The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 27, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
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-J XI .. JT " A BBIIBCM IX f .ullH V . M ,V r
Prafctlcally all the school teachers
of Greater Now York have been
brought, together in an organization to
bo known as the Inter-Borough Coun
cil of Teachers. Nearly 13,000 mem
bers comprise tho society which has
for its object the betterment of teach
ers and a more perfect co-operation
with tho board of education.
It is claimed from Now Orleans that
a strong combine ha3 boon effected
With almost unlimited resources for
tho purpose of contrblling the price
of cotton. It is claimed that the new
clique is strong onough to dominate
tho markets of tlie world so far as
cotton is concerned.
banks represent a capital of. $71,000,
000, and while tho banks aro to be
operated soparatqly the earnings aro
to be pooled arfd divid6d in proportion
to ' tho capital and reserve fund of
A general reduction of 10 per cent
in tho wages of 25,000 textile workers
in Fall River, Mass., was made recent
ly and this roduction was mot by a
similar reduction made by tho other
cotton manufacturers In southern Now
England. This cutv in wages will .af
fect 75,000 operatives.
A temporary victory was scored by
tho managamont of the Chicago city
Tailway against its striking employes
on November 15 when it managed to
maintain a regular service on one of
its lines. Tho cars were guarded by
lue polico and an effort wil be made
to open tho other lines also. '
Tho official count of the votes cast
by the miners of the northern coal'
, (district of Colorado , reverses the deci
sion and defeats the proposition for a
setueinent of the "strike, It is there
fore predicted that tho strugglo will
go on with more vigor than over as
' the . miners in tho southern districts
are still insisting on holding out in
their- demands.
A movement which Is expected to
become state-wide Was instituted re
cently in Cedar Rapids, la., when tho
city council formally instructed tho
city attorney to proceed by tegal pro
cess to collect what is believed by tho
city officials to bo tho just and oquit
ablo taxes which the various rallroa'd,
telegraph, telephone and express com
panies should pay into the city treas
ury. .The. same condition" which con
fronts Cedar Rapids exists in every
county in the state, but that city Is the
first municipality to undertake to
demonstrate that'thelawis bad
Twenty boot and shoe factories in
vthe ' city of Quebec closed down on
November 15, thus throwing out of
work about 5,000 operatives. Tho trou
ble is, on account of the machinists
-who havo refused to abide by an
agreement made in 1901 creating a
conciliation board.
On November 15." tho American Fed
eration of Labor in session at Bos
ton; Mass,, voted to appropriate ?1,
000 for the-aid of. the striking miners
in Colorado. . Among other questions
settled by the c6nventiqn .wetfe tho
following: . Indorsing the demanas of
postofflco clerks f6r regulationjof sal
aries and hours of labor; instructing
the legislative committee to inquire
Into the extent ofl the practiceofc the
navy department' in advertlsijjjgfor
Chinese-and Japanese to take e)iiirilo'y
ment as laundry workers in. that de
partment -and to endeavor tjM..haye
those positions given to other; .di
recting the executive eouncilktd "en
deavor to have the tabacwr workers
of the south organized; asking-, the
federation to make a SDecial effort to
organize all women wage-eruerSi in
the country. .
gross entitled "To provide ways and
means to meet war expenditures and
for other purposes," approved' June
13, 1898, the Western Sugar Refining
company filed suit in tho United
States circuit.court today against John
U. Lynch, United States collector of
internal revenue to recover $84,000,
with interest. It is contended that
the act makes an illegal, unjust and
arbitrary discrimination, founded On
the pretended differences between the.
business of manufacturing sugar and
that of refining the same, between tho
complainant and other firms refining
The First National bank of Lyons,
Neb., was burglarized on November
17 and tho sum of ?2,000 was talcen
a,nd the bank safe and- all thg furni
ture in the building -were utterly
ruined. The robbers have not yet been
After a long debate, the American
Federation of Labor, - in session at
Boston, Mass., on November 18 dg
feated, by a vote of 11,282 to 2,185,
resolutions pledging the association to
socialism. President Gompers made a
fitter speech against socialism, and
cue announcement of the vote on the
resolution was greeted with applause.
On November 18 application was
made to Judge Kirkpatrick of the
United States circuit court for the
second appointment of a receiver for
the United States Shipbuilding com
pany. A rule to show cause was
granted, returnable in New York on
November 24. - ,.
for Everybody
Tell us what kind of goods you aro Interested In
and we will sand you without chargo any of tho
fo lowing Illustrated apodal catalogue auotlne
wholesalo prices. Merely mention tho number
or lettor of the catalogue you want.
