T""rlf -fay fi'wi7-(f - trj -t-tb-, hm ' Wjf1 -r" "-s.gfjry j tfir7'i -rw- f " The Commoner. NOVEMBER 27, 1903. 9 - s -T"'-"'-'--! -W-- WW '-.m-,- -m,, Samples Mailed Free Fifty Thousand Trial Packages of Dr. Bfosser'5 Catarrh Cure to be Mailed Fret to Sufferers Dr. JJloPflcr, tho nbted catarrh specialist, of Atlanta, Ga., la tho discoverer of a wonderful rcmcuy lor ca tarrh, Bronchitis Asthma and Ca tarrhal Deafness. Ho has decided to Bend fifty thou sand trial packages of his remedy to sul fcrers who will write him. This remedy Is, aharmlcss.plcas-' an t vcjjctablo comnxnriid con tainlnRnotobac 'CO, w h ich i smoked in a pip 68? f i rA w-J' tho medicated vapor being in haled, reaches di rectly tho mu- frilia'mrmhrnnpi lining tho hcad.nose, throat, and lungs, making a radical and permanent cure. Jf you want to give the remedy a trial, writo a letter at once to Dr. Blosscr Compuuy, 371 Wal ton St., Atlanta, Ga. tho works of the best cuthors is a necessity. ' 4 Unsatisfied. The accomplishment of an object is not the only reward that comes from doing one's work well. The training and, shaping of the soul by the discipline' undergone must bo taken into account. It is not so much 'what we mean to do, as it is the way ov dpihg what W3 must, tliat counts. Learner. The report of the national commission of education shows' that in the year endiny last June, 15,925,887 children were enrolled in our com mon schools; other schools and col leges brought the total up to 18,500, 000 young people in school in the United States. Querist The first route for free mail delivery at farm houses was es tablished in October, 1896, in West Virginia. At the close of 189C, there were three routes; in 1897, there were forty-four; in 1898, there were 128; More Gow Money You can invest in nothing that will brine you larger cash returns than tho EMPIRE Gream Separator Guaranteed to turn moro easily, to last longer, to be mora easily cleaned, to glyo less troublo and to bo moro satisfactory in overy way than any other separator. Simplest in construction. Investigate our claims ask any Kmplre user. Handsome Calelogus Fros. EMPIRE CREAM SEPARATOR COMPANY, Bloomueld, N. J. Chicago, ill. Mtwa Feel Your Pulse .Ii it beats fast, then slow skips beats, your heart is weak and should be treated at onc(e.Dr. Miles' Heart . Cure is.tliobest and safest remedy. Bold cm guarantee. Bond jtor boolc on tho heart. ,-!' ', Mura Mzdioal CO., Ellihart, Ind. In 1899, there wore 644. Thero are now 12,507 routes in operation. Hattio L. The climber, ampelopsls veichil, is not generally hardy in tho latitude of Chicago, excopt in shelt ered situations. Any florist will ad vise you what to get. Tho well known orris root .belongs to the Iris family. Dulbleti. Gladiolus bulbs are produced truo to name or color by tho biilblota grow ing about tho base- of tho old bulb, 'iese bulblets may be wintered in any cool place avay from tho frost, keep ing thorn dry, in tho samo mannor as the parent bulbs. Early in tho spring, prepare a good bed in any out-of-the-way place in the garden, make rows four or five inches apart and sow tho bulblets thickly so they will almost touch each other, and cover them about an inch and -a half deep; be fore planting them, every bulblot should have the tough, black peel pulled off of them, or they will make very irregular, and but little growth the first season. It is claimed that peeled bulblets grow as