WPiUPJUW-W'miinumy wiih, ) wlZTZ The Commoner. NOVEMBER 20, 1903: a FMXMime feo kinds iliilds each package of Lion Coffee v. n nhnan .muslin or cheese-cloth nicely hemmed, may be acceptably used. ThiiT muslin, costing but a few cents a yard, may' be prettily hem stitched, the edge "button-holed' or simply hemmed, will servo admirably. In the matter of eating anything with "bones1- in ,it, one should aim to be as cleanly as possible, using the Ang ers only when absolutely necessary, and then as daintily as may be. Thanksgiving Day. Many have little knowledge of, or care for, tho origin of the American Festival, yet it was of vital import ance to this country. Tho half starved Ngw England colonists gave thanks to God for tho long-delayed supplies from England, when thoy ar rived, and they saw tho promise of re turning health and strength. An other year, when an abundant harvest rewarded their patient toil, thoy. met for a Thanksgiving service, and tho aay came into yearly religious oDaerv ance, the governors of the colonies, and, later, of the states, issuing a call for Thanksgiving day after tho harvest was passed. Tho first relig ious service was followed by a boun tiful dinner, and those who had much gladly shared with their less fortun ate neighbors. Tho day has always teen one of kindly benevolenco and good cheer. THERE IS GREAT DANGER IN CATARRH. If Left to Ron Its Course Unchecked, It Often Causes Death. Catarrh scatters its poisons through out the entire system. The stomach and lungs are affected by tho drop pings that fall into the throat and are swallowed during sleep. Dyspepsia, inflammation of the stomach, bron ciltis and consumption are the results. Tho blood also becomes contaminated and carries the poisons, to all parts of the system. Frequently in the. more advanced stages, the bones of the head become decayed and the air passages ar a putrid mass and create a stench so foul and offensive as to be un-be- rable. The expression, "rotten with catarrh," is not overdrawn or exaggerated. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets strme at Washington Issued ono regular Thanksgiving proclamation, but no piosldent followed his example until tli lime of Lincoln. In 18G2, tho war resident set apart tho last Thursday il November as a day of goneral tnoiiUsgivlng, and called upon tho na Uoa to observe it as such. Before thac date, the observance of the day was largely confined to New England. M'hc simplicity of the early feast has given tway,, in a measure to a moro elaborate function, but certain dishes, though sometimes greatly elaborated in preparation, hold a permanent place on the Thanksgiving bill of faro. At the olden feasts, there wero but two courses the heartier food being placed on tho table all at one time, followed by the lighter dishes. A Thanksgiving feast of tho olden times oruinnfc hft rivalled bv the dinners of today, although the stores of the world are now at our command. The day Has always been noted as the time when families, long-separated, sought to come together, if possible, tn the old home-nlace. but in any event, it was looked forward to as a time of reunion of tho scattered friends and relatives. Ex. Query Box. Hattie B. For a dressing for tan ahnpn trv one Dart wax to four parts turpentine. Or, rub with the inside of j. , it hi- a. 11.1- niltAim dto o Vinnntin nPfil. me root oi wis lernuiu, uuwud - . -"- - . , y.nfVtet t10 ,nn or, nmnto if from the system. X. Y. Z. For fetid feet, bathe the They are a constitutional remedy that nlPfmsPH tho svstem thoroughly of all poisons and purifies the blood. Un der 'their infiueice the head becomes clear, the discharges at the nose and droppings into the throat cease, the lost sense of smell is restored, the eye brightens," the foul breath becomes nnrp and qweet and tho odious, dis gusting disease is thoroughly expelled from the system. A Cincinnati man says: "I suffered the misery and humiliation of catarrh for twelve years. My case became so aggravated that it seriously interfered with all my business relations. The disease became so offensive that I would not venture Into any one's presence unless it were absolutely nec euary. I tried every remedy that I could get hold of. Some helped me temporarily, but as soon as I ceased taking them, I would relapse into tue old condition. "Finally a Mend told me of Stuart'B Catarrh Tablets and insisted that I try them. I had about despaired of ever finding help, but bought a box a -way. I began to notice the im provement within twenty-four hours after I began taking them. Before the first box was gone I felt like an other man. I Kept up the treatment till I had taken three boxes and was e 'tlrely cured. I have never had a recurrence of the trouble from that day to this. My head 13 clear and well an none of the offensive symptoms of the disease ever troubla me. It has been two years since I stopped tak ing them." Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are for feet daily in cold water In which a little alum has been dissolved, rub dry and apply a solution of perman ganate of potash, eighty grains to one pint of water. Mrs. L. H. Artificial coloring agents are rapidly displacing natural dyes. They are usuany very cuuap, more readily handled and generally satisfactory. Cochineal has been al most driven from the market; the cul tivation of madder has almost ceased, and indigo only holds its place against strong opposition. Julia D. Nothing would be prettier than the articles you mention for your Christmas dox. ueaa wur aulte the craze just now, and the old time bead-bags, etc., of our grand mothers' time will make most accept able presents. The canvas bead-work, ni, nnttorri beincr used. Is a croaa-ouivu - - easily done. , A , . Housekeeper. Blood-stains may be taken out of clothing by saturating the spots with coal oil, and then washing them out with .warm water. Coal oil will also take Iron and fruit stains from almost .any kind of goods without injuring tho fabric, it is said. The spots muBt do souiu m " before being put In the water. Young Mother.-Do not let any one persuade you to force your neiW child to sleep lr a dark room. Pa Jlently reason away the fear and ex plain how impossib o '.t would lb for mamma to do anything to "a hurt Strive to strengthen its confidence In your truthfulness, and under no cir cumstances allow any one to scare, it with shadows. sucking his thumb, try pinning his sieovo down to nis gown so that ho cannot lilt his hand to his mouth. If this plan is adopted befdro tho habit becomes fixed thuro will be llttlo dlltl culty In breaking it up. Thoro may bo a littlo whimpering robolllon on tho part or tno bauy, but it wont last long. Flower-Lover. Tho best tlmo to set out paeonles is in the fall months. Tno plant resents keenly any disturb ance of its roots, and will seldom bloom for two or threo years after icmoval. Its requirements aroTIch, heavy loam, mulching in tho fall, with old cow manrre, and bolng let alone. it is periectly hardy, and of colors ranging, through many shades, from whlto to dark crimson. Mrs. M. C lor treating hardwood floors, give tho floor, a coat of boiled linseed oil, applying with a brush; then sprinkle over It dry Spanish whiting, and rub It in well with tho hand, rubbing over all tho surlaco. A worn-out stlif paint brush can bo used for the rubbing, but tho bund is best. Tho whiting absorbs tno oil, filling all tho pores In tho wood with putty, making It perfectly smooth. Glvo on top of this a coat of shellac varnish, which con bo bought ready nrenared. or use some cood mauo of floor varnish. Polish with woolen cloth. Waterproof paste for shoes is made, according to Chaso's ltecipe Book, as follows: Neat's foot oil, one-half pint; beeswax, one-fourth pound; tallow, one pound; lamp-blacA, one-half ounce; mix by heating. One ounce of beeswax dissolved in turpentine to which is added a teaspoonful of lamp black, will give a nico polish. Do not use before lire. Aunt Hattie. For a good liquid blacking for ladies' sboes, tako one drachm of isinglass, one-half drachm of Indigo, half an ounco of soft soap, two ounces of clue, and a small hand- 1 ful of locrwood rasulnRS. Boll theso all together slowly in one pint oi vinegar, until tn quantity is reuueed one-half. Tho shoes must bo entire ly clean of dirt or dust, and if any blacking remains on them, it must be washed off with cold water and the shoes dried; then tho blacking is to bo applied with a small bit of spongo, merely rubbing it on, when a perfect, shining jet is produced, needing no brush, and making no dirt; nor will it stain the bottom of the dress. Ruella. For cranberry Jelly, wash one' quart of cranberries and put them In a stew pan with ono pint of sugar and ono scant cupful of water; cook them carefully for fifteen minutes; strain and press through a sieve. Beat the strained cranberry until smooth, and pour into a mold that has Deon rinsed In cold water; or Into Individ ual molds; sot In a cold place to harden. Mrs. J. L. Oysters on the half-sfyell are either served raw or