-. ttf- m' fy '"iWWtjF' fl The Coiaasoiier, NOVEMBER 08, 1WJ. 0 rtWW " LET YOUR STOMACH HAVE ITS OWN WAY. Do Nt Try to Drive d Ferce K te Work Whea It U Not Able w Yeu WUI Suffer All the Mere You cannot treat your stomach as iomo men treat a balky horse; force, drive or even starve It Into doing -work at which it rebels. The stom ach is a patient and faithful servant and will stand much abuse and ill treatment before it "balks," but when it does you had better go slow with it and not attempt to make it work. Some people have the mistaken idea tbat they can make their stomachs work by starving themselves. They might cure the stomach that way, but it would take so long that they would hcvo no use for a stomach when thoy got through. The sensible way out o the difficulty is to lot the stomach rest if it wants to and employ a substitute to do its work. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will do the work of your stomach for you and digest your food just as your stomach used to when it was well. You can prove this by putting your food in a glass jar with one of the tablets and sufficient water and you will see the food digested in just the same time as the digestive fluids of the stomach would do It. Taat will satisfy your mind. Now, to satisfy both your mind and body take one of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets after eating cat all and what you want and you will feel in your mind that your food Is being di gested because you will feel no dis turbance or weight In your stomach, ir: fact, you will forget all about hav ing a stomach just as you did when you were a tealthy boy or girl. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets act in a natural way because they contain only the natural elements of the gas tiic Juices and other digestive fluids of the stomach. It makes no differ once what condition the stomach is in, they go right ahead of their own accord and do their work. They know their business and surrounding con ditions do not influence them in t least. They thus relievo the weak stomach of all its burdens and give it its much needed rest and permit it to become strong and healthy. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are for sale by all druggists at 50 cents a box. They are so well known and their popularity is so great that a druggist would as soon think of being out of alcohol or quinine. In fact, physicians ore prescribing them all over the land and if your own doctor is real honest with you, he will tell you frankly that there is nothing on earth so good for dyspepsia as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. to marry to ponder well what she Is about to do, and not marry the first 'man who asks her, whether good, oau, or Indifferent, merely for the sake of getting married. If alio has been blest with the proper training, and has a wise father and mother, she will look deeper than the mero sur face matter, and will learn to regard marriage as the most grave and im portant Btep she will ever be called upon to take. Its Influence for weal or for woe is far-reaching as life, itsolf. Selected. one, "there is divorce." Is divorce a remedy? Is a girl's life as sweet and unspotted after Jiving a miserable lifq with a miserable man as when she was a happy, care-free girl in her father's home? Are her name and reputation unsullied after having dragged them through a divorce court? No, divorce Is not a remedy. If a woman marries unhappily she has much more to lose than the man, and divorce is but the lesser of two evils. Even divorce is often not to be thought of for the woman who has children; these commonly make her dependent on the husband for sup port, and there is nothing to do but bear the burden the best she can. There Is but one thing more terrible to a sensitive, pure-minded woman than the continued living with a man for whom she has neither love jnor respect; that one alternative is the horrors of a divorce court, and a mod est, pure-minded woman shrinks from this as from nothing else. . It la well for the girl who wishes Query Box, Alice M. Recipes for Thanksgiving dinner will bo found in another col umn. Sister. An entree is a dish intro duced between courses in a formal dinner. Under this head may bo con sidered all sorts of fritters, croquettes, souffles, tlmbales, devilled dishes, cheese preparations, scalloped foods, etc. Young Mother. The use of the side board is to hold extra plates, tum blers, napkins, glass-ware, silverware, fine sugar, lump sugar, pitcher of