much in one year as unpeeled ones do in two years, and that nearly every one of them grows, if peeled, whiclMs not tho case with the unpeeled ones. Keep tho bed free from weeds and water well In dry weather-; if in rich soil, nearly all of them will bloom tho second season. "Dropped Dead." All royal strengths in life, until tho end, Will bear themselves still royally. De grees Of dying they know not: the muddy lees They will not drink: no man shall see them bend Or slacken. in tho storm: no man can lend To them. Those feeble souls who crouch on knees That fail, and cling to shadows of lost ease Death tortures. But, as kings kings may send, He challenges the strong. to Such death as this O'ertakes great love; a lesser love will miss Such stroke; may dwindle painfully away And fade and simply cease to be, somo day. But great hearts, to the last, have pulses red; All great loves that have ever dropped dead. Helen Hunt Jackson. Making nirron. For the benefit of "Interested Reader," we quote the following from Encyclopedia Britannica, in regard to making mirrors: A perfectly flat and horizontal slab of stone, bedded in a heavy, Iron bound wooden frame, with a gutter running around the outer edge, Is nec essary. On the surface of this table, which must be perfectly smooth and level, is spread a sheet of tin-foil, somewhat larger than the glass to be derated upon, and after all folds and creases have been completely removed by means of stroking and beating with a covered wooden rubber, the process of "quickening" the foil is commenced. A small quantity of mercury is rubbed lightly and quickly over the whole surface, and tho scum of dust, impure tin and mercury is taken off. Mercury is 'then poured upon tho quickened foil until there is a body of it suffic ient to float the glass to be silvered (abdtft one-quarter of an inch deep), and the edge at one of the sides hav ing 'been cleared of the scum peculiar f n.ir. the class (scrupulously 'cleaned simultaneously with the above operations) is slid from that side over the surface or me muruuij, aro placed over tho surface until tho greater part of tho amalgamated mor cury is pressed out, tho tablo ia thon tilted diagonally by mcaiiB of dumb screws, and all superfluous mercury finds its way to tho guttor. Tho glass Is loft twenty-four hours under woights; It is then turned over, sil vered side up, and removed to a drainer with Inclining sholvos, whero by slow degrees, as It hardens and dries, it la brought to a vertical posi tion, which In tho caso of largo sheets may not bo arrived at in less than a month. This process yields excellent results, producing a brilliant silvor whlto metallic luster which is only subject to alteration by exposure to high temperature, or by contact with damp surfaces. The morcurial vapora to which the workmen aro exposed give rise to nitet distressing and fatal affections. , Crochet Drawn-Work. Thero are many patterns in drawn work .which can bo copied in crochet, and tho greater durability of the lat ter renders this now work of great uso In trimming household linen, such as sheets, table-cloths, sideboard scarfs, towels, etc. Ordinary crochet' cotton is used in this work, and in sizo and color must corrcsponi with tho linen to bo decorated with it. After tho crochet is.completed, an edge of double-crochet sliould bo worked around tho pattern to afford a founda tion for tho button-holing with which