cooked. Served "raw, the oysters must be thor oughly chilled and served on the flat shell. Small oysters are preferable, ae being the finest flavored. Tho small ends should point toward tho center. Raw oysters are served with sections of lemon and, sandwiches made-of thin buttered slices of brown or white bread. Carefully remoye all particles of sand or shell. Oysters are suitable for all meals, from the simplest lunch eon to the most ceremonious ainner. IT EL IL TO ALL SUFFERERS k TRIAL BOTTLE Of ths Great Household Rsmsdy SWANSON'S "5-DROPS" The Only Remedy Ever DI covered That Will Give Instant Relief and Permanently Cure RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY TROUBLE Catarrh, Asthma, La Grlppo and all other diseases of tho blood and nerves. SWANSON'S "8-DROPSM will cure RhMU tiara In any ef Its terms er stages of tfevelep menU Applied externally it affords inntaas relief from pain. Taken Internally It rids tbs blood, tissues and Joints of tlio urlo ncltl and other poisonous mutter, -which arc the cnuaes ot thcdlscaRO. It never falls to euro Rheumatism. Sciatica, LumbnjroandNcuraltrla. ItbascfTcctcd moro euros of tho above-named ailments than all other romcdlcscomblnod. It has never failed to euro even tho most obstlnato ca.se. "0.DROPS" cures mesa a meases oy bowk uirccuy to mo seat ot tho trouble and removing tho cause. Kidney Trouble and Liver Complaint Can ba cared by "5-DROPS." It Is tho most effectual remedy over discovered for these diseases. A, slnglo doso will ulvo Immcdlato results. It goes direct to tho spot. It kcopa tho llycr-cella properly at work. It restores tho kidneys to tboir normal condition by removing the acids which oro tho cause of tho trouble. JE33K GLEHlfEIt, Batyta, III., writ! "I matCenA if Mi Illieumatlrm for tea yearn, and at times u in anca pain that I nu unable to attend to my Lutlueaa. Waa treated by tbs bett physicians in oor sccUon wltboal obtaining relief. Waaunder the enro of a tpocUlbt, baf fall treatment Tailed. Yoar"M)UOriV'wasrecomBendea to me, and I deckled to Rlra It a. trial. 1 obtained relict alter uainft one uouieana wasanio vo aiicBnia isj wgru The second bottle effected a era of tli dfeieaaeand t cannot too nwmy recommena your rcim-ay. u wu certainly do ait y w tiara clatased for it." TEST IT YOURSELF If you are autttrlme with any ef the diseases for which "5-DROPS" Is recommended as a cure, write us today far a trial bottle and test toff yoursen lis curative powers. FREE COUPON Kb. 82QM Out nut tlita ffaHnAn and mvuI It. with vournimo ind ........ .... .. j , audrCM to Swatuon UImju- mutlo Cure Co., CbScaeo. ana yoa win no acnt a inai bottlo ot "SS-DKOrS" free, poet paid. (liliTiliHl IB "J i l J "l smart's Catarrh Tablets are r wiibuu-. b f sale by all druggist at 50 cts. a box. Slater AIHe.-l oeep tno oaoy Turkey Drssalnfs. Ono pint of chestnuts boiled for 30 minutes, then shelled And blanched, then rolled or chopped very line and added to a bread dressing, gives a fine flavor to the meat of the fowl. A delicious dressing Is composed o half a loaf of bread moistened with hot milk (stale baker's bread la best), then beaten with a fork, add three whole eggs, a teaspoonful of salt, ono pint cooked nuts, half teaspoonful of pepper, half cup of butter, beaten to gether. A pint of cooked and shelled nuts should be simmered in t le gravy NOTICE. "5-DROPS" Is entirely frc from alcohol, opium. wW rwlat nr nthcr iniurlotlfl druirs. If "5-DROPS" is not obtainable in your locality order direct from us and wo will send it prepaid on receipt of price, tl.00 per bottle. Large Sire BottleM5-DROPS"(300Dosea)l.Q Agents Waated Write for terms. ' SWANSQM RHEUMATIC CURE CO.. 160 LAKJB STREET, CHICAGO. and then disposed about tho turkey.. Selected, Thanksgiving Cream. -Soak one fourth boxful of gelatin In one-fourth cupful of water; then add to It one third cupful of sugar and two table spoonfuls of meltcr sweetened choco late; pour over it one cupful of hot milk, stirring until gelatin dissolves, placing bowl in hot water; then re move and cool. When cool, set bowl In ico water and stir until It becomes qulto thick, adding one teaspoonful of cherry extract; then fold in ono pint of whipped cream and whip until It will keep its shape; heap Into a chilled dish, cover with stale maca- . roon crumbs and garn'.ah with maras chino ckerrlee. Keep In ice-box until , wanjd- -Selocteu. . s Smm CeatrHt4 RadfM. Oyster Fritters. Drain off the Ila uor,boil, skim, and to a cupful add a (Continued on Fg NIrw.) c .? - A kwnto&li asw"