WMWWBS ' ijr.ti.T.- wmmtm-wwwm The Commoner. DECEMBER 18, 1903. 13 The Political Weekly as an Advertising Medium (Written by W. J. Bryan for "Judic ious Advertising," published by Lord & Thomas.) The political weekly deserves to be considered as an advertising medium for the following reasons: First Such a paper is taken main ly by those who believe in the politi cal doctrines which it advocates, and advertisements appearing in the paper commend themselves to the readers. A man's political convictions are, as a rule, deep and lasting, and in ev ery great crisis -there are innumerable instances where the individual's views on public questions are stronger than family ties. Those who hold tenac iously to their political opinions nat urally prize papers upon which they can rely for the information which they need in the discussion of politi cal questions, and those who adver tise in such papers profit by the con iidence which the reader has in the publisher. Second Political weeklies are not read and thrown away like daily pa pers, but are laid aside for reference. The advertising matter is, therefore, of lasting value, and it is not uncom mon for an advertiser to hear from such an advertisement many weeks after it has ceased to appear in the paper. Third The political weekly is grow ing, and bids fair to occupy an in- 1 creasing place in the field-of journal ism. The daily is becoming a great business enterprise whose editorial page is either practically without po litical color or defends the interests or the corporations with which the owner is connected. The stockhold ers of the great dailies are generally unknown to the public; neither are the writers known whose pencils sup ply copy for the editorial page. It is RHEUMATISM Cured without Medicine An External Cure so Sure That the Makers Send It FREE ON APPROVAL. Try It. Send your name and address to tho makers of Magic Foot Drafts, tho great Michigan euro for every kind of rheumatlsu Chronic or Acute, Muscular. Sciatic, Lumbago, Gout, etc.. no mat ter where located or how severe. You'll get a pair of tho Dr&its by return mall prepaid free on npprevnl. It they give relief .bend them a dollar; if not, keep your money. You decide. TMMMMK impossible that an intelligent and thoughtful student of public affairs should pay a great deal of attention to editorials written by nonobdy-knows-who and often with an ulterior purpose. With the growth of the daily it bc: comes less and less possible for the same person to be both editor and owner, and if he is employed to do tho writing, he must write as the owner desires or forfeit his place. It is like ly, therefore, that there will be an in creasing tendency to read tho daily for its news and tho weekly for the thoughtful discussion of the problems of government. A weekly paper can bo published without great expense and can be edited by the owner. Its circulation will depend partly upon the popularity of the ideas presented and partly upon the ability with which the paper is edited. Fourth The political weekly has a wider field than the daily can possibly have because a daily published in one city cannot hope to invade the pre cincts of another city, but a weekly published anywhere in" the United States can find its way into every village and hamlet of the country. Its contents are not valuable because of their freshness as news, but because of their permanent usetulness in the consideration of questions of moment. Fifth The political weekly is inex pensive as compared with the dally and reaches those who would not feel able to pay the price of a daily. It may be confidently expected, therefore, that political weeklies will increase in number, in circulation and in influ ence, and the value of an inch of ad vertising in such a "paper will approxi mate the value of Hue space in a monthly magazine of like circulation. W. J. BRYAN. T, Hayes, of Massachusetts, a dem ocrat, and Butler, of Pennsylvania, a republican, are frequently mistaken for each other. Robertson, of Arkan sas, and Watson, of Indiana, look as much alike aB two poas. William K. Smith, of Texas, does not look llko any of the othor seven Smitbs in the house, but boars a strik ing rcsemblanco to Hopkins of Ken tucky. Tho other dromlos are Lewis, of Georgia, and Miller, of Kansas; Hous ton and Lamar; Ryan, of Now York, and Scarborugh; Hogg and Kyle, and Hlldebrandt and Burke. Now York World. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If yeni hfcTon't rotrular, nealtbr mnrtmant of the bo wo It eterr day, you'r 111 or will bo. Keopjrour bowoli opon. and be woll. Forco. la the ahap of vloltut pbyalo or pill poison, U dacscrnn. The moothoat, catloat, most perfect way of keeplif the bowoli dear and clean U to Uko CANDY OATHARTIO Lectures on Machinery. The "Instruction Car," a school on wheels where railway men are taught tho correct care of tho machinery In trusted to them on the powerful modern locomotives, nus been In the Santa Fo railway yards at Argentine this week. From the outside tho car looks like an ordinary baggage car. The gold letters, "Instruction Car," arc painted on the side. Inside the car is fitted with powerful machines. Air brakes, steam valves, electric lights, such as are used on a train, and many kinds of machinery used in a locomotive. Charts are also provided which show every part or a largo locomotive. All train men are required to attend tho lecture in tho car when it visits a division point. This It does several times each year, making