'--'''''-. " " ".'?-. .',..'7" .. - .-&tT-$i f,J. h" k,c. The Commoner. 14 VOLUME 3,' NUMBER 16i .- itSsFoni? 3- Fremont (0.) Messenger: Last year the people managed to settle the coal strike, but they liavon t got through settling the coal bill yet. Elizabethtown (N. Y.) Post: Presi dent Koosovolt might jump on one of the big postal grafters, if only to show them he is not afraid of them. ..Marion (0.) Mirror: The re-election of Governor Beckham in Ken tucky will bo the means of indefinitely postponing the return of refugee Tay lor to his native land. . Bucyrus (0.) Forum: Since the Ohio election President Roosevelt has lost all desire to havo Senator Lodge succeed Sonator Hanna as chairman of the national committee. ' Ironton (0.) Irontonian: The United States government has recog nized the republic of Panama. It is Very suddon, and probably the action was governed by selfishness. Marion (0.) Mirror: The difference between Roosevelt and Hanna is, the former is the commander in chief of the army and navy, while the lat ter is commander of the republican party. Fostoria (0.) Times: Wonder what big deal there is at the root of this Panama republic play? Either the French republic that wants to sell out, or J. Pierpont Morgan who wants the people to buy, it in it. Mansfield (0.) Shield: Those work men who have been laid off by the trusts will appreciate Mark Hanna's advance in the price of coal before tho winter is over. But then, you know, Ohio voted to indorse Uncle Mark. Hamilton (0.) Sun: Miss Panama is still laboring under the impression that she was the ,one who did it all. As a-matter of fact the outcome will .probably show that she has been trifled with. Uncle Sam was not mail ing lave to tho giddy young thing for love's sake alone. Not he. Pen Yan (N. Y.) Democrat: Some high and mighty Wall street finan ciers ought to be in jail for robbing the public. Instead, they pose as philanthropists, endowing hero and there a school or college. . Buta it ought to be impossible to find anyJin stitution that would accept money gained in that way.. Wilmington (Del.) Jeff ersonian : Grover- Cleveland has referred to his "old-fashioned" democracy. In view of tho fact that Cleveland has hot voted the democratic ticket since 1892, it is not surprising that his demo cratic roho is out of fashion. Prob Chilton (Wis.) Times: Poor old Grover is certainly in a bad way when Mark Hanna becomes eulogistic in his behalf. Keysor (W. Va.) Tribune: Tho present administration deserves the title of-tho Twentieth Century School for Scandals. Rharpsburg (Ky.) World: Tho re publicans will soon -explain the de cline in business as the result of the fear of a democratic victory next fall; Freeport (111.) Bulletin: The work ingman sells his labor in the cheapest aud buys his goods in the dearest market; cause, tariff on goods, but none on labor. New Albany (Ind.) Public Press: If we now had a democratic administra tion the republicans would not be at a loss to explain the present slump in the stock market. Whitewright (Tex.) Sun: The. presi dent is urging Senator Hanna to con tinue as chairman of the republican national committee. The president has an eye for business. Mankato (Kas.) Advocate: Tho fellow who thinks that the trusts will bust themselves and that tho re publican party will purify itself is en titled to a place among the great hu morists. Rogers (Tex.) News: Suppose Gor man could be nominated and elected president, of what benefit would it be? Is he not today recognized as being even more popular with the . trusts tnan Roosevelt is? St. Paul (Neb.) Phonograph-Press: Now watch the financiers get in their work on their pet banking bill. If they succeed with their asset currency it will outclass tho wild cat Currency In its palmiest days. Columbus (Neb.) Telegram: The history of nations records no baser betrayal of the confidence of a friendly power than the act of President Roosevelt in hastening, to the rescue of the rebels in Panama. LonK Prairie (Minn.) Democrat: Boss Hanna looks upon Cleveland and Gorman as the only two real dyed-in-the-wool democrats in "the-land. This ought to be pointer enough for us common herd to think once or twice before we leap. Auburn (Nob.) Herald; Grover Cleveland says that he would rather have his son become a bridge-builder than president. Knowing what w& do about bridge building in some Nebras ka counties, we are convinced that Grover is onto the "graft." Stanton (Neb.) Register: There isn't of them is elected. Tho only differ ence would bo that Teddy would make strenuous speeches while Grover would fish. Shelbina (Mo.) Torchlight: From buying the quit claim title of one na tion to another people to secretly en couraging an insurrection and the formation of a rebellious government to bo used as a tool is but a step. Folks should not be surprised at these little things now. This last step is the one we have just taken down on the isthmus. The circumstantial evi dence against us is very strong, and witnesses may lie, but circumstances never. Panama Canal Treaty. (Continued from Pase 11.) United