism, ana a section of gold wire, 15 foet long, was passed through tho hollow of the instrument and permitted to coil in the diseased region. The wire was then connected with a galvanic bat tery, and the circuit was completed by the placing of a negative plate upon the patient's back, and a current of five milliamperes was turned on. This was increased at regular intervals un til it had attained a strength of eighty milliamperes and one hour's timo had been consumed. Mcllhatton experienced immediate relief, and the operation, from a sur gical standpoint, was pronounced flaw less. The application of the electri cal current caused coagulation of tho contents of the aneurism, which thereby shrank, relieving the pressure upon the lungs and larynx. Philadel phia Co; New York Herald. Your Cows WilNPay bigger profits and you will have an easier time of it if you use an E ASPIRE Cream Separator, tho easy running, easily cleaned, lonjr lived, no-rcpairs machine. Our book shows why it pas you bettor than any other. May wo send you n froo copy? EMPIRE CREAM SEPARATOR CO., Bloomfiold, N.J Chicago, Ills. 7Z.rHiS SKuctH The Inside of this Building &? 32 Year World's for Everything. 1" E5i7HtXlMPlKz.f? 3 vwjzgr&y? showine tho clerks at work, the coods, and, in fact, an interior sectional view of every floor of ho tallest commercial building in the world. It makes a very attractlvo and Interest ing wall hanger, and Is ono of tho most complex anacom oHcated ciecesof UthoEraphy ever attempted. If you want It send lour two-cent stamps, about what It cost us to print. -, Ask for our ton- color Wall Hanger. If you want to u save your dealer's profits on overy thincyou eat. wear or use. send 15c for our 1 1 28-pago Wholesale Catalogue. Millions aro saving tt of their former oxpenses by trading direct with us. If you want both Wall Hanger and Catalogue enclose 20c. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Michigan Avo. and Madison St., Chicago, t r The Little Hotel WILMOT, In 4&:$&&6ed$& ,-,... n -.., Tll.llnrlal. k in BPIHU' 1'UUIl DIJUUIU, lU'Mww " phia, operated by The Rucrson V. Jen- fl ninaa Co.. has been Increased In sizo ana m O. now conveniences added. A good room & for 81. If you bring your wife, $2 porday '$ for both. Tho Commoner always on file. B finnA Pncif mne as traveling Salesmen now open UOOQ rOSIUOnS toHOVoral men in each state hx perienco unnecessary if ahustler.Old established Uouse.Apply W.O.Uurt Tobacco Co., Danville, V. h 1 1 Pm A antoo Is backed ly a National I an LUL Ltll ft booklet froe. Mantor ubomlcalto., C03739 Indiana Avo., Chicaco, 11L CTADK best by Test-78 YEARS. WtAV M f SlfiSc WANT MORE Salesmen r B Weekly . mW Stark Nanery, Leidslana, Mo.; Huntsvlllc, AK 1000 TO GROW CORN BOYS $200,00 WANTE IN GASH PRIZES tin?ME?,. rRJiWS "Mu1 "jwtwted catalog tolls you all about It It alio irtves you full desegg tflh.RSlE-CiS?anorRrm'Pa8n ana Grass foods and crops that grow. AU our soods are new ana fresh: grow In 1003. und au&r&ntnnd tnornw n,.- m.i .. ,!.,. n,.tn.irt m nhnannr than otners wholesale. The catalog, a fiae affair, mailed FREE If you only mention this -paper. Bond today. ha i limns SEED HOUSE, Shenandoah, Iowa. Addle E-( VH"