, mn-,- ?" - fvmmiiriw'1" The Commoner. WOVEMBEEH20, 1903. o .PIUUMP.IIMIH lift a 98 fSK'MBBt.-jlVl XEibrarElm firc(JtklTMS f--W-iT 7JPMh T.1V ? i. . V JM IPrfaeWWPieWSfc, rj.wKirtiiifww ii BiSTOH. l$m$nMi&vuwi?.mt!g&s. OK visMrcajK HHifti5t.rvjw5ccjrCKaih. x-sinrKtiM'v rrmr. trsBW. -.strn m c,S,$.$3'50Slioe8 VEND NO MONEY. These are hfgh'trrado Men's and Women's Shoes at lower prices than ever before heard of. Wo gunrnntee them to bo tnoro stylish, better fitting, better wearing, than you can buy elsewhere at 13.60 to 16. This ti Ike most vonoenui snti etur iter mine. JO GGHlS handsom Blue hsrhand-stwid iol. boicilf ihoi, in latest Now York Tipped Too; an extremely stylish, hlgh-irraue, durable shoe, equal to shoes that sell a stores everywhere at 23.50 to 15: sizes 11, widths D, E, EE. Pit guaranteed .SEND K0 MONEY. Write for order blank. If 4$ C6E1t buys Guaranteed S3.K0 Patent 'Lcuther Shoes for both men and women: also a variety of othor good shoes, of which we will send you full description if you write us. . tomt.new style flitlielntlip.Ltci Shoe.mtule of special vicl kid, on the most stylish Inst, with PatentTJeather tip. The elas tic Instep makes the shoe self-adjusting for a high or low instep, and insures com fort to tbo wearer: sizes 2ft toujwiuths A to is is. Guar anteed equal to shoes sell ing in stores and from other catalogues at 3.60 to $5. SEND HO MONEY. Writ for or der blank TODAY. Send no Money, but if you wunt a $3.50 pair of shoes for t8 cents, if you are willing to examine them If shipped subject to examination and approval before pay ment, simpiy say on a postal cam sena mo i order blank." Wo will also send you descrip- I Mon of our New System, Big, Free, nearly 1,000 page Catalogue, which will save you dealer's profits on not only shoes but everything used in the home. Highest bank, comraerchil and cus tomer's references. Address Globe Association, 249 to 201 Wabash Avenue, Chlcag. vi!I39Kl IMbVtbViVaSi!1' m l&HanKt&$k mmiMmmx3r 1 Wi1,Mj,Vl mB4HEipq9kwKaSQ& M'4S:7V,W1W.KV'UL 4;3W3fWlS&'MA K7?MeBMt"XrVX Vlfre j ? tmmmmw .nHH'nrrJiV-aL " fci eer"'Je3trCTeVA Jfr" )Si&&kMJL mVrBLl?9mlSt fc'i-Tk WyfiVn. 'wmnw&g&XRirm&m&m. TgNHaJBfiAhisaBBBu. mmmmESBHh .ii r riMwrngwiwrnii i iimmnrmMri m imTTg,r-Ti m WITH SOOTHING, BALMY OILS. Cancer, Tumor. Catarrh. Pilos, Fistula, Ulccra, Eczoiflaand all Skin and Womb Diseases. Writs for Illustrated Book. Sent free. Address OR. BYE, 22 Kansas City, Mo. wm. Cft rrfB Bc.lo llBl. Havo a scale of 'your own. Protect! yourself on weight on grain nrjd live) TO Reliant 5-Ton Scale Guaranteed P)D7S Five Yntira JStta'" HoldonUOJIuy' lrt.il I llnll tt.irfnf.. Inlrir. i changeable parta.fu II compound loam, iw loosewoiixht" 0. L.Chase Mercantile Co. 1-131 W.9lb St. Kansas City.Mo. AGENTS MAKE MONEY d tin lli.iy rlclty of lea" fr Eelllnn our Lighting Ms atom and proved Lamps. I'rlu'htor than oloctrlclty cnonpor than koroRouo. housanda tlmontnls. Ouf ininrovod (U-nerntors nro asy to cloan and slvo pnrinanent satlsfac fl) I thm. Improved (lennratorn to fit all makoadB. I of old lamps. .Samples on trial to rexpon- jfj I ell to people. It's tho comln lltrnt. vvrlte Jl-y- for cataloirao. eforenceu Mercantllo Afrnnln i.fimlnn1 S3 a T imn Ct fCa. thJMV,n,o, . itiUUttiM UAl I IMUJI VUt l' i tabllBhod 18W) 141-113 Ontario St.,( hlcajro m& HOflE DEPARTIENT. (Continued from Pago 7.) cupful of milk, two or throe egga, salt and popper to tasto, and Hour enough to make a rather thick batter. Havo hot lard or beef drippings ready In a kettle, drop the batter Into It from a large spoon, taking up one oyster to each spoontul of batter; drain on pa per und serve