iipi Mi u.ii.i ii in ii i im m in ! i n in mijipipiiS The Commoner. DECEMBER i, 1903; 5 Forget You Ever Had It.' Catarrh the Most Odious of All Diseases Stamped Out, Root, and Branch. Catarrh is the most foul and of fensive disease that afflicts the human race. Any one with social ambitions had better renounce them if he has a bad case of catarrh, for his presence, if tolerated at all, will bo endured under protest. The foul and sicken ing breath, the watery eyes, the hawk ing and spitting and fetid discharge at the nose make the unfortunate suf ferer the most avoided of human be ings. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are the liope and relief of catarrh, victims all over the world. They go direct to the root of the disease and thoroughly eradicate it from the human system. They cleanse and purify the blood of all catarrhal poisons and under their influence all impurities are carried off. The blood becomes tfure, the eye brightens, the head is cleared, the breath becomes sweet, the lost sense of smell is restored, the discharges cease and the sufferer again feels, that ho has something to live for. He is again a man among men and can meet his fellow beings with satisfaction and pleasure. The following letter from a St. Louis lawyer is only one of thousands re ceived praising the merits and cura tivo powers of Stuart's Catarih Tab lets. Read what he says: "I suffered from catarrh for fifteen years. It would "be worse at certain seasons than others, but never failed to annoy me and cause me more or less misery during that period. About a year ago I got so bad that I thought of abandoning my practice: I was a nuisance to myself and all who came near me. My condition was very hu miliating and especially so in the court room. I had tried, I thought, every known remedy; all kinds of balms, ointments, inhalers, sprays, etc., till I thought I had completed the list. I was finally told of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets by a friend who took pity on me and, as a drowning man will catch at a straw, I got some and began taking them. I began to im prove from the first day and I kept up the good work you may rest assured. In six weeks I was as free from ca tarrh as the day I was born, but to make assurance doubly sure, I con tinued the treatment for six weeks longer. "I have had no trace of catarrh in my system since. I am entirely free from the odious disease and feel like a new man. I write this letter unsolic ited for the benefit of fellow-sufferers and you may give it as widespread publicity as you wish." Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are for sale by all druggists at 50 cts. a box. A Sure Enough Speaker. Years ago Tom Reed, then speaker of the house of representatives, went into a barber's shop in "Washington to be shaved. After the darky barber had scraped his chin he began to cast about for further work or for a chance to sell hair tonics. "Hair purty thin, suh," he said, fin gering the two or thrae stray locks that fringed Mr, Reed's bald pate. "Been that way long, suh?" "I was born that way," replied Reed. "Afterward I enjoyed a brief period of hirsute efflorescence, but it did not endure." The barber gasped and said no wore. Later someone told him he had shaved the speaker. "Speakah!" he c-xclaimed. "Don' I know dat? I 5 5? say he was a speakah, sure nut! Saturday Evening Post teeth nJhrnh?? soomwa trtnup for, children tec ffiJ8hitUJdr .al'? b wd for children while IwentT n ,s ine . b tom&Ur for diarrhoea. Awentr-ave cents a bottle, it is the best. Wt44ti4ti,iifttt4i t gfr0ft4,,H THF WPPI AT Ul ACHIMr.TAM 1111- l.ii ti ntJimMji I It seems that the recent events in isthmian and South American waters has convinced the Washington govern ment that there is a great necessity of increasing the mosquito fleet and therefore the matter has been referred to the navy department. Secretary Moody, after a careful investigation of the situation has decided to recom mend to congress the constructions no less than six additional vessels. Tho Washington dispatch Bays: These boats will be of tho Nashville type, with certain modifications. They will be of about 1,000 tons