wa ter, and, in short, whatever may bo needed in serving the courses of the dinner. Young Cook. To truss a fowl means to draw the thighs close to the body, cross the legs at the tail and tie firmly to the body with twine, which must be removed before serv ing the fowl; or, pass the legs through a slit in the skin near the tail and skewer the wings close to the body. N. M. To glaze the top of biscuits, buns, rusks, or other breads or cakes, brush over the tops with a mixture of sugar (brown) and milk Just enough milk to make a. thick, sugary syrup applied as soon as hot breads or cake is taken from the oven. G. M. I suppose this is what you want: Take a stick of phosphorus and put It into a largo dry vial; do not cork;, it will afford light sufficient to discern any object in a room when held near it. The vial should be kept in a cool place where there is no cur rent of air, and it will continue its luminous appearance for a twelve month. Marion. A "well" dish for gravy is shaped either oval or square, with rounded corners; one end has a sunk en well for the gravy, which is drained into it through grooves lead ing to it. The gravy is easily served from this well, and does away with the necessity of tipping the platter to secure the gravy. Mrs. H. J. A reliable batter for fritters is made In this wise: Mix and sift one and one-third cups of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking pow der, quarter teaspoonful of salt; wet gradually with two-thirds cup of sweet milk, adding a well-beaten egg. Dip any fresh fruit in this, fry in smoking hot fat and lay on crumpled brown paper to drain. Arrange on a folded napkin and servo hot Vege table fritters are made in the same vi ay. L. N. M. Window glass, which Is constantly exposed to the action of the sun and rain, is apt to deteriorate, as the potash or soda It contains com bines with the carbonic acid of the air; a whitish opaqueness is the re eult of this action, and the glass does not wash clear. In order to restore the pane to its original clearness, try Tbting it with diluted muriatic acid, and then clean with moistened whit ing. It is claimed-that this will re storp the clearness without fall. Pcstess. For goose stuffed with sauerkraut, Mrs. Rorer gives this rec ipe: Draw and singe your goose; wipe inside and out with a damp cloth and fill with sauerkraut; sew it up' tie into shape and place In a large kettle, cover it with about two quarts of sauerkraut, cover the whole with boiling water and simmer gently fo- three hours. At the end of this time take out tho goose, Dlaco It In a baking pan, basto it with molted butter, dredgo tho breast thickly with flour, put in a quick ovon until a nlco 6rown, which will tako about an hour; then serve on a bed of the boiled sauerkraut. J. E. ML Tho morbid perspiration of which you complain la probably duo to some diseased condition of tho system, or It may bo an ovldonco of debility requiring tonic baths and regimen. Your physician would bo tho proper person to consult, as con stitutional, rather than local, treat ment may bo necessary. For a local application, this one Is recommend ed: Carbolic acid, ono part; burnt alum, four parts; starch, two hundred parts; French chalk, fifty parts; oil of lemon, two parts. Mako a flno pow dor, thoroughly mix, and apply to tho feet, or sprinkle inside tho stocking. A simple remedy Is the hot and cold foot bath. Wash tho foot in very hot water every night just before retiring, and, on taking them out of tho hot bath, plungo them into cold water for a few seconds, rubbing them dry with a soft towel. Morm Oow Uonmy Yew cMlavont In nothing tlwt wfll btlog ymi Urccr cash returns than the EMPIRE Crmmtn Separator OnarmntAod to turn wore eil j, to liwt Jonw, to Ut morn uu c!oih, to iriVe tita tnxitit I ftjwlfo to more tatlaUctorT in BTenr tray Uuui AnrothcrreiMmtor. HJmufallnonMnietfon. lnrMligMa ourcUlnw-Mtriiny Kmptrouter. 