hot. Panned Oystera.Cut stale bread Jin thin slices, then round them, removing all crust; make them to lit patty-pans; toast them, butter and place in pans. Moisten with three or four teaspoon-v tuis ot oyster liquor; then place on the toast a layer of oysters, sprinkle with pepper and put on top a small piece of butter; place pans lna bak ing pan and put.in oven, 'covering with a tin lid, or another pan to keep In the steam jind llavor; have a quick oven and when cooked seven or eight minutes, until ."rufiled," removo the cover and sprinkle with a little salt; replace cover and cook one minute longer. Servo In the patty-pans. Raw Oysters. 'ino oysters must bo fresh; small cnes are preferred. Fill a sdhp plate full of line cracked Ice; -lay over Jliis a small fringed dolley. Clean the shells of the oysters, open tnem carefully, taking pains not to loso the juice, set the half shell firmly into the dolley-coverc ice, cut a lemon In four, lay one quarter In the middle of the circle of oysters, set the salt cel lar on the tray beside the soup 'plate, add a biscuit which has been split and slightly toasted, and serve. Clam Broth. Clam broth Is made though, apparently cooks are una ware of the fact by simply laying half a dozen large clams in their shells (which have previously been well washed) in a sauce-pan with a cup of water. ' Let the water come to a boil; when the sheila open the broth Is done. Pour it off, but taste to Bee if salt is needed. Usually it is not, clrtms being salt enough, as a rule, to give it all the flavor -needed. Broiled Oystere. Take largo, fat oysters; lay them "on a board, dry, and season with salt and a little cayenne pepper. Have the gridiron very hot; lay the oysters first In melted butter, then on the gfidiron, let brown on one side, then "turn and brown the other. Take up on a heated dish on which Is melted butter, and serve hot use., Btarch for cuffs and collars should have to one pint of thick stnrch' a small piece of whito wax and ono teaspoonful of brandy, having tho' starch as hot as tho hands enn bear, and "clapping" tho Btarch well in with the palms. CATARRH 1h the most prevalent of diseases. It is a local ailment of tho mucous membrane as well as' constitutional and CAN BE eradicated by proper treatment. Dr Sykcs cured himself in 1870, and the, treatment has CURED' thousands since, and by using Dr. Sykcs' Sure Cure for Catarrh will cure you. Send lor the best book on catarrh ever published. Mailed free. l DK, RYKKH BUKE TURK CO. Department C118 So. Leayltt St., Chicago, 111. Clear Starching:. As the years gp by there is less and less starch used In the laundry. Bod ily comfort Is recognized as of too gfeat importance to tolerate the old time starched garments next to the skin, which were about as comforta ble as a coat of mall; good form Beta Its face against starched table-linen; artistic sense upholds fashion in this respect. Snirts.xOf course, must have some starch, but the amount used Is very limited, while starched handker chiefs are an abomination and an In unit tn thn. face. But in the doing up of muslins and lawns, a moiety of starch is indispensable, as giving an oppearanee of freshness to either white or colored fabrics not attainable by any other means. To maue fine, clear starch, first wet the starch with cold water and work till smooth, then pour boiling water over it in the propor tions of one quart of water to every two tablespoonfuls of starch; set on the stove and stir till It bolls clear, rf otirrpH fnr a few momenta with a fenorm candle, it will prevent the irons - .. . iniinilmooaa tsHtn from sticuing; suiu uuu.hw, .... the same