displace ment, and will cost about $250,000 each. They will be usoful in tho wa ters of the South American republics. A Washington dispatch by tho As sociated press, under date of Novem ber 21, says: Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Taylor has received a communication from Senator Fair banks of Indiana, as chairman of an association to erect a monument to former President Harrison, inquiring whether the government objects to tho monument being placed on the grounds of the. United States federal building at Indianapolis. Tho depart ment has replied to Senator Fairbanks to the effect that the government will interpose no objection whatever, and making some suggestions as to the ex act location of the monument and the character of it. The grounds of tho federal building at Indianapolis are exceptionally large and can well ac commodate a monument. Recently Commissioner of Pensions Ware decided that the Mexican war veterans who are on the rolls at $8 per month are entitled to an increase to $12 per month. This marks the end of a controversy as to what constitutes the claim of several of these veterans to pension privileges. mingo has arranged to surrendor tho city to the revolutionists, and a later dispatch reported that this had boon done and tho president had found refuge on board a German warship. It is bolioved that this ends the revo lution, and that peace will soon be re After several conferences, tho re publican and democratic leaders of the senate have agreed on December 16 as the time for taking a final vote on the Cuban reciprocity bill, If possi ble, and it is believed that little op position to this plan will be met with. The United States government is about to assemble oft the isthmus of Panama the greatest fleet it has ever mobilized in time of emergency or of treaty expedience. The fleet will be in command of Rear Admiral R. D. Evans of the Asiatic fleet, Rear Ad miral Coghlan of the Caribbean squad ron and Rear Admiral J. D. Glass of the Pacific squadron, The joint resolution recently intro duced in the United States senate by Senator Newlands inviting Cuba to become a state of tho United States has caused much comment in Cuba and the general sentiment is expressed to the effect that Cuba prefers to stand alone instead of having their country annexed to the United States. The same feeling prevails In Porto Rico in regard to having that island become a province of Cuba, as provided in the resolution of Senator Newlands. On November 23 it was announced that the senate committee on mili tary affairs would designate a sub committee to go to Cuba for the pur pose of investigating tho conduct and record .of General Leonard Wood, whose name Is before the senate 'com mittee In connection with charges re cently made against his administra tion of military affairs m Cuba. - In-a cablegram received from United States Minister Powell, under date of San Domingo, - Novemher 23, he an nounced that the president of San Do- It was announced on November 21 that Eugeno F. Ware, the-commissioner of pensions, will retire from that office next year about this time, as the place is distasteful to him and ho wishes to return to his law practice in Kansas. Tho recent battle In Jolo provlnco in tho Philippines between a detach ment of American troops under Gen eral Wood and the Moros In which battle many of tho latter wore killed has resulted in nn investigation and General Wood expresses tho opinion that the course taken by the Moros abrogates tho Bates' treaty. It Is said that by the Bates' treaty with the sul tan of Jolo tne Uniceu States bound itsolf not to interfere with tho do mestic institutions of the Moros, which included slavery; nor with their religion, tho Mohammedan, which included polygamy. On Novembor 25 Representative Cur tis of Kansas introduced to tho presi dent C. E. Foley of Eufaula, I. T., who recently was designated by a convention of the inhabitants of the territory to go to Washington and ask congress to allow Indian territory a delegate. Tho need of such a dele gate was set forth in tho resolutions presented to the president and he has promised to give the matter consideration. On