a stay of several days at each. With the car are expert engineers, who explain the working of tho ma chinery, how it may bo patched If it breaks when on the road, so that it can be run to tho nearest division point and another engine secured. Kansas City Star. EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY IlMnt, Palntabli, Potent, Tnato Good, & Good, Nover HlcJcnn, Wdaken orOrlpfll 10, 25 an eOconti pnrboi. Write for frooaamplo, and book lot on health. Addreaa 433 MerllnaRMttdyCefiipftny, Chicago or Hew York. KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN tX3&ixM Every atMercr from IDiotima, tlern want to bo cured It la a malady that never rurca llwlf, never weir out and novor ot backward. It U conatant rlilc eva well aa torture. It bar all comfort, activity and auccci. Of in muny victim vrno fjronn under It, altnoxt all havn tried vainly to un relief. YOU may be ono of tlioie who are even fal lntr Into dcanalr. Hut I tell you now to cheer up and bopo onco more. I nave a. pence's euro for Knoumatmra in ite every rormand atafto. macama mo Vlbro-Attaorbcnt Cure, and will positively b&ntah your pallia, re lievo your linlilenea, rcatore you to aounu neaiin, joy ami mo fulnnna. I mean to PltOVK ALU TI1IH to you at MT OWN COUT. wriui to me ami anaii acnu you a. FJIKBTHEATMKNT. It will not coit you a cent, and come by m- lurnmau. uiainaoniyinornoKH and final euro of IUicumatlara, and my offer put the proof la your own nanna. wnm w-iij, pror. rnaicoim waiaon lUtpU 17, HITXIK CB'XK, H"-aU Ei in ?A ' avj Wi $&u2a 'M mm Magic Foot Drafts aro worn without Inconven ience una cum rheumatism In every partoftho oocly by drawing out tho poisonous acids In tho wood through tho great loot pores. You can eee that this offer Is prool of their merit, for hun dreds of thousands ol persona answer these ad vertisements, and only those who aro satisfied with the benefltthey receive, Bend any money, write todajrto Magic Foot Draft Co. XC19 Oliver "I'lfr. Jackson, Mich., for a trial pair and be . .c.Ured. A valuable illustratcdl?ok rkcuna Mm also scut free. Many Drornios, Many amusing mistakes occur in the house almost daily because of a sim ilarity of appearance in members. Constituents come here after seeing their representative on the stump once or twice and think they can recognize him. They pick the wrong man about as often as they do the right one. "Oh, Judge Croft, I am so glad to see a South Carolinan away up here!" declared a young man with his bride a few days ago. The bride looked greatly pleased that her husDand knew so distinguished a lawyer of his own state. "I'm Representative Badger, of Ohio," said the supposed Judge Croft. These two representatives look more alike than any other two men in the house. Even some of tho members find it difficult to tell which is which. The double of Representative Tate, of Georgia, "Tom" Ball, of Texas, who served three days in this congress, for which he received $3,000, haB re signed and is going to devote himself to private business. A Famous Cow. Ono of the sights of the flood that will be remembered by thousands and which will be one of tho incidents preserved always on account of the many photographs taken is that of tho poor, lorn cow 'floating on a sec tion of a wide freight platform. To make her secure a man landed on tho floating raft and tied the cow to a hearse, which was covered with a tarpaulin, and it was in this position that most of the photographers caught her as one of the odd Incidents of the flood worth preserving. No doubt many people who saw the cow in her perilous position have wondered at her fate, whether she survived or per ished. She is alive and wen and do ing faithful service for the family who own her, J. H. Hobbs, now living at 4025 Charlotte street. At tho time the flood came tho family resided at 1491 Wyoming street, and this cow and two dogs aro especially treasured as survivors of one of the things that has made Kansas City famous. Kan sas City Journal. CATARRH Is the most prevalent of Uncaea. It Is a local ailment of the mucous membrane as well as constitutional uud CAN BE eradicated by proper treatment. Dr. Sykcs cured himself In MO, and the treatment 1ms CURED thousands since, and by using Dr. BykcV Sure Cure for Catarrh will cure you. Fond tor the best book on catarrh ever published. Mailed free. I)K. hYKKR' RUKE OttKH CO. Department C 118 Bo. Lcavltt 81., Chicago, 111. Memphis Scimitar: It is about as shifty, elusive, unsatisfying a docu ment as has come from tho presiden tial office within the memory of this generation. It Is the production of a politician, of a politician on the eve of an uncertain campaign. r"sriT5 CURED I vrlaa every noraon la tho U. 9. suffering with TCtTT.f.'!PRV nr FITH to Hond for ono of my largo-alzod bottles (10 full oz.) eref? and lflt does nil that Is claimed I" t. E, VU for It, tho patient can then oon tlnno tho treatment which 1b cot expensive. Dr. F. E. GRANT, oept. 874, Kansas City, Mia Sanger Cured WITH SOOTHING, BALMY OILJh, Cancer, Tumor. Catarrh, Piles, Fistula, Ulcers. Eczema aad. all Skin and Womb Diseases, Writ for Illustrated Book. Sent free. Address DR."BYE, SSSS& Kansas City, Ml CP7CUI I'KItMANKNTLY CCKKIV Oor guar. riii 1 ma ai bUIaLllin I) xtnftcU-t 1th. Manter (.hemlcaJ L'o. S037-39 Indiana Ave Chicago, I1L 111 abol a Uei t ismMm vA ttm. IUcrtf m4 Tk Weaicra Ealre, WUlTlame lfc, Ia At! "iwlMiffi H'f T 11 r r 1 ' '- in..-.. fMMmigiifammtrruffl$L sJaVaBBHaMBWalliHlMHlBW trJ. "" H 1