1 EMPHtC CRCAM SKPARATOK COMPANY, iHmnin,n.j. XHg, m. Tbankjgtvla? Dishes. For stuffing for roast turkey, either mushrooms, chestnuts, or oysters may be used. If mushrooms or chestnuts are used, boil them until tender, mince them with their liquor, mix with bread crumbs, butter, popper, salt and cream. If oysters are used, parboil them slightly, mlnco them and use their liquor. After seeing that tho fowl Is perfectly clean, stuff with tho mixture, skewer legs of tho turkey close to tho body, tuck tho neck into tho breast opening, spread tho body with a paste mado of butter and flour, add salt and pepper and cover with stalks of celery, using both tho white and tho greenish-white parts. Add a littlo hot water to tho pan in which the fowl Is baked, and baste freely. Lay tiny sausages around the turkey the last hour, removing celery to allow the bird to brown. Bake tho bird two hours, then serve on a platter, garnished with the sausage, watercress and lady-apples, pjittlng one cored apple on tho end of each drumstick. For gravy, cook one ta blespoonful of butter with a teaspoon ful each of minced onion, carrot, pars ley and celery, with a bit of thyme, a tiny leaf of bay, a few pepper-corns and three tablespoonfuls of flour; when boiling add tho strained liquor from the pan and boiled and minced giblets. When done, strain" and serve in a boat. Star-shaped moulds of cranberry Jelly aro served with tills course. Good Housekeeping. Steamed Turkey (like mother used to cook). All poultry should remain in cold water from twenty minutes to half an hour, to extract the blood, then hang in a cool place for twenty four hours, or longer. Hen turkeys aro much nicer flavored and more ten cer than, the gobbler. See that every pin-feather is taken out, rinse, wipe dry inside and out, rub the inside with pepper and salt, and fill with oysters carefully washed in their own liquor and all bits of shell or sand removed; sew up the turkey, skewer the wings and legs close to the body, set In a 1-rge dish or pan and set in a steamer over boiling water. Lay a thick cloth over the steamer and shut the cover tight, steaming until tender two and alialf to three hours, according to size and age. To test, run a fork Into the breast, and If it seems tender, and no reddish juice flows out, It Is ready to tako up; strain the gravy (tho drip pings in tho pan In which the turkey lay) and put into the oyster sauce, which should be made ready while the turkey Is cooking, Iiko .stewed oysters, and thickened with butter and flour; let this boil up and add, if you like, ft little boiled cream; pour this over the steamed turkey and serve hot Or, if preferred, the tur key may be stuffed as for a baked turkey, and steamed; or It may be stuffed with pounded, parboiled chest nuts, and the gravy mado with the giblets chopped fine, adding a little flour as you chop, stirring tho drip pings from the pan Into it, set over tho fire and allowed to boil up. While tho gravy is being mado, rub butter and flour over tho turkey and set In a hot oven to brown slightly. A turkey can be steamed to perfection in a steam cooker. CanJ 3Imea. . 4 Place tho contents of a pound can' of salmon (after removing the bones) in a stew-pan with one pint of milk, and bring to a boll. Add butter siza of a walnut, and salt to taste. Roll two or three soda crackers, to a pow der and add just before sending to the table. Lexington (N. C.) Dispatch: Very littlo Is now being said about Grover Cleveland and a third term. Mr. Cleveland stands just as good a show today for third term as he over had. But the fact Is ho never had any chance for a third term. There has been a lot of talk about It and that is all. Rheumatism Cured Without Fledicine Treatment FREE On Approval Every reader or the Commoner can try FRKM & pulr of Magic Foot Drafts, famed all over the world for their cnre of every curable kind of rheumatism chronic or acutu.Musculnr, Pclatlc. Lumbago. Gout, etc., no matter whero located or how severe. They almost always cure, so the maker decided to take all the risk. Try the Droits. You don't wnd a penny until yon are iwUltflcd with the help you ecUTbey are sale and comfortable for better and surer than any medicine. wmMM yi mm Magic Foot Drafts work like Magic. Cured patient tell us they perform miracles. They do not. They aro scientific logical. The foot pores, the largest in tho body, are located over rich nerve and vafculor centers. Tbe.Drafto- the foot acts through tbetn on every Inch of the body curing Kbeuroatlsin no matter whero lo cated. Our booklet makes tbo reason clear. 63 Eer cent of tbo nitrogen in the sweat absorbed y Magic Foot Drafts Is In the form of tho poison Urea (uric acid) which cuuees Rheumatism. But we don't ask you to believe even our thousands ol cured patients we will enre yu. It yoa have rheumatism, send as your name and we will send you a pair of Magic Foot Draita, tr h nftprormi. If you are satisfied with the bes eflt received , then send as on dollar for the Drafts. If not. keep your money, Wjlta today to the Magic Foot Draft Company, XCM Oliver sag., Jackson, Michigan. Send no money. 4j t HH