November 25 the Cuban reciproc ity bill was the subject of discussion in the senate. Tho first speech on the bill was made by Senator Carmack of Tennessee, who spoke in opposition to the measure. When Mr. Carmack's speech was concluded, the resolution introduced by Senator Newlands of Nevada in relation to Cuban statehood was taken up and discussed, Senators Teller, Hale and Carmack, as well as Mr. Newlands, taking part In the discussion. Brigadier Gen. F. Funston, com manding the department of tho Co lumbia, recently submitted his report to the adjutant general, In which re port his investigation of the reports of destitution among the natives of Alas ka, was set forth. General Funston's report shows that there is more or less destitution among the .Indians and Es kimos of Alaska and therefore recom mends that these people be placed un der the control of the department of the interior. W. A. Sutherland, in charge of the Philippine boys who have como to the United States for education in American metnods, recently made a report as to the disposition ho had made of his charges to Colonel Ed wards, chief of the Insular bureau. Ninety-six boys were brought from tho Philippines, and these have been placed in various families in Southern California, where they will take ad vantage of tho nearest educational fa cilities. Next summer, according to a Washington dispatch, the youths will be brought east to complete their edu cation, to which they must devote four years. They are pledged to en ter the Philippine civil service upon their return to the Islands and must remain In that service a" least four years. The boys start at a solid foun dation in their studies, several of them Your Cows WilljPay bigger profits and you will havo an easier time of it ii you use an EMPIRE Cream Separator, tho easy running easily cleaned, lonr lived. nonrepair machine. Our book allows why it pay you bolter than any other. May no tend you 11 freo copy? EMPIRE CREAM SEPARATOR CO., BloomflcN, H.J, Chlcatt.lllx. HO mmsm skqmH $48 ESSes $25.75 with bfgh ctoeet and hlte enataM lined rtterrotr (e waterlroat) Ureat Foundry Hale. WeahlDranm - .- i .' - .". t ior examination wiuont e rent la advance. It jtm llkolt pay 55.75 adr4M and tako ranee toe 3D Day FREE Trtmh It Dot a&tlxfactory vre ajrree to refund your sooner -ioinnui jiangce are naoe o 1 Ben wrought steel. Orera IBzSOIiu. KU la. befe. But bakers aa4 roasters on eartk. JWraaay thing. Aibeatef lined naee. QttmeKntmma B yenrut Will saTauieircodfn fuel InOneYenr. Write to day tor our catalogue. iiTiti.r a rrnrwAV numvnr X)ept w-:J4 tW Uiu.e MtreeU CUIeftgo seHsBTLsBBalWsaVMBBBBBensBS BsMrtsSSSSSBBSSSSSSsiMBsflBBBHeV FMHsM$JwftNrliMC2 Fw'VJtianj'ntUffweMr i r OR Dl UmSM CURES . every portion In Buironng vutu nr T'ITK in anrifl for 0110 of ray Innjo-Bizud bottle (16 full oz.) E? O US E? and If It dooa all that la claimed r in K. G f or it, tho rmtleub can then con tlnuo tho treatment which 13 not expensive Dr. F. E. GRANT, m. 974, Kansas City, Mo. SAWMILLS, 4 H P. cut VftOO tret per dar All elzea l'laa ore, iblnsle Willi and Frfjcrrs with 1'ab-nt Variable Friction rcMM'ortablewrlod lntc Mills. Water for lrt Ujm. r.l(tl iiMai Mia xra co,, tax Ml, AlU,a 1MPwl;)l. XoTwk. STEEL ROOFING WO 90UARE FEET $k.OQ I'alntcd two el dew omIU IntlndrA. Strictly new, perfect. HeiaHUnJeni-O Mr.; I Sheet, 6tct lung. The bat SlooBug, bttlng or i'elllnjc yM can te 1 v (frlfi)c netf iwary to Uy it. An ordinary hammer or hatonot tbe only tools you ni-ed. Klthr flat, corrucaU-d or"V" i-rlViiPCrt. Write for our Vtv Cntalouue No, S4 on Farm SuppII. Fu rot tun, etc ClllUUU llUL'Si: HHiXKIXO CO., W. Sill. A Iran eta,, Ultif anger Cured WITH SOOTHING, BALMY OILS Cancer, Tumor. Catarrh. Plica. Fistula, Ulcers, Eczemaand all Skin and Womb Diseases. Write for Illustrated Book. Sent free. Addrraw BOYE, SSiS2k Kansas Citf , Ho, ' r iMwin ri"r Month nd rxpnmi no experience Hk nceded;jOBltion permanent; self-seller; a? IJ'kasf. Mfo. Co., Hlut'n W.CJncinDati.O. rKWtta'F-aiil FENCE! sntQiHuur KnU (Strong, Chicken Tight, Sold to the FarmertWfc!I roc, taiir rrarraaird. CatAJOtfl COJLKO 9PBIXi FKSt K C9. BOX 224 TUcltrtIa4Ua,Cg.l rfc.j