100 .Artists' 'Supplies, fof Athlotlc Goods, no
Blacksmltha' and Machinists' Tools, 115 Bulla,
ors' Hardware and Suppllos. ISO Onrpontors'
and Builders' Tools and MntnrTiiia. iok n.iit
ory ntid Glassware, 130 Cutlery, 135 Dry Goods
140 Fancy and Novelty Goods, 145 Farm Implo'
It -is claimed that special treasury
agents sent to Boston, Mass!, by? Secre
tary Shaw have found .oytden.ces
shoeing that the governmepX'has
been cheated out of $200,000 inthe ap
praisers' department, and that, ai'least
a score of importing firms' in Boston
afn nnnnfipnftfl in t.hfi affair. 1
It was , recently reported that the
Moros of Jolo, in -the Philippines, had
Droken out in rebellion and that. Ma
jor General Wood had left for the
scene of the trouble. An American
transport has landed troops and it is
thought that war will begin again in
this province.
Fn,"K t;a0K,lSl V6 popular Priced
ISO HarnoBS. 166 Jowclrv. irrn ith-i.
175 Laeos. Embroldorfos, Hlbbons.
ISO Latnna and LantAmi. iok u.'
monts, 150
on Suppllos
olonms, (Jarpots and Curtains. 100 Men's Hats
and Gloves, 195 Men's Shoos. 200 Mon's Wear
ing Apparoi, m music ana Musicnl Instru
monts, 210 Notlonti, 215 Saddlos and Snddlery
230 Sllvorwaro, 225 Sporting Goods.230 Stntlon.
ory and Office Supplies, 236 Stoves. 240 Toys,
polls and Gnmos, 245, Underwoar. 250 Vohlclcs
255 Wagon Makors Supplios. 2G0 Watches and
Clocks, 246 Womon'a BhoesSOO Women's Cata
logue (OloakB. Furs, Suits. Skirts, Waists,
Hats, oto.), B BIoyeleB, O BabyCarrlacos, D
Dairy Supplies, G Drugs and Patent Medicines,
J Telophonos and Lloctrlcal Goods. K Cameras
and Photo Suppllos, M Books, R Fancy Grade
Furniture, T Trunks, .TT Yontlis' and Boys'
Olothlnt:. VI Men's Made-to-Ordor Clothlne.
with samplos of fabrics. Suits flO.50 to $16.50,
V2 Samo as VI except .suit pricos $18.00 to
$30.00, VO Mado-to-Ordor Ovorconts with sam
ples, w Mon'B Ready-Made Clothing. Mackin
tosh Catalptruo, Buttorlck Fashion CataloEuo,
GL Grocery LIstrpubllBhed every 60 days).
Or, If you want our largo 1 100-pago catalogue,
containing practically evarvthlne the above small
er books contain, send U3 1 5 cents to holp pay
tno posiago mo dook itseu is tree.
Montgomery Ward Co.,
32 years World's Headquarters for Everything.
ber 19 in a collision between two
trains near Tremont, 111. All the dead
and most of tho injured were mem
bers of the crew of the work train.
Thirty-one men were killed and at
least fifteen were injured on Novem-.
It was reported --from Rome on No
vember 19 that tho Patria announces
that there will soon be signed a treaty
of arbitration between Prance and
Italy similar to that recently conclud
ed betjyeea. France and Great Britain.
It addsthat Denmaric, Sweden and
Norway desired to become parties to
this -treaty, but th.ese .countries, .sug
gested certain variations and modlfi-,
cations which M. Delcasso, the French,
foreign minister, refused to allow.
The strike situation among the
ubscribers' Advertising Department
The fortieth anniversary 4of King
Christian of Denmark accession to tho
throne was almost universally cele
brated throughout that country 'on
November 15. Copenhagen and all
other cities were brilliantly decorated
and the aged king received telegrams
and address of congratulation from
all over tho world.
A "rear-eud collision on the Illinois
Central railroad ne,ar Kentwood, La.,
on -.November 14, caused the .death -of
thirty negroes and the list of" injured
is .about eighteen, of which three aro
wnite men.
The leader of tho Macedonian revo
lutionists arrived at Sofla, on Novem
ber 15, and declared in an interview
that thejrevolutionlsts are not con
qued, but that their work was but
nowfceginning. 'Tlie proposed reform
scnemo of-Turkey-does not -poem to be iten years.
regarded seriously by these insurgents
who' declare their intontlontovlyo
the .revolutionary movement bn'7 a
larger scale in the spring.
iT-he thirteenth, national convention
of tho Women's Christian Temperance
Union convened at Cincinnati recent
ly, November 16 was marked by a"
pilgrimage of tho delegates and oth
ers in attendance at the convention to
HJllsboro, 0.t where the crusade
started. inr 1873 and whore some pf the
original crusaders still reside.