object in view use a little butter or lard, or coal oil. For deli cate fabrics, a small quantity of gum Arabic water should be added to the Btarch. It may be prepared and kept in readiness as follows: Pour a pint of boiling water over two ounces or white gum Arabic, stir well, cover it and let stand over night; In the morn- . fha Hmiifi off the dregs into a clean bottle and keep corked for The Lampllghted Evening:. Now that tho evenings aro growing long and lamp-light and chcorftil hearth-fires make tho Indoors attrac tive, wo should give jjomc tlmo to planning entertainments for the homo groups and chance or Invited guests. Oi courso, we must have books, pa pers and periodicals, suited to the dif ferent ages, tastes and dispositions of thoso who use them. Music, either vocal or Instrumental, is n. noncnsHv bo great that somo way will readily be provided ,for Its introduction. Musical instruments are now" so cheap and so numerous, even to thoso "playing themselves," that they should find a placo in every home. But ."all younVth'lngs aro playful things," and a boy or girl who novcr plays does 'riot look natural. Even the ojddr members" df the family would bo all, tho better for a little romping game to stir upUh'e blood that stag nates with too much sitting still. There aro many games' suitable for tho sitting room or parlor, and these should bo studied up and stored for "family use." When "old folks" like to be quietas old folks almost al ways do, of an evening, tho younger members of tho family might betnlco themsevc3 to tho dining room or kitchen, and have their romp out by themselves. But whatever you do, dear young friends, let it bo with due regard to the fact that you are "gentle" men and "gentle" women. When pleasures are on hand, enjoy them thoroughly. In a simple, good-natured way, be Jol ly and Joyous, and try to make ovcry one about you enjoy tho pleasure, too. Do not let envy or jealousy, or the desire to be first in everything, rob you of your "real good time." Try to forget yourself, in making others hap py, and see how much happier you will be for It. Your pleasure will be greatly Increased by your knowing that you can add to tho lntorest and pleasure about you. Try to have mer ry games "at your fingor-ends," so there will be no dull moments. The greatest favorite is the one who car ries into the playroom a stock of en thusiasm, vitality and management. The only way to havo a good time is to make it, for yourself- and others. Study to know how. FOR PAIN Take a Dr. Miles' Anti Pain Pill, and the Pain will Dis appear Like Magic Not by paralyzing the nerves and glands, like opium, morphine, cbcaino, and other dangerous druga, but by in creasing tho natural secretions. p This action is obtainod as a result of modern discoveries lu mediclno, making it possible to rcliovo pain, without bad after-effects. You can safely depond upon Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills to tcIIovc and euro such pains as Neuralgia, Head ache, Stomach-aeho, Rheumatism, Backache, Toothache, etc Thoy will also, by their calming ac tion on tho nerves, almost Instantly relievo such distressing feelings as Dizziness, Car-Sickncaa, Indigestion, Irritability, Sleeplessness, Nervous ness, etc. Not merely do they reliovo, but thoy also absolutely cure, because bypor soverlng In their use, you do away with the cause. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills aro guar anteed that first package will benefit, or your monoy back. Novcr sold in bulk. "I am thankful for tho good Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills havo and aro doing mo. Ever since the war I have had spells of severe throbbing head ache, caused by catarrh, until six yoars ago, I began taking Anti-Pain Pills, tho only remedy that ever gavo me relief. Since then I have not had one hard attack, because I tako a Pill and it overcomes tho difficulty." GEO. SAUNDERS, Grconsburg, Ind. T7DT7T7 Write to us for Free Trial rjn.CL pac(nge 0f Dr. Miles' Anti Pain Pills, the New Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also Symptom Blank. Our Specialist will diagnoso your caso, tell you what Is wrong, and how to right It. Free. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., LABORATORIES, ELKHART, IND. With Chestnut Drfln?. Clean the turkey, and lard the breast. Throw -fifty largo chestnuts Into boiling wafer, let stand a few minutes, then take up and rub off the thin dark skin; cover them with boil ing water and 'simmer for ono hour; take up and mash fine. Chop ono pound of veal and a half pound of pork very fine; add half of the chest nuts to this, also half a teaspoonful of popper, tablespoonful of salt and ono cupful of stock, or water. Mix thor oughly and stuff the turkey and truss well before roasting. Use the remain ing half of tho chestnuts mashed flno for a table sauce. HBBZ&Zzsssm&ii. fBsmim ii- laJTZBIHi 41Y9. 7M JF4L' 1 ' J F-l'&p7'?v&r&9& BBBMBEMi ft4f Bltt wFmktUm m ntmiMfcmzMtmmmBrM SBBBSm MwanpriMS AN OLD ASD H El TMKD ilEMKDY. Mks. Window's foothjno tirncp for cblldrea tf ethlnsr ibould always bo used for children walla teitJilntr. it soften tho (runix, allara aU pain cure wind collo and la th btit remedy tor dlarrnaa. 'I wenty-Ovo cenla a bottlo. it la tbo Lett. 95 tel!MJv steel ranno without hlch closet ot rtstrnAr. With larjfe.Wtrii roomy warmlnjf cloiet, U Sfieiraaau reservoir jun u mown in it.flS.9fi. Rasarvolrls porcelain os In side, asbestos coveted oa outside aad set into a sxeei cum? to ww ic rccuu me beat rxd keeps water much butter than the Ud styw. TWtel inia fcig range is lWn,Ti. asxifl inches, IujO cooking boles, larze roomy oren 2. x 11x13 lathes with square doer so roa recti re full benefit of the Urrc oven (we have steel rasze with much Itrzer and smaller ovens. lizM to salt Jl-l Tiu, b.i! Minis nica trnaa raoe Is made of cold relied steel , top and aU cattiacs of I best No. lpli Iron. Creteiwctiieln-1 .90 fejote ' ' ' Ucatop lost as Mounted. Ouras furd or sott coal or woud. if-., ... , corrugated fire cot. cold roiled sheet btcci body. heavy cast toe, lsrga cast ,1 Iirjre aih pas, twins; top, dootio serew drafrrezula luor. tiiaae putca urn, top rinif oast plate, foot ram, etc. Wo have hallos' stores of every kind., Hot blast, air tights, tho kind Hut retails or JXtt, for 8 Oa. Base burners at the regular price. proved duplex grate, burns wood or coal. Nlebie irtmmlut ore iwuicd irenj or maul top, tanas ana brackets oa Dign closet, tea pot she I res, frame and panel oa even door aad clean out aoor. Toe ruckle parts are all highly buned aad polbbed tuKiup ua ijhb ia Dnumcrn 10 any uotne. Wrfft A ' fr "KEB f. irVftei MfitftSk, 9.lBvJBWS,f J"Vjam r- V 1,- irw 4kaW II aaewan aieiBiiiate uuuicrayuurt7WBiesieeAaiusiie'.Kiiiaaj. tiyoaacwraats tCHbttacMr a tepnsentedandpcrtorfysatfstzctorylacvcrywayaruJtheblireestbar of aacf eqoal to mitm tfaatrtsall sbrdoubjaourprlce, you can return the store to us aedwewlll pay frelehtbotli ways.se yoa won't be eetoaesiecleceet. fill TUf "'ill" flHT ead It toes and we wtllfaall you oor free store catalog. It expiates wtemiir, UU1 IlII MU UUI tells you how to order. Om! tiiy slv ( my kM tmW w itt Mr Mtattm ndsic (ibsral irm.antl th vr wade 'S!.. MARVIN SKITH CO., CjHCiW. 'I 1 . -J , -A j ' l-i HOD a.t . iikjrf