it is secured to the linen. After the button-holing is completed, the linen is cut away from under the crochet. Before mounting tho crochet, draw out a thread of tho linen for both edges of the pattern as a guide in sewing, in mounting intricate pat terns, it may be well to stretch the linen In a frame and tack the crochet in place beforo button-holing. Some times a line of feather-stitch along tho edge of the crochet will be found an Improvement. In making up small pieces like doil eys, bands for shirt-waists, collars and cmfs, etc., bias tape will be found an excellent substitute for picco linen, as it saves the trouble of cutting bands of material and the edges of the tape and crochet may be oversewn together instead of button-holed. As tape comes in different widths, much var iation may be made in effect by mak ing the same pattern of crochet with narrow bands for one article and wider strips for another. When the crochet, has been mounted, it should either be damped and pinned out on a linen-covered board and left till dry, or it may be pressed directly with a hot Iron. The work sliould be care fully pulled out and laid between two damp cloths before being ironed. Modern Prlscilla. 98c.sr.S3 50Shoes NO MONEY. 1 LirpiJM.TW'. mjxA J0te:i4K?;&ift. niun WWSi&Mi sBBWSS mffir&ffi& "yt V "77 jpii" run ThPso tiro bitch frrndc Mca'nnnd Womcn' Shorn at lower price than ever before hrnrtl of. We (cuornntco them to b moro atjrlfsti. better llttlntr. bettor wcnrlnir, tban you can bay clRcwhoro nt ta.60 to 6, Tali It ffat ise4 toadtrtoj 1&31 efftr iw aiit, 98 cents !!: bifhind-Mwid nil, bji calf that. In latent Now York Tlnrwd top, an extreme' r Rtyiifth, trnidc. durable hoo. (vjual to shorn that Kelt in KtorcR evrrrwhero nt 13 no to tft 7.m rv, OtO W.WHlUiRD, $5v K. EK. FJt w crunrcntccd i&aasm " r'v,WJy.t f y'iit -r ii scun ho MfiHFt. f.-?; w F'.VHf Wrlto for order blank. tin Aftt4 iHUiiCIMd buyB OunrnnU'fd 3.G0 Patent Lontnur Slior-i for IioMj mon mid women; also a vurlpty of other ool hhoes, of which wc will Bend you full dcHcrlpMon If you wrlto uh. Bo CSlllS Ltdlu? hidi. tcmc.niw iljti ilasllclastiD Liei 5hM,tmul of npcclnl vlcl Icld, on tliomoHHU llsli last, with Patent Leather t'p The Ha tlo ItiKtcp mukcfl the ohoe celf suljuhtini: for a hih or low iiitj'ep, and insures com fnrt. tn tlin ipiih.h.i uimu nlA &.to8,w!(IMiiAtofSI3. Guar Vktj'H nnteed eoual to shorn rcIN t. turf In titnma nrtl stv catalogues at MOXEY. r or- lank TODAY. Send no Money. nut ir you want S3.50 pair of oboes for W cents, f you uro wllllnjr toexarnino them If shipped hubjret to examination and approv al before pay ment, simply Kay on a potal card "tend rao order blank." We will alKosrnd you descrlp lon of our New System, Bljf, Free, nearly 1,000 oage Cntnlojfue, which will b.ivo you dealer'K prollts on not only Bhocs but everything ued Ib the home. Hhrhest bank, eornrn'rclal and cus tomer'H rcferf rices. AddreftK Olobe Asioclatlo. 249 to 201 Wubusli Avenue, Chicago. Hi mm K?JVFV,lk?VisV4 i.vwuuriwM 'ivtiriri w?urrfeSsa nnr hi:aBiL'JBH'W7.T. VTlft fJ.WJ to wxs&vtifi&i xmvt: M;7:a vji- -w'ifc.w- mfoymttm WllWwZr'kiM. 1 , ymmem&r mEmiEB mmm bargains. Our hrce trocery dnrtment cin jupply you with the clioiceit frcili ctw erics at lower prl c ihan you can uuy tnesjmiuJiity oii;oi lorciUKrin Kantai rity oratyouriunieurjccry. IJcIo oi; ro a hi of the raretmwuu. Utueri win vc fju-tu in oit Socclal Grocery circuura. wmeiorwcrauMuy. nu iub. 0i graiiuiaivi. urM V I. ww. Arbuchls or Lion Collo, par lb. ,.... Oo. OurOrlvobltnd bulk rostlsd cellto,perlb.flo. 1 box aod laundry coop, 100 bars,..,. Of.OO Freahsoda craekora. por lb.,.. ...... ..4 I-Zo. J Fro ah (jlngr anapa, pr lb.,... 