States to employ whatever force may be necessary for that sole purpose, the said force to be with drawn when the necessity for its pres ence has ceased; that when the cir cumstances demand the United" States may send forces to the isthmus with out the advice or consent of the Pa nama government; that no change in the" government or laws or treaties of the republic of Panama shall, with out tho consent of the United States, effect in any way the provisions of this treaty. Provision is also made that the joint commission for the determina tion of damages to the property of private owners arising from the con struction of the canal shall consist of two persons named by the president of tho United States and two by the government of Panama, and that in case of disagreement the two govern ments shall appoint an umpire to ren. der the decision. eu Factory Price uircrt to You We are tho only general merchandisa housa which jowns, controls and directly mana-W, vehicle factory. Wo build our vehlSMLS &B effif?!d .up and ?w what'3 under thecSrt Wo add but ono small profit to the cost etna-' terlal and labor, henco our customers are eetttap abetter made jobjna finer flnjsh and at I lower price than can possibly bo secured elsewhere "LEADER" Road Wagon Imitation leather trimmed: carpet, wrench ana shafts; just as illustrated, description. Writefor further 25 50 "CHALLENGE" Buggy-24in.body cloth trimmed: top, back and side cur tains, storm aprcn, carpet .and shafts. , . , . . write for details. We also have better grades up to the very test and most stylish that can possibly be put together. Vehicle Catalogue Free. Send fcr It today. It will give particulars about the above work. It also Illustrates and describes the newest and best line of Runabouts, Stanhopes, Buggies. Phaetons, Surreys, Can-laces, Carts, Spring Wagons, etc., ever quoted direct to the buyer. It explains the difference between good and unreliable work between the hand-painted and tho dipped buggy and also explains oar Guarantee of Satisfaction and 30 Days' Trial Offer. Send a postal today for cur Vehicle Cat. No. El . Montgomery WardCo. Chicago A special circular quoting cur entire line of Sleighs, Sleds, etc., wilt be sent at tho same time, if you request It. $ W IfiAliff-Ar-r-urr-miti i-uaiiaai llUMt&ttktKy fcAUUKSI 0 One Faro PIu Two Dollars For Round Trip. Dates of Sale Deo. 1 and 15. Jan. 5 and 19, Feb. 2 and 16, March land 15, April 5 and 19 To Minnesota Wisconsin, the Canadian Northwest, many points in Nebraska, North and South Dakota, including Bonesteel. Keturn limit 21 days. 0 :Addroas: R. W. McGinnis General Agent, Lincoln, Nebraska. ably it is moth-eaten, like other cast- mu?fh saId thes? ?ays about tho Vt off nm ,iimiR,i nWM lrity prices of two years ago. The off and disused clothing. Kingfisher( 0. T.) Reformer: "What price did you get for tnat dollar wheat that you brought to mantel today?" inquired a western farmer of his gold bug neighbor the other day. "I got 60 cents a- bushel," snappishly an swered the gold-bug neighbor as he walked away looking wise and but tering to himself. "What blamorl idiots these free silver cranks are, anyway." Bellairo (0.) Democrat: The em ployes of the Sheet Steel company .at Scotdalo, Pa., have signed an agree ment for a reduction of 20 per cent in their wages, and tho ones employed at Canal Dover. have been notilied from New York that the same reduction will be asked from them. The elections be ing ovor, the merry wprk will start up in earnest and. if would seem' a: Very foolish thing to b'egtn fighting against secretary of the treasury has lately made a statement that there never was so much money in tho United States as now, but the tightness o the money market, the raise of interest rates, makes his statement appear ludicrous. Wilmington (Del.; Jeff ersonian: Where, oh, where are the prosperity tooters? If republicans made times good, it must be tho same people wtia are making them bad. Why are wages going down? Why are not tho repub ncan papers claiming the credit for doing that? Is it not nearly time for some fool to assert that the danger of free silver is destroying confidence? Colby (Kas.) Free Press; Ex-Chief Justice Frank Doster says ho ,would support Grover Cleveland -.before he would support Teddy Roosevelt for president. It is merely a matter of choice: tho trusts' of the nniinrrv win SPECIAL CLUBBING RATES. To accommodate those of our readers who wish to take one or more other periodicals with Th Commoner we lnuko special clubbing rotes with n number of daily, weekly, and monthly publications. Our list includes newspapers, agricultural papers, ana mag azines of a general character, each, being of first-rate standing in its own field, and well worth its regular subscription .price. Wo handle many thousands of these subscriptions every year, involving a large amount ol labor and exponso, and bringing absolutely no profit, simply in pursuance ot the paper's general policy ol giving Its subscribers as much as possible lor their money. 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