On November 17 the Londquoard
of trade issued an interesting, blue
book showing the condition of British
trade in Africa, according to the re
port of Special Commissioner Birch
enough, who was recently sent to in
quire into business conditions' in that
country, in tnis report speoial .stress
is laid upon the magnitude of the
South African market which he says
nas mareased 250 per cent in- the last
British exports to .South
The worth of The Commoner as an
advertising medium is shown in the
following letter, addressed to one who
has availed himself of this depart
ment "Bureau of Education, Division of
Pampanga and Batan, San Fernado,
Pampanga, P. I., Oct. 13, 1903. Dr. J.
W. McClure, Sedalia, Mo. Dear Sir:
I have the honor to write you in re
gard to the Missouri farms offered by
you through the columns of The Com
moner, Lincoln, Neb. Please inform
me as to prices, terms, climate, crops
raised, and the size of the farms, also
any other information that you think
might be Interesting to a prospective
land buyer. I am desirous of getting
hold of some land in the west and any
information in regard to land in any
section of the west . would be very
much appreciated by yours truly,
This serves also to show the wide
spread circulation of ThejDommoner
a feature that must impress itself up
on the minds of advertisers. Tho rate
for advertising in this department is 6
cents per word per insertipn, in ad
vance. Address all orders to Tho
Commoner, Lincoln, Neb.
Two prominent banks of Berlin, Ger
tnatiy, liavo arranged what is known
as a community of interests, tho
agreement to continue for thirty -years
beginning January next. The two
Afrjca have also increased from $45,-
uuy.ugua oecaao ago to $130,000,QQ0 or
mpjo duringthe last year.
XTXwllLglve Bonus. L. Carr, Atchison, Kana.
operation. Liver complaint, recurrlnc bil
ious colic, and gall Btoncs positively cured.
Treatment at your home. Each patient given
individual attention. Address Dr. J. J. Bavlllo,
888 Ridgeway Ave,, Chicago, 111.
case 89.28. Bond for catalogue. G. H. Good
win Co., Tracy, Minn.
acres in southern Orefton. Partly Improved, bal-
nrmn MmVior WrltnTnnVhrnrW Tnnnllnn OMv
Mladel-Hoicgon. ' '- v "
Nearly 200 delegates representing a
lingo numuur ox negroes in tne United
states, met in convention aU
phla, Pa., on November 17. 'Tha
league is known as tho American Pro
tection League and its object is to
promote tho material and educational
status of the negro and to "solve tho
race problem without creating an
otherto lessen tho friction between twi moan " -
w..v .,,x l.UM. !.. -. .. ..
- Mnll twnTi tv.fl Tn onnta in tTUvaniart "Hvw nn
A dispatch from San Francisco, un- Royersford, I'a.
der dato of November 17. and carried oxygenator will cure your Jtii.
by tho Associated press, says: To test l m?f ,no matter hcjw many other remedies
thri nonRHrnHnnnHK, f , ...i? have failed. For explanatory bookie address
-v..vj ,. y.v v.i. vj. w-.j uxygenaxor uo., Arlington, jucd.
arv'w .Amite river vrtthJiUJ miles olncwR. R.
For furthfetsnformatlmi, fltiBtccgjReynbldsj
Glllsburg, Amite CjMlss. "w .
""''.J'-'"- i ii . ' -5
A1 ant homo in St. Louis, MorAatlresrliVF.
biuari, uccan apnngs, Mississippi.
Where lpcatcd. Southern Realty Co., Gra
votte, Arkansas.
closed enso watch. Wo hnvomndc up
liOOO of these cases fitted witli Elgin ond il
tham movements to sell direct to consumer
Tho cases are plain polished, heavy ana
havo U. S. Assay 14 Karat stamp. vThc Diaraonrt
is a good sized, fine, cut Brilliant (not chip) arm
must be seen tobo appreciated. Theso watches
retail at 385. Order, one sent (J. O. D. (no money
in advauco) and ir yon liko it pay the Express
Co. $20. Comerford .Watch Case Mfg. Co., U &
Division St., Huffalo, N. ,Y. .
VY fiacb state: permanent position; SGOand ex
penses. Central Tobacco works Co., PenJi'Mi
Va. ' -
-rrr-n T-intffn ' -irrTntrirKr PT.AN'P.
-P nnntnnKii ntniim hnnt. modern dwelling
house, 'brooders and incubators; within easy
reach of market that never ulls. jind that pays
highest prices. Property offered for leaBoriP
resents expenditure of ?i4,000.gplondld oppor
tunity for practical poultry man. -Bent vcrr
reasonablo." Address. Riverside Land add Stoc
Company, Helena) Montana.