The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 27, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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    WJWWP'' I'MWt "
The Commoner.
Entered at the postoffice at Lincoln, Kebrsslea, Mifcecond
cJsrsmall nutter.
Oie Year !.
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11 communications to
THE COMMONER, Liacela, Ne.
; is
"Whale Colombia" to become our national
The president is determined that Crum shall
have one more try at the "door of opportunity."
t An interesting discussion appears on page 3,
and the attention of Commoner readers is called
When the Chicago Chronicle talks about
"sham democrats" it is time for the general pub
lic to laugh.
The Nebraska senatorial scandal is another
argument in favor of popular election of United
States senators.
Perhaps Mr. Roosevelt performed that Panama
coup" in order to attract the limelight irom Mr.
Hanna's Ohio victory.
In the opinion of Mr. Hanna "what the saint
ed McKInley said" amounts to nothing when there
Is no campaign on hand.
The "Lots of Five" subscription campaign la
progressing at a satisfactory rate. Are you tak
ing an active part in, the campaign?
. Has It come to pass that appeals to national
honor and to justice are to be denounced as Im
pertinent by congress and cabinet?
The people who wink at the buying of sena
torial .seats have very little grounds for com
plaint when senators sell their political patronage.
4 . The territories will knock separately for ad
mission this time. And despite its platform prom
ises the g. o. p. will do a little "knocking" on its
own account.
Emperor William has had a polypus removed
from his throat. The polypus Is raging In quite
a large majority of this government's administra
tive departments.
The manager of a government department
who can prove that there Is no graft In his divi
sion will be eligible to a paying -position with the
dime musee circuit.
Are the gentlemen opposed to the promotion
of General Wood quite sure that the' Jai Alai'busl
ness is eligible to the "protection found in " the
statute of limitations?
-The organs that had no difficulty in locat
ing the causes of the industrial depression in
1892-96 are giving some exhibitions of ground and
lofty tumbling In their. efforts to locate the cause
of the Industrial depression of 1903.
The administration action in the Panama case
is hardly square with Mr. Roosevelt's announced
determination to carry out the McKinley policies.
The McKinley name is good to conjure, with,
but the McKinley policies are obstacles that arc
not allowed to deter our strenuous executive.
The Commoner.
Senator Hoar's remarks concerning the antl
Smoof petitions are useful as showing with what
small favor the average senator looks upon the
rights of the people at large.
Those Ohio employes whose wages are oe
ing cut to the bone are of the opinion that Mr..
Hanna's "let well enough alone" cry referred only
to Mr. Hanna and his business associates.
The amountthe government pays for carrying
the mails and for rent of postal cars comes very
near paying the entire cost of running the pas
senger trains which carry United States mail.
. The Philadelphia Ledger is talking about "the
passing of Perry Heath." The Ledger Is mis
taken. It is not Perry who has passed It Is mere
ly the time embraced in the statute of limitations.
Having executed a complete somersault on
the tariff question, President Roosevelt feels quite
able to execute a similar- acrobatic reversal on
the race question if convinced that it Is expedient.
Mr. Hanna is on easy street so far as his sena
torial place is concerned, but he must watch those
gentlemen who are inclined to seduce Mr. Herrick
into taking second place on the Roosevelt ticket.
The steel trust is preparing to create a $15,
000,000 vacuum in the dinner pail. But this will
not prevent its chief buglers from making the
usual appeal when campaign time comes again.
Nebraska republicans love to talk about the
"redemption" of Nebraska from "demo-pop rule."
Recent grand jury indictments in the federal court
at Omaha indicate the extent of the "redemption."
Republican sneers at the "solid south" would
be in better taste if "solid New England" did not
cling to its idols with a tenacity never equalled
by the states, south of the old Mason and Dixon
The York (Neb.) Democrat refers feelingly to
"chump factories." Managers, of chump factories
who are looking for raw material are kindly, re
ferred to the overwhelming republican majority in
Has the president ever thought of trying the
Injunction on recalcitrant republicans. Some of
his warmest friends and admirers have found it
very useful in dealing with obstreperous working-men.
The republican legislature that elected Sena
tor Dietrich was pointed to by administration or
gans throughout the country as a "rebuke to
Bryan." Now the organs have another1 point
coming. "
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson cheerfully
admits that there is a vast amount of grafting in
his department, in which Secretary Wilson and his'
department differ from other secretaries and de-1
partments. x ,
If ho can postpone action long enough Senator
Dietrich may seek refuge behind the statute "of
limitations, and if he does he will iind quite -a
lot of congenial republican company enjoying the
same harbor.