4 !2c. Chslcoal 19 (annlnga or brakon loavas, not dusl, par lb., .. . . '. .......,10o. Fancy laosa roll,lmporlal to, porlb., 28c. 10 lb. Scotch rollod ol, 28o. flail Columbia Rlvaraalmon,.. ...... ...12 l2o. 8 ox. bolllo lomon axtracl 13c. 1 ol. canauaarcyrup, ......20c. 10 Ib. pall purowhlta labia lard for BBo. Arm AlUmmer coda, lull lb.' packaga, ...... 0c. Our hrcc Ceneral CaUlotruo contain eeryth!oz wanted for uteon tiiearm or In the limic and all at lootjoy fivlnif prlcn. Don't Uuy suptilics of any kind until you sec It. WcaaJIUfrccforuicukicj;. U!TE0 HAIL ORDER CO.. RttaUtrs Evtrf thing at WholaaU Prittt. E35 Dolaworo St., Kansas City, Mo. masftmsm9 I f PMLn2Z'3mT?EEX cut tlmaaaffi P-iS . t , wmmti&aEMiztrmsm i its is&LMFZxnyu&Jis jMateaif 2 . iaBBBH-Baar.-7 y)iaaBBBraaBBKi aacro' ' ms'vwmirwmmmmfzmtrwilw mvfrwmilmiM HHHjjjHHflMKQMHHt 95 for this large ii. 1 1 '"""'- fitccl range without I Jch clout or reservoir. With larjje.MK1 roomy warruInK closet, tea (hclvcsaad reservoir Just ss ilioro JlMijdriwo center S16.V5. Kotorvciris porcelain on in $Q-908Sicttte ItHt as JlhKtnted. Horns virtf nt Ho ft evil ox wi sIde.fiAbet03Corc!Cd cs outside and into a fcteel CiS rirScf Cat it tttilattit licit s&d keeps vir raccb Jiptter (Ian tle cldttylc Tb0O9JiMsblg rsna is .gprH 2SrTnche3,ha30ccokJng r.oici.iarf crooaiyoienr x ISiO ladies with ctusre door co Yoa reerlve full btneit cf t!io lar?s ori fwe have steel ranges with much larsrer end smaller orest. tAlKS. to lllt All. 1 Vb.L.ili. of this h'ch rrade ns ( mzAn of eel J rollcdttccl . too a ndall caitint of cornimtetl tie xxA. cold irptiea ,ie tteci ina. nary cut ixue, largo cast feed door, tuh pit doron J hre ash pan, swinf top, doutla screw draft-rryulA, litor. Uklda rested wn. top rlnir namaj plalc, foot rails, etc. We have heatlojr stores of every Lied., jjciuuji,c:ru2ntj,ine KlUilV.ZltCtlllStOTUiMJ. for O Co. lino Ik men at H the regular price. test No. 1 rle Iron. Crtia t we tv In prorcd duplex erate. burns wood or crL Nlcbfs Irloimlni pic u i-u va yam m ioua top, tancs ana Lraciceu en man a panel oa err en ocor zaa clean closet, tea pot shelves,franeaad panel oa OGCdOCr. 'lba Sricklenartsarn si I fil-.htv tdifTMlap.il nnViSul "yl'. makiDC the ranee an ornament to any house. WE GUARANTEE Sffl!0 ..lii55V j TT-" riaaiiZ-..J-r-"rr'J . " v sucv uuui 4u;u ujj OUR TER Tjjr AS. m .sn. s r ' jBk M ?aaffial A Wxm l msBL i VSIalL eliri'"c73t--jSj & MAtW am. n H-Kamlun. 6tvtr. trwt In nil .1-m arc the most liberal erersnada. "VVcIlthIpyou2y steei rasm. cook arkMBW laraoicciiiorcacayouinpeciectcoBaiuoa, you csn pay for it after VM aa caatakeitintavoQrowBhonM!iuliiiflltaaiil(!airc. i-nnnn.;.Z m nmm4A M(4nMtlt..4(trfinnlii w ..! U U..u.l.. ! f m. .. T . ' . . ." V that retail for double ourprice. you can return t bo stove to us SAcfwewill pay bright both ways.soyou won't fcea PUT TUIC iCin" flllT KndittousaiidnewillrnailyMourfrcstovecaubif. itcir&lm Ulll ini9 AU Ulil tells you ho w to order. Da'l bay alaya of mv UmVunM wat3 ii m r i a a www .m . - - n Weights I bwestprlscssverMad. Wrlto mw. MARf IR SHiTH COia CI r a i- crvs TSii&JSas V ' "aii 1 1 il 1 C a ipW-jJu