Why not make Mr. Schwab manager of the
Panama canal operations? He could organize a
company and Inject enough water Into the 'stock
to wash out a channel before the dredges could
get up steam.
The consumers of oil should make ready for
another hold-up. The Stanaard Oil diviaends this
year are 1 per cent below last : -ar"s dividends,
and you know Mr. Rockefeller is too poor to stand
such a slump.
Emperor William having decided to enten his
yacht Meteor in the international yacht race," the
Houston Post wants to hear from some more mon
archy Messrs. Rockefeller, Morgan, Hanna and
the czar of Russia should step to the front and
announce their Intentions.
A republican administration that hails with!
delight the French recognition of Panama forgets
the republican administration that protested, so
strenuously against the French recognition of a
certain section that endeavored to set up a separ
ate republic a few years ago. .. .
It is reported that Addicks is to retire t
politics, but it would be just as well to di
the report Mr. Addicks has a little mau?,
delivering a few delegates to attend to beforp v
can gracefully retire. e co
The attention of the governor of Indiana u
respectfully called to the fact that Governor Bert
ham is to hold office for another term and that
he is now ready to accept ex-Governor Tarlor m5
insure him a fair trial. - Jir ana
General Wood .is now called upon to -ten to
the front and tell where he got it This groyne
inquisitiveness on the part of the people is be
coming quite wearisome to a large contingent of
administration favorites.
Having promised all kinds of reforms, the
sultan of Turkey insists that he has done all
that may be fainy required of him. This re
minds us that Mr. Philander Kno occupies a
very similar position as regards attacking the
The Durbin vice presidential boom 13 cal
culated to make cold chuis play tag up and down
the spine of one William S. Taylor. Anything cal
culated to remove Durbin from the Indiana state
house is exceedingly dangerous to Mr. Taylors
The daily newspapers print the names of the
few men who occasionally "clean out the betting
ring." Owing to the fact that even the daily
newspapers are confined to certain limits as re
gards size, the names of those -who are cleaned out
are never printed.
Those deluded persons who point to the oust
ing of Congressman Roberts as a precedent for
ousting Senator Smoot overlook one very vital
point. Roberts was a democrat in a republican
congress, and Smoot is a republican in a re
publican congress.
"With, all Its superb vitality the democratic
party cannot survive constant defeat," declares
the Indianapolis "News. But the democratic party
has survived constant defeat The trouble seems
to have been that the democratic party could not
endure some of its latter day "victories."
A few years ago Great Britain laughed with
glee at the suggestion that she might be com
pelled to pay: damages, for allowing the Alabama
to put forth from her shores. This is a hint to
the prominent administration leaders who
laughed witK glee at mention of the Panama affair.
Shall the democratic party fall under the
control of men who always vote tha republican
ticket when they fail to make the democratic par
ty so nearly like the republican party t at an ex
pert cannot detect any difference? Thxt is a ques
tion that every loyal democrat should ponder
Having denounced and ' exposed fraud and
corruption in the Island, Editor Bird of Porto
Rico is in jail -for being an anarchist" and agi
tator," and a menace to the goyernment Editor
Bird should have accepted a slice of the graft.aiJ
posed as a patriot If he expected to stand m
with the powers that be.
It has been qulte.a while since we heard any
remarks on "clean men" from Theodore Roose
velt Such remarks might tend to offend a large
number of gentlemen now officially connected w
the administration and depended upon to do con
siderable rounding up of the delegates to the next
national republican convention. .
'. Mme. Melba says she has no 'further use for
advertising and does not care what .the newspa-
pers say,, about her. If the newspapers snouw
take the fair lady at her word it wouldn t oe
year ere she wpuld add a . note, or two to nj
register by frantic efforts to attract the attention
and favorable comments of the newspaper-.
The anthracite mine owners have secured I a
court decision relieving them of abiding ; by ; w
strike commission's findings or paying the jujfa
ment for back wages fibtained by the miners, am
tad the miners refused to abide by the flecisio
they would have, been --anarchists," tl0(ai
"agitators" and "demagogues.", As It is : the cu
mine owners are only administering the i w
' reposed in them as trustees of divine providence.
It Is all